Extreme DIY Kitchen Makeover (Rental Friendly) | diy countertops, diy table, diy lighting & more!

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel and today i am super excited because i'm going to be taking you along my kitchen and dining room makeover journey it has taken me almost a year to tackle this project but at last i have decided to do it and i'm super excited about it without further ado let's get into it and i'm going to start off by showing you the beginning point of my kitchen so when i moved in almost a year ago this is the site that i was greeted with no stools no decorations or anything very very basic and plain and now almost a year later it's the exact same the only thing i've added in has been this dining table which is from my last apartment and then swinging over to the other side i added in this one random picture frame so it is very basic right now and i'm honestly super excited to make it over so the first thing i want to address are the counter tops they're currently this dark type color and not 100 my cup of tea they might be granite i'm not sure either way i have two different types of marble contact paper that i'm going to test out let's just give it a go and see which one looks better so here are the two different types of contact paper that i'm testing out and the one on the right actually looks a lot higher quality it's just thicker and looks like it'll have better longevity so that is the one that i'm gonna go with even though the design on the left i kind of like a little bit better the one on the right i think is just the better choice so i ordered five rolls of this in a matte finish and i'm just gonna go ahead and start installing it applying this contact paper was actually super easy all i did was roll it out bit by bit and i used a card to just press it into place and get rid of any of those air bubbles once i got to the edge of the counter i just cut off any of the excess using some scissors and wrapped it around the bottom part to create a really crisp line to cut around any fixtures like the sink for example i just put my card up against the edge to create a guide and then scored it using a box cutter okay so i now have all of the marble contact paper on the actual counters here and it looks so flipping good so i'm super excited but i'm also excited because i am going to be putting in a different backsplash and so i just wanted to modernize this backsplash and also brighten up the space a little bit more and i think that this stuff will do just the trick so this is adhesive backsplash let's go ahead and attach this stuff onto the backsplash and i'm so excited to see how it's going to turn out so i'm just going ahead and i'm removing any of the outlet covers that are there just popping those right off and then i'm taking my first piece of the backsplash and just cutting out the shapes that i need to fit around those outlet covers and once i put that in place it fits so perfectly how satisfying and just showing you a close-up of how you put them on you remove the sticky backing and you put them in place and they kind of interlock with one another now i would have sworn that this would only take me a very short amount of time to apply but it honestly took me like four hours to put in place but once it was done it looked so legit now i will just say that for that inner corner piece i was literally cutting individual tiles off so i don't have that on video because it took me like probably two hours of the four hours but honestly it looks so good and after i have all the pieces applied i'm just reinstalling those outlet covers and that's that we have a new backsplash so next up we're going to target the lighting and this is something where the current lighting is okay it's just not my favorite so i really just want to upgrade it a little bit the first spot i'm going to upgrade the lighting situation is right over the dining table or where the dining table will be currently it's a little bit farmhouse and i want it to be boho and aesthetic and natural and very nice so i am just starting by uninstalling the existing light fixture and i'll save it so that i can reinstall it when i move out and for the new light fixture while i was at the thrift store several months ago i got this lampshade you might recognize what i'm doing here because i covered this in a thrift flip video it was one of my favorite things i've ever flipped and i'll link that down below for the exact details but basically i just stripped the existing lampshade off of the skeleton and then i used fiber rush to cover it weaving it over and under and over and under and all around and basically just covering the whole structure to create a brand new lampshade and i love how it turned out with the natural material and then to install it i just grabbed this light off of amazon and i'm just stringing it through that center of the lampshade and now since that's ready to go we can move on to the lighting that's going to go right above the kitchen island and for that i found this really pretty wine holder that's made out of cane webbing and i found it from homesense which is home goods in the u.s and i think i figured out a way to turn this into pendant lights so using some pliers and a hammer and you know some just brutal force here i am taking it apart and although it's just gonna show that it took like five seconds to take apart it actually took an hour but once i had them all separated and good to go i'm just taking some light fixtures that i purchased off of amazon and the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to take the piece that would be attached to the ceiling and i'm just going to take off that little circular clamp and using some very strong glue i'm actually going to attach that to the pendant light so it has this little cross piece i'm just attaching it on and boom it's like instantly attached and super super secure i'm going to go ahead and just paint that piece black so it's going to match in the end and then for the piece that's going to go on the ceiling since this is renter friendly i'm going to be using these wood rounds that i got online and i'm also going to paint these black so just using some black acrylic paint and a sponge brush and then to actually connect this round piece which is going to be the ceiling piece to the pendant light fixture i'm going to take the cord piece of the pendant light i'm going to take it apart and just use that black cap piece that covers the part where the bulb would usually screw into and i'm basically just going to glue that onto the round pieces that we had just painted once those are attached i'm just cutting the wire to my desired length and i'm putting the end of the cord into that little cap piece and screwing that in place and then for the light we're going to be using these battery operated light bulbs that actually look like light bulbs so they're not puck lights they work by a remote which is super handy so i'm just removing the sticky backing and placing that on the cross piece and then for some extra kind of security here i'm just gonna hot glue it in place so it's super stuck and secure and then finally to attach these to the ceiling i'm just using several command strips like so many command strips and i'm just sticking them in place and you want to make sure that the ceiling has been washed and is free of dirt and grease and all that stuff before you stick those in place to make sure that they stay and here you can see the lights working perfectly hey so did you notice that i have a kitchen island and obviously i need some seating to go in that kitchen island and i was initially going to just buy some stools online that matched my place but i couldn't really find anything that was that affordable and then i was at the thrift store and i found these two puppies and guess what they were only 4.99 each 4.99 so when i saw it i thought i could either sell it and make a little bit of money which i initially was going to do or i can try and just reupholster them change the color of the wood somehow like that was my second option and i decided to go that route in case you haven't guessed so the first thing i'm doing is just removing all of those staples that are holding the seat cover cushion in place and i'm basically using some pliers to just pull them out once all of those staples are removed i'm just pulling the covering off and i can see that i'm left with some foam that's still in pretty good condition so that's good we're gonna be able to work with that but first i'm gonna remove that foam off of the top of the chair and get to sanding off that color so i'm just using some pretty coarse grit sandpaper to remove the stain that's currently there and as you can see it totally lightened the wood so much and once it's all done sanding you can see the new color that's there all over it's so nice it's so light and it looks great now to add a little bit of warmth to the wood i'm just going to be using this minwax wood finish in the color golden pecan so i'm just going ahead and opening that up and then giving it a nice stir and adding that onto the legs of the stool [Music] once the stain's all on there you can see it has this really beautiful color and next up i'm going to be fixing the top of the stool which as i mentioned before sinks in a little bit and for that i just got some plywood cut to the exact size of the top of the stool i also have some wood glue as well as some clamps so i'm just adding a generous amount of wood glue on either side of the stool and placing the plywood on top and then i'm just reinforcing it with those wood clamps while it dries and then once it's all dried i'm just removing the clamps and putting that foam back on top and now we can head on over to the thrift store to see if we can find some sort of fabric to cover the top of the stool and while i was in the curtain section of value village i found this really nice window curtain that i thought was beautiful because it was textured and this nice ivory color so i took it on home and gave it a wash and then i just placed the stool on top of the fabric cut it to size and started stapling it in place i made sure to pull the fabric pretty taut as i was stapling it and as you can see i've actually learned something through this process and it is to stack something underneath the staple gun as i've done with a bunch of the pieces of wood and that makes stapling so much easier and once all of that stapling was done i have two brand new chairs that look so pretty and match my space perfectly okay so now that we've transformed some of the main aspects of the kitchen area we are now going to shift gears a little bit to the dining room space and there is this one wall in particular that's right across from the dining table that is so gray and so boring and i do not like it at all however i have an idea for transforming it into an accent wall and arch accent wall to be specific and let's transform this boring gray wall into the rental arch accent wall on my dreams so i actually covered this in detail in one of my other videos that i will link down below but basically i started off by painting that gray wall white and then applying some wallpaper in a rental friendly way it's gonna be fully removable i then went ahead and painted that wallpaper a nice orange color but i think it's just going to complement the whole space really well and how satisfying you guys are those crisp lines of the edge of the arch and then once that was done i wanted to build a shelf there so i cut a piece of wood and attached these nice black wall brackets to it and then just screw those into the wall and then the final piece for this area was to upcycle an ikea ivor cabinet and so i just basically put it together and then i covered the cabinet fronts with raffia cloth cut them to size stapled them into place and they looked so great i loved it so much and as i mentioned you guys i cover this in so much more detail in another video and so check that out if you're interested hey you guys so i just wanted to take a quick second to say that if you're enjoying this video it would mean so much to me if you go ahead and subscribe to me on this youtube channel i make videos on diy decor and room makeovers and i think that if you're enjoying this video you'll probably enjoy my other videos too and also i wanted to say that if you like me and you enjoy watching my content then it would mean a lot to me also if you go ahead and check me out over on instagram i'm at diy dahlia with an underscore at the end and i share all sorts of behind the scenes and sneak peeks over there as well so let's get back to my kitchen makeover so i'm just clearing off my old kitchen table and removing it as well as the chairs before we get started with making over my new dining table and this is another instance where i have a video it's a very recent video that i've just released showing the details of how i transform this but basically i painted the second hand table white and then i went ahead and used paint to make a nice marble design after that i made it look like legit marble by pouring epoxy resin on top and then for the base of the table i added some nice natural texture by gluing on pieces of the half round trim that i got at a lumber yard and the end result looked so legit i'm so happy with how this table turned out and i once again will have this video linked down below for you but now with the table all done i am now going to move right along to the back wall where the dining table is you know how hard it is to keep painters tape attached to popcorn ceiling so hard it just falls down right away but you know what we're just making do here okay we're just making do okay so all the walls have dried and looks so nice so much brighter in this white color so i'm loving it so much and i think the next thing i'm going to go ahead and do is add something onto this wall which is the main back wall right behind the dining table and i want to add a little bit of depth texture and dimension to this wall by doing my renter friendly wall paneling slash wainscoting board and batten depending on what you want to call it because there's a bunch of different names out there but i actually did this in my last apartment and i loved it so much so i thought i might as well do it here as well we're gonna go ahead and get started which is adding it right onto the wall so i'm starting off with mdf pieces that are cut to size to be the full vertical length of my wall as well as the horizontal width of each section of the squares that we're going to be creating after that i went and picked up a bunch of command trips and buy a bunch i mean a lot of them and i basically just applied them onto each of the mdf boards for the small pieces i just used two of the small command strips and then for the long vertical pieces i used four command strips [Music] and honestly this is so simple you guys i just basically took off the backs of the command strips and put each of the pieces of mdf boards into place i used a level to make sure that everything was square and level and straight and just like that i have my perfect wall paneling that i think is so stunning it's one of my favorite things about this space and now that we have the back wall done we can officially move on to decorating the whole space with the final touches on my arch accent wall shelf i'm just adding this thrifted basket as well as this faux vine plant i'm also adding this ivory vase and in it i'm placing some dried grasses that i picked from a field next to that i'm adding this dollar store wooden rainbow that i created in a previous video and i'm also adding a couple brass candles i'm stacking a couple books for height and then i'm placing this really cute thrifted bowl on the raffia cabinet i'm adding this donut vase which is from h m home and adding some pampas grass as well as some bunny tail on the other side of that i'm adding some books a little vase some more bunny tail and a little faux plant from the dollar store next to that whole cabinet situation i added this huge glass vase on the floor and i placed some really fluffy pampas grass inside of it on this one little wall by my dining table i'm going to add in this art print that i made and i actually have another art piece that i made except this one was with silicone i made it in a recent video as well and i'm going to use that to cover the electrical panel and then moving on to my kitchen island i got this really beautiful rattan tray off of amazon and then i wanted a nice textured vase to go on top so i just grabbed this dollar store vase and hot glued on a piece of raffia cloth this is such an easy hack and this one actually matches the cabinet perfectly so i just went ahead and filled that with some dried florals and placed that right on top of the rattan tray and then to complement that i'm adding this thrifted milk jug which is so cute and i'm also adding this really pretty amber candle that i got from walmart now over on my kitchen counter i wanted to add a little coffee and tea station so i'm using this bamboo tray that i got from the dollar store and then i grabbed some of these dollar store bamboo and glass containers that i'm gonna pour my sugar into as well as my tea bags on the other side of the sink i'm adding in this cute little letter board that says happy days as well as a little bud base from the dollar tree and some dried flowers that i got from michaels on the walls by the fridge i'm just adding in this thrifted little basket with some faux greens as well as this really pretty print that i made in my bathroom decorating video now right below that i'm adding this faux plant that i put in a cute basket i'm also just pushing in my brand new stools which i love so much and the final thing i'm adding in is this really cheap rug from ikea i think it was under five dollars and just like that you guys my kitchen makeover is complete i cannot believe how far i came here and i hope that you like it [Music] i just love how my kitchen came together in the end and i really just hope that this video gave you a little bit of inspiration that's always my goal here if you enjoyed this video it would really mean a lot to me if you hit the subscribe button because that really helps my channel to grow and even something as little as hitting the like button also does help as well thank you so much for watching and i will see you guys next time bye
Channel: DIY Dalia
Views: 1,982,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, diy dalia, kitchen makeover, rental kitchen, rental kitchen makeover, budget friendly kitchen makeover, diy countertops, diy dining table, diy dining room makeover, dining room transformation, renter friendly makeover
Id: ipr3n26Nz7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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