16 Things That Should Terrify You About Disney World

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this video isn't terrifying in the horror movie sense we're not gonna tell you a story of a headless horseman or add some random jump scare after showing you a clip of cinderella castle or are we i'm just kidding we won't this time however this is a cautionary tale for all you first time disney world guests out there or even for the frequent disney world traveler who hasn't been in a minute or hasn't kept in the know things have changed in disney world and they've changed a lot [Music] hey everyone it's aj from disney food blog and today we're going to talk about the 15 things that should terrify you about disney world disney world's not a scary place well usually unless you're ed it's tough to be a bug in disney's animal kingdom then it's horrifying but it might terrify you in different ways when it comes to unpredictable circumstances virtual planning and the new ways things work in general but hey that's why we're talking about them so you can be prepared for disney world changes in sticky situations ahead of time before you jump into planning mode and before you get there and get surprised let's get started all right we got to start with sticker shock the initial cost of disney is expensive you got to drop the big bucks to grab a flight book a hotel buy the park tickets you know the fun adulty stuff but if you've only budgeted enough for those main items and have a little bit of moolah set aside for the rest of the trip well you're about to start quaking in your boots because yikes that's not the end of your major purchases without further ado let's talk food we're talking breakfast lunch dinner snacks second breakfast foods add up quickly on a disney trip especially when you consider how food prices hike up all the time we saw prices rise over in epcot's france pavilion the artisan de glass crepes to chefs to france and la vinsday chefs de france all have menu items that have risen in price some of those price increases include the macaron sandwiches that are seven bucks instead of 469 the ice cream martinis are 13.95 instead of 1197 the ice cream crepes that are 650 instead of six i know it seems small but every little scent adds up and if everything you buy on vacation costs three dollars more than it used to that gets a little pricey other food price increases we've seen lately are from our beloved adventureland spring roll card over in the magic kingdom which now has us paying 9.50 per two spring rolls instead of 750 and we've also seen price increases at temponado and tokyo dining over nebco's japan pavilion splitsville's sushi rolls over in disney springs even joffrey's coffee kiosks have experienced price bump ups now you may think we're a little crazy for paying attention to every nickel and dime that disney increases prices but hey that's our job that's why you watch this we want to make sure that you know it's not just hotel and park tickets that you're paying for in disney world you're paying for food and it's really expensive food now we're only naming the restaurants we remember seeing recently sneaky little price bump ups like this happen constantly at disney restaurants they don't seem drastic at first just a few cents or dollar raises here and there but when it happens yearly and regularly across property it really starts taking a toll on your wallet aside from increased prices disney food is just flat out pricey anyway now you might hear some folks recommending the disney dining plan which has not yet returned to the parks but will be back sometime in the near future according to disney however this plan hasn't always given us the best bang for our buck in the past and it might not for you either you really have to put in the work to come out ahead when using the disney dining plan believe me disney does not like to sell you something that isn't profitable for them and so they have done the work they've put in the surveys they've checked the data they know exactly how much money most people spend on food and the dining plan is priced accordingly they aren't going to give you something that they're going to lose money on you guys so if you want to try to save money on the disney dining plan that means go to the most expensive restaurants you can order the most expensive food you can don't let any snack credit get left behind you got to use all those snack credits and use them wisely and well make sure you're buying the most expensive snacks in disney world now we've got videos on all of that we've got videos on how to maximize your dining plan how to make sure you get the most benefit for your buck but most of the time if you get the disney dining plan you're either going to lose money or you are going to break even the best thing about the disney dining plan right now is that it can help you budget so basically you pay for all of your food ahead of time and then when you actually get to disney world all you have to pay for is tips and gratuity but if you're worried about saving the most money you can you may be better off searching out deals and paying out of pocket rather than opting for the dining plan so check out some of our previous videos find out what the cheapest dining and snack options in disney world are and if you decide to eat around the food and wine festival consider getting a gift card for yourself loading it with a set amount of money that way you can keep better track of how much you're spending on food instead of mindlessly handing over your debit card to one booth after the other plus if you ever need to reload the gift card with more money you always can at one of the main gift shop locations but that's always helpful from a budget perspective is you actually have to go and reload it which means you have to actually pay attention to how much you're spending plus once you're done you got a nice little gift card souvenir to remind you of all the money you've spent on food that day ah memories but yeah i know a lot of you love the dining plan and that's great if it works for you works for your family if you've crunched the numbers and you save money on the dining plan that is super in our dfb guide every year we crunch the numbers we basically have a made up family go to disney world and buy all the food they would get on the dining plan and usually we cannot make it save money we always try we try really hard but usually it may save five dollars and it may lose money so our number crunching that's what it's come up with but i know some of you absolutely love and swear by the dining plan and that's awesome you can always put your thoughts in the comments okay sticking with the sticker shock we want to talk about a few more price increases in disney world that are going to affect your wallet a little bit more than just those little food price increases remember that if you want to park at a disney resort overnight you're going to have to pay 15 to 25 dollars per night you want to customize an authentic lightsaber at savvy's workshop you're dropping 219 for that bad boy yep that price went up you need a reusable bag for your shopping extravaganzas it's three bucks now for a large bag which may not seem significant but it might hurt a little more when you realize they were only one dollar last year and you want a park hop well that'll be an extra 65 to 85 on top of what you're already paying for a regular park ticket magic bands those are going to be 20 bucks or 35 if you want a special limited edition one so make sure you're setting aside extra money for those expenses for those souvenirs save more than you think you're gonna need because you're gonna need it okay another thing that can and should probably terrify you about disney world is those crowds those massive massive crowds that are just gonna get worse if you're planning on an upcoming disney world trip and trying to tell yourself self the crowds won't be that bad just know that you're well you're lying to yourself and that's uncool even with the parks still not at full capacity at least we don't think they are there are many guests who are making their way to disney world after not getting the chance to go for over a year plus experiences are slowly but surely returning to the parks and each time they do there's another giant influx of people who come rushing in to welcome it back this is going to get even scarier around disney's 50th anniversary big crowds are predicted for october 1st which is the kickoff of the celebration but this event goes on for 18 months meaning that's 18 months of guests trying to get into the parks to see all the iridescent decor and limited edition experiences before they're gone just make sure your expectations are set ahead of time if you plan on going in the near future there's a good possibility you won't get to do everything you wanted to do now i think the crowds are going to be specifically bad they're on october 1st and the weeks surrounding it i think by that point all of the disney diehards like me will have already been there and will have left so maybe later in october early in november and definitely by next january you're gonna have a probably a better experience but i think here for this year and a half disney's really going to market as much as possible and get as many people in those parks as they can in a safe way and when you are there be courteous to other guests in the park and please please please be nice to cast members you want to make sure to give others plenty of breathing room and space and remember the cast members are there to keep you safe they didn't make up the rules they're just trying to enforce them now one last thing don't forget to make a park pass reservation after you purchase a park ticket those park pass reservations are put in place to help regulate crowds and on the super busy park days they fill up real fast so plan ahead and don't forget to do it you don't want to purchase a park ticket and not be able to use it because you forgot about that newish and yet oh so crucial next step you can make a park pass reservation by going on your my disney experience account online or your my disney experience app so we have previous videos going over the step-by-step process of making a park pass reservation and we'll link those down below for you but please please please don't forget to make them we see people all the time every day at guest relations who are devastated because they didn't make a park pass which means they can't get into the park all right moving on with those crowds if you have not tried to leave the parks after the fireworks they will be a shocker for you picture this you just watch happily ever after at the end of your magic kingdom day the tears are still fresh in your eyes you're still applauding even after the last fireworks shoots off and the final note of the song concludes but by now the terror is beginning we're talking about that mass exodus heading straight for the park exit after the fireworks crowds bottleneck main street usa you really don't see anything like it the rest of your trip in disney world and it makes leaving the park even more miserable than it already is the fairy crowded the monorail crowded the buses crowded lines stretching way back to the park entrance doesn't matter how exhausted you are you'll still be waiting in line for a while before your head gets to reunite with your hotel room pillow so here are a few tips for that because i've lost family members in those crowds before it can be wild okay so don't leave the park just yet we know you're tired but if you're going to wait out the crowds you might as well wait them out inside magic kingdom rather than outside in a miserable hot exhausting line main street usa stores stay open an hour after the park closes and this is the same for bigger stores at the other parks too like mouse gear over at epcot so take some time to browse a bit or take a seat somewhere on main street and just you know people watch reflect get your meditation in some final pics of the castle maybe 30 minutes after magic kingdom closes you'll be able to watch the castle's kiss good night now this isn't an extra show it's more so the park's way of giving guests a final send-off cinderella castle is lit up in a vibrant blue glow and when you wish upon a star starts and they give you one less motivational speech over the loud speaker and if you're not already half asleep by then it's a really sweet moment sometimes mickey comes on and says goodbye to you it's a cherry on the top of an all-around good day it's nice it's relaxing you're not literally smashed up against the wall of a bus that's great now if you really don't want to stay any longer at magic kingdom than you need to then try watching the happily ever after fireworks toward the back of main street near the flagpole you'll be closer to the exit once the show concludes which will give you a better shot at beating the mob of guests that'll be barreling towards the front even before the roaring applause dies down just be warned people will probably be leaving before the show's conclusion so your view might be interrupted by passersby who are exiting the park before the show has ended now one last tip if you know you're gonna be watching fireworks in the parks that night consider sleeping in that day or giving yourself a break in the middle of the day for naps so you can be well rested and bright-eyed for the show and this is especially important for kiddos who'll be staying up way past their bedtimes and may get fussy while waiting for transportation to show up after the show and then when you finally get on the bus they'll fall asleep and then they'll wake up when you're trying to go into your hotel room and then they'll never go to sleep again right right that's not good let's avoid that okay another thing that can be really scary in disney world is everybody else yeah all the people there's lots of people and i'm not talking crowds i'm talking about people and their bad behavior this is a really terrifying one because despite being immersed in a place called the most magical place on earth there will always be those guests who aren't all that magical to be around off the top of my head i'm thinking about the guests who are screaming at their children our mouthy cast members or have this overall unearned sense of entitlement about them can you tell we've experienced this before and spoiler alert some of these people might be your family members i know that i have yelled at my children in disney world so i'm gonna own that now even if you're not with these guests the whole day they can ruin an experience for you just like that we can't necessarily fix them and their party pooper attitudes for you but we can give you some tidbits of advice on when you encounter them which you most likely will first off take note of what we said earlier you're not gonna be with them all day if there's a guest out there that's really harshing your mellow as the cool kids still totally say move on to a different area of the park don't let it steam you up because the only person who gets hurt in that situation is you we guarantee you those guests with the attitude problems don't care a lick about what you're thinking about them they've got their own baggage to carry so now that we've ranted a bit here's the softer side you have no idea what that guest is going through could this sourpuss just be bratty for the sake of being bratty sure but there could be a lot going on behind the scenes that you'll never know about so again everybody's carrying their own stone up the mountain don't take their sour attitudes personally just keep swimming and again if that person is you or someone in your family take that as a note that it's time to go take a rest it's time to go back to the hotel it's time to relax it's time to get some food because sometimes that's just hangry coming out so if you're the person that's ruining the experience for everyone around you time to go it's time to take a nap again i'll own it i've been there and remember if that person is you if that person is your spouse or your kids it happens to all of us believe me so here's a way to try to prevent it i promise you it'll happen at least once but here's how we try to prevent it take those snack breaks slip into an air-conditioned show for 15 or 20 minutes maybe you want to escape back to the hotel room like i said don't push yourself to the limit it's not worth it you might be hyped to travel with your family or your friends whoever you're adventuring with but not every moment's going to be magic and pixie dust sometimes it's easiest to snap on the people we love the most especially when we're tired we're on vacation we're spending way too much money and we're hungry all the same time and most of the time arguments will come from split decisions half the party wants to ride space mountain at magic kingdom the other half wants to watch country bear jamboree or some people want to taste around the world showcase booths that i've caught while the others want to have a sit-down meal to get out of the heat it's okay to split up and reconvene in a later time this might be a family vacation or a vacation with all your friends but that doesn't mean everyone has to stay together all the time it's your vacation too that being said be mindful of the other people in your party take turns making executive decisions for the group plan ahead so you don't have split second last minute decisions to make remember that plenty of breaks and times to get off your feet for a bit are necessary to prevent that tension from reaching a scary place all right now with every passing year your phone becomes more and more crucial at disney world and that's what this thing that should terrify you about disney world stems from losing phone battery it happens to everyone the my disney experience app holds your dining reservations allows you to snag rise of the resistance boarding passes keeps track your magic mobile tickets helps you make purchases so you can skip some of the disney gift store lines watches ride wait times for you downloads your photos in a nutshell that app juggles a lot for you so if your phone battery dies while you're at the parks basically your whole vacation dies now let's not panic just yet we got a few solutions for you disney's got different fuel rod locations around property those are those little portable chargers that hook up to your power cord and recharge your phone it costs 30 bucks but when the fuel rod you're using runs out of juice you can exchange it in any fuel rod dispenser around the parks for a new fully charged fuel rod which is kind of cool now you can also purchase a portable charger ahead of time on amazon or your local big box retail store this is going to cost you a lot less probably and get a lot more charges on your phone if you have your charging cord on you you don't mind taking a minute or two out of your hectic park day while you wait for your phone to be brought back from the brink of death disney world has some charging outlets as well located around their parks and resorts few locations you can find those are in the tree stumps near the tangled restrooms and in the space mountain gift shop in magic kingdom star wars launch bay at hollywood studios the wooden light posts near expedition everest disney's animal kingdom near the bathrooms between italy and germany pavilions and near the kringlea bakery og cafe in the norway pavilion at epcot so your phone is really important it's really critical you don't want to lose that battery so plan ahead and make sure you have a way to recharge speaking of recharging i'm not even joking we're going to talk about dehydrating because it is really really really scary when it happens to you especially for the first time and you don't know what's happening now in the summer orlando averages around mid to lower 90s temp and mixed with the humidity that is unbearable you walk out the door you're already sweating so it's really really easy to dehydrate in florida you're walking around outside miles and miles and miles each day and if your body's not used to that that's a problem this is what it feels like to be dehydrated you can feel sick to your stomach you can feel dizzy obviously you're thirsty you can feel very very tired you can get headaches so all of that stuff that kind of feels like normal stuff sometimes that can actually mean you're dehydrated or dehydrating so bring a refillable water bottle fill it up at the water stations around the parks this will help you reduce plastic waste of course but you'll also be reducing the amount of money you're forking over for water and here are a few of the places you can fill up your reusable water bottles in epcot there are water stations next to epcot experience near the bathrooms over by the travelers cafe which is the starbucks location also near the restrooms and close to the disney skyliner look towards the international gateway those are also by the bathrooms hollywood studios has refillable water stations near a couple of restrooms two millennium falcon smugglers run and the one by the disney skyliner entrance they also have one in the queue line of slinky dog dash which is really really smart thinking because that's an outdoor line refillable water stations and animal kingdom are a little bit more challenging to get access to they are in the queue lines of avatar flight of passage navi river journey and expedition everest so you're gonna have to wait in line for rides and water strangely enough magic kingdom doesn't have water refilling stations yet the one they used to have was located inside cosmic ray's starlight cafe but it's been closed for a while now that being said you are still able to ask for complimentary water cups at any quick service restaurants anywhere in walt disney world and they're free so if you're starting to feel sick if you're starting to feel dizzy if you're starting to feel headachy and fatigued get into the air conditioning get yourself some water you will feel much much better i promise now something else that a lot of people are terrified about at disney world is fomo the fear of missing out of not doing everything that they're going to want to do it's a serious thing the struggle is real as you lead up to your disney world vacation all you're doing is hearing from like all the other moms in the pickup line all the other guys in the office the things they did at disney world your kids telling you what all his friends did at disney world and you're like how am i gonna do all this stuff so that i you know had the best possible experience especially when you have people like me telling you all the time it's impossible to do everything at disney and there's tons of things that disney world that book up way in advance so there's basically no way you can do everything at disney world so let's talk about that there are a few things you do need to book ahead of time these are going to be 60 days in advance and here are the dining options that everybody wants to do but you got to book really far in advance cinderella castle be our guest restaurant garden grill sci-fi dinan oga's cantina tiffan's homecoming california grill and of course ohana you get the gist a lot of table service restaurants book up quickly especially since the seating is limited savvy's workshop over at star wars galaxy's edge you remember this one right the 219 experience that's an immersive lightsaber building show that also requires a reservation 60 days out despite it costing an arm and a leg to create your own authentic lightsaber star wars fans love this place and if you want to take part in the fun you got to jump on your my disney experience app and make the reservation two months out in some cases it doesn't matter how far in advance we planned for our vacations some of our favorite experiences just haven't returned to the disney world parks yet and they may not be available during your upcoming trip either those include the festival of fantasy parade and magic kingdom character meet and greets where you actually get to hug mickey mouse those aren't back yet fantasmic at hollywood studios indiana jones voyage of the little mermaid also at hollywood studios finding nemo the musical over there in animal kingdom hoop to do musical review in fort wilderness and spirit of aloha dinner show at the polynesian village resort so if missing any of those experiences is going to break the trip for you you may want to wait a bit longer before making those final ticket in hotel room purchases disney's been bringing a lot of experiences back slowly but surely so you might get lucky and see when your favorite experiences return too but if it's a deal breaker just postpone your trip go a little bit later if you can and wait until those guys come back now we're not saying that holding off on your trip is going to magically bring back the other experiences some of them may never return we literally don't know but you might be able to get a better idea of when these shows and attractions could be returning we're predicting more and more experiences will open up as we get closer to the 50th anniversary celebration and as we go through that 50th anniversary celebration so yeah it's a gamble but if you keep checking in with us on the disney website we'll keep you updated about our weekly updates and let you know when we hear any more news about disney experiences opening back up you know joining our newsletter means you're going to be the first to know now this next one is probably the number one thing that people are scared of when they go to disney world at the moment and it's not the skyliner it's not getting a rise of the resistance boarding pass i hate to sound like a pessimist here but being listic there's a chance you might not be able to ride the most popular ride disney world when you go rise of the resistance in star wars galaxy's edge at hollywood studios is incredible it's immersive it's got state of the art animatronics it's got thrills and trackless dark ride features can't just wait in line for this one you've got to get on your my disney experience app and snag what disney calls a boarding pass in order to get in the queue line for this ride boarding passes are distributed twice each day once it's 7 am once at 1pm and when we say distributed we don't mean you can go on to the my disney experience app whenever you want the day of your hollywood studios visit to grab a pass you got to get on your phone and grab the pass the very second the clock changes over from 6 59 a.m to 7 a.m if you're even 10 seconds behind on grabbing a boarding pass you're gonna miss your window of opportunity when i tried to get one a few months ago i missed out yeah i know it's brutal but here are a few tidbits of advice for you study up ahead of time make sure you go to the home page of your my disney experience app see if you can locate the virtual queue area this is where you're going to go to join the rise the resistance is virtual queue wake up early if you miss that 7 am distribution time you'll still have one more chance to grab your boarding passes at 1 pm while you're in the park but you'll have a better chance of getting a pass if you try twice rather than once that's the math for you probability everyone the nice thing about the 7am distribution time is that you can make it from the comfort of your hotel room rather than having to be physically in the park so make sure you're awake you're alert you've practiced and your quick button mashing skills are ready to go also make sure your wi-fi is solid the last thing you want is for a bad internet connection to ruin your chances of getting on rise the resistance if that disney resort wi-fi is acting up you'll know ahead of time to disconnect it and depend on your regular cell service to get the job done and make sure you're ready to go at the very second the clock strikes 7am if you have another person in your travel party who's willing to wake up with you and help you on this important mission have them keep watch of the exact seconds on a world clock website like timeanddate.com and also hey if that person's awake you both need to try to get a boarding pass we're not trying to overscare you here we're telling the truth boarding passes literally go within seconds now let's say you did all these steps and let's say both boarding distribution times have come and gone and you're left boarding passless as cool as this ride is don't let fomo ruin the rest of your day for you there are still plenty of things to do around disney's hollywood studios all the other rides in the park you can get in a normal q line for mickey and minnie's runaway railway millennium falcons smuggler's run slinky dog dash rock and roller coaster tower of terror etc oh and another quick tip for rise of the resistance if you're trying to get multiple boarding passes for multiple people in your group make sure that you're all linked and connected on the my disney experience app before you try to get a boarding group that way the app will just grab everybody that has a hollywood studios park pass that day and lump them in with you and that rise the resistance boarding group because if you waste time pressing a bunch of buttons of people who aren't connected to you already you're going to lose out for more rise of the resistance tips head to disney foodblog.com rise tips oh and speaking of fomo if you're about to go on your first trip to disney world you're probably going to receive a lot of different recommendations from family members who have visited in the past and strangers on the internet who think they know what's best for you we're not strangers though we're bffs so you can totally listen to dfb and honestly these are great springboards you need to converse with people who've been around the block before so you don't go into planning completely clueless that being said you also need to consider what's best for you and your travel party you don't want to waste money on food hotels or experiences that aren't right for you that's where we come in our job is to make sure we relay to you what experiences are like so you can figure out if they're right for you and your group so for example if you're a group of adults traveling to disney on a budget cinderella's royal table might not be the best table service for you it's incredibly expensive the food's not that great and it's really hard to get a reservation for now on the flip opposite side of things perhaps you've been recommended all-star value resorts because they're affordable price ranges sure those are more affordable than others but if you're heading to disney world for your honeymoon this isn't exactly the most romantic option a lot of moderate resorts like coronado springs grandistino tower might be a slightly more expensive but will provide a better luxury experience at a decent price for newlyweds for the middle of august we were finding water view rooms at coronado springs at 293 per night compared to disney's all-star movies which is priced around 181 you're looking at about a hundred dollar difference there which does add up but is something to consider if you're looking for somewhere with a little bit more to offer in terms of amenities and decor and don't even get us started on how disney world itself tries to convince you to purchase different really great deals for your trip look we love disney but they're really good at pressuring us into pricey experiences we could have lived without we've done videos in the past talking about different ways disney likes to mess with our minds and get us to think we need to spend more money than we already are like that's why i have a porg puppet in my house right now seriously why do i need no i don't need a porg puppet but i have one i couldn't help myself thanks disney but we've got a great video called how disney tricks you into spending more money some of these ways include packaging bundles disney will put together discounts for park tickets hotels and dining all wrapped into one great deal but if you look at the teeny tiny fine print you'll see this deal works for a two-night stay you don't have to stay seven nights very tricky disney's bounce back offers can feel very peer pressurey too these are discounted offers for guests currently staying at a disney hotel telling you that if you book your next disney vacation before your current vacation ends disney will give you one heck of a deal for that next hotel room of yours now you can cancel or reschedule that bounce back offer but will you now don't get me wrong i've used lots of bounce back offers that's why i do this for a living because they have definitely sucked me in but to each their own you know if you're looking to book a six to seven night stay or you really do want to book your next vacation during your current one don't let us stop you we just want you to be aware that so many people try to dip their toes into your vacation planning but you don't need to go with the crowd plan the trip that's going to make the most sense financially for you and your travel party make sure you're doing things you guys want to do not just the things that you're being pressured into doing because other people's opinions are definitely terrifying sometimes and finally let's talk about how things are just really really changing a lot disney world's not the same as it used to be and that can be scary for some people who are really used to what they're used to cinderella castle is changing a lot of preps going into that 50th anniversary celebration and that pink painted cinderella castle is the main emblem of how incredibly different disney world has become if you haven't been to epcot in a while you probably haven't seen walcott yeah you heard right walcott there are so many construction walls all over epcot which really puts you out of the park's immersiveness don't be too terrified by this unless your upcoming trip is soon then just be a little terrified walcott's not going to last forever it's preparing us for a lot of future editions and renovations that will make this park all shiny and new but very very different from what 80s kids are used to these changes include that high-tech play pavilion the harmonious fireworks are going to be starting guardians of the galaxy cosmic rewind coaster space 220 that crazy space restaurant remy's ratatouille adventure is coming up here just in a couple months and the new creperie restaurant moana journey of water there's a lot of cool stuff coming and hopefully that helps you understand why epcot is kind of a hot mess right now but it's really not going to be the same as what you remembered the next time you go we've also got big resort changes hotel changes disney's polynesian village resort well that's a moana resort now so if you're staying at the polynesian village in the near future expect your rooms to have wall accent art inspired by maui's tattoos you're gonna have heihei in there and also disney's contemporary resort will be reopening its rooms with major themes around pixar's incredibles so we're getting very modern sleek vibes but you're definitely going to have frozone on the pillow on your bed now change isn't always terrible and it affects people differently especially people who love disney and some disney purists out there might be a bit terrified to see how much disney's actually changed in many other ways since reopening last year disney world becomes more different every single day we've said it before we'll say it again keep watching our channel and we'll keep you in the know now this one may seem like it's some germaphobia talking but who really wants to eat food that's been sitting out with so many people mushing it around and touching all those utensils yes we are talking about buffets disney buffets are wildly popular while they haven't come back to disney world just yet a few of them are up and running in disneyland so it's likely just a matter of time until chef mickey's this once again a free-for-all scoop your own cheesy potatoes now i know that sneeze guard is there and the food gets replaced relatively quickly but i'm always going to prefer food that's coming plated just for me not having to stand in line to touch something hundreds of other people have touched it's kind of similar with water fountains you don't know that some kid hasn't slobbered all over that thing now note to disney install more of those touchless water bottle fillers so i don't have to think about chris pratt and parks and rec and you know that scene i'm talking about luckily for the time being a lot of former buffet restaurants are serving things family style or as plated entrees and they are awesome crystal palace great right now beer garden awesome now to me it has seemed like the food has dramatically improved at those restaurants with the change away from buffets so i'm really really hoping they stay that way but let me know what you think our buffet is a thing of nightmares or do you love them all right now another thing you should be terrified of at disney world is something a lot of our team has actually experienced and that's believe it or not fireworks fallout this is a legit concern if you're standing in the wind when this got brought up on our dfb slack channel a bunch of our team members recounted times they've suddenly been hit with pieces of fireworks we're talking like pieces of ash not the literal explosion that would be extremely terrifying still no one wants to end up with smoldering cardboard on their shoulder and end up leaving epcot covered in soot pay attention to the way the wind is blowing when staking out your spot for the show if the wind is coming in your direction the smoke and potentially fireworks debris will be coming your way if the wind is blowing away from you you'll get a better and clearer view of the show without having to worry about the fallout now the next thing you should be terrified about at disney world is not just traffic but people who have no clue where they're going it can get very very dangerous people are visiting disney world for the first time all the time and that can mean you come across a lot of traffic and people who don't know their way around property you will get cut off you will see cars travel across like three lanes to take an exit because they just noticed that that exit has the you know is listing the place they want to go and at the end of the night leaving disney springs when people have been drinking it can get very very scary on the roads around disney world so keep your wits about you use your gps your gps is going to be much much more reliable than the actual signs around disney world the signs will get you where you want to go but those signs have been set up to regulate traffic patterns not to get you where you want to go the quickest and most efficient way so use your gps and keep an eye on kind of where those exits are so that you're not the one crossing three lanes of traffic at the last minute to try to take an exit now this next one we've had on the channel a couple of times but it's still really interesting and it's something that a lot of people have never heard of and that's bathrooms that lock yeah a bathroom stall that doesn't lock can be terror inducing but it's the full bathrooms that come with a deadbolt that should really stress you out one of the unique design elements of the bathrooms and animal kingdom is that all of the bathroom doors lock from the inside why you might ask does this feature need to be installed well you know just in case some animals escape and start running wild in the park endangering guests not too many things are really truly scary at disney but this could be one of them so fyi if you ever see like a rhino coming at you in disney world get to a public bathroom close the door and lock it and i'm not talking about the stalls i'm talking about the actual door to the bathroom that's the thing that locks now luckily disney's never had to use those bathroom locks as all of the animals have stayed exactly where they're supposed to be well except those giraffes that constantly block the roadways and delay your safari and another thing to be terrified of in disney world is all of your hard work and planning getting ruined by completely unexpected things this happens to all of us so you want to be prepared for it you spend months maybe even years planning every single aspect of your trip only to have it ruined in about two seconds by something you couldn't possibly have planned for like a dad putting his kid on his shoulders right in front of you after staking out a fireworks spot for two hours true story one of our teammates friends almost witnessed an all-out brawl over fireworks spots in magic kingdom just last week tensions are high when it comes to disney and having the perfect trip but check your emotions because no firework spot no matter how perfect is worth being asked to leave the park and tech glitches can throw a huge wrench in your plants too if as the resistance breaks down when you finally got a boarding group you'll likely be given a fast pass to ride it the next day but what if it's your last day at disney world and you just don't get to ride even after all that planning and succeeding and getting a boarding group no matter how much you plan something can always go wrong and it's important to take things in stride go with the flow when things aren't going perfectly build in that extra time to relax or get a little extra sleep get a little extra rest a bad attitude can ruin your trip faster than any mishap and you want to keep monitoring your family for those attitudes as well all right have we scared you to your very core disney world's a ton of fun and helps you make life lasting memories with your friends and family but sometimes the prices the changes and the guests are so overwhelming it's terrifying to plan if you're planning an upcoming trip we won't be there to provide you with a security blanket and tell you that everything's gonna be all right but what we can do is so much more so stick with us we're gonna help you make sure you don't fall into any of those planning traps or make any of those mistakes because with disney world as different as it is right now based on covid the pandemic all the changes that have been made the technology updates it's really really really helpful to have someone in the know to guide you through it that's what we're here for so thank you so much for listening i know this was a long one but it's a really really important one thanks for watching as always this is aj for disney food vlog and we'll see you real soon you
Channel: DFBGuide
Views: 413,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disneyfood, disney, disney world, disneyland, disneyvideo, disneyvacation, food, disney parks, disney travel, disney tips, disney guides, disney planning, disney trip, disney how to, disney vlog, disney vlogger
Id: _nxwQqd1dXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 32sec (2192 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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