50 Things to Do After installing Ubuntu 20.04

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my video on 20 things to do after installing Ubuntu 1804 this is the most popular video on the channel in this video you will learn even more extensive list of things to do after installing Ubuntu 2004 this is 50 things to do after installing Ubuntu 2004 let's get started and the first thing I recommend to do after installing Ubuntu 2004 is to configure software and updates manager that you go to the menu open software and updates and in this application you go to download from and here you choose author then you just need to click awake by server and the boon to be otherwise unavailable servers in your vacation and pick the one which is the fastest you click choose server and cause the application you don't need also to leave all the list of available software here and now whenever you update your system installer program all the packages will be downloaded from the fastest seller in your location and the second essential thing to do after installing Ubuntu 2004 is to install any necessary drivers that you go to the menu and search for additional drivers open this application it will automatically analyze your hardware and define if you can install any drivers usually it will suggest you proprietary drivers here so I already have all the drivers necessary for VirtualBox installed on my system but if you have a dedicated graphic card like MD or Nvidia you will be probably suggested to install any drivers here so you just need to choose the appropriate driver from the suggested list and install it you may also need to reboot your system after the installation and let's say your driver didn't work so you can again open this application and here you can click revert to restore the previous driver which was installed on your system if it worked better so this is very useful application to configure a system for better performance even if your system works fine by default you can still try to choose any suggested drivers here and maybe you will get little better performance just give it a try if you watch my boon to 2004 review you probably already know how much I complained about this so for example if you open an application from the dock and you click again on this icon of this application it will not minimize the dock so I believe it's not a good behavior so let's enable this feature in Ubuntu but you need to open a boon to software and search for deacons editor install it then open it from the menu agree that you will be careful here and search for click action then you need to open this work the gnome shell extensions - the dog click action disable the default value and select minimize here then york's apply these changes and close the conf editor now whenever you click on this icon the application will minimize I believe decent behavior is much better than the default behavior Ubuntu where you need to search for this minimize button and click it it's much easier to click on the icon in my opinion every desktop user will benefit from decreasing the swap use I will not talk too much about the swap here I have a dedicated video on this topic you can click here on this card to watch it but I will just show you how to decrease the swap used in a bun too you just need to open the terminal and here you type cat Rod's this VM happiness and it will show you the devil's Val Venis value on your system and you can change the default value but that you need to type sudo G edit and open the file a TC C's CTL conf enter your password and here you scroll down to the end of this file and type the m-dot happiness equal 10 then you just need to save this file after you reboot your system you open the terminal again and check your default swap in this value now it is 10 so this way your Bunter will use moorim and little s of the swap space which will increase the performance you can also gain some performance by enabling the drive cache but this would probably work if you have HD drive and you will not notice much benefit if you use SSD drive so I would recommend to do that only for the HDD users so you open the application disks select your main drive here if you have several drives for example go to the settings click drive settings and go to the top right cache and here you just need to enable this feature you can also read this warning that you may lose your data if for example your computer shut down unexpectedly because of electricity cut for example but I have used this feature for many years and I have never ever had any problems so I believe the performance benefit is still Dolphus enabling this feature so give it a try if you use as well HDD drive and I believe you will notice some performance improvements but again if you use an SSD drive that may not be necessary on the other hand for SSD users I recommend to reduce the number of SSD writes which will extend the lifespan of ussd Drive you need to open the terminal and open the file with G edit and the file is a TC AFS tab type your password and here you search for the world errors and before that word you need to type Nora time this way the number of rise to SSD will be reduced if you have several partitions for example this is my root partition but you may also have a home partition here you can add this word to the home partition as well then you save this file and after the next reboot these settings will come to play and number of writes to SSD drive will be little reduced which will also extend the lifespan of your d/dr if you are watching this video you must be curious and creative the default is just not enough for you so you may like the sponsor of this video Skillshare Skillshare offers thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people just like you it is a great place to explore web development video making photography writing freelancing and more I believe you may like this tutorial on how to hand code your first website by rich Armstrong where you will learn basics of HTML and CSS everything is presented in a simple way and visually narrated so in about an hour you don't get your first hand coded website as I did iraq Skillshare because it is a curated platform so videos a top-quality concise and optimized point owning the first 1000 of my subscribers to click on the link in the description would be able to explore thousands of inspiring Skillshare videos with two months free Premium Membership I would say installing synaptic is an optional thing to do after installing Ubuntu because synaptic is quite also file manager but I still recommend you to install it especially if you want to learn more about Linux because this software manager includes many more software's which are not are visible in the default software manager so you search for synaptic here it is and install it Oh software manager and search for synaptic in your menu let's open it and now as you can see you see detailed information about every package available for installation on your system as well as you can go to the status tab here and select uninstall packages and you will see all the installed application in this software manager it is much more useful than using the default and user-friendly butoh software manager so if you want to be a little more advanced user or you want to learn more about Linux I highly recommend you to install synaptic and use it to installation of specific packages we will use it couple of times during this video and you will see all the benefits of this software manager a bundle restricted extra includes many packages which are very useful for everyday use for desktop users for example it includes many codecs which are necessary to play some video formats but they are not installed by default in Ubuntu because of some rice is an issue but you can still install them yourself so let's do that you open terminal here and type sudo apt install Ubuntu restricted extras in addition to this I also recommend you to install Ubuntu restricted add-ons and if you play a DVD disc you can also install this package press enter enter your password and say yes for the installation of these programs yeah you need to agree with the user license install Microsoft phones you press tab to select okay and then you press ENTER again you need to press stop to select yes and press enter again to install Lib DVD library you need to press ok here so you press enter you can also enable automatic upgrades you press enter again the installation of these packages takes quite some time so that's why I speed up this part in the video but you will need to wait quite a while to install them so after this packages are installed you will be able to play almost any video or audio formats in addition to these these packages also include Microsoft phones adjust times new roman' which will be necessary for Microsoft LibreOffice compatibility I don't recommend installing flash player because of the security reasons but I know myself that sometimes you need it because some very old websites still use it and especially if you need to access those websites you need Flash Player installed on your system so if you one of those persons who still need to use Flash Player you can open synoptic this is actually is the case where I will show you how we can use synoptic and search for flash here then you just need to scroll to the letter F and find Flash plugin installer elected for installation by mark for installation and click apply you can also select here automatically close the window after all the changes have been successfully applied now Flash Player is installed and you will be able to access those old websites which still use Flash installed Java environment you open synaptic and search for open GDK and here you will see all the available Java versions which you can install on your system the default one is version 11 or you selected here was the installation but if you need the new version of Java you can also scroll down and find version 15 and verse version for protein for example or you can also install all the version which is version 8 let's another benefit of synaptic package manager so you can see all the available versions of software which you can install in Ubuntu we apply these changes and after the program is installed you should be able to use Java programs on your desktop picking about additional applications there are many programs you can install this video I will show what I think is probably the most frequently needed applications for regular users so and the first one is alternative browser of course you can use Firefox but I know that many users prefer Chrome or you can install chromium which is an open-source version of Google Chrome you can open software manager or you can of course use synaptic if you prefer that and you search here Romeo here it is select it and install basically chromium has almost exactly the same features as Google Chrome but it is an open source that's why I recommend it over Google Chrome you go to the menu and open it just to test here it is it works exactly like a regular Google Chrome so the next application is little bit controversial this is a video player Bunte already has a video player which is pre-installed here by default and it is quite decent and good video player but it may not always play very well some of the formats so that's why I also recommend you to install additional player and for this particular case I will recommend you to install celluloid video player which is getting very popular so you search for celluloid right here open its page and here you click installation then you search for boon - here click on this page and you will be able to see the repository which you need to add to your Ubuntu to be able to install this player you copy it open terminal press control-shift we to install it or you can use right click and paste as enter type your password press ENTER to add this repository then you can just copy this command of data system and type sudo apt install take the wallet yes after the installation you should be able to find this player in your menu you can open it it is quite minimal video player but it's considered to be little better than the default non player so give it a try and let me know in the comments if you like it I also prefer to use an alternative audio player in the bundle you could use rhythm box which is installed by default but I don't like this player because you cannot choose specific folder and play music all in that folder you need to kind of manage and create your audio library as a whole but for example if you open your audio library this clémentine here you can go to files and select specific folder which you want to play for example this one liked all the files and place them here it also has many other features which you can explore here for example you can play different internet media services but if it's too complicated for you there is another alternative which is called our dash shows I also like this player because of its minimalism but it still has all the necessary features to play audio files example here you can click open files go to your music folder and select specific folder and play specific files this is how these files will go in our diocese music so all these players are available in Windows software just go there and install them and let me know in the comments which one do you prefer I also know that many desktop users use such application as a Dropbox now the installation of this program is very easy you just need to search for it in the software manager selected here and install next you open it from the menu it will download the Dropbox installer you will see the icon appearing here in the top menu and then you just need to log into your Dropbox account and you will be able to sync all your Dropbox documents your bun to desktop if you need to edit any picture I also recommend you to install application this is an alternative to photoshop it is very good and I use it all the time to create all the graphics on my youtube channel again you just simply install it from the software manager after the installation you open it from the menu this is how looks if you a Spotify user you can also install it in Ubuntu and stream all your music library with the Spotify just go to the software center search for Spotify and install it and now also that in current citation many of us have to work from home and use different online meeting tools for example if you steal your skype you can also find skype in the software manager and install it from here but most likely you have already switch for example to zoom which is also available in the bun to search for it in the software center it's not at the top unfortunately for the moment but here it is and you can install zoom from here as well and use it in your bun tool and it works very well in linux environment I have tested it myself for the last three months if you need some more advanced text editor for example if you're out cold you can install the u.s. code here it is it's available in the software manager alternatively you may also prefer a sublime text editor which is also available in the bundle just click here to install it and also if you need any tool to make your notes you can install such application such as simple note which is very popular or for example you can install application which I use which is called cherry tree here it is I have to use this application in my the best note-taking software where on Linux video you can watch it by clicking on this card here if you're a gamer you will probably need to install Steam application which is also available in the Boonta software manager here it is and it's again just one click install and you will have access to plenty of games on Linux the gnome sushi is a special application that's why I separated it into another thing to do after installing Ubuntu because I believe it deserves a special attention let me show you this application you open synaptic in search for genome - sushi here it is selected mark for installation and apply now let's go synaptic and open file manager go to my videos and here for example I select a video file and then I just press space and you see I can produce this video right from the file manager is ours I need to open it with a special application but of course there is option to open it with videos for example here then you press escape and you exit this application you can do the same for many other files for example you can preview an image you press space and it will open in this preview window let's say feature which is very popular in Mac OS so I believe many wanted users will also appreciate it another application which I would like to show you as a separate thing to do after installing the photo is to install the password manager because I believe this is very essential application and very few users know about it if you go to your software manager and search for the application which is called KeePass X you will be able to install this program here enter your password this is my favorite password manager so let me show you how to use it you create a database where you store all your passwords but you created only with the one password so you just click create a new database passwords continue so now you need to enter the encryption password so this password needs to be very complicated but something that you will remember or you can write it down somewhere and hide it in a safe place but for this experiment I will type a simple password because it's just a test so after you have created the database you choose where to save it you can save it in your documents and in this application you can create many different passwords and you can pour them in different categories for example you can create different groups let's make it Linux and you can create different password fields here I will name it test username au and here you can type a custom password or I recommend you to click on these Keys icon and generate an automatic password you can define how complex you want it to be usually something around 12 characters is enough yeah you want to say if you want in with special characters or just letters and numbers you can also see how the password works example this password is much more complicated you can also see how good it is so this password is good if we increase it now it becomes excellent and then you click accept so now you have saved your password here you click OK oh and here we have one password which we have just created but you can create like hundreds of passwords for different accounts here that's what I usually do I use for every single account they have a different password which are stored in this application password XC let me I just click on this field and copy my username and paste where I need and the same I do to copy my passport and paste where I need it if you use other password managers please let me know in the comments below which one and why do you use them now when you close this application and open it again you will be asked to enter your password you can make this encryption even more complicated if you use a key file but this is a little advanced level so I'm not going to show it in this video but I may make a separate video about this password management application so now I have access to all my passwords nowadays more and more users use VPN so I would like to show you how you can configure a pin in a bun tool usually you can cover most of PPN protocols if you install open connect so you open synaptic search for open connect and install open connect and open connect gnome apply after the installation go to your network manager pirate settings and here click on this plus icon and select the protocol which you need to use for example I use Cisco anyconnect for my VPN provider I click here give it a name again you can choose different protocols here then you provide the address of your VPN connection and click Add now let's try to unable it then I just need to enter my username and password there is also an option to save a password if you don't want to type it every time and walk in now as you can see there is a VPN sign here which means I have connected to VPN successfully now my internet connection is secured with a virtual private network interface if you want to test VPN settings you can also watch my video on how to get private VPN server the link is here in the top right corner now let's go through some other settings in Ubuntu and it'll start with the appearance in your settings you go to the appearance tab and here you can change different desktop themes for example let's see how it looks this is a standard theme you can also use white theme which has this white title bar and you can also use the dark theme this theme I think is very appealing and it is new to introduction in a bun to 2004 you can watch my review to see all the other new features in the Boonta 2004 but I prefer the standard team so either keep it standard here here you can also set the behavior of the dog for example you can auto hide it here you see it's not visible and then it appears but I don't like that behavior I just want to show you that option and here you can also set the size of the dog icons here on the left you can increase them or you can decrease them well the default settings I think is optimal here and you can of course change the position of this dog card you can place it at the bottom and you can also move it to the right but I will keep it on the left I think the default settings of Ubuntu are quite optimal if you want to install additional themes in Ubuntu desktop keep watching this video and you will learn how to install custom themes in a bun to 2004 the next settings I would like to show you is the privacy settings which is located here and here you can for example enable your occasion service so this way whenever you go to any website the website will receive information about your occasion and you will get some welcome settings on the one hand it is very convenient but on the other hand if you have any privacy concern you can disable these settings you can also configure how you want to check the history of your search for example you can also set the screen lock settings and in the final settings you can also define if you want to send to Boone to any reports about the usage statistics we want to ask you to send any errors reports here you can keep it manual so you will be asked to send such a report or you can disable it at all on action actually if you don't mind you can of course send it automatic and the system will decide on behalf of you whether to send it or not but I usually set it to neighbor so these where the privacy settings next let's configure the online accounts if you go to the settings you will find this online accounts tab click on it and here you can add different accounts for example let's add Google account you need to enter your username and then you enter your password you can press ENTER or scroll down and press next here you need to give access a boon to to your Google account and here you can decide what kind of features you want to synchronize was it so now your Google account is connected here you can of course connect several different Google accounts if you need one of the advantage of this online accounts connection for example if you use Google Drive you go to your file manager and here you will find your Google Drive attached to your system you click on it and you will be able to find all your Google Drive files this is very convenient and we will use Google Drive in the next things to do after installing Ubuntu 2004 when we will do backup of our system I also recommend you to check your computer name for example if you go to the top sharing either we will see your computer name in my case it is Ubuntu 20 you will also see this name when you open a terminal for example let's open the terminal and you will see here is my username and the computer name so if you want to change this computer name you can do it here also after you have changed this computer name you may need to work out and log in to apply this change next let's go through the sound settings want to usually configure your sound settings correctly but it is still good to check to make sure everything works as expected yea you can configure your output device so these are your speakers if you have several of them you can check them here you can of course click the button test and test left and right speaker if you have a stereo speakers for example if you have more complicated sound settings you can also configure them here for example if you have five to one system you can set all the settings right here but as I said I'm going to usually picks up these settings automatically it is getting more complicated with the input devices for example if you have several microphones you can choose them here that's one of the problem many users experience when they try for example to run Skype and they don't get sound this is because you have wrong settings in your input devices here and the final setting is you can configure what kind of sound you want to hear during the notification for example you can have a bark sound drip glass and sooner so test them yourself and things the one which you liked the most also here you can set over amplification I find it useful when I run a boot on a notebook and I have very quiet speakers but here I can set over amplification it decreases the quality of the sound but it makes the sound louder so in some cases it's better to be able to hear something with worse quality than not hearing anything at all so consider this option as well if you enable it you will be able to over amplify your sound almost 150% so give it a try if you use a bunt on a system which has variable sound level but in my system everything works fine so I don't need this option and here you can also set the system sound level for example I usually set it to very minimal because I don't like very well notification on my computer so these were the sound settings I hope it was useful and if you experience any problem is input or output sound devices go to these settings and make sure everything is set as you need it after you have configured your sound you probably also need to make sure that your display is configured correctly go to display settings and here you can change the resolution of your screen for example if we want to have defined your screen resolution incorrectly you can also change the flash rate if you have for example 100 to 80 girls monitor you can set these settings here but in my case it is 60 and the last feature which was introduced recently in the Boonta 2004 is the fraction of scaling if you enable these settings and for example you have high DPI screen you will be able to configure the scaling precisely as you need for example you can have 125 percent scaling 150 175 and 200 percent scaling so if you use high DPI screen go to these settings and try them I believe you will find it useful and let's say if it doesn't work you will be able to revert to the previous settings let me show you if I click 125 here apply you see if my screen gets black and I see nothing here but if you wait for believe 15 seconds or something the settings will revert back this is the safety feature of these scaling settings just wait and as you can see now my screen resolution everywhere that the changes to 100% so it is quite safe to try and if you have high DPI screen you should definitely go to these settings and give it a try you may get much better experience with these scaling settings another great feature of display settings is nitrite it is not very obvious where it is because it's hidden here in the top but if you click on this tab you will be able to configure your display to reduce the amount of blue white at nighttime this is much better for your eyes and it will also help you to fall asleep easier so I recommend you to enable it you can use the default settings or for example you can set some custom settings here you just click manual schedule and you define when you want your screen to reduce the amount of blue light but the default settings sunset to sunrise works pretty well so if you have not used nitrite yet go to the display settings and enable it this is very useful feature you can also adjust some default settings of your touchpad and mouse behavior you go to the Mouse and touchpad tab here you can define what is your primary button usually it is the left button but if you're left-handed person you can change to the right button here yeah you can also define the speed of your mouse movement the devil behavior is usually fine but the most useful feature here is natural scrolling if you enable it you go scroll your content in the same direction as you move your touch part on your mouse wheel this is the devil behavior for example for Mac users if you are coming to a Punto from a Mac system I recommend you to enable natural scrolling because this way Ubuntu view more comfortable for you but I don't use this feature just wanted to share it with you right after I install my Ubuntu I also add execute card let me show you what it is I believe after you learn this shortcut you will always use it because it is extremely useful in Linux environment go to the keyboard shortcuts you scroll down and here you click on this plus button to add a new shortcut you give it a name X kill the comma T also type X kill but with small letters and then you press on this set shortcut button and you press the keyboard shortcut which you want to assign to this command and in my case it will be control escape so now the shortcut is assigned you just need to click add and for example if you open an application and it gets frozen and you cannot close it you press on trial escape and your mouse turns into this cross and then you just need to select which application you want to kill this command you point this close to the titles application and click your left button on the mouse and the application will be killed this is very useful it is much faster than opening the terminal finding the ID of this application and killing it from the terminal this is extremely useful shortcut and all the Linux works more less stable sometimes you do get some applications frozen and this is the simplest way to kill that application and start it again with normal fresh settings then it will work smoothly I hope you liked this short card and you will use it on your system if you need to print something on Ubuntu that is also very easy to set just go to the printer settings here click Add Printer Ubuntu will automatically find all printers available in your network and suggest you to add a necessary driver just wait for some time then you pick the printer which you need to connect click Add and now your printer is added you can also go to the settings and configure it if you want for example here you can see all available settings and you can also test it by printing the test page you just click here bring the test page and you should be able to see a printed page on your printer most of the printers worked very well with Ubuntu and there are no need to install any additional drivers everything is installed automatically but sometimes you may have some problems and you don't need to install or code the printer profile but if that is the case please Google your printer model with the world Linux or Ubuntu and I'm sure you will find all the instructions one of the first things I do after installing Ubuntu is to add additional keyboard layouts so although this is not one of the first things in my list things to do after installing Ubuntu it is actually one of the first things I usually do so if you scroll down in your settings and go to region and language yeah you should be able to add any other additional keyboard layout to your system you just click on this plus button and then you can pick any keyboard layout which was shown here or you can click here and find additional keyboard layouts let's add the keyboard layout here I will pick Swedish you can also choose different configurations here and you click Add next you can also go to this Settings button and for example I usually use the settings to have different keyboard layout for different windows I enable it and here you can also see the shortcut which you can use plus we use the keyboard layout if you don't like this short card unfortunately there is no a simple way to change it but there is a way and I will show you you just need to open synaptic or software manager and you need to install the application which is called tweaks market for installation apply then go to the menu open tweaks here you need to go to the mouse and keyboard go to the additional layout options and here you need to find the shortcut to change keyboard layout and then you can pick any shortcut you like for example I usually use add control shortcut to change my keyboard layout let's enable it now if I press add control my keyboard layout changes here as you can see I don't know why this shortcut is not possible to find among keyboard shortcuts here in the window settings and you need to install tweaks to enable it but this is how it is after you have installed Ubuntu you can also add your user image it's a small touch but it makes your system little bit nicer go to users and here you just need to click on this image and pick any suggested image you can also of course I take a new picture or select a custom image for example I will select my new image here elect it now my system looks a little bit nicer and personal because I have my image here it is usually visible here on your screen the walk and also in some other places yeah you have also some other settings for example now you can also enable fingerprint Willian if you have a fingerprint reader on your laptop you can also change your password here and also check your account activity if you need to create several users you can also add these users here you just need to unlock the settings video let me state your password and click add the user then you type the full name of the user name you can also set the password here and you can also make this new user administrator but I recommend you to keep it as a standard user this is how you configure users in your punto we are almost done with Windows settings we just need to configure the default application and date and time so let's go to the for applications in Ubuntu has and therefore the applications pre-configured and you can change these settings if you have some other preferences for example you can change your web browser from firefox to chromium or google chrome whatever you installed as a mail client you can also install for example evolution if you prepare it but i would recommend you to use Thunderbird because i believe it's a bit better yeah you can also edit what you can use for your calendar by definitely has the text editor but you can install a calendar application as a music it has a rhythm box selected by default but as i said i don't like - box and I would usually pick Clementine or outer shows and I would say I would use our dashes because it's very minimal and simple player but it has all the features I need and in the video you can also keep default chrome video player or you can use save it if you followed my previous thing to do after installing Ubuntu and install this nice video player and from photo images I recommend you to keep this image viewer because it's a bit lighter but if you always want to open your images in shuttle viewer you can also enable it here so that's a default application settings and the final thing we will do in these settings part of things to do obtain style in Ubuntu is we will configure day in time usually it is configured correctly by default but just make sure you have this automatic date & time enabled this way your bunt of you retrieves the date and time information from the internet and you will always have your clock set correctly but if let's say stipend doesn't work right you can go here and change your time zone you can also change the format of your clock example if you prefer AM and PM settings or if you want to have 24 hour settings and your clock will change here and of course here you can go and pick the timezone whatever you need you can also search for it here so I just wanted to show you these settings because maybe some new users are not aware of them but for some of you of course it may be trivial but the next things after installing Ubuntu will be more interesting and I believe some of them to be very new to you so stay tuned and let's go to the next part you can completely opt-out from program reporting and remove the application which collects system information in Ubuntu for me it doesn't matter much because you can go to the privacy settings and in the diagnostic type you can set never collect information about the system crashes but I know many wounded users are concerned about their privacy and they prefer to remove any applications which collects information about them so to do that you need to open synaptic and search for the application which is called a port with 2p and then you just remove these two packages mark them for complete removal apply well now you should not be worried about Ubuntu collecting information about your system now let's do some settings of our desktop to make it a bit more customized and nicer and they don't start with dock applications for example you can add more applications to this dock and use them as a quick ventures I usually like to have my terminal here on the Left when you go to the menu search for application you want to add right click on it and select add to favorites so as you can see terminal application has appeared here in the dock I usually remove this help menu you just click remove from favorites and it's not here anymore and I also for example if you have an application open you can just select it right click and add to favorites and now my synaptic is also added to favorites for example if I close it the icon stays here and I can quickly launch it again so you can add here all the frequently used applications and how quick access to them you can of course also move them and order them the way you want it you can also move this menu in the dock for example if you don't like it to be at the bottom you can move it to the top that you need to open the account editor which we have installed previously in this video and here you need to search as an action which is old show apps at bottom sorry at top and after you enable it you will see your application menu at the top this is very useful if you for example decide to move this dog to the bottom a date you go to the settings in the appearance tab you can select move it to the bottom well now he will have this kind of more classical layout is also applications at the bottom and your menu on the left but I will return it back to the left side and I still prefer to have my application menu at the top because it makes it a bit more economic I can't really access my menu here as well as I can also quickly access activities I find it much better if you would like to customize your boon to desktop you would need to enable norm extensions because this is one of the easiest way to customize your desktop and to enable them you need to open synaptic in search for the package which is called chrome the gnome shell install it makes the open Firefox and go to the website which is called the norm extensions it's called extensions dog gnome dot org and here on this website you will be offered to install this browser extension to be able to install Chrome extensions right from the browser you install it reload this page now you can install any extension from this website an example let's go to this open visa extension and now you see this button which you can click and install this extension right from here after the installation you will see this way up here at the top menu this way you can install plenty of other extensions as you can see there are many pages where you can choose different extensions just be careful and install only the extensions which you need because if you install too many of them there might be some conflicts between extensions and it will make your system school or even unusable so be very careful and if you are going to use many extensions the easiest way to manage all these extensions is to install the app which is called extensions you go to synaptic or you can go of course to the software manager and search for the package which is called non shell extensions and install it now if you find it in your menu and here you will be able to manage your extensions for example we have installed this man set up you can disable it from here and then you can enable it again now the way to do that is also to go to this website and find the extensions which you have installed on your system for example open weather and disable it here as you can see it does the same effect but it is more complicated because you need to do these extra steps here in this extensions app you can manage everything in one place and of course if you use gnome desktop environment as we do in a bun tool you need to install gnome tweaks because it gives you many additional settings which are not available by default we have installed tweaks previously when we configure it shortcuts to change keyboard layout but if you have not done that step you can go to synaptic and search for the application norm tweaks and install it from here just market for installation but we have done that already oh I will open it and just show you some of its settings for example here you can change different themes which we'll do in the next step you can manage the extensions here you can adjust phones we have also done some keyboard shortcut settings for our layout here you can see what startup applications you have you can also adjust your status bar there are many many other settings for example if you don't like having these closed and maximize minimize buttons on the right you can move them to the left you go to window title bars and click left here so now the buttons will be on the left but either keep them on right so just go for all these settings and I'm sure you will find something what you would like to change in your system week's application is very useful and we will use it in a couple of times in the next things to do after installing Ubuntu in this video Oh stay tuned now let's install some custom themes in our bun - I have showed you previously that you can change the bun to themes in this appearance tab in your settings but here you have chose only between three different themes and you cannot change the icon sense but you still can do all these settings is a bun - tweaks example if you go to tweaks in the appearance tab you will see that you can change application style cursor style icon style desktop shell theme and even the sound style but if you go to this icon you will see that you need to install shell user theme extension to be able to change the settings so let's do it you can do it for the software manager or even from this website we go to the extensions you will see this user theme is at the top and you just need to install it so after it is installed let's restart tweaks so everything is fine here and now we can start installing additional ubuntu themes you go to the website know morgue and here you can pick any theme you like you have different choices here between course or themes DTK free themes and icon themes but let's start with icons if you scroll a little down you will see some of the most popular icons here and let's try this they were icon theme you go to the files and here you can download these icons and install them manually or you can also enable this automatic installation if you click on this icon you will see the instructions you need to follow to enable this feature so let's try to do that we will copy this command open the terminal paste it enter your password yes after you have install the dependencies you also need to install this application visual does automatic installation unknown wouldn't work you click on this link go to this files tab and here you need to download the dev package download it choose save file go to your file manager downloads folder right click here and then choose open this software install and install it if you have problems inside in this application for the software manager you can go here and you will see the comments you can use to install it you just type the sudo dpkg in this auction I and then downloads and the name of this package and you do it in the terminal but I decided to show you a bit user friendly away with a software manager so the OCS URL is installed well now we should be able to install these themes right from this website let's choose this top theme for example we will click install install again you select this application we have just installed open link yes we want to install it okay now the icons theme is installed automatically and we just need to open tweaks and enable it mix appearance icons and here we have Tara icon team and here how it works the icons are a little different as you can see and you can also go to the menu and see that all as icons also have been changed this way you can install different icons themes on your boon too but you can also try to install cruiser themes and shell themes let's try for example nor shall theme you click here genome show themes let's see what is popular today well let's go for this flat remix him you click on files yeah you have different versions of this theme but usually the one which is at the top is the one which you need let's install it again we open it with OCS URL okay so now the theme has been installed into the folder the themes this is what I have showed in one of my previous videos on how to customize the bundle and how to do everything manually but now you can of course install this OCS application and do this installation much faster and automatically the open tweaks go to the shell choice and here we can select flatten mix blue and you see the theme has been changed here at the top well I'm not sure I like this theme but you can of course go here and try different other themes there are many of them as you can see here and pick the one which you like and just to make this video complete let me also show you how to install a gtk theme you select gtk free here again let's have a look what's a popular let's go with a Nordic theme bios and below install this nordic darker theme install do the same what we have done to all previous themes now you can go to tweaks you probably need to restart it appearance applications and here we have Nordic darker team yeah it looks very nice but I think I would change this battery mix to yarrow dark theme so this is how these theme books on my hair bun - of course it's probably not the best combo but you can go here install different themes and find the best combination for your taste now you should be able to configure ubuntu they look completely different from the default ubuntu install and configure firewall punto is quite silent by default and you actually don't need to do that but if you're a little more advanced user and you want to have extra security layer you can install an enable into firewall go to synaptic and you can search for graphical interface of uncomplicated firewall which is called G ufw this is the simplest firewall you can use it's very easy to configure and it has the essential settings for egg your desktop user install it after the installation open it from the menu enter your password and here it is you just need to enable it and the depth of settings deny incoming and outgoing is usually fine for most users but let's say you use specific applications which needs to have an open port in your firewall but that you just need to go to rules and here in the path icon you can add any application for example here you can see what applications are available I usually use SSH to connect to my desktop computer or I will scroll down here find SSH and add it so now SSH access is enabled on my computer and I can connect to it remotely if you use any other applications for example if you use a torrent you can also find it here for example transmission application that's what Boonta uses to download and share torrents you edit here you click Add now torrent sharing is also enabled in Ubuntu firewall and if you want to change these rules you can select and disabled so now your system will help additional layer of security which will protect you and if you want to learn a little more about linux firewall I have made a separate video on this topic after I have installed any Linux distribution one of the first thing I do is to change the Firefox settings I go to the Preferences here and here I enable restore previous session so these settings will make Firefox to save all the open tabs during the close and next time you open it it will open those tabs again for example let's open average next user here and close Firefox I open it again and it opens it in the same state as it was when I closed it so this is very useful settings here also Firefox has introduced this additional space which I don't like at the top menu and there is no search bar well you can use search here but this search is a little bit limited because if you have special characters or if you Google email address it will not work so I usually right-click on this panel go to customize remove this space I see no point of having this additional space which does nothing add the search bar and that's it now my Firefox top bar will be this way I can search for things here I can also adjust my search engine here and I can also see the urinal here and I don't have any wasted space because I have removed it if you use Firefox on several devices you will also benefit from syncing your settings across all devices this way you will be able to work on one computer and then continue your work on the other computer with the same tabs for example in the same history you just need to go to the menu and click here sign into Firefox enter your email password you can also save it if you want then you will receive email with a verification code which you need to enter here now your Firefox is connected across all devices if you watch Netflix you cannot do that on linux google chrome and chromium support play netflix by default but if you want to play netflix in firefox you need to unable it you just need to go to the settings scroll down and here you just need to enable play DRM controlled content this way your firefox you'll be able to play Netflix videos I would like to show you how to configure undergird email client and now someone used to use web browser to access your email but give a try to Thunderbird I'm sure you will like it and you may switch to it it's very convenient especially if you have several emails you can access all of them in one place you just need to open Thunderbird go to preferences account settings and here you just need to add a mail account you type your username your email and the password continue usually Thunderbird defines all the settings automatically if you use some well-known services such as Gmail Yahoo but if you use some specific mail provider you may also need to do the settings manually just need to click here Mineo config and adjust the settings then you run retest everything if everything is fine you click done if you're using Gmail you may need to confirm your account again you enter your email here password if you use two-factor authentication you need to verify yourself and then allow from the world to access your Google account ok well now you will see all your emails right here the same way you can add even more accounts just go to the Preferences account settings and add another account here this way you will be able to aggregate all your emails just here on the Left panel and access different email account from an application moreover you can also go to underworld advanced settings and here in extension you can install writing an extension install it so after you have installed lighting you should be able to access your calendar in Thunderbird just click on this icon here and you will see your calendar and you can create events here which in my particular case will be synced to my Google account across all devices so I find Thunderbird very powerful application not only because you can aggregate different emails in one application you can also have access to your calendars in this application now let me show you how you can change the look of your LibreOffice the LibreOffice looks quite nice by default but I don't really like these icons so I prefer to change them that you need to go tools options you and here you can change the icon style for example you can change this to breathe apply this is how it looks this is a plasma fire theme you can also change it to Calibri and I think Calibri looks quite nice so I will keep this theme there are some others you can try them and see which one you like most if you want to install even more Libre Office icons you can go to synaptic judge for libre office style and install some additional icons such as human icons oxygen which is a bit outdated or this c4 icon this one is actually quite good let's install it you need to restart Firefox then again you go to tools options you Ike on style and select this newly installed icon theme and applied this is how it looks now also you can change the layout of LibreOffice you just go to you menu just go to view menu user interface and you can select top menu and you will have different tabs here which will be more like Microsoft Office view if you need to go back the settings you need to click here menu bar go to view user interface and change it for example to tingle toolbar this is what I usually use because it serves some vertical space here you can of course go to view again and check different other settings and pick the one which you like the most so I hope this small customization will make your LibreOffice a bit more convenient and you will be little more productive enable Google Drive integration you can easily connect your bun to with your Google Drive and use it for example to backup our system as I will show in the next step I have already showed how to connect Google Drive you just need to sign with your Google account in the settings or your open settings go to online accounts and here you just connect your Google account which I have done already as you can see it's connected here so this way when you open a file manager you will see your Google Account listed here so and we will use this Google Account in the next step and the next step is to backup your system just go to the menu open the backup application and here you can configure how to do these backups you can enable it this way you to automatically create backups but by default we want to suggest you to backup your home folder and this is everything what you can see here in your home folder and usually these settings are fine so if you go to the ignore folder here you can specify both folders don't want to back up and usually you don't want to back up your trash and you can also skip for example downloads folder because you can download these files again then you can select where you want to backup yeah you have different choices you can be copied to another hard drive let's say if you have several hard drives you can backup it through the network and you can be copied to some online storages I have already connected my Google account and I have Google Drive oh that's where I'll go back up my system you can name this folder whatever you want I will keep it as a computer named Ubuntu 20 and in the schedule you want to define how often you want do these backups you can do them daily or weekly and then you can also define for how long you want to keep different copies of these backups I usually define 6 months which is reasonable well now your system is configured for thematic backups but you can also go to the overyou top and run a manual backup if you need to run backup at specific no scheduled time point let's be copied as you can see there is one dependency which is missing and I believe this dependency is necessary only for Google Drive so let's install it well this program is quite smart and it defines automatically what is missing and ask you to install it ok you also need to grant access to the Dasia do backup to in your Google account I will do that Wow access is granted now they should do backup will back up all the files to my Google account oh the backup application also offers you to encrypt your backup is a password but I will not do that I don't have any sensitive files on this system so now the program is backing up my system I highly recommend you to configure this backup application right after the installation so you are sure you have a copy of all your important files after you have installed Ubuntu it is also worth checking how your webcam and microphone works that you can go to the settings and here in the sound you should be able to see your input devices and whenever you speak you should see this kind of moving things which shows that your microphone works this one is a way to check your microphone but another way is to check both the microphone in your camera with a specific application while recording a video in a bun tools there is an application which is called cheese this is a webcam application which is installed by default but unfortunately in my case it did not pick up my camera and as you can see it shows that not no device is found even if I go to preferences I cannot choose any device here so I don't know maybe it's specific to my camera which is I believe it's called watch attack HD 1080p anyway you can see it here on this picture but if I installed another application which is another webcam application it recognizes my camera quite well the application is called GU resi you install it this is also an application which I used to record my video is a webcam and if I open G UVC view it recognizes my web camera automatically as you can see and also if I record the video and then play it I can see that both my web camera and the microphone work correctly you can also disable some startup applications in Ubuntu but these are little advanced settings so if you are very new user to a Punto I recommend you to skip this step if you go to the menu and search for startup applications you will see that there are not many startup applications by default but we can change the settings because many of startup applications are hidden here so let's close it and open the terminal and run this command eg I provide in the description under this video enter your password and opens the startup application program again so now as you can see there are many applications which start automatically with your system but they are hidden by their port now you have access to them and you can disable some of them if you are not going to use them but be very careful again here you can for example disable evolution alarm notify because there is no evolution installed on this system you can also scroll down and see what else you can disable but again just be very careful for example you can I disable vacuum packing because I don't have a Wacom tablet I also disable Orca screen reader because this is accessibility feature which I don't need and I also disable welcome screen because I don't need welcome screen so just go for all these settings and see what else you can disable so this way you will make your system to start little faster another advanced thing to do up to install Ubuntu 2004 is to remove some of the default applications again you need to be very careful here if your new user never remove any default applications but if you're a little more advanced you can clean your system a bit that I usually open synaptic and here I go to the install tab and scroll for all the programs which I installed on my system and see if I really need it if you are not sure about some of the programs keep it it's better to keep it then remove it and breaking something example I usually remove this Bluest application which is bluetooths application because I don't have bluetooth on my system and also remove this I also remove all the games which are installed by default it's difficult to find them here but if you go to search and view for example search pseudo code you can remove it from here after you have selected all the programs you want to remove click apply and remove them but again be very very careful because you can break your system if you remove some key application on your system another advanced option which I would like to show you is how to list all the installed snap packages and let's say you want to replace snap package with a dev package I have talked about snaps in my bun to 2004 review which you can find in the description now you open terminal let's make it fullscreen and then you just type snap list and you will see all the snap packages installed on your system example here I have our - city which is installed as a snap package but I would prefer to use a different version of this package so to remove it I type sudo snap remove now audacity removing the snap application takes some time but there is one advantage using a Debian version versus a snap version this Debian version starts little faster and it is lighter because it uses dependencies which are shared within different applications on your system while a snap version is a kind of a container application which includes all the dependencies as a package an advantage of this is that this application is little more stable because it doesn't depend on other applications but on the other hand it gets little heavier and it runs little so over so after you have removed a snap version of an application you can go to a bunch of Software Center and search here for that application and make sure you have installed ADB inversion for example for audacity you will see there are two different versions of these programs if you click on the first one you will see it has the source of boon - focal universe but if you click on this one you will see that the sources map craft which is a snap application and if you prefer to have a debian version you need to select the one which is not snap version in the source and install it sometimes you may also have one application listed in a boon to Software Center and the version will be shown here or just choose the right version from this menu here and now if the list again our snap packages you will see that how audacity is not the animal based on your preferences see what kind of apps you have installed as the snap packages and maybe you actually would prefer to have a regular baby and package version the snap version I hope this tip was useful if you are a little more advanced user but if you have no idea what I am talking here just ignore it and go to the next thing to do at the instant in Ubuntu 2004 if you use an Android phone you may also want to connect you on the right one to your bundle system and to do that you need to install an extension which is called GS Connect you go to the website no max tensions and search for GS Connect here it is then you install it after you have installed just extension on your desktop you also need to install KDE connect on your phone you need to open it on your phone and then you click on this network icon in the bundle you will see new menu which is called mobile devices click on it and open mobile settings and usually Ubuntu will automatically recognize your phone and you will also see one to name in your phone KDE connect application you need to click on it on your phone and request pairing then you just need to accept the pairing the devices so now your phone is connected to your boon to the website GS Connect does not see your phone this may be the case if firewall works Gia's connection so to enable just connect in your firewall you open uncomplicated firewall which we have installed in our previous step of things to do after installing Ubuntu you go to the rules click on this price icon and then you just need to find KD connect here it is you click Add and make sure the policies to allow so now the rules are added here G is connect should not have any problem to find your phone annika also recommend that you enable life patch of this value karna will be polished with security fixes without the need to reboot your system enable it you go to the menu and look for wife patch you click on the sign-in button and then you can either sign in if you already have an account or you can register a new account here I already have an account so I will sign in with an existing account you will need to enter your password a couple of times so now you can see life patches on on my system of this way my system is little more secure because I will receive all the patches to my care no even without the need to reboot my system so we are pushing to the end of this list of things to do after installing Ubuntu and after you have installed everything and configured your system you may want to clean your bun to system now in my previous things to do after installing Ubuntu I recommended to install the program which is called bleach beat it is available in the software center you just search for Bleach bit and install it but in this video I would like to show you a little different program which is called Ubuntu cleaner and to install it you need to add a specific repository again I provide these comments in the description under this video you add repository may type in your password enter after you have added the repository you need to update your system sudo apt update and then you type sudo apt install Ubuntu cleaner yes so this is a little bit different application which allows you to clean your system after the installation you find it in the menu oh here it is and here you can define what you want to clean for example you can clean Firefox cache underworld cache amnio cache apt cache as you can see I have a lot of packages here we can select it here old care knows that's right after you have selected what you want to clean you just go here and press this clean button if you want to clean like all kernels or some administrative related files you need to enter your password and after that your system will be cleaned if you run a bundle on the laptop you may also install some additional packages which will help you to save your battery time that you need to open the terminal and you install a package for battery saving by typing sudo apt install LP if you use a thin pad you may also install these two additional packages again I provide all the comments in the description under this video you press Enter say yes and after you have installed these packages your battery life will be little extended but there is one more thing you need to do if you run a bundle on a laptop is to show the battery percentage so for that you need to open a boon to tweaks here you go to the top bar and here you need to enable battery percentage unfortunately you don't see any changes on my system because I run it on a desktop I don't have a battery so I don't have a battery indicator but if you run it on the laptop it will show you the remaining percentage of the energy on your battery so these were the settings which are necessary from laptop users I hope these 50 things to do after installing Ubuntu 2004 were useful and you have configured your bundle exactly as you want thank you for watching you
Channel: Average Linux User
Views: 439,882
Rating: 4.9231653 out of 5
Keywords: things to do after install ubuntu 20.04, after install ubuntu 20.04, after installing ubuntu 20.04, things to do first after installing ubuntu 20.04, things to do first in ubuntu 20.04, things to do first Ubuntu 20.04, things to do after installing ubuntu, after installing ubuntu, ubuntu after install, after installing ubuntu focal fossa, ubuntu, ubuntu 20.04, ubuntu linux, speed up ubuntu 20.04, customize ubuntu 20.04, ubuntu focal fossa, tweak ubuntu, linux, Linux for beginners
Id: MNX7HgcWqHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 35sec (4895 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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