30 Things You Weren't Prepared for in Disney World

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no matter how well you've prepared and how much research you've done something's still gonna catch you off guard when you get to disney world it does it for me every single time we asked the experts our followers for the things that shocked them on vacation and this list might surprise you [Music] hey everybody it's aj for disney food vlog you know it's going to be hot and humid in florida but are you really prepared for a 100 plus degree heat index and 90 humidity how about how annoying it can be to navigate disney world with a stroller or that you'll have to perform the ultimate balancing act to get your lunch over to your family there are quite a few things our followers and our team weren't prepared for in disney world today we're going to make sure you are prepared so get ready to take those notes let's talk about restaurants closing early all right it's the end of your long day in the park you've watched the fireworks so you just hopped off your last ride and what you could really go for is a snack but no restaurants are open even some of our team members myself included have been shocked to find ourselves without a late night meal here's a quote was totally not prepared for dining locations to shut down super early in places like magic kingdom or epcot mexico food booth shut down an hour and a half early when i was there in june a bunch of quick service places closed early in magic kingdom kind of lame right now a lot of restaurants still aren't back to their full pre-pandemic hours of operation something that can catch the long time disney pros off guard but even during normal times it's not uncommon for restaurants and snack kiosks to start shutting down just before the fireworks start or about a half hour before the parks close often the only things that will be open at the very end of the night are shops on the way out of the park like the emporium on main street or the shops on hollywood boulevard every once in a while there's one quick service restaurant that stays open a little bit later but usually you're not going to be able to get a meal there after fireworks now you can get some prepackaged snacks in the emporium or maybe the confectionary but if you're looking for a hot meal you're going to have to search elsewhere check the hours of your hotel's quick service restaurants or grab-and-go locations some are going to be open until 11 pm or later now remember those 24-hour spots like captain cooks are still operating with limited hours right now they are not back to 24 hours if it's after 11 pm you can head to disney springs where a few restaurants the edison jock lindsay's hanger bar stk along with a few others are sometimes open until 1am but keep in mind that right now nearly all of disney springs closes down by around 11 30 p.m all right now this next one didn't used to be an option but it is now thank goodness you can check ubereats grubhub doordash your favorite food delivery service to see if there are any late night delivery options that you can have delivered to your hotel lobby didn't used to be an option so glad it is now because you guys know i'm i'm all too often sitting on my bed eating a gas station sandwich in the middle of the night because i'm starving so uber eats grubhub doordash those are my go-to's at this point but all of our reporters will tell you even after a long day of eating in disney world if you've been go go going from rope top to fireworks and then after that you are hungry afterwards and there's a lot of stopping at taco bell or over at the mcdonald's on disney world property on the way back home okay another food related item you said you were not prepared for in disney world no lids okay in an effort to be more environmentally friendly disney world has done away with plastic straws everywhere and plastic cup lids in most places now one of our team members remarked on watching other park guests realizing they're woefully unprepared for this i can tell from the sheer look of terror on the faces a lot of families weren't expecting their large quick service drink cup to be served without a lid oh that poor mom or dad that breaks out into a cold sweat trying to navigate a tray with six giant cokes on it to a table i personally capsized two diet cokes in pinocchio village house just a couple of months ago so doesn't really matter if you know it's coming still trying to navigate that walk with those unleaded drinks is real real hard you guys hot drinks and kids drinks should have lids except an animal kingdom and animal kingdom lodge where you may have to deal with kids drink sands lids as it's not safe to have all that plastic around the animals but short of bringing your own reusable cups and straws for any drinks from kiosks and quick service restaurants you'll just need to be ready to balance those soda pops reusable straws are much easier to transport but a whole cup for sodas well it's something you might want to bring if you know your kid hasn't mastered lidless cups yet or you know if you haven't mastered lidless cups yet like me okay this is a real big one that some of you won't even care about but a lot of you will it's not flat ground yep our facebook follower mary s brought up a great point for all of us who think of florida as a completely flat landscape pushing a wheelchair for my mom was really strenuous she said so many little hills that you don't even realize are there so if you're gonna be pushing a wheelchair or even a stroller plan breaks in the day to rest and prep ahead of time by practicing on uneven ground or lifting some weights you're gonna encounter hills they may not be huge hills but there will be ramps to get in and out of pavilions restaurants that monorail ramp oh my gosh that thing's a nightmare and even a lot of queues have inclines and hills you'll need to navigate so if traditional lines with their switchbacks and inclines are something that's going to be difficult for someone in your group look into disney's disability access service this service is designed to help those guests who are unable to wait in conventional lines and for more park info you can talk to a cast member at guest relations in the parks another thing a lot of us aren't prepared for is how long it takes to get around we talk about this on the channel a lot but it's still shocking to people when they actually go to disney world you'll want to pack your patient pants if you're planning to use disney world transportation it's going to take a long time to get everywhere and if you're planning to see and do a lot in one day all that time on buses and the monorail can really eat up your day it can take an hour or longer to get from your hotel to the parks once you finally get out of the room down to the bus stop wait for the bus to arrive maybe wait for the second bus to arrive because it's just before park opening and everyone's waiting on a bus then the actual bus ride could take 30 minutes if you're going from one side of disney property to the other like animal kingdom lodge to magic kingdom and buses are at the whim of traffic as well if you're traveling between parks plan plenty of time if you're trying to make a reservation transportation will typically run less frequently in the middle of the day so you may find yourself waiting for a bus to show for a while actually at one time where i was waiting for a bus for a super super super long time and eventually a cast member called a van to take us where we needed to go because no buses were coming bobby h one of our facebook followers said after our first trip i learned it isn't worth doing and spending the extra on a park hopper if your family isn't going to be down for the added travel time reconsider spending the extra money on that park hopper until you know you need it though another one of our followers christy c said i love park hopping i love being able to do whatever we want when we want and if you like hitting magic kingdom in the morning and heading to epcot in the evening when the mood strikes and you don't mind waiting on a monorail to show up to get you there park hopping might be for you now if you want to break up your park day with some time in disney springs you want to have a plan since there are currently no buses going to springs from the parks and there are never buses from springs to the parks you'll need to make a stop at a hotel so you can walk to disney springs from saratoga springs resort if you're going that route or you'll want to drive yourself or use a ride share service like uber or lyft wherever you're going however you're getting there remember that disney world is the size of san francisco and to leave more time than you think you need to get where you need to go all right another thing that our followers and our team weren't prepared for in disney world is the blatant rule breaking now as one of our writers said you want to think the best of folks then you'll be like inside in a line and a guest is palming a cigarette or you see a mom stomping through the rose bushes with her kids as the cast member pleads with them to stop now you will see some beautiful moments at disney world we see proposals and family reunions all the time but you will also see some terrible things at disney world like another writer who saw a parent tell their child to pee in the bushes once please do not do any of those things but also maybe prepare yourself for the possibility of the magic being ruined a little by a fight with some choice words exchanged just don't let that be you disney can be stressful some people can't handle that stress and disney world is full of people so stay on your best behavior be kind to cast members follow the rules they're there for a reason and remember there's security all over the park if you you know need to let someone know about the guy scaling the mexico pyramid now another thing a lot of us were not prepared for is how awkward those strollers can be even if your kid's grown out of a stroller at home having one in disney world can be really helpful and it doubles as a cart to carry all your stuff but they can be a pain in the neck to deal with in some unexpected ways you'll need to find stroller parking outside of every ride because guess what can't take your strollers into the rides and outside some of the pavilions like the land in mexico pavilions and epcot not allowed to have strollers in those and you'll need to unpack all your stuff from your stroller every time you leave and cover that stroller up in case it rains when you're inside there's a lot going on and at the end of the night you may feel the stress when you've got to get on the bus back to your hotel one of our team members was reminiscing on how awkward you will feel taking up one-third of the standing room on a packed bus with a double stroller guests lined up waiting an hour for a bus home will audibly groan when scooters or strollers are about to get on because that means the bus is filling fast to take up that much room disney buses are able to accommodate strollers though you need to have them folded up and ecvs and wheelchairs but the extra time to load and yeah they take up a lot of room people will get grumpy you will get glares but don't feel awkward the buses are made for that and that stroller or ecv is important to you to have a better trip just make sure you know how to use them and be prepared for some of that bad behavior practice folding up that stroller and backing up that ecv especially if they're rentals before you're in crunch time at park close getting on a bus another thing our followers and our team members weren't prepared for in disney world is how impressive it really is not everything is going to be stress and endless bus rides a lot of our facebook followers were caught totally off guard by how impressed they were with the parks heather c said i was not prepared to be awed the first time i went to magic kingdom i went for the kids and grandson thinking it would be just like any other amusement park it's not at all and michael q said the first time i went to animal kingdom i was stunned by how deeply themed it all was disney prides itself on making sure every little detail is perfect from interactions with cast members to the texture of rocks and galaxy's edge there are backstories for rides restaurants even shops that are so wildly detailed it's almost unreal now we've got a whole video about some of our favorite disney backstories if you want to know more about the secret society that meets at skipper canteen in magic kingdom or why dino land is really the most themed land in all of disney world go check that out next that said another thing we weren't prepared for in disney world is how easy it is to get stressed out elizabeth r on facebook knows just how easy it is to lose my temper with the kids and amanda p was unprepared for how grumpy we'd all get when tired and peopled out a midday break is a must for me not everything is magical your family will drive you nuts you're not usually with them 24 7 and you're not usually spending this much money and harboring such high expectations for it being worth the price you're usually not this tired you're usually not this over stimulated i cannot say this enough i know i talk about it on the channel a lot but you really need to understand it is a different world over there in disney world and you will experience a roller coaster of emotions see what i did there cool all right now disney is tough you're spending thousands of dollars expecting everything to be picture perfect but spoiler alert not everything is going to be perfect if there's one thing you really got to prepare for in disney world it's the stress know how your family's going to deal with long days waiting in line and come prepared with ways to prevent and deal with the inevitable moments of being totally overwhelmed that might be your kid's favorite snack or heading back to the hotel at 2pm for some pool time and a nap you're gonna get stressed so take it in stride and don't feed into it take that break even if it means you might not get to ride haunted mansion exactly when you wanted to it is going to be worth it trust me and even better work those breaks into your plan so that you have them in case you need them if you don't need them great go ahead and stay in the park but if you do need it then you won't feel like you're missing out on something because you need to bail on a plan to go back to the hotel all right something else that folks were not prepared for in disney world the friendly wildlife now it's not just friendly cast members you'll be interacting with on vacation disney's wildlife can sometimes be a little too close for comfort you'll see signs on waterways warning you about snakes and gators you may even see a few but it's the birds and squirrels that have really taken a liking to our team as we've seen recently squirrels birds especially those ones near flametree bbq and animal kingdom and ducks have no shame walking up and taking your french fries or nugs our team has had a few recent run-ins with the birds in epcot a bird jumped on my table and ate my nachos in mexico a few days ago in the america pavilion in epcot those birds are ruthless jumped on our table stole our nuggets i had a nightmare bird dive bomb my fish and chips at the uk and epcot he never saw the other hand coming snatched that fry right out of his beak don't mess with my snacks dodgy bird we don't recommend fighting back against any would-be snack thieves but keep an eye out for some new friends hanging around while you eat your lunch and please don't feed them or try to pet them that's how they learn bad habits and continue to dive bomb those snacks you just bought next let's talk about some love bugs speaking of wildlife amber bee on facebook brings up even more of it that no one is thrilled to tangle with love bugs laura m echoes all of our sentiments omg is all i have to say now these little bugs won't hurt you they're just annoying and super weird they will be everywhere for about two weeks in may and again in september they will land all over your car which you should wash asap because if they get smooshed they'll actually start to take the paint off they may land on your stuff they may get in your room they may drive you nuts but if you end up in disney the same time as they are you just kind of have to grin and bear it now let's talk about weather we do that a lot here on dfv it's important but let's talk about heat first we're getting into the surprising florida weather we talk about how hot it'll be how much rain you'll deal with on your trip pretty often but that doesn't mean you won't be caught off guard this was the number one thing most of our followers weren't prepared for missy r said we went for the first time on our honeymoon in june 95 and melted now we go during the winter if you can't do extreme heat go during cooler seasons december into february can get cold sometimes and you may need a winter coat and hat as it can dip into freezing temperatures even in central florida avoid june through september that's when you'll see those hundred plus degree days with unbearable humidity take breaks bring fans and cooling towels if you are there when it's warm and remember to stay hydrated and find that air conditioning and of course that rain our follower burned it at h was not prepared for the weather being so changeable check the weather assume it will rain when it's not supposed to and bring rain gear i'm telling you every single time it says oh no there's not going to be any rain it always still rains so get a reliable weather app we like accuweather since it shows a minute cast so you know just how long you have to duck inside before the skies open up know that weather will shut down rides too so don't get in line for rides that are outdoors if rain is coming soon jordan t on facebook said we were definitely not prepared at all and now every time we go we bring extra shoes socks and a poncho it may seem like too much you may be like nah aj's just exaggerating i promise i am not exaggerating nothing causes blisters faster than wet shoes rubbing against your feet bring a different pair of shoes to wear the next day bring a pack of moleskin in case you do get a blister be prepared it will happen you will experience it no matter what the weather says another thing people weren't prepared for in disney world losing your kid yeah no one is going to be prepared for this one one of our editors said i have come close but no matter how much you read up on how safe it is if your kid is lost in disney world it's still terrifying in real life it's true that of the places you could be separated from your child temporarily disney world is probably one of the better ones but you're still gonna freak out teach your kid to look for cast member name tags so they know who to ask if they need help and write your phone number on their magic band or something else they're carrying with them if they're too young to memorize your number kids are never lost in disney world cast members will assure them and help find their missing parents most of the time you'll be reunited within minutes but younger kids under 10 will be taken to the park's baby care center and older kids will be taken to guest relations if they can't find the parents within a couple of minutes but of course the most important thing to do is don't panic get in touch with a cast member let them know what's happened and they will put out the apb another thing a lot of folks aren't prepared for in disney world being let down okay this is a sad one but you gotta be prepared for it you're spending all that money and the last thing you want is to feel let down by disney but sometimes it can happen this can be true for those of you visiting for the first time if something doesn't live up to your expectations like you finally get to ride rise of the resistance you booked your whole trip around that particular ride and it's just sort of meh yeah that happens a lot and you might be feeling like you wasted your money and for those mega disney fans new stuff can be a letdown after years of waiting one of our team members wasn't prepared for her first visit to star wars galaxy's edge probably the most hyped new land ever she said first time in galaxy's eds i was like huh okay this is fine i guess not a lot of our team and maybe you weren't so impressed with millennium falcon smuggler's run or the weird space food blue milk is not my jam luckily rest of the resistance is usually pretty awesome for most people but the stress of actually getting to ride can be a huge letdown so temper your expectations disney can and does create some fantastic things but they might not match the perfect vision in your head but that doesn't mean you can't have fun all right next one that a lot of people aren't prepared for no matter how much we talk about it is how expensive everything is especially the food food is likely going to be the biggest part of your disney world budget and while there are bargains to be found you'll still be spending a lot of cash on food vicky t on facebook was unprepared for just how expensive meals are our biggest tip here is to work food costs into your budget well in advance check menus of restaurants you want to dine in to get an idea of price range and opt for some cheaper options if you'd rather have more of your budget set aside for your hotel room or souvenirs we have plenty of videos about cheap eats in disney world and you can start there if you want some more in-depth planning and budgeting tips when it comes to the food part of your disney trip then grab a copy of our dfb guide to walt disney world dining that's an ebook and it's packed with over 800 pages of reviews on every restaurant in disney world the snacks you can't miss the tips to snag the best tables how to budget your dining with sample itineraries and worksheets to help you rein in your snack costs our guide comes with a full money back guarantee we believe in our product it's helped thousands and thousands of people plan their trips but if it's not for you just let us know and we'll make it right you can find our massive guide to walt disney world dining along with our snack and festival guides over at dfbstore.com our youtube followers get a special promo code too use code youtube for your discount all right next let's talk about the pain there's nothing quite like the sore muscles you get after a long day in the parks now andrew s said we're pretty active and couldn't believe how sore we were after a day in the parks practice walking ahead of time and by practicing walking i mean like walk a long time walk up some hills work some stretching into your morning vacation routine don't push yourself too hard and take breaks when you can while you're in disney world kristy h on facebook was not prepared for the pain in your legs and back when you have to wait in line for so long for a ride i'm partially kidding but they should have some benches along the way for the old folks those benches would be a welcome addition but until that day comes plan some down time during your trip to sort of recuperate plan a resort day that doesn't involve walking quite so much or even consider booking a massage midweek disney's got several spas on property including two disney owned spas at grand floridian and saratoga springs plus a few mandera spas and the spa at four seasons next we're going to talk about the nostalgia i think disney's been part of everyone's childhood by this point and visiting disney can really tap into that nostalgia and transport you to a different place and time cresta h said of her trip to disney world i can't really describe it but i would have to say once you enter the outside world just disappears and everything's magical disney really is an escape from the toughness of the real world especially right now even if the real world has been a lot more visible in the parks over the past year it's still a bit of an escape back to the simplicity of your childhood for better or worse we've all seen those articles bashing disney adults disney is a bit of escapism and sometimes that's what we need it's also incredible to be able to share with your kids some of the things you experienced visiting disney as a kid because yep we're getting to be that old now all right another thing a lot of folks are not prepared for in disney world is how much you'll need to use your phone the one thing that probably was not a part of your childhood trips to disney world is having to use your smartphone for everything don m wanted to unplug during our last vacation and it is so impossible to gotta use your phone app for all sorts of stuff and she's right you gotta use your phone for making reservations ordering your lunch even some snacks at kiosks checking show times and wait times you can get into your room using your phone and so much more and it's about to get even worse so know what you need to do know what you need your phone for and what you can do the old-fashioned way if you do want to unplug you'll definitely need it for your hollywood studios day if you want to ride rise of the resistance but a lot of other things can be done ahead of time so you can stay off your phone a bit more during your trip keep hard copies of your plans just in case something goes wrong and you aren't able to pull up your dinner reservation in the app as well i love screenshoting that stuff and bring a charger so that phone stays charged when you need it okay now this next one is a big one that is pretty new and that's long lines for things other than rides you're expecting to wait in line for rides especially since fastpass hasn't returned yet it's all standby line still but what about lines for restaurants and lines for cookies some restaurants and lounges that don't take reservations in advance can get pretty long waits to get inside like nomad lounge and animal kingdom and trader sam's the polynesian those are the big ones you gotta watch out for and you may encounter a line before those lounges even open just to get onto the waitlist to dine there if you're eyeing some limited edition merchandise like popcorn buckets or souvenir glasses you might have to wait a while to get your hands on them again trader stamps can generate some big lines when they release a limited edition tiki glass and we saw three hour lines for some merchandise drops last year even cookies can garner an hour plus weight gideon's bake house in disney springs is using a virtual queue to enter the shop in order to buy their award-winning amazingly delicious cookies sign up for that queue as soon as you arrive in disney springs so you can get in there asap before the really great flavors sell out well they're all great but you know what i mean and they close that virtual cube pretty early in the evening so if you don't get there early you're not going to even get on the list now i already mentioned how long it's going to take you to get around disney world but a lot of that time might be spent waiting in line to get on that bus or monorail james w was unprepared for the line at the caribbean beach skyliner station to always be 45 minutes long in the mornings everyone's going to be using disney transportation in the morning right at or before park opening and then at the end of the night after fireworks and when the parks close so arrive real real early if you want to be the first one to get on the skyline or bus to head to the parks and take your time leaving the parks at the end of the night for crowds to thin out a bit before you hop in line okay now some of our facebook instagram and other social media followers were not prepared for carrying so much stuff courtney c on facebook made the mistake of being a little too prepared she said it's not what i wasn't prepared for that was the problem i listened to all the comments about what you must have and it made my bag real heavy and i really only used one thing next time it's wallet and that's it you can find plenty of ultimate packing guides that are gonna list out everything that you might possibly need in the parks but not everyone's gonna need all that stuff maybe go on a day outing at home first to test out what you and your family really need on hand before you lug all that stuff around the parks if you need to have a lot of things nearby consider renting a locker they're in each of the parks and you can store your stuff without having to carry a heavy bag this is good if you need a change of clothes or an extra pair of shoes or bottles of water but don't need them on your person at all times now the amount of walking really surprises people who go to disney world even though we talk about it all the time it is not an exaggeration that you'll walk nearly 10 miles every day in disney world and all that walking's gonna mean sore feet and straight up exhaustion eric w was not ready for walking eight miles a day for days in a row and shoes i had broken in already but still got blisters blisters are no joke and even your most beloved shoes can wreck your trip blisters on day one is gonna mean a rough rest of your trip no joke you guys a couple of trips ago i literally had to go buy socks in a store because i needed more padding under my feet because the blisters were so bad and it was excruciating so just don't let yourself get to that point don't be like me fix it first bring back up shoes swap out day to day so you aren't wearing the same pair that's rubbing in the same spot day in and day out and try to reduce the amount of walking where you can plan out your rides so you're hitting them in order and you aren't running back and forth across the park now a lot of people right now are underestimating crowds as well because the crowds are really erratic in disney world at the moment we've slowly been seeing crowds in the park tick up we're nearing what things looked like before the closures in terms of how busy they are which is never really ideal but it can be downright shocking sometimes especially in the middle of a pandemic elaine g regrets underestimating how busy it gets in the parks especially on the weekends yeah weekends are always going to be busiest because you got everyone who's visiting from far away plus a whole bunch of locals who visit just on weekends most people will start their trip on the weekend and most people will start in magic kingdom which can mean huge crowds there on saturday and sunday epcot when there's a festival going on also tends to be a lot more crowded on the weekend check crowd calendars to try to get an idea ahead of time for what to expect as far as how busy it's gonna be and avoid holidays and long weekends to stay away from the largest crowd levels in disney world also try traveling during the off-season if you can january through mid-february again avoiding those holidays and august into september but honestly right now we are seeing really really erratic crowds we're seeing parts of parks being super full and crowded and parts of parks being empty this is what we've been seeing since disney world reopened in 2020 so i think it's gonna continue to be really difficult to predict but definitely the crowds are getting worse now this is a super interesting thing that our followers were not prepared for buzzkills laura ash one of our instagram followers was shocked to find a surprise aunt susan in my group i had no idea she said i love that thank you for talking about aunt susan that's so fun those aunt susans they might sneakily wreck your trip they're gonna push everyone a little bit too far get a little too upset about things that don't really matter often they're just a bit of a buzz kill you may end up in disney with someone who you thought traveled well and would really enjoy their time and they are just not having it the lines the crowds they're ready for a cosmo by the pool after your second 45-minute wait for a ride you know your group and if you suspect you might have a secret aunt susan try to head off the meltdowns make sure everyone's included in making plans everyone gets a say in what you do and when you do it have her or him listen to this video so they know what they need to be prepared for and give everyone a little bit of control make it a group effort also if someone starts to emerge as a negative nelly or an aunt susan on your trip split up let them go back to the hotel let them go to the restaurant they want to go to and you guys go to another restaurant like don't be afraid to split up the group if someone's unhappy with what's going on because that negativity is contagious okay now this one's a weird one and that's sticky hand sanitizer a surprising and new unexpected hiccup in your disney trip gross hand sanitizer now all sanitizer is gonna you know sanitize your hands but they are not all created equal i think that's a weird lesson we've all learned over the past year and a half little g hollister on instagram lamented the sticky hand sanitizers bring your own pack some in your bag i bring a big bottle and refill my little travel size bottle to take into the park so i never have to be at the whim of whatever is in the sanitizer pumps in the park because sometimes they're like lumpy and gritty it's so weird and sometimes they don't even get refilled on time so i always have my little travel hand sanitizer that again like i said i fill every night in my hotel room so i've got my stuff that i like that isn't sticky and weird and gritty next one that people aren't prepared for construction we are all sick of walcott by now right maybe you've been lucky enough to not have to experience the currently wildly confusing layout of full construction walls that is the front of epcot at the moment but it's not fun and it's continually confusing jane.stock on instagram commented that future world is so congested while cara custodio said i was unprepared for my sense of direction getting thrown off without the central walkway in epcot all those walls are blocking off construction happening on the guardians of the galaxy coaster the old mouse gear merchandise shop and the rest of the center of epcot on the other side of spaceship earth we're expecting a new store and a new club cool where you can taste all those coca-cola sodas to open sometime this summer if things go according to plants but a lot of that construction work will be sticking around well into next year grab a map leave a little extra time to get between soarin and test track and read the signs on the walls they tell you where to go something else people were not prepared for the emotions yep how you feel about a fireworks show really might surprise you i'm a pretty sarcastic down-to-earth unemotional person and sometimes it gets rough you guys grown adults are crying in magic kingdom all the time and it's not because they just saw their credit card bill becca l said i still cry every time i see the castle at the end of main street like i said disney lets you vacation outside of the real world which can mean you might let your guard down because you don't have all that real world stress or maybe just having a bunch of emotions on top of that stress will just break you down i don't know crying can be therapeutic though so if you find yourself tearing up when tink flies across the castle hub know that you're not alone a lot of our followers were caught off guard by the strong emotions they felt in disney world now let's talk getting sick next our team has dealt with some tough stuff during their trips we've all been to disney world a lot which means we've seen it all the worst has got to be when you or your family gets sick on vacation one of our dfb team members said our trip crawled to a stop while we figured out how to get meds at the time for the kiddo and for hubby it meant making peace with him sleeping all day in the room while we had fun if you get sick make sure to take care of yourself disney's got a lot of over-the-counter meds in their hotel gift shops and if you're in the parks you can swing by first aid they have individual doses for you there disney even offers transportation to local urgent care centers should you need medical attention and obviously if you're feeling under the weather take stock of your symptoms and if you're contagious or potentially contagious please please please stay away from others if you're concerned about covet exposure talk to a cast member at your hotel via phone disney has systems in place to handle and help out any guests who may be experiencing covet symptoms you can absolutely get tests on property to find out what's going on now i can remember my husband getting food poisoning in disney world and that was an awful three days where he was just bedridden for you know i think our trip was four days total and he was there for in the room for three days so that was my first time kind of experiencing a solo trip to disney world and it was a lot of fun not gonna lie so maybe that was kind of the beginning of of what i do for a living all right next thing a lot of folks are not prepared for disney traffic this is less catastrophic than getting stick but it's still a nightmare to deal with disney springs on the weekends can be a headache-inducing experience if you're planning to drive yourself one of our team members recommends that you don't take your own car use disney transportation and get there in advance nothing more stressful than watching your boathouse reservation window ticked by while you're waiting in traffic and this 100 happened to me as well i had a wine bar george reservation i was in traffic to get to disney springs for over an hour literally over an hour just sitting in front of disney springs in traffic trying to get there so plan for some major traffic getting into parks in the morning as well toll booth lines at the entrance to parking lots and at the parks can get outrageously long just before a nat park opening if you're on a disney bus they thankfully get to bypass that weight but you'll still have to do the whole transportation waiting game so driving yourself and taking a disney bus may take about the same amount of time first thing in the morning all right now be careful because a lot of people are not prepared for falling in love with disney not everyone is a major disney fan from the get-go you may be planning a trip with someone who doesn't really get it or maybe that person is you and you're just trying to do as much research as possible to make this whole thing as painless as possible well watch out because you might find yourself feeling differently after you arrive kim r was not a big disney fan but shocked how much we love disney world and carissa r said i really didn't think i'd like it as much as i did while lisa f was surprised by how much my husband would love it he loves thrill rides which is sort of limited at disney world when given the choice he will choose disney world over anywhere else your family member who was not so into disney may find out they really enjoy it there's something for everyone there's no one-size-fits-all trip and plenty of non-disney things to do that can win over even the biggest anti-disney folks we've got a video about some of those less disney fight activities so check that out after this and then of course the wanting to go back once you've fallen for disney you may find yourself planning another trip when you swore this would be a one and done thing you know just to see what it's all about carrick m said i've been a disneyland and dca girl my whole life but disney world stole my heart and for katrina d my once in a lifetime holiday turned into once a year because i fell in love with the place if you find yourself thinking about your next trip before you even finish up your current trip check to see if disney is offering any bounce back offers these are special hotel discounts that are only available to guests currently staying in a disney world hotel they're often better deals than what is available for everyone else and are eligible for dates much further in the future disney usually only releases discounts for four to six months in the future those bounce back offers could be good for a year from now now how do you get them there may be a card in your room detailing the current offer or you can always call 407-939-1923 from your room to see what's available if you change your mind after booking you can always reschedule or cancel that trip but you won't be able to get that offer once you leave disney world pretty tricky huh now whether you're planning your first trip or your next trip right after you got home because you can't get disney out of your head we are here for you we spend day in and day out finding the latest and greatest tips to bring to you here on the channel so you're prepared for everything disney can throw at you if you want to make sure you don't miss a thing sign up for our newsletter it's completely free we send it out nearly every day and every time there's a major news story from disney you know like when they reinstated mask usage in the parks our newsletter subscribers were the first to know you'll find the link to sign up right in the description below this video so there we go 30 things you weren't prepared for in disney world it's literally you because we based this on our followers i hope these have been helpful and i thank you so much for listening thanks for watching for those of you that are subscribers we really really appreciate you coming back time and again to experience disney world with us as always this is aj for disney food vlog and we'll see you real soon you
Channel: DFBGuide
Views: 246,847
Rating: 4.9462271 out of 5
Keywords: disneyfood, disney, disney world, disneyland, disneyvideo, disneyvacation, food, disney parks, disney travel, disney tips, disney guides, disney planning, disney trip, disney how to, disney vlog, disney vlogger
Id: VzDgh1vPGl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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