How to Start a Minecraft Survival World the Right Way

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if you want a minecraft world to last long term it is vital to start it the right way so in this video i show you how to go from creating a world to building another portal the best and quickest way possible let's check it out now the first step when creating any minecraft world is while creating it but before you just press create new world there's a couple things you want to do of course i would recommend naming your world something of course game mode i would say survival or hardcore in this case difficulty definitely hard in my opinion allow cheats off unless you want to cheat but one quick thing you want to make sure to do is under game rules go down here to these two numbers and make this number be once the sleep percentage is one and make the respawn location radius b1 now don't touch any of the rest of these but the reason why you want to do this is that then if you ever have this world turn to multiplayer you don't actually have to turn cheats on later so that you can have one player sleep and with your respawn radius being one then you can only respawn on a single block instead of a large different amount of blocks so it's easier to build a spawn kind of area or you can have a singular block that all players spawn on then press done on there you can go to more world options and of course put in your seed if you have one i actually have a playlist for some awesome minecraft 1.18 seeds or you can leave it blank for a random seed if you want then press create new world and now here's how you start the world in game the best way possible alright the second that you render into a new world of course the first thing you want to do is punch a tree that kind of goes without saying but definitely go and grab your first tree now that you have the logs from your first tree craft them into a crafting table and put two more planks on the side here like this to craft a crafting table and some sticks now go find where some stone is place down your crafting table make a pickaxe and mine yourself up 17 pieces of stone and we got incredibly lucky there and just located some iron but generally that wouldn't be the case now that you have your 17 stone you want to craft some specific things craft a furnace craft a pickaxe like this and also craft an axe and a shovel as well as a sword like that now break your crafting table you can throw away your wooden pickaxe if you want to and before we do anything else you want to go and kill three sheep now if you can't find any sheep what you can also do is look for a village and grab a bed from there but it is vital if you want to survive your first night and just overall start your minecraft world the right way to get yourself a bed as early as possible because it's certainly a load off of your mind to not have to worry about really any of the nighttime mobs of course we can just quickly craft ourselves a bed like that all right now we don't have to worry at all about dying at night due to mobs the next thing we want to do is find some iron and some coal so we got lucky with finding some iron here but generally you wouldn't find it this easily i'm actually kind of surprised i found it there but you want to get yourself some iron if you can find it now in minecraft 1.18 the two best places for mining iron are a lot lower and higher than they normally would be so basically the higher you can get up in your world the better chance of iron or the lower down to let's say y14 being about the max meaning that kind of where the normal world's coordinates are like let's say around y60 something like that you don't usually get that much iron so it's good to go a little bit higher or lower than the base level of the world also find yourself some coal generally you will find this before the iron but it always depends and try and mine up maybe 10 pieces you don't need too much right now but it's always good to get yourself some again one of the best places for finding both iron and stone are on exposed cliff faces especially if you're trying to get them really quickly now that we have both those things you want to go on the lookout for some food so generally something like a plain spine would be great with finding a lot of different animals but it's incredibly important to find a lot of food early game or you can easily starve to death especially when caving so generally advised that the stone axe that you just crafted to kill as many farm animals as you can find and try and find about 16 pieces of meat if you don't have any of these around some alternative food sources would be kelp or a fish from the river as well as grabbing some hay bales from a village if one of those is nearby now that we have 16 pieces of meat we want to smelt both of these things before we do that we're going to get this to smelt in an area that makes a little bit more sense the entrance to a cave can be a good place now place down your crafting table place down your furnace and start smelting the food now what you can do is as your food smelts you can mine some of the stone around you maybe some more coal or even iron if that's around just sort of doing multiple things at once as it takes a bit of time for your furnace to cook all your food you can always craft a second furnace there place it down with a piece of coal in it and smelt up your iron also with any remaining coal that you have you should definitely craft it into some torches at least 32 can be great but basically as many as you can get your hands on i'd also advise grabbing a bit more wood at this time up to even half a stack of logs if you can your stone axe isn't actually that slow so it can be pretty good to get yourself a large supply of that as quickly as possible the reason why is that unless we soon run into an abandoned mine shaft then we won't really have a good source of wood after we go into cave and it's really important to have that for a lot of different activities now grab out some of the things that you've cooked you can always eat your food if you're hungry like i am here and you want to turn the iron that you've made into certain different things the first thing you're going to want to do is to make a shield a shield only takes one piece of iron and i would say it's probably more effective than full diamond armor in protecting yourself from mobs the other thing i would suggest is an iron axe as it's a good weapon it does use three pieces of iron but as well as that it's going to give you a good way to chop down more wood if you need to later but first i would always craft an iron pickaxe if you have the materials for it as if you do end up finding some diamonds in a cave then you can actually mine them now it's starting to be nighttime we don't have to worry we can just throw up some torches around where we are if we don't want to have the dark here and placed on our bed and sleep and we've survived the first night now that we have a bit of iron and some basic materials and even a shield a good supply of food and some logs our big step now is to find diamonds so what i would generally suggest doing is having your shield in your offhand torches in your main hand and more or less running through a cave with the torches in your hand lighting it up as you go and looking for a place that goes deeper you want to go as low down as you can this cave seems to go rather low in fact it does we almost went off a cliff there but more or less go as low as you can and try and place some torches intermittently as if you do place torches here and there then you'll be able to find your way back a lot easier as if there's no torches you can totally get lost it'll also be a good way of tracking where you've been and where you haven't been now at this stage as you try and get lower to find some diamonds i would suggest mining some iron here basically enough for iron armor and maybe some other iron tools so something like half a stack of iron ore would be a good idea at this point but of course it all depends on how many you can find just mind it if you see on the side of a place you're running to if you can't find a large cave i would suggest looking for one as going strip mining for some of these things can take a lot longer in the short term of course long term strip mining is a great strategy but short term it can definitely be a lot slower than just going into a large cave now as you're going through the cave how do you stay safe and not be killed by a creeper or a zombie what i would generally suggest is to face away from your safest direction so we don't really think any mobs are going to come from this water so we'll face away from it now we're facing the danger head on we can hit it without worrying that a creeper will be behind us similarly going against a wall can be a good idea i'm not saying you should necessarily be walking around a cave like this but just let's say you see something dangerous to instantly face towards it and to kind of have something behind you that you think is somewhat safe so you only have to deal with a danger in one direction at a time also when you're in the upper levels of caving make sure to grab a bit of coal because you're not going to find much of that when you're in the lower levels and so having an easy way of smelting instead of having to ruin your logs to cook things is going to be a good idea you're also going to be using up a lot of torches when you're caving so definitely make sure to grab as much coal as you can when you're higher up because you won't have that chance later down also if a mob is trying to attack you just hold right click to block the attack with the shield and then right after the mob has stopped attacking you can stop using your shield and you can hit the mob because there'll be a little bit of time after it's attacked you that you can have to kill it effectively all right now that we have some iron and some coal we're going to go even lower down if you come to a big drop like this and you want to get down easily if you're in java addition and this doesn't work in bedrock you can make a boat pick up your crafting table there place down the boat and ride it off the edge like this and you can safely land you can also try and use a water bucket if you have one of those on you but you probably wouldn't at this point now you can mine deep slate ores with stone tools there's nothing to worry about in that way and they're going to be a little bit harder to mine but overall you'll be fine just grabbing a bit more to get your armor alright now we've found a creeper and so we're not killed by it i'll show you a quick little way of how to defeat creepers you want to run towards it and hit it as you're running this will make it knock back more now turn around and stop facing it another thing you can do is just hold your shield up like this and when it explodes it will not give you any damage but of course if you wanted your area not to be exploded and or you wanted the gunpowder from the creeper that wouldn't be the best idea now this cave goes a lot lower and then with the lava pool there that's actually really good because we're going to try and get ourselves another portal and so if you can find a low part of a cave simply run around it placing torches here or there looking for some exposed diamond door also at this stage to protect yourself from hostile mobs something i would suggest is to find a semi-safe place to be and to place down your furnace and crafting table again and to smelt yourself all your iron into the ingots and make yourself some armor you can always place down two furnaces and split up your iron like this so it smells quicker and you're not here without armor for a little bit less time once you get a little bit of extra iron for it i would also suggest crafting a bucket and going to the nearest water you can find and picking it up as having a source of water will save your life many times not only in resisting fall damage but also for a lot of other useful purposes like let's say planting crops now if you have a large lava pool and you have at least two buckets in fact you technically only need one but it's basically impossible without two you can then make another portal with just buckets and i'll show how to do that right now but generally you would want to make it with a diamond pickaxe now go over to your lava pool and turn some of it into obsidian like that pick up some lava and then place down the water and place down the obsidian next to it like this then pick up another piece of obsidian and place it down in the water like that that will give you the basis of your portal so far now pick up your water again and place down two blocks here you can place down the water here and then the obsidian here and pick up some more lava again and place down the water on the other side and the obsidian here and then place these cobblestone two higher and then grab some more lava place it up here place the water next to it now once we've gone three blocks up and we grab another bucket of lava we can actually do this part of it a little bit differently so we're gonna place the blocks right here then we're gonna place the water in the corner and we're going to place the lava in the center so sort of like the opposite of what we've been doing then we're going to grab our bucket of lava again and place it again in the center with our water on the side and now we have the nether portal shape we can simply mine out the cobblestone here in the center and we can light it but how are we gonna light it well thankfully especially when you're at the deep slate layer there's still gravel that spawns here and it's really easy to pick out without the stone being there so simply mine that up especially if you have a shovel this will be a lot quicker and there's a one in ten chance to get a piece of flint and steel from this and we can simply craft this with one of our pieces of iron into flint and steel light the portal and now we have a way to go to the nether but let's say you want to do this with a diamond pickaxe i'll show you how to do that process as well all right now that our iron is smelted we're going to break these furnaces right here and craft as many pieces of armor as we can a cool trick is to craft multiple pieces at once so for instance if you make a shape like this then make a shape like this and then make two here and two here you can simply take out each piece in order just like that which i think is pretty cool and you can place them on here now of course the biggest piece is the chest plate which takes eight if you can't build that that's fine but i generally suggest getting as many pieces as you can as of course each one you have your bit safer also when you do have your water bucket make sure to have it on your hot bar you'll definitely find that useful especially if you end up getting on fire by let's say a zombie or by going in lava by accident if you do have a mob attack you just cannot avoid especially something like a skeleton i'd suggest getting nearer to it and the second it hits you to basically have it hit you get your shield down if you have a big group of mobs like this it's always important just to hold your shield up and basically just resist the attacks here sometimes the mobs will even fight each other and never forget to eat food when you're attacking mobs especially when you have a low amount of health because then you will regenerate your health really quickly and again this can also be very important as well as having a good amount of armor and it looks like we found some diamonds so we can mine that but of course we have to mine it with a iron pickaxe that's a good thing we made that earlier we wouldn't be able to sometimes you'll get unlucky and you'll just find one and i think we might have just got unlucky here and we literally just found one there so we're gonna keep looking what you want to find is about five diamonds and that'll give you a good basis to craft some essentials with if you are having a bit of trouble finding diamonds a couple diamond finding tips one of them is the lower you are the more diamonds you're going to find generally of course that doesn't always happen but just statistically the other thing is if you find an underwater part of a cave there is a rule where diamonds will spawn a little bit less if they're exposed to air so if you have an area that's exposed to water you will find generally more diamonds underneath there also when looking for diamonds in a cave never forget to look up now of course be careful not to be ambushed by mobs while you do this but a lot of the diamonds you find won't be on the floor for instance if we look up here you can see there's a diamond sticking out right there they wouldn't have caught if we were just sort of looking at the floor the entire time and that actually turned out to be three diamonds also in minecraft 1.18 there's a massive variety in how many different diamonds you find anywhere from one diamond per or cluster all the way up to something like 18 or 20. so always be aware of that if you're trying to find diamonds you may find a lot or a very small amount and we finally found our last bit of diamonds here to get at least five and now that we have these diamonds we can leave the cave before we do that we are going to try and grab a little bit more iron to make sure we have the full iron armor and tools and a bit extra as we're definitely going to need a lot of that if you do happen to find a lot of iron and deep slate that generate together that is called in the iron ore vein and you can find a massive amount of iron there and by massive we're talking up to literal tens of thousands you can even find these clusters right here of raw iron which are a block of raw iron which gives you nine raw iron which is an awesome deal but one other thing we want to do is to craft our diamond pickaxe and now that we have the diamond pickaxe we want to mine exactly 14 pieces of obsidian you can always mine them like this but something i would suggest is to place down your water bucket maybe get yourself up on a certain block something like let's say this then place down the water bucket because now when you mine that piece of obsidian there's absolutely no chance that it will fall on lava in fact if you want to be super safe you can even go up on two blocks on top of each other so that mobs can't hit you down or at least something like a zombie couldn't hit you down while you're mining your obsidian and of course if the cave urine doesn't have any lava in it you can just head to the surface now and jumping into a cave on your first or second day of a minecraft world may seem a bit risky but it's a lot less so than you'd think because there's this mechanic called local difficulty which means that the game will literally get more difficult in terms of more mobs and things like that the longer you're in an area and so it's much better to take your risks earlier game than later game especially if you stay in the exact same area as then you don't have to worry so much about let's say having a bunch of creepers chasing you as basically less of them will spawn if you're in an area for a short amount of time we've now made it out of the cave and there's two things we want to look for we want to look for a cow and kill it for a piece of leather and we want to look for a little bit of sugar cane alright we've found some cows and we can kill them for the leather and the meat also at this stage you're probably gonna want some more food anyway so that's gonna be a good thing to do and here is some sugar cane and we can grab that as well all right we now want to craft some paper we want to get our piece of leather and our three pieces of paper and place them in the crafting grid to make a book now with four of our pieces of obsidian we're going to make an enchanting table like this and we can also make a diamond sword with our other two pieces of diamond now place down two blocks you like the look of next to each other with two blocks in between get out your obsidian place two like this go one two three up here and one two three over here then place two other blocks here place two on top and light the portal with your flint and steel just like that you now have your nether portal we now have our enchanting table as well and you can actually mine it with even like an iron pickaxe there's no worry about that breaking of course mining some lapis lazuli while in a cave is a great idea so you can enchant on here right away and also having some gold so you can have a gold helmet with the piglens is a good idea as well and we now have full iron armor a diamond pickaxe a diamond sword another portal an enchantment table a shield and a whole lot of other items here as well and we're basically ready to continue on our minecraft world but i would say this is a minecraft world started the right way goodbye you
Channel: Eyecraftmc
Views: 1,707,597
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Keywords: how to play minecraft, minecraft new world, Steps to STARTING A NEW MINECRAFT WORLD PROPERLY, How to Start your New Minecraft Survival World | Tips & Tricks, HOW TO - Start your Minecraft Survival PROPERLY! | Survival Beginner Tips & Tricks!, How to Start a Minecraft Survival World the RIGHT WAY! | Tips & Tricks, Start Your Minecraft Survival World the Right Way (1.18), Minecraft Survival Quick Start Guide - BEST WAY to start a Minecraft World!, Tips for Starting A New Minecraft World
Id: MvhzMpDGfYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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