30 things to do After Installing Manjaro XFCE (2021)

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this is what you all have been waiting for it's 30 things to do after installing manjaro you don't have to do all of these things but i believe you will find many of them useful let's get started just before we start i would like to introduce you the sponsor of this video skillshare killshare is a great place to explore creative classes including writing video making music design photography web development different business topics lifestyle and productivity there are many beginners and advanced classes i have already taken the class on how to hand code your first website and created this website right now i refresh my linux knowledge with this completely next training course to get your dream id job by imran afzal if you want to start your career in linux and have little or no knowledge of linux this course will definitely help you it covers all topics from linux installation to administration and troubleshooting the first 1000 subscribers to click on the link in the description will get access to this course and thousands other skillshare videos with two months free premium membership give it a try let's start with them number one back up your system before you do any changes to your system it is always good to have a backup in manjaro you already have a backup application pre-installed if you search for time shift you will open timeshift backup application you will need to enter password to open it next you can click on this wizard button and configure it there are two options here i recommend you to use rxsync but if you have battery fs file system you can also configure it here we will click next then you need to wait for some time before time shift estimates the size of your system if you have several hard drives you can also select them here i have only one hard drive here so i will keep sda1 selected here and click next then you can decide how often you want to make your backups i usually keep one monthly backup one weekly backup and three daily backups so you select what backups you want to do and click next here you can decide what you want to backup you can pick up both your root folder and your home folder if you have enough space i recommend you to backup both but if you have limited space i recommend you to prioritize your home folder this is exactly what i'm going to do i will backup my home folder next so now the backup is configured and you can click finish here so the next snapshot will be created at specified interval but you don't need to wait for that time before you do any changes to your system you can just click here create a snapshot and backup your system it will take some time but i will speed up this video to save your time when your backup is complete you can continue to the next step install drivers to check what drivers are available for your system you need to open manjaro settings and go to hardware configuration and here you will see if any drivers are available for your system i don't have many drivers suggested here because my system does not use any property tire drivers and right now i'm running manjaro in virtualbox so that's why it suggests me to install some of your showbox drivers but if you have for example nvidia video card most likely you will see nvidia appropriate tire drivers offered here also here you can find out the information about all hardware of your system and how it is recognized if you click on this show all devices you will be able to see the names of all hardware of new system for example you can check your network controller you can also see what kind of multimedia controllers you have on your system so this is also sometimes useful for example if manjaro does not recognize your hardware automatically you will be able to find its name here and then you can google the name of the driver for this particular hardware number three switch to local mirror by default manjaro updates your system using the global manjaro server but you can switch to the local server to make this update process much faster if you open your update manager and click on this menu button then you go to preferences enter your password to open it and if you go to this official repositories tab here you will see that you use worldwide mirror but if you click on it you can find your country here select it and this way the updates will be downloaded from the server which is the closest to your country or which is located in your country this way you will reduce the load for the manjaro global mirror but you will also gain some download speed because you will be downloading updates and software packages from the closest mirror to your location then you just need to refresh your mirror list and next time you install anything it will be downloaded from the mirror in your country enable aur or arch user repository one of the benefits of using arch linux and manjaro is based on large linux is you can get access to all packages which are available for linux but to get access to these packages you need to enable the access to aur and you can easily do that in manjaro you just need to open software center go again to this menu references and here in the aur tab you just need to enable it and you can also enable check for edge user repository updates next you can close the settings and you can start searching aur applications for example you may want to install skype which is not available in official arch repository but it is available in aur if you search for skype and then you click on a you are here you will be able to find type for linux application available here then you just click on this build button and install it but i will show you how to do that in the next thing to do after installing manjaro install popular apps as i have shown in the previous thing to do after installing manjaro you can install many popular applications using arch user repository for example you can install skype you just need to click on this build button and then you click apply you can confirm that you want to build it enter your password and wait while the skype application is built and installed on your system similar way you can find many other popular apps and install them just using manjaro software center for example you can find zoom application which is very popular nowadays and install it from here you can also install spotify using our chooser repository it is available here sometimes you will find that one application has several different versions here but you usually need to pick the one which is in the top so you can build and install spotify similar if you use slack messenger you can also find it here here it is available as a slack desktop there are many many other popular applications available in archus repository i hope this was helpful and now you will have access to all applications you need in your manjaro desktop next thing i recommend to do in manjaro is to set your date and time automatically you can easily do that if you open manjaro settings next thing i recommend to do in manjaro is to set your date and time automatically you can easily do that if you open manjaro settings go to time and date and here you just need to select set time and date automatically now manjaro will sync your date and time with the internet you will have very precise time on your computer go to time and date and here you just need to select set time and date automatically now manjaro will sync your date and time with the internet you will have very precise time on your computer number 7 reduce swappiness this feature enables you to force your system to use as much ram as possible and reduce number of writes to your hard drive this way you will get some performance boost i have talked about swap and swap file in one of my previous videos please watch that video if you want to learn more but here i will just show you how to reduce swipe usage on your manjaro for that you need to open terminal and you can check the current swap value of your system for that you need to type cat cis vm swappiness and the default value is usually 60 but we can reduce this value to 10 and to do that you need to create an open file which is located in atc cctl.d 100 manjaro.conf you need to enter your password to open this file and here you need to type vm.swappin equal 10. ctrl o to save the changes then you need to press enter and ctrl x to exit from the nano editor next you need to reboot your system let's do that and if you check your swappiness value after the reboot you will see it is 10 now so now your manjaro will use as much ram as possible and will reduce the use of swap which is located on your hard drive this should give your system little performance boost next thing i recommend is to enable firewall firewall gives additional layer of security to your system i have a separate video where i have talked about firewall in linux and whether you need it or not please watch that video by clicking on the link in this corner but in short i usually encourage people to enable firewall that's why i recommend to enable it in manjaro if you open firewall application you just need to click here to enable it and that's it now your firewall is activated and if you want to learn more about how to use fireball please watch the video which i have referred to before number nine install microsoft phones if you install manjaro with free office you already have access to microsoft phones here as you can see times new roman is one of microsoft phones but these phones will not be available in other applications and to make them available in all other applications for example in you need to install microsoft phones system-wide you can do that if you go to software center and search for ttf ms font here it is then you just need to click on build and apply apply again enter your password and microsoft fonts will be compiled and installed on your system and you will be able to get access to such font as times new roman aerial comic sans and many others in all applications of human jarrah enable dream for ssd i was surprised manjara does not have trim enabled by default because many linux distributions such as ubuntu and linux mint already have it enabled but you can easily enable that and this will optimize the performance of your ssd drive you need to open terminal and check the status of fstream of your system for that you need to type sudo system ctl status fs trim dot timer so as you can see it is inactive but you can easily activate it if you type the same command but instead of status you type start and check the status again you will see a fire stream is activated now so this will improve the performance of your ssd drive if you use ssd drive i highly recommend you to enable fs3 install redshift redshift reduces the amount of blue light on your screen at night which is better for your eyes and it also helps you to fall asleep easier and you can install that application in manjaro if you open software center then you need to search for red shift and install it after the installation open it from the menu after you have started thread shift it will appear in your system tray here you just need to click on it make sure it is enabled and also checks that it is activated for out of start the rest will be done automatically redshift will reduce the amount of blue light on your screen at night i was surprised it is not pre-installed in manjaro by default because many linux distributions already have it build in but now you also have it in human gyro consider installing long term support kernel in your manjaro this is an optional thing to do after installing manjaro and i show it just for your consideration but i believe many of you who would like to have more stability in your manjaro system will use this option so if you open manjaro settings and go to the kernel option you will see there are many different kernels available in your manjaro and you will also find that some of these kernels have lti stock this means this is long-term support kernel and if you want to have more stability in reliability with your system and you don't need the latest kernel i recommend you to install lts kernel but if you use the latest hardware or you want the latest features of course you should stay on the latest kernel everything is up to you if you are not sure you can try both kernels and see which one works better for you but i usually install uts kernel you just need to click on this install button here and the lts kernel will be installed on your system terminal settings after i have installed manjaro i also decided to change some settings for my terminal also manjaro terminal settings are very good i believe i like it little bit differently for example i don't really like the opacity of the terminal because as you can see right now it is little bit disturbing when you have some images in the background so if you click on references here and go to appearance here you can disable opacity but of course it is up to you now when the opacity is disabled it is less distracting to type anything in your terminal and the second option i usually like to enable i go to this view menu and disable show menu bar now my terminal is a bit cleaner and nicer but if you need the menu again you can right click on this terminal and click show menu bar and it will appear here but i usually disable it and this way terminal looks very minimalistic clean and nice firefox settings if you followed my previous videos on things to do after installing any linux distribution you know that i usually adjust my firefox settings and manjara is not exception first thing i do i go to the preferences and here i enable restore previous session so this way when i close firefox with certain tabs open next time i open it it will open with the same tabs this is very useful because it is saves your time and you can transfer your work from one day to another for example next i scroll down these settings and i enable drm support dram is required to play some videos for example netflix videos so this is the second thing i do and the third thing i do i also change the search bar by default you have one bar here which is both your navigation bar and your search bar but sometimes it doesn't work correctly for example if you search for email if you type your email here firefox will open your email client and it will not search for it on the web but if you enable this both location bar and search bar you will be able to search for emails in this search bar i like this old style little more second i also click on this empty space with my right click and go to customize and i remove these empty spaces because it is not necessary to have those empty spaces after that my firefox look like this i have one long location bar search bar firefox will also remember my all open tabs and i can use firefox to play netflix video install google chrome since we have touched upon firefox i know that many users prefer google chrome over firefox and you can of course use google chrome in manjaro as well but you need to install it you open manjaro software center and search for google rom here it is and you click build and apply and it will compile and install google chrome in your manjaro but remember for that you need to have aur enabled in your manjaro which i have showed in one of the previous things to do after installing my gyro so when google chrome is installed you can search for it in your menu you can make default browser if you want but i'm not gonna do that and here it is google chrome running smoothly in your manjaro linux install password manager password manager is another application which i think is essential in any linux distribution but unfortunately there is no password manager installed in manjaro however you can easily fix it if you open manjaro software center and search for key pass xc you will find this application which i use for my password management you can of course check there are many other password managers and install which one you like more but i recommend to use this nice open source password manager so here you also need to select which display server you are running most likely you will be running x server so you can select it here but if you are sure you are running wayland you can select it too if you don't know which server you are running you can open terminal and type this command and you run it if you see xor it means you're an x server but if you see valence it means you run valence i run xor here so i select x clip here enter password again and this will install keepassx in your manjaro system let's open it to show you how it looks so this is the application you just need to create a password database settings are usually fine here you enter your master password save it and now you can create as many passwords that you as you need and have different password for every application and every online account and to create a password you click on this plus button then you give it a name let's make a test then you write your username and you for example and you generate a password you click on this button you select how complicated you want your password to be you can also check how it looks you can refresh it if you want another password until you find something what you like and then you apply it so now you have your password stored here and here you can also add the url of associate with this password after you have done it you can click ok and it will appear here so next time you need to use this password you just right click on it and copy username and paste it where you need and then you right click again and copy password and paste it where you need after you close this application all your passwords will be encrypted and to get access to these passwords you need to enter only one master password which we have created when we just open this application first time so i believe i will make a separate video on password managers but this was just quick introduction to password management application keypass xc give it a try i really like this application and i believe security is very important nowadays so that's why i included it as thing to do after installing manjaro number 17 install language packages if you open manjaro settings and go to language packages you will see it suggests you to install a number of language packages you just need to click on this install packages button then you click yes and install all these additional language packages which will in general improve your desktop experience and that's it install spell checking applications in addition to language packages i also recommend to install some spell checking applications which will improve your writing you can install all of them through the software center but i will use terminal to install them all at once and to install them you need to type sudo pacman is option capital s and then you type the name of these packages a spell en so this is for english then i also installed leap methods and language 2 which i have talked about in a separate video then you press enter type your password and install all these programs when these packages are installed your spell check and will be improved and all errors will be spotted automatically by your manjaro system add keyboard layout if you're multilingual you probably need to use several keyboard layouts but you can usually do that in manjaro you just need to open xfce settings go to keyboard layout and here you will see your current layout then you can just click on this add button and install any additional keyboard layout for example i will select ukrainian here so now i have two keyboard layouts in my system here i can also select what shortcut i can use to change my keyboard layout i will use alt shift here and then you close it if you want to see the current keyboard layout in your system tray you need to right click on your panel go to panel preferences here in items click on notification area and then on this plus button and search for keyboard layouts and add it here then you can close it move it to where you like it i usually place it just before the notification area then you can also go to the settings and change the look of this keyboard layout you can just use text you can use this system settings here you can use language or you can use country so play with these settings and decide what you like the most but i believe these settings works well so i will close it and now i have keyboard layout here and i can easily switch by clicking on it or by using shortcut this way you can add as many keyboards as you need and switch between them very quickly configure xskill shortcut if you watch my previous videos on things to do after installing ubuntu for example you know this shortcut and how useful it is i would like to show you it in manjaro so if you go to the settings keyboard and application shortcuts and you scroll down you will see that xskill is already pre-configured here and you can use it with a shortcut ctrl alt x and your mouse will turn into this scroll and if you click with this screw on any application it will kill it this is very useful when application gets frozen and you don't know how to close it so you just click on this short card click on that application and kill it the only problem here is i don't like this ctrl alt x shot card i would like to change it to my default shot card which is ctrl alt escape so i just double click on it and press ctrl alt escape and the shortcut has been changed you can use any other shortcut if you want or you can keep it at default but it is definitely very useful for example let's say i open terminal and let's assume it got frozen and i cannot close it i click on this cross and it doesn't close i press alt ctrl escape my mouse pointer turns into this screw i click on the terminal and it is killed now so this way you can easily quit from an application which is frozen it doesn't happen often in linux but sometimes it does so now you know what to do clipboard manager settings in manjaro if you have noticed you have this clipboard manager here in the tray menu it is very useful because if you copied something several steps ago you can always go back here and extract that information from the clipboard the only problem here is this memory is very short if you go to the settings you will see it is limited to maximum 15 items i usually like my clipboard manager to be much longer so i set it to 100 and this is what i also recommend to do after installing manjaro this way clipboard manager will remember the last 100 items you have copied this is very useful because if you copied some text like 50 steps back and you want to recover it you can go to your clipboard manager and find it right here improve application menu if you click on this menu in manjaro this is how it hooks by default all the categories are now on the right and i think it is not very ergonomic because if you had them on the left you would be able to access all the categories much faster you would just need to move your mouse up instead of moving it to the right and up so if you right click on this menu and go to the properties you will be able to reposition your categories here you just need to select this option and now all the categories are on the left which is much better in my view moreover here you can also select between different styles for example you can have a grid layout in your menu like this but i usually prefer the default list with categories on the left as you can see it is now another thing what i do i go to the behavior tab and here i enable switch categories by harvard this way when you scroll through the different categories here you see your menu also changes i believe this is very useful because you can quickly see what's located in each category and find what you need there are many other settings which you may find useful i recommend you to check them maybe there is something what is essential for you but these are the two options i changed in my manjaro change desktop themes if you go to xfce settings in manjaro and then you go to the appearance tab you will see that there are a number of themes pre-installed in your system and you can choose among them here so i believe the devil theme is very nice but if you don't like the default theme you can always switch to something else for example you can use this theme or you can even use elementary os theme then you need to go and change your icon style which is here here again you need to see what you like there are many different icons available so macaron icons are very nice but virus icons are also nice well maybe elementary os was not the perfect theme here but anthem is very good so i just select anthem here so after you have changed style and icons you need to go to all settings and then you need to go to windows manager and also change the windows theme windows theme is usually your title bar and borders and i will select anthem here so for example this is how your manjaro may look like this little different from the default theme but if you want to go beyond all these print style themes i recommend you to check my video on how to customize your xfce user image to complete your desktop theme settings i recommend you also to add your user image you can do that if you open manjaro settings click on your user accounts select your username here and then you just need to click on this image and select any available image or your custom image i saved my image in pictures alu here it is then i need to enter my password now i have my user image set in my manjaro as you can see here check your webcam and microphone if you run manjaro on a laptop or if you have a web camera connected to your desktop i recommend you to check if they work correctly in your gyro first you can check the microphone you need to open pulse audio settings and here in the input devices you will be able to select your microphone and see if it is working right now you can see i have this kind of popping up signal so this means my microphone is working but to check the webcam you need to install an additional application you open manjaro software center and search for the application which is called guvc viewer here it is there are several of them but you need to install this one you install it the installation you open it from the menu and you will see that your webcam is working enable flat pack or snap this is very optional thing to do after installing manjaro because in manjaro you already have access to all applications through arch user repository which we have enabled previously but in some cases you may want to run the same application in different versions for example you may have in live one version and kdm live the latest version so in some scenarios it may be useful and you can easily enable that option in manjaro if you open software center go to preferences you will find snap and flat pack tabs and you can enable these features right here for example if i enable flat pack i close it and let's do kdenlive search so as you can see i can click on this flat pack option and select a flat pack version of kdenlive and this will be 2008 and if i go to arch user repository i can install another version of kdenlive here and if i go to all repositories i can see there are many different versions of kdm live so in some cases it may be useful option number 27 turn off startup applications if you check what applications start with your system in your manjaro you may find that you don't need some of them so you can easily disable them you just need to search for the menu session and start up open it then you go to application auto start and here you will see a list of things which start with your system and if you know that you don't need them you can safely disable them here for example i don't use a bluetooth so i just disable bloom and applet here then i'd again scroll through all other features here and disable them if i don't need them if you're unsure about some things just keep it but if you know that you don't need that feature you can disable here for example i don't use snap so this way you will also reduce the load of your system remove some apps this is another thing you can do to make your system lighter if you open software manager and go to the install tab you will see all the applications which changed out on your system manjaro is pre-configured for general use so it has a lot of pre-installed applications which may not be necessary for all users i usually scroll through these applications and remove some of them i don't have a bluetooth as i mentioned previously so i remove it i also don't use hex chat so i remove it too i don't have any printers so i can remove this hp device manager i also remove pigeon messenger if you don't want to use thunderbird email client and you access your email client through the web you can remove it as well but i usually keep it because i use thunderbird i don't have any cd rom so i don't need this except burn application i remove it and i cannot find it here but i know that there is steam pre-installed so i don't play any games on my system so i usually remove steam as well then after you have selected all applications you want to remove you click on the supply button check if it's correct list of things to remove and remove them so this way your manjaro will have less applications installed it will be lighter and cleaner now i would like to show you how you can clean your manjaro system and you can easily do with the application which is called bleachbeat you just need to search for it in the software center and install it after the installation open it from the menu you can keep the preferences default here and you will see that there are many options you can choose on the left and by choosing this option you decide what you want to clean in your system for example it is usually safe to clean your firefox cache google chrome cache you can also clean your journal system you can screen system cache if you want you can clean your keyboard there are many other options here you can clean your thumbnail cache if you use thunderbird you can clean it as well you can clean all the temporary files for vlc so there are many things you can clean your system just be careful go through all the options here if you are not sure what it is you can skip it but if you know what you are doing select it and clean after you have selected what you want to clean you just click on this screen button and delete all these files you will see the process of cleaning your system and in the end you will see how much space you have released in your system and in my case i have cleaned 169 megabytes this application is very useful and i recommend you to use it from time to time to keep your manjaro system clean i also recommend you to check your manjaro system for any errors to do that you need to open terminal type this command sudo systemctl with the option payout and see if there are any processes which have failed on your system as you can see i don't have any failed processes this is already very good i hope you will get the same message and the second option is to type sudo journal ctl with option p3 xb and hopefully you will see that there are no errors as well as you can see i have no entries here so this means i don't have any error in my system and everything works fine if you see any error don't get scared sometimes you may have some errors here and they may not be very crucial just google it and i think you will find additional information about that error and you will figure out how crucial it is for your system and whether you need to fix it or not so i hope this video was useful and you have learned a lot of new things you can do after installing manjaro there are actually many more things you can do for example you can connect your android phone with manjaro or you may need to configure vpn in your manjaro but i have not shown those things in this video because i have shown it in my previous video on things to do after installing ubuntu the process will be exactly the same for manjaro so please watch that video thank you for watching
Channel: Average Linux User
Views: 98,378
Rating: 4.9278197 out of 5
Keywords: after installing manjaro 2020, after installing manjaro xfce, what to do after installing manjaro xfce, things to do after installing manjaro, after manjaro install, what to do after installing manjaro, manjaro 2020, manjaro microsoft fonts, manjaro optimize ssd, things to do first in manjaro, manjaro 2020 install, manjaro swappiness, manjaro xfce, manjaro linux, manjaro lts kernel, manjaro aur, manjaro firewall, manjaro Arch User Repositories, Change manjaro theme
Id: jl4nyEA-F-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 41sec (2201 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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