A Quick Look at Garuda Linux Qtile Edition

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one of the fastest growing linux distributions is garuda linux i did a video about geruda about eight or nine months ago and when i did that video i had never even heard of garuda when i made that video so it's a rather new distribution but i was so impressed with their kde plasma edition that i reviewed nine months ago i thought it was the most beautiful linux desktop i had ever seen not even kidding that video i did about nine months ago go check it out if you're interested in the kde dragonized version of garuda but i thought it was just an incredibly well-polished put together distribution if i go to their website here at grew to linux.org garuda actually means eagle and so they've got a eagle as a mascot you get pictures of equals everywhere on the side and in the distribution itself but you can see some of these screenshots are just gorgeous you see their calamari's installer it's got some gaussian blurring in the background and it just looks really nice they're terminal here it's got some gaussian blurring background as well by the the way the default user shield in garuda is the fish shell which i you guys know i love fish so that's one of the reasons why i was so positive on garuda they also use butter fs as their default file system so that's interesting and because they use butter fs they already have automatic snapshotting out of the box using time shift time shift takes a snapshot of your system so if you ever do like a system update or something as things are broke you can roll back to a previous snapshot and this is kind of baked into butter ffs so it's one of the really great reasons why many distributions now are starting to transition away from extend four over to butter fs and of course garuda has many custom applications that they design themselves and probably one of the other big things that separates garuda from many other standard linux desktop distributions is the fact that garuda uses the linux zen kernel out of the box rather than the standard generic linux kernel the zen kernel is better on performance it's also better for gaming for example so it's kind of for high speed linux right that's what the garuda is designed for high speed no drag now when i made my initial video about garuda about nine months ago i haven't revisited garuda since then and you guys have wanted me to i've had requests especially you guys that know i love tiling window managers because garuda actually makes several tiling window manager editions other than kde xfce gnome and lxqt they also have additions for wayfire which is a weyland window manager a standalone floating window manager it's basically compias rewritten for weyland they also have q-tile which you guys know i love q-top bspwm i3 and sway sway is basically i3 rewritten for weyland so given these choices here you guys know the one i'm gonna go grab of course i'm gonna go grab the q-tile edition so i'm gonna go through the their downloads page here and find the image they've got really nice screenshots for all their editions kde dragonized is uh the one i did about nine months ago and that thing was just absolutely insane i love their version of kde but i'm going to grab garuda utah and i'm going to go ahead and run through a quick installation of garuda's qtile edition inside a virtual machine so i grabbed the iso and i spun up a virtual machine one thing to note is you get this boot screen that is very reminiscent of the manjoro boot screen where you can play around with the time the key table by default it's set to us but you can change that if you need to language is english us again you can change that if you want and then we have the options of booting with open source drivers which is okay for me in this vm or booting with the proprietary nvidia graphics drivers which is probably what a lot of people on physical hardware will want to do especially if you have a nvidia card of course i'm gonna go ahead and boot with the open source drivers and we're at the login manager and wow what a great customized login manager screen this is actually really gorgeous here this login manager screen i'm not sure which login manager they're using probably sddm i'll check that once i actually get into the live environment the problem is the live environment user is named garuda we need a password i'm assuming since they gave us the name garuda the password would also be garuda that would just make sense now this thing did not load properly i'm getting some issues here this is going to be some compositing issues where things are not quite right what i'm going to do if i do super enter can i get a terminal it did open a terminal but i can't really see it i can see the border i'm going to just type kill all pycom i'm gonna kill the compositor i already know what the problem is i think i dealt with this problem the last time i took a look at garuda inside a virtual machine is they're using some very customized picom settings to get that gaussian blur effect that you see in some of the screenshots and things and that some of that stuff does not play well inside virtual machines at all so if you guys are going to try this inside a virtual machine i would just kill the compositor so kill all all one word space pycom takes care of that and now i can actually see the live environment so super enter got us a terminal super queue with that closing window yes and we've got our welcome screen here we can install garuda linux so that's what i'm going to choose here and we get our calamari's installer american english has been chosen for the language that's fine chicago the central time zone's been chosen for me that is correct english us for the keyboard is correct for me and then what do we want to do with our disk i want to erase the entire disk and give the whole thing to garuda i don't want to swap but if i wanted to i could swap with hibernate i could create a swap but in this vm i'd rather not create a swap so i'm just going to have to one partition there then what is your name i'm going to call my user dt what is the name of this computer i'll call it garuda dash vert and then we need to create a strong and complicated password for the dt user and then repeat that strong and complicated password and then do we want to log in automatically without asking for a password no i will actually want to enter a password for privacy reasons and then use the same password for the administrator account so this means that our sudo password is the same as the dt user's password i will leave that ticked on then i'm going to click next and we review everything the location looks good keyboard looks good the partition scheme looks good i'm going to click install and it's warning us that we're about to format the drive and you know right to the disk and this portion of the installer typically takes about not five to ten minutes on my hardware so i'm gonna pause the video i'll be back once the installation has completed and that portion of the installation completed that only took about five minutes or so very quick installation and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to click on restart now and click done and let's go ahead and reboot our freshly installed garuda the qtile edition go ahead and make this thing full screen yep and it looks like the installation completed just fine and of course it's loading the linux zen kernel really like that splash screen there all right and uh our login manager well we had the really beautiful login manager in the live environment it looks like something was broken along the way because obviously that login manager apparently we lost the theme after installation so it's not really themed correctly anymore i wonder if an update would take care of that and then welcome to garuda would you like to start the setup assistance so it looks like it's going to go ahead and run a few like automatic updates and things i'm going to click yes here give it my root password looks like we're still going to have the compositing problem here so before i do anything else what i want to do let's go ahead and kill all pycon one more time super cute to kill that and uh yeah it's running uh automatic update is what the uh assistant is doing it's probably gonna run through a few things here i'm going to go ahead and super enter to get a terminal and what i'm going to do is uh i'm going to run the x render command x renders dash s 1920 by 1080. let's go ahead and set a proper screen resolution and then super cue to kill that window it's asking during the updates apparently there's been some programs that were installed originally when the iso came out that are no longer available or they're being replaced with other programs so i'm just going to go ahead and allow those programs to be replaced by the replacement programs and this update is going very quickly you can see pacman now has the concurrent downloads where it's downloading uh like five or six programs at a time that really speeds up pacman downloads installations here when you update your system so this update of 237 packages is really going very fast and the update completed and we get a little message here saying system updated and then we get the little penguin icon it says please enter to continue so i'm assuming the assistant will continue on with other things yeah there's a post installation wizard it wants to run so i'll click yes do i need printer scanner or samba support no i won't be attaching a printer or scanner to this vm and samba that's for setting up a somber shared so that's where you basically sharing files between linux machines and windows machines usually do you want to install additional garuda wallpapers i do love my wallpaper so i'll click yes to that all right and then we get i guess a little wizard where we can install extra packages that were not installed during the default installation such as do i need asian font support so it's going to install these fonts i'm just going to go with the defaults that it shows do i want some extra software centers now for me i do everything at the command line with pacman i don't need the gnome software center app image launcher i may do some stuff with app images in this vm so actually i'll tick that on octopi i don't need octopi it's basically like a synaptic package manager except for pacman instead of the apt package manager that debian and ubuntu use discover of course kde software center i don't need that gnome software center i don't need i'll just go with the app image launcher do you need another kernel by default we're using the the zen kernel one kernel is good enough for this vm i'm not going to install some extra kernels what office suites do you want if this was a real machine typically i would go with libre office either the steel or the fresh the still you get less updates more that's a long term support kind of libreoffice fresh you'll get much more frequent updates you also have joplin which is nice for note taking only office wps office which is a proprietary office suite but a lot of people love it especially for windows compatibility as far as microsoft office compatibility a lot of people claim wps office has pretty good support for that kind of stuff free office is actually another proprietary office suite even though the name is free office yeah i'm just going to go with nothing here in this vm i won't be using any office software now browsers by default i think it's going to install firefox but i'm not sure because it's asking about extra browsers i mean i'm going to make sure that it does install firefox but other than that if i was installing this for my personal equipment you know i typically i'd also install brave and i probably also installed cute browser i also like librewolf we've got some proprietary browsers in here as well vivaldi's proprietary operas proprietary for me though i don't want to install a ton of software here i'm just going to go with firefox and then what email clients uh here lately i've been using mail spring a lot really nice email client free and open source software as well geary is also a really nice desktop email client and of course mozilla thunderbird especially if you're going to install mozilla firefox for your browser mozilla thunderbird is a nice email client of course it's kind of a standard it's been around forever i'm just going to go ahead and i won't need an email client so i'll take all of that off communication software so this is things like telegram and discord element for those of you that need a matrix client zoom skype microsoft teams etc what communication software do i need i really don't need any of this what audio software now again if this was uh my main production machine i would need some of this i probably installed audacity and ardour i need audio player as well audacious would work for something like that but for this vm i'm actually not going to install any of this extra software what video software i probably would just play all of my videos in mpv i also like to install vlc because vlc has some extra functionality that mpv doesn't have one of the things i love about vlc especially playing audio in it it is has the ability to uh play single tracks as far as multi-track audio so vlc is kind of a nice thing to have obs of course is what i use to record all of my videos and uh caden live is what i use to edit all of my videos so i'd probably install all of those on my main production machine but again i'm gonna skip this and graphics i'd probably want something like i probably want inkscape uh dark table that's nice for those of you that like to edit raw photos i'm going to skip all of these applications as well more multimedia software we got some disc burning utilities and i won't need any of that in the vm and games i'm going to skip installing any games as well what development software do i need uh i want gnu emacs of course you've got other options here for ides you have visual studio code you've got adam pycharm is here as well um other than that cockpit is here and that's nice uh i actually did a video about installing vms using cockpit i did that video uh just a few months back a really nice program what virtualization software do i need so i typically use vert manager and virtualbox i like having both on my machines because sometimes when you're installing things in virtual machines sometimes they work better in virtualbox than vert manager or vice versa so i like having both actually installed but i won't be installing any vms inside this vm what other software do you want i don't know what most of these are varieties of wallpaper changer i don't really care to have my wallpapers automatically changing on me cocky's a system monitor but i really don't need that either so i'm just going to skip those and then it says a screen dispatcher text to speech which is uh i won't need text-to-speech hunt spell that's a spell checker i won't need any of that so i will cancel all of that and then i don't know what this is asian language support again i don't need any of that go ahead and give it a sudo password again the few choices that we did choose is going to go ahead and install those packages for us so firefox of course is going to install the app image launcher i think i also chose garuda wallpapers and canoe emacs of course it's going to install as well and it finished installing all of our software i'm going to click on the close button here and it says authentication is needed to run user bin bash as the super user so it's going to try to execute another script do you want to remove the setup assistant yeah so after you run through the assistant one time yeah you probably want to go ahead and remove it from your system because i mean you're never going to run it again so there's no reason to keep it around all right and now we've got our welcome screen here where we get the gurudo assistant which should have been removed now we have grudus settings manager let's click on that this is just your standard kind of control center where you've got hardware configuration kernel language packages user accounts time and date keyboard settings locale settings i really don't need to play with any of this stuff but if i wanted to if i double clicked on the kernel this would be interesting if you were trying to install or remove if you had multiple kernels so that is really nice it's a very easy way to to get different kernels for example right now we're using the zen kernel but if i wanted to switch over to the linux lts kernel i could go ahead and install that and i'm assuming does it allow me to remove kernels well i don't see the linux zen kernel here as far as something to remove let's see how do i get back to the main i hit quit i guess and then i just have to click on grew to settings again but i don't think i really want to play around with anything in here we also have time shift of course that is for our snapshots add remove software i'm assuming this would be our graphical package manager yeah and i probably won't play around with this either i'll just use the command line to install and remove my software system cleaner let's see what program this is this is stacer stacer basically it will delete uh extra cruft that's hanging out on your system so it will clean uh cached files and logs and things like that it'll get rid of some unnecessary files that are just hanging out on your file system so that is stacer super cue to quit it's asking for confirmation to quit now when i resized the resolution earlier it kind of messed up our wallpaper so let me do supershift d because i think that would bring up d menu no it does not super d super d gets us not d menu it gets us some other application launcher i'm really not sure what application launcher this is let's see do we have uh wallpapers uh maybe displays i'm wondering what program they use to actually set wallpapers and and things like that if i just search for wall yeah desktop preferences let's try that desktop manager is not active okay well let me open the terminal and let me run h top and by default we're using about 761 megs of the six gigs of ram that i gave this vm that might seem like that's a little high for a tiling window manager but we do have some some applications running we've got quite a few things actually running in the systray here but really i just wanted to see what was running on the system at the moment right now we have alacrity as our terminal we have cocky demonize running that's weird because we don't have a cocky on the desktop so why is cocky like a damon running in the background let's kill all cocky because i won't need that i was trying to see what kind of uh pull kit uh session manager they were using here uh i'm assuming it would be uh i see lx pull kit so i'm assuming lx session yeah that is what is running for our session manager there it looks like they're going to use a lot of the standard lxde applications let me open nvm our dot config uh slash q tile slash config dot pi this is your qtile config and i can already tell you it's not going to open you see the word vim is red here in the fish shell that means vim is actually not installed so that's one of the cool things about the the fish shield is it will actually tell you when a command is a legitimate command or it's not so when anytime you get red instead of blue that means hey the command you're currently typing is not going to work so what i need to do is i'm going to need to do sudo pack mam dash capital s vim let's go ahead and install vm for a text editor because i don't know if any other text editor is installed other than canoe emacs i can't really use gnu emacs though i typically use evil mode in emacs i wonder if nano was here nano is not here you see when i type it it's red vi vi is also not installed so really for a command line text editor nothing was installed so i had to install vm now i'm going to up arrow and vm dot config slash qtile slash config dot pi and let's go ahead and check out some of the key bindings because i don't know too much about the key bindings here looks like super v would open pavu control i don't know why they think control is an important enough program that you're going to use all the time to need a key binding because i mean i do a lot with audio and i rarely open up you know pavu control it's not something i even open up on a daily basis or you know i'm probably open pavu control once or twice a week you know when things are not right a super enter of course gets us our alacrity terminal super w changes i guess our pi wall colors so let me try that super w and nothing happened super w so i'm assuming even though they got a key binding for it pi wall dash colors dot pi where is it finding that i'm going to cd into dot config slash qtil do a ls and there is a folder called scripts so i'll cd into scripts and do an ls and yeah i i don't know where this pi wall dash colors dot pi script is is pi wall installed so if i did wal which is the command for pi wall typically you do something like pi wall dash i and then name a file but you see wal is all red meaning that program doesn't exist so sudo pac-man dash capital s high wall let's go ahead and install pi wall and now that we have it installed if i do super w does that actually do anything no it does not yeah so i'm not sure why we have this key binding here for this pi wall colors python script i i can't i i don't know where this thing is supposed to exist on the system or even if it does i guess i could make sure with the find command so i'm going to sudo find on root i'm going to search the entire file system for a case insensitive name so dash i name space and i'm going to do inside these quotes here asterisks and what was the name of the script pie wall dash colors and asterix meaning i really don't care what comes before pi wall dash colors or after it uh yeah there's nothing we also have super shift d to launch d menu i did think that that that key binding existed super shift d to launch d menu that actually doesn't launch d menu it launches this script d menu dot sh which is in uh dot config slash q-tile slash scripts d-menu dot s-h so if i tried to run this uh yeah in no such file or directory i'm assuming it's because d menu is not even now d menu is installed so why does the script not work this is no such file or directory it's complaining about dot cash wall colors dot sh so it's complaining about this file not existing well what i could do here don't try this at home kids but i'm just going to copy that path to that file and i'm going to touch that file what i'm doing is i'm going to create an empty file and at this exact location dot cash wall slash colors dot sh it says no such file so i was gonna try to make this file if it'll let me let's try it with vm yeah and then write and quit uh it's complaining because i guess we don't have privileges for this if i do right quit exclamation to force it uh i guess yeah it's not going to let us create that file either maybe i need to run the pi wall program at least one time so if i do wall dash i and let's go user share and typically it's backgrounds but backgrounds it's not here that's typically where you find your default wallpapers on a linux system user share wallpapers is sometimes used okay that works and if i tab complete here garuda wallpapers exist and tab complete again and i have i guess about 80 wallpapers to choose from and obviously i can't preview them but i'm just going to pick one so i'll just do garuda eagle that sounds like a cool wallpaper and if i hit enter it's going to generate the pi wall color scheme a new terminal color scheme based on the wallpaper that we set which is this just the standard default garuda eagle and i'm assuming the reason that that d menu script wouldn't run before is it bases its color scheme off of what is set by pi wall so now if i try to run that now d menu actually works and it respects the new color scheme that pi wall sets so that's the problem there so anybody that installs this needs to know that they need to before you ever try to run d-menu you actually have to run the pi wall command but pi wall was actually not installed by default so actually you have to install pi wall first then you need to set a wallpaper using pi wall and then you can use d menu so that's actually kind of a bug i think whoever's maintaining garuda qtil edition probably should correct that problem pi wall obviously needs to be installed by default and they probably should go ahead and install that cached file that d menu looks for by default looking at the key bindings in our config.pi it looks like nitrogen is here for setting a wallpaper alt control i so let me try that alt control i doesn't launch nitrogen if i do a nitrogen at the command line nitrogen you can see the name is red meaning nitrogen is actually not installed so we do have several key bindings here that the programs are not actually installed so i don't know why the default config has key bindings for programs that are not here we also have another key binding alt control u for pavu control that's the second pavu control keybinding i don't know again i don't know when you need even one key binding for pub who control much less too alt e for emacs and since i did install emacs let me do super 2 to go the second workspace and now i'm going to do super e or actually alt t because it was not using the standard mod key it was actually using mod 1 which is the alt key and that launches gnu emacs if i do control x control c to close that will kill gnu emacs i don't know a ton of the standard gnu emax key bindings but i do at least know how to exit going through the rest of the config here most of this looks like just a standard kind of config we've got several different layouts available here you got your group names here and these are the workspace names here which by default is just one through zero so you've got 10 workspaces just do super and then the number on the keyboard super two goes to the second workspace super three would go to the third workspace super one goes back to the first workspace super shift two sends the window with focus to the second workspace so now i just sent that terminal window to the second workspace if i go to the second workspace with super 2 you can see that window is there if i do supershift 1 i'll send it back to the first workspace and then super one to move me back to the first workspace and there is that window and let me get back to this let me do supershift one to send all of that back to the first workspace and it actually takes me to the workspace along with it so they're doing some interesting things here in their qtile config i would probably modify some of that to my liking but this is a good start you certainly this is a easier start than starting with the default qtile config which honestly uh q-tile is one of the easier tiling window managers to get into but still it's nice that somebody that knows a little something about q-tile has taken the time to theme it a little for for you up front you've got some nice widgets going on here in the panel you've got your layout widget you have a cpu widget this looks like your disk space widget time and date and then of course here at the end you have a systray in the systray you've got what widgets do we have we have our network manager widget the volume icon widget and this is a screenshot utility and then the garuda logo here is what is this update keyring force hotfix update quit not sure what program that is i'm sure it's one of the custom garuda programs but i'm not exactly sure what that does and then this here does nothing either on a left click or a right click oh it's a battery icon of course i'm not on a laptop and then finally the keyboard i'm assuming is our keyboard layout obviously i don't want to play around with that but actually doesn't do anything when i click on it anyway i wonder if we have any clickable events that happen when i click the widgets so if i click on the date yeah nothing happens if i click on the disk space h-top launches so that's cool super cute to kill that window h-top also launches when i click on the cpu here and the layouts of course when you click the layouts it actually changes the layout let me open a third window so you can see we're in a floating layout that's ratio tile that is the max layout so all the windows are full screen stacked on top of each other columns stack tile and tree tab and tree tab is interesting here it's one of the ones i sometimes play around with in my config vertical tile zoomy zoomy is another interesting one because when you highlight over here it actually brings that window to the big zoomed in window where everything else is forced into the small little column so that's a really cool kind of layout and of course monad tall is your default master stack layout now because i did want to see some of the garuda wallpapers and i don't have a proper wallpaper browser we know that the the config did kind of expect nitrogen to be on the system so let's go ahead and install it so i'm going to do sudo pacman dash capital s nitrogen give it the root password all right now that we have that installed i'm going to switch to workspace 2 and what was it alt control i to launch nitrogen yes then i'm going to go to preferences because by default it doesn't know what directory to search for wallpapers i'm going to add a directory and i'm going to go into the file system the root file system at user share and wallpapers in garuda's case so where is the wallpapers directory there it is garuda dash wallpapers and i'm going to hit apply and then i'm going to go ahead and click ok here and now it should populate nitrogen with a preview of all the wallpapers all right and let's go ahead and take a look at some of these so let me go ahead and hit apply on that i'll switch to the third workspace all right it did not resize that correctly right now it's set to automatic what i probably want to do is i want to do skilled and hit apply again and now it actually resizes that to the proper resolution uh this one here is black and white and oh i like the the garuda eagle and the branding there that's not bad uh actually almost all of these are garuda branded wallpapers lots of abstract art eagles and things like that i like this one here it's got these colorful tiles here get the gruda logo in one of the tiles yeah that's not bad that actually fits the kind of the really garish color scheme that's going on in the qtile panel as well that's not too bad for me i think i want something a little bit more minimal maybe some nice nature photo or something uh how about this one here and i'm gonna go ahead kill nitrogen yeah that's not too bad either that's actually not a nature photograph that's some more abstract art it's got an eagle flying through a canyon of course you got the eagle head over here as well i wonder how many programs are installed by default on the system does neofetch give us that information it does packages installed through pacman 1126 packages if i did a pacman dash qq and pipe that through less i could get a list of everything that is installed i just want to run through this just very quickly and anything that stands out as well i didn't know that was installed i'll let you guys know exa that is an alternative to the ls command so you guys know that in my configs i always use exa you know to display this colorful ls information that's as standard and all of my configs it looks like whoever designed garuda qtal is also using exa rather than just the standard ls command it looks like we also have the starship prompt so that is the prompt they're using here in the fish shield if i switch over to bash does that using starship no that's using a much more standard kind of prompt uh let's see so i fish exa q-tile uh starship prompt uh it's like and it's almost like i design this distribution right so i'm gonna go ahead and close out all of these windows so that's just a quick look at the qtile edition for garuda linux garuda again is exploding in popularity it's like number two or number three on the distro watch page hit rankings which are practically meaningless the distro overwatch rankings don't mean anything it's not an accurate representation of anything but i know that garuda is actually gaining a lot of popularity because so many of you guys have messaged me ever since i made my initial video about garuda i've gotten tons of messages from you guys that have installed it many of you guys have been living in it ever since i made my initial video about garuda and are happy with it i do like the fact that garuda does some interesting things i like you know the butter fs default file system the fish shell being the default user show that's nice and you guys know i really love q-tile as a window manager i promote q-tile heavily on this channel when i started making videos about utah all about four years ago nobody had ever heard about this tiling window manager and i've been using it for like seven or eight years and it kind of bugged me that nobody knows about this fantastic window manager this got all these cool widgets it's very extensible it's written in python it's kind of easy to use and nobody really talked about it until this guy right here started talking about it and now we've got linux distributions actually making q-tile additions and i really proud about that because i hope that i had some small part to do in that because i think q-tile as a project deserves more attention now before i go i need to thank a few special people i need to thank the producers of this episode i'm talking about fc gabe james mitchell paul scott west sakami alan chug commander angry kirk david dilling gregory heiko mike aryan alexander peace archdoor polytechnic private stephen and willie these guys they're my high steered patrons over on patreon without these guys this quick look at the qtile edition of garuda linux would not have been possible the show is also brought to you by each and every one of these ladies and gentlemen as well all these names you're seeing on the screen these are all my supporters over on patreon because i don't have any corporate sponsors it's just me and you guys the community if you like my work and want to support me subscribe to distro tube over on patreon alright guys peace now they just need to make a exmonet edition
Channel: DistroTube
Views: 73,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garuda linux, arch linux, linux distro, linux gaming, garuda linux review, garuda linux dragonized, gnu linux, linux review, desktop environment, linux operating system, garuda os linux, best looking linux distro, linux desktop, zen kernel, garuda linux os, garuda review, beautiful linux distro, linux desktop environment, garuda linux 2020, linux distro review, window manager, tiling window manager, qtile, garuda qtile, distrotube
Id: huufG9N0LOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 35sec (2135 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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