How To Survive Anything In Minecraft

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one clutch can turn a horrible situation into a play that you'll never forget however not all clutches are created equal so we're gonna start with the easiest ones and progress towards the craziest emerges you've ever seen number one the chorus fruit fly you don't have to aim you don't have to think you don't even need fast reactions having chorus fruit is especially handy when looting encities because it completely counters the levitation effect from shockers i've used this trick a million times whether i'm in a ravine or whether i'm being chased by a horde of piglets the block on the wall clutch comes in handy and all you need is a solid block that makes it super easy just make sure to aim properly otherwise you'll turn too much the water bucket is for sure the most famous mlg in all of minecraft the clutch itself isn't that difficult however the complexity increases with hype i have to make one thing clear spamming right click isn't the best way to do it but it is the best way to lose all of your stuff if you're falling and beneath you there's a horse you can right click it and save yourself this can also be done with mules donkeys pigs or even striders if you manage to pull this mlg off you will feel like a cowboy and this is just the beginning the clutches only get harder as the video goes on number five dream made this trick popular using it to escape the hunters in his most popular video i saw that every ready boats are entities so they burn in lava however you have a split second window in which you can jump on them no matter if you use a hay bale a cobweb scaffolding or powdered snow with the correct timing you will survive anything these four blocks might even be better than the water bucket because they can be used in the nether if i had to choose i would say the hay bale is my favorite as it reminds me of assassin's creed you can use ender pearls in so many ways to travel faster to prevent fall damage or to escape the void ledg has an awesome idea if you want to flex on your friends get some glowberries and do this i can't wait to show you the craziest clutches because you won't believe the things that are possible you might be thinking but didn't you forget about the slime block well the slime block clutch is actually harder than the hay bale mlg since if you're not perfectly centered you'll shatter into pieces on top of that slime blocks launch you into the air so you have to do multiple of them in a row this trick will make you look like a hacker get a bunch of scaffolding blocks and spam right click until you see this that's a ghost block and you're the only one who sees it this allows us to do some cool things like clutch in mid-air with a hay bale just make sure the admins aren't watching number 10 you're about to see something illegal you can actually clutch with lava in vanilla minecraft but you have to place the lava against a wall that way it slows down your fall i know using something that can literally kill you seems ridiculous but hey the thing works you're descending to a certain depth and you only have sand in order to save yourself you have to place the sand and start building up if you time your jumps perfectly you can actually use gravity blocks to go up doing this is by no means easy however it's nothing compared to the clutches later in the video falling onto a ladder saves you from dying unless you fall on top of it the ladder clutch isn't for beginners however there is one simple tip that will make it a whole lot easier instead of aiming on the side aim at the bottom think of it like you're placing the ladder on the ground the jump boost potion has a secret use you can throw a splash potion of jump boost just before you land which will reduce the amount of fall damage you take now this is the proper way to use jump boost not having it on beacons like a casual there is a way to make the famous war bucket mlg much much harder actually there are two ways the first is clutching on a slab and the second is doing it on stairs you have to be a really good player to pull it off and we're only at number 14. imagine what the clutches at the end will be number 15 this trick will make you look like a genius but for a second why don't you print the path well by using ladders or doors you can create an air pocket underneath the lava and since there is no air around the wooden items they will not burn i have no idea what to call this clutch so i'm gonna name it the jumping in front and placing down two blocks clutch doing this with one block is easy but the real challenge starts at two you need precise aim and a lot of practice when jumping imagine the two blocks already being there but then you still have to place them most players have no idea that this item can save your life you can use sweet berries to reduce your fall damage although there's a catch you can only place them on dirt so the next time you find a tiger forest collect a bunch of these red things before burning the place to ashes the sweet berry clutch is pretty crazy but we're just scratching the surface if you suck at pvp then this clutch is for you it's called the double extend and all you have to do is place down two blocks underneath you to prevent falling simple right well not exactly this clutch is much harder than it seems and it is extremely useful when someone is clapping you in bad words now of course i wouldn't know that because i've never lost a fight the boat is the most useful item in all of minecraft you can use it to trap mobs to travel quickly to work on lava or to save yourself from fall damage now in order to pull the boat clutch off you need faker level reactions since placing it down isn't enough you also have to enter the boat meaning two fast right clicks are required if you want to live but if you're not in a rush i highly recommend entering the boat beforehand trust me it's much safer number 20. i guarantee that you didn't know this about the minecraft igloo when dropping from above you can destroy the roof and land on the bed which greatly reduces the fall damage or if you're feeling lucky go through the middle and land on the ladder now this is only for real gamers because you also have to open the trapdoor while falling to prove you are a real gamer subscribe we're taking over youtube this year bonemeal is an essential item for the bamboo clutch whenever you're above bamboo and you bone mill it to grow taller the game cancels out your downward momentum causing you to survive the fall of course that's easier said than done as the timing has to be basically perfect but wait until you see the clutches later in the video if you thought the ladder clutch was hard think again when falling on flat ground you have nowhere to place your ladder so players figured out that if you're fast enough you can place the block yourself to pull this off you have to have your keybinds on point because you need to place a block switch to ladders place the ladders and land on them all of that in a fraction of a second you can survive a drop by jumping onto an exploding tnt you heard me right the tnt blast can save you from fall damage that's because the explosion knocks you back which can result in a safe landing now of course you might die from the dnt so get yourself some blast protection armor you can even do this with ant crystals respawn anchors or an exploding creeper now we're getting into the mental territory where the clutches stop making any sense for instance you can shoot an invoker in mid-air and pick up the totem he drops to survive the fall i can't wait to see this in the next manhunt where there just happens to be a one-shot of evoker underneath dream now but in all seriousness what makes this mlg hard is the fact that it's absolutely and utterly unrealistic number 25 take a look at this mlg by vixius you're falling you're surely gonna die but you see four jungle saplings underneath you how convenient you whip out your bone meal prepare your fast fingers and boom you just made a jungle tree but darussa how can a jungle tree save me from dying see every jungle tree has vines and by landing on those vines you can survive this is extremely hard but i've left the hardest clutches for the end of the video you definitely heard about this play sapnap knocks dream off of this platform dream is falling he's gonna die but then he sees a perfectly placed crafting table he clicks on it flawlessly makes a boat and finishes the clutch now did he do it legitly who knows but personally i don't buy it doing this just once takes hundreds of attempts and countless hours of practice there is a zero percent chance you've seen this clutch before in minecraft you can survive any fall if you land into a falling block this requires some crazy good timing the way this mlg works is by pushing you to the side when the sand changes states and if you think about it it kind of makes sense because dropping into sand doesn't hurt nearly as much in general attacking the iron golem isn't a good idea however you can use this mob to your advantage the iron golem's attack knocks you into the air which makes it the perfect tool for clutching just shoot the golem in midair and fall right on top of him if you're lucky enough the golem will launch you into the air before you hit the ground you can even do this with the warden if you somehow pull this off congrats but now you have an angry warden to deal with in minecraft there is this unknown mechanic that can make you completely invincible for a split second whenever you take damage there is a slight window in which you cannot lose any more health on java doing this is basically impossible however on bedrock this is much more doable you can do it with a cactus flint and steel fire charge or even shoot yourself with an arrow right before landing number 30 this is the hardest clutch in all of minecraft let's break it down you're falling and there is a crimson fungi you bone meal that fungi to make it grow into a crimson tree which has a small chance of having weeping whites that can be used to cancel your form the amount of skill and luck required is unfavorable you have a higher chance of finding hero pride than doing this mlg if you want to win a free minecraft account follow me on twitter first link in the description
Channel: Dadusak
Views: 2,022,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, dadusak, dadusak mc, dadusak minecraft, minecraft dadusak, dadu sak, dadusuk, dadsak, minecraft survival, minecraft 1.18, minecraft 1.19, minecraft clutch, minecraft clutching, minecraft mlg, water bucket, minecraft clutches, eliteg, vixios, dream, manhunts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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