Beginner's Guide To The Linux Terminal

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/alexishdez_lmL 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
in the last few months we've got a lot of new subscribers to the channel and i've got a lot of new subscribers that are very new to linux and they don't know anything about the terminal or the command line and they really want to learn how to use the terminal i've been getting people messaging me asking hey dt you use the terminal all the time and it looks really cool i want to learn all these terminal commands can you point me to a video to learn it all and i've made dozens of videos about the command line and about bash but there's really no one video i can send these absolute beginners to that would properly teach them how to use the terminal in the command line so today i wanted to make a comprehensive video for the absolute beginner on how to use the command line in linux so let me switch over to my desktop here and this is linux mint 20.1 i'm running linux mint inside a virtual machine here today and the first thing we need to do is open a terminal now you can open your terminal in several different ways in your desktop environment if it has a traditional kind of menu system you can navigate through the menu system to locate the terminal application if the terminal has a quick launcher on the panel you could click that and on a lot of debian and ubuntu based systems such as linux mint control alt t is a hotkey that should bring up the terminal so let me hit ctrl alt t and the terminal pops up now i'm going to make the terminal full screen here and i want to zoom in a lot of times to zoom in and out on most terminals it's control plus sign or control minus so if i do control plus i should zoom in if i did ctrl minus i'd zoom back out but i want to zoom way in so you guys can see the commands i run today now because we have a lot of information to cover i'm not going to spend much time on each of these commands we're going to rush through this but you can always go back and re-watch the video if you have problems understanding some of what is discussed today so the very first terminal command i want you guys to run is just open up your terminal and type pwd that stands for print working directory this tells us what directory we are in and right now i'm in my home directory your home directory is typically slash home slash your username and even without doing the pwd command i actually knew i was in the home directory because this little squiggly sign here this little tilde symbol that is an alias for your home directory that simply means uh that's just another way of writing slash home slash dt in my case so anytime i see the tilde sign that's actually slash home slash dt uh the next command i want to run is cd now cd means change directory meaning go to another directory somewhere on my system so maybe if we're already in my home directory maybe i want to go to the downloads directory so i start typing downloads and then i'm just going to hit tab and tab is a way to auto complete the path that you're typing so cd and then start typing downloads and then just hit tab if you don't want to type the whole thing and it will just auto complete it for you then hit enter and now you can see we are actually in the tilde slash downloads directory so that is actually my home directory slash downloads if i did pwd you know it would print the full path you know it would expand the tilde character out to slash home slash dt downloads now that we're in the downloads directory maybe i want to go back to the home directory well how do i get back to the home directory well you can do that three different ways with cd you can do cd and then space slash home slash dt in my case would take me back to my home directory but let me get back into the downloads directory so i cd back in there i could also do this cd space and then the tilde symbol here because remember tilde is just an alias for slash home slash dt and that would also take me back home and if i hit the up arrow a couple of times here it remembers the history i'm going to run the cd downloads command again to go back into the downloads directory also i can simply run cd without any other argument cd without any argument always cds back into the home directory now let me clear the screen so i'm going to type the word clear and hit enter just so all the information that was already on the screen goes away and we get a clean terminal you could also do control l on the keyboard to clear for example let me do pwd so it prints out my home directory and then let me do control l and that also works for clear so you can clear the screen two different ways you can just type the word clear or you can do control l the next command you really need to know is the ls command it's probably one of the most common if not the most common command people run in the terminal this is the list command what is it list it lists the contents of the directory you're currently in if you don't give it any other arguments it simply lists everything in the directory we're in which is in this case my home directory but that's not really what it does it doesn't list everything in this directory it only lists the files in the directories that are not hidden files and directories because in linux there are certain files and directories that have a period at the beginning of their names we call them dot files and these dot vols are really hidden files they're files that are not normally displayed when you run an ls command or when you open a file manager and you and you're viewing a directory to actually show all the files including the hidden files what you need to do is run ls space and then give it dash a for all files including the hidden files and now you see i get all of the files and directories in this system including the ones that begin with the period you know the dot falls and the dot directories another interesting flag for the ls command that most people use is the l flag and let me show you that so i'm going to do ls space dash a because i want to be shown all the files in this directory including the hidden files and then i'm going to give it the l flag for long listed format and what this does is instead of just giving me a horizontal kind of list it actually gives me a vertical listing of all the files and directories in this directory including the file permissions who owns the file the size of the file the date of the that the file was created so it gives us a lot more information and that is typically my ls command typically i also give it one more flag i give it an h flag so my ls command is typically ls dash l for long format a for all files including the hidden files and then i usually give it a h flag for human readable numbers because by default it lists the file size and bytes and some of these file sizes get into kilobytes megabytes even gigabytes and these numbers get huge and they're not comma separated so if you give it the h flag you know if a one gigabyte file will actually read as one gigabyte instead of you know a bajillion bytes or whatever it is now let me clear the screen so ctrl l to clear the screen now what if you didn't know all the flags that were available for the ls command because there's a lot many more than what i just showed you and maybe you want to go and read about some of the flags that are available for a particular command such as ls well what you need to do is read the man page so if you type in the terminal man and then space and then the name of the program you want the man page for the man page is the manual page it's the instruction manual for that command so do man space ls and you get the man page for the ls command and you can see all of the flags the a flag we discussed there's a b flag a c flag a d flag so you can nf flag so you can list out just the directories or just the files there's a g flag which is group directories first you can do a lot of really cool stuff with the ls command so any command i discussed today that you want to learn more in depth about a particular command just view the man page now let's talk about creating a file there are a couple of different ways to create a file if you want to create an empty file and maybe you don't want to actually do anything with this file just yet you want to create an empty file but you don't want to actually open it with a text editor and put anything in it you can just do this command here touch and then we'll call this particular file file one dot txt it'll be a text file and if i get an ls you see in my home directory we now have an empty file called file1.txt now many times when you create a file you actually do want to open it in a text editor and start you know adding stuff to it right away so typically when you create a file you actually don't usually use touch typically you use your favorite editor let's use nano for this example you you do nano and then name a file so maybe i want to create a file called file2.txt and i want to edit it right away and then i'm going to do nanospacefall2.txt and this opens this new file that was just created it's still an empty file but now we can actually type something this is a line of text well if i can type and then what i could do is ctrl x to exit out of nano y to save hit enter and there you go if i did it ls file2.txt is there and if i actually wanted to check and make sure that the contents i wrote to that file are there we could use the cat command we can run cat file to and just tab complete and then hit enter and you it cats out that file every line of that file which there's only one line and that line is this is a line of text now that we've shown you how to create a file how do you create a directory well you use this command here mkdir for make directory so make deer space and then let's create a new directory i'm going to call it test so we're going to make a new directory and name it test and now with that we've done that let's run the ls command and see if we have the test directory and we do now we could cd into the test directory if we wanted to go there cd into the test directory let's run a ls uh ls doesn't return anything because this is an empty directory well let's move something into this directory so it's no longer empty so let me cd back into the home directory now i could just type cd and hit enter and go back to the home directory but another interesting thing you can do with cd is cd space and then the dash character and this cds into the last directory that you were in so maybe i wasn't in the home directory maybe i was in my videos directory or something cd space dash always goes to the last directory you were in before you went to this directory i hope that makes sense so that cds back into my home directory let me clear the screen let me run an ls and what i want to do is i want to move so let's do mv for move and let's move file1.txt where do we want to move it to let's move it to the test directory and hit enter and now let's run a ls except we're in the home directory i want to do a ls on the test directory so let's give it a path to the test directory and then run an ls and you see file1.txt is inside the test directory now if i run a ls without any arguments you know we'll run ls in the directory we're currently in the home directory and you see file one is not here because we moved file one to the test directory but what if you wanted to just copy a file instead of moving it completely well you could copy with cp instead of mv for move do cp for copy and i'm going to do file 2 this time and we're going to move file 2 of course into the test directory and now again if i do ls on the test directory we now have file1.txt and file2.txt in the test directory but if i ls in the home directory you know file2.txt is also still in the home directory because we copied it so we have two file twos right one in the home directory and then the copied one that is now in the test directory now how do you remove files and directories well to remove a file what you can do is use the rm command for remove and in this case i want to remove file2.txt from the test directory now right now i'm in my home directory right you see the path the tilde is signifying the home directory that's where i'm at now so to remove file 2 from the test directory i need to type the full path to it so i need to type test slash and then file to dot txt let's run that and now when i do an ls on the test directory file2.txt it's no longer there because we removed it and if i up arrow to get to that last command i ran this time let's run file one so let's remove test file1.txt and now when i run the ls on the test directory it is now an empty directory and now to remove an empty directory you can't use the remove command it doesn't work on directories typically you can force it to work on directories giving it certain flags we'll get to that in a minute but typically to remove a empty directory you do rmdir for remove directory remove directory test let me hit enter now let me ls and the test directory is no longer there now how do you remove a directory if it has stuff in it how do you remove the directory and remove everything within the directory well it's a dangerous command but you need to know it so let's go ahead and make the test directory one more time so i'm going to mk deer test and then let's put something in it let me copy uh file2.txt over to test one more time and now if i did an ls on the test directory you see it's not an empty directory now so rmdir on test actually will fail it says fail to remove because the directory is not empty you can't rmdir a directory unless it's empty but you can use the rm command with these flags dash r f and what this is is remove recursively and forcefully at a directory now this is a dangerous command because make sure that you actually want that directory deleted recursively because if you messed up and removed recursively the root directory for example you would destroy your linux installation or you rem rf your home directory you just lost all of your home user data so you know all your documents and everything are wiped out so be very careful if you run the command rm space dash rf make sure that that path to the directory is correct and you really want that directory and all of its contents removed in this case it's pretty safe because the test directory was just the directory i created and there's really nothing in it now let me clear the screen here and let's talk about finding programs on your system uh one of the things people often want to know about at the command line is where a particular program's binary is on the system so any program that you can run from the command line anything that you can execute from the command line has a binary somewhere on the system for example the ls command that we've been running let me do this command here which space ls and it's going to give me the path to the actual ls program the ls executable binary on the system it's going to tell me exactly where that lives on the system i did which firefox i'm pretty sure firefox is the default browser here in mint it will tell me where the binary for firefox is now i typically don't use the which command there's a better command called where is where is does the same thing except it lists multiple things it will give you the path to the binary it will give you the path to the libraries for firefox so user bin firefox is the binary that's the executable user lib firefox is where all the firefox library should be and it also typically gives you the path to the man page for that program so user share man firefox in this case now how do you search for files and directories on your system maybe you are searching for a file that contains a specific name or a specific string of characters well there's a couple of popular commands to do this probably the easiest command is the locate command so i could run locate firefox and it will give me all the files and directories on the system that have firefox as part of their name now not every linux installation is going to have the locate command available uh to install locate uh sometimes the package is not called locate i'm not sometimes it's called m locate so let me actually check that here on yet so if i did a sudo apt install mlocate it's gonna ask for my password and mlocate is actually the package so that is actually the program you need to install is m locate but the command to actually run is actually called locate not m locate so locate and then a string of characters that you want to search for now the locate searches a database it takes a snapshot of your system so every now and then you need to update the m locate database how you do that is run sudo and then update db all one word and then once you have the new scan of your system you know then run another locate command i don't know let's locate something that contains the word linux it's probably going to be a lot of stuff on the system that contains the string linux as part of the the path to that file or directory now let me clear the screen another kind of find command is just the standard find command that's part of the gnu core utils so if i wanted to search through the entire root file system i could do sudo because we need sudo privileges to search through certain root directories i'm going to do sudo space find space slash because we want to search the root directory when the root directory is the slash symbol space i'm going to give it this flag dash i name because i want it to search uh case insensitively meaning i don't care whether the names the letters and the name are capital or lowercase and what do we want to search for we want to search for linux and it's going to give me in this case some directories that have linux as part of the name and it doesn't matter whether linux began with a lowercase l or a capital l because i gave it that i name flag now the find command is very powerful if you read the man page it's a gigantic man page with a ton of flags and options available for it i've done videos about the find commands specifically so check out my videos about find to know more now let me clear the screen let's talk about uh printing text right here at the command line probably the most common command for just uh printing something out at the command line is the echo command so i could do echo and i could do in double quotes here i'm gonna do hello world you could have done double quotes or single quotes it really doesn't matter just wrap it in quotes and it will spit out hello world that's the output now echo is a pretty standard command but there's actually a better version of echo there is the print f command printf is interesting it's a upgraded version of echo because it allows you to do things like uh include special formatting and escape sequences so i could do for example one and then i could do backslash n for newline two backslash n for newline three and then do the ending double quote and watch what happens now i get three lines one two three because i could add those escape sequences for the new lines if i tried to do that with echo it wouldn't work because echo does not allow those escape sequences i hope that makes sense you say echo just echoes exactly what i typed rather than swapping out the backslash n as line breaks now an interesting character that you need to know about is the greater than sign and what this does it redirects output to a file let me show you let me run that printf command that we ran a minute ago i'm going to printf one two three and one two three you know will be on their own lines and then i'm gonna do uh the greater than sign so i want to take that output which is one two three and i want to direct it to a specific file and it can be any file it doesn't have to be a file that exists on the system we can create a new file remember i deleted file1.txt earlier so let's create it again file1.txt and hit enter if i do a ls you will see file1.txt is now back if i wanted to see what was in it let's just run the cat command on file1 and you see one two three is catted out so the greater than sign that is for redirecting output into a file by the way that cat command it's really interesting but you know sometimes you cut out a file and it's a gigantic file let me do cat on our dot bash rc which is uh the bash shell configuration file we'll talk about that later but let's do cat space dot bash rc and this is a gigantic file you know we're already at the end of the file but i would have to scroll up a lot to actually read this file so cutting out a file a lengthy file doesn't make a lot of sense there's a better way to view this and you use this command here less and then dot bash rc and it cuts it out but it starts it at the top and if you want to scroll down the file to actually read it which makes more sense than being at the end and having to scroll back up less starts at the top of the file and to read it you just hit enter just hit enter and you go down line by line and you could actually read it to get out of less type q for quit now let me clear the screen typically when you cataphile or less a file you're looking for a specific line of text a specific string of text a better way to actually find that line of text you're searching for is to use the grip utility grip is essentially a search utility so run the command grip and then the string you're searching for maybe i want to search for the word alias so i'll wrap that in single quotes space and then the location of the file that i actually want to search for the word alias in i want to search in my dot bash rc file let me run that and you see the output it prints out every line that had the word alias somewhere in that line let me clear the screen one more time earlier we talked about a very special character we talked about the greater than sign that redirects output to a file another really interesting character is the pipe symbol what is the pipe symbol well it takes the output of one program and directs it into another program so let me give you an example let's run the ls command let's do ls and let's do dash l for long format so this is the ls command maybe i want to run the ls command and then i want to take that output and pipe it into another program maybe i want to pipe it into you know what another gnu utility kind of like grip is said what is said well said is often used as a search and replace kind of tool and the way it works is you do s slash and then the old text slash then the new text that you want to replace and then slash g and then the ending double quote so in this case what i want to do is there's a lot of vowels in this ls command what i want to do let's replace them all so what i'm going to do is i'm going to do inside square brackets i'm going to do a e i o and what i want to do is i want to replace every a e i and o with the letter u and watch what happens uh there are no vowels anymore in this except the u actually every a e i o is still there it was just replaced with the vowel u i hope that makes sense so we took the ls command and the output from the ls command we piped it into another command the sid command and then it ran the sed command i hope that makes sense i know that can be a little complicated but piping is one of the most unique things about the bash shell and linux and the command line and you could keep piping so we run the ls command we piped it into sid and then we could pipe it into another command maybe when you want to run i don't know the sort command which sorts alphabetically or numerically in this case uh it's not going to do much because the very first letters are either d or dash so that's how it sorted it but you know you can keep piping stuff when you we can after we sort it we could run the grip command maybe i want to search for specific lines which include how about just the lines that include d r w x r so it's going to include all of these lines but these last two lines it's not going to return those you see so you can keep piping and keep piping into more programs and more programs so that's really the interesting thing with the shell and eventually with shell scripting once you start creating your own custom scripts now let me clear the screen we've talked about cutting a fall so again let's cat dot bash rc just as an example again it cuts out the entire file we're already at the end of the file i'd have to scroll back up to read it we've shown you less less is a better way it still cats out the whole fall but you start at the top and have to read from the top but a lot of times you don't need the whole fall a lot of times you just need specific groups of lines from the file typically you just need a few lines at the top or a few lines at the bottom of the file and if you run head space dot bash rc if i can type it correctly what it does is it prints out by default the first 10 lines of the file so head name a file prints out the first 10 lines if instead of hid iran tail dot bash rc it prints out the last 10 lines by default now you can actually specify a number of lines if 10 is not what you want you could do headspace dash n for number of lines space and then maybe instead i want 15 lines and then space name a fall now i get a head but i get 15 lines of the head and if i wanted to do that on tail i could do that as well till again dash in for number of lines and then the actual number of lines you want and then the name of the file and in this case we just ran the tail command and got the last 15 lines of our dot bash rc now let me clear the screen now let me run a ls space dash l for the long format of the ls command what is all of this stuff at the beginning of the files and directories these are the file permissions now this will be a lengthy discussion that i don't have time to get into on this video i have done a video about file permissions on linux and i suggest you guys watch that the command you use to change file permissions is chmod space and then whatever file permissions you want to set and you can set it in the drwx rwxrwx format or you can just do it as numerical values maybe i want to change file1.txt and give it permission 755. so chmod space 755 and then file1.txt so i just changed it from it looks like it was 644 before to seven five five so if i do ls dash l again you see file one now instead of being rw dash rw dash r dash dash is now rwx r dash x r dash x now you again watch my file permissions video to understand what all of that means just know that the chmod command is what you use to change permissions now let me clear the screen here now one of the things you often will use chmod for is to give yourself execute permissions for a file for example let's in nano let's create a simple bash script so i'm going to do nano and i'm going to do script dot sh for shell script and we want this script to run echo and then we want to do hello world a very simple script here right so then control x to exit y to right and then just hit enter now let's try to execute this script if we execute it it should print out hello world right here in the terminal to execute a shell script what you need to do is period slash and then the name of the shell script so in this case we're going to do period slash script dot sh and we're going to get an error because permission denied why is permission denied well if i do ls space dash l and go to we do not have execute permissions no execute permissions are the x's that are in some of the files so we do not have permission to actually execute that file meaning we don't have permission to actually run that script how do we get this permission typically you're going to do chmod space plus x meaning add the x's to the file permissions add x three times basically to script dot sh now that we've done that let me up arrow and now when we try to run the script it actually runs and you get on the output hello world now let me clear the screen one very useful command that you will often use inside the shell is the history command so make sure you guys know history just type the word history and it gives you you know the last well it will vary depending on your bash rc settings but it will give you several hundred or maybe even several thousand uh commands that you've run recently in your history once you've run the history command of course you could always just copy and paste the command you were looking for but interesting thing about history is it gives you numbers it lists them by numbers for example maybe i want to run the command that's numbered 84 which is the till dash in 15 on the bash rc how would i run that well you simply do exclamation point and then no space just the number that is listed in the history so do exclamation 84 and it will run the 84th command in your shell history another interesting history kind of alias is just the two exclamation points the bang bang that signifies the very last command iran and this is extremely useful so let me clear the screen and i will show you why you need to know about the bang bang command so maybe i want to update my system on a debian or a ubuntu based system or here in linux mint typically what you want to do is apt update so let's run an apt update it's going to say sudo password for dt so it actually knows we need sudo privileges but i'm going to cancel that a lot of times when you run a command that needs sudo privileges that you didn't give sudo privileges to it's going to say you can't run that command so let's imagine that that command failed well what i could do is go back right afterwards and then do sudo space and then bang bang meaning run sudo and then space and then the last command i ran so it's basically going to run sudo apt update and it prints it out sudo apt update now run give your you know root password or whatever it is and it will actually update the system i'll actually let that run since i started it all right clear the screen let's talk about how to kill a program because this is something you often do at the command line you got programs running and you want to close them and there's several different ways to close a program or kill a program is how we call it here in linux you could simply run kill space and then the process id for that process that's running or sometimes you can just give it the name of a program right now i'm in the gnome terminal i think if i did kill gnome terminal it would probably kill it i don't want to do that because i just have to reopen it and then zoom in again another thing you could do is if you have several instances of a particular program maybe you have multiple instances of the gnome terminal running you could do kill all space you know gnome terminal or whatever it is that you're trying to kill another interesting way to kill a program is the x kill command so let me open up uh something i don't mind uh killing so let's open up the file manager here now that i have the file manager open let me uh minimize this and i'm going to run x kill x kill will turn your cursor into an x meaning anything you click on will be killed it only does it one time so if i click on the file manager with the x we just killed the file manager so three things you need to know kill kill all x kill another way to kill a program is through h-top if h-top is installed h-stop is not currently installed let me sudo apt install h-stop and then let's run h-top and h-top shows all the processes that are running on your system so what i could do is i could just arrow down here and find you know the program that i want to to kill maybe i want to kill most of this stuff or demons running in the background but just imagine i want to kill this particular process that i'm highlighted on right here r cis log d now i don't actually want to kill it but if i did i would type f9 you see at the bottom it tells me let me move my head out of the way f9 for kill you see this at the bottom it gives you the hotkeys for it so just type f9 and then another menu will come up let me show you f9 another menu will come up it's already highlighted on sig term just hit enter and it will actually kill that process now i actually don't want to do that so let me get out of h top let me get my head back up and let's clear the screen one more time another interesting command you sometimes need uh not necessarily on some of the more beginner friendly distros like linux mint and ubuntu and things like that but a lot of times you know if you're doing more minimal installations like maybe you're doing a server install like a debian server or ubuntu server or maybe you're doing a minimal arch install or a gen 2 install and you know during the installation process you're wondering hey is networking actually working do you have internet well a good way to test it is just to run the ping command ping and then the address to some website or some ip address that you know just ping it and you know obviously is a popular website let's see if we can ping google and we can you see it just keeps returning it now do control c on the keyboard to kill the ping another common command as far as internet is wget what is w get it allows you to download something from the web that's basically a download command so w get and maybe i want to do https colon slash and then i don't know some linux dot com you know this is the website for some linux os i don't know and slash and then new dash release dot iso right that would be the command i could run at the terminal you know if i knew the path to the or the url for some particular linux's iso you know for a download i could run wget to download that iso i hope that makes sense some other interesting command line utilities are the date command the date command just returns the date now you could give it several different flags you know you can change the format drastically again just if you're ever wondering about flags for a program just do man space name or program so let's read the date man page and you know you get various flags formatting options and i won't cover that you guys can cover that on your own just read the man page so that is date another one you can run is cal self-explanatory is a calendar and another interesting one you can run from the command line is bc and this is your basic calculator so type bc and you have a prompt and i could just start doing simple mathematics here so if i did two plus two hit enter and i get four returned and let me quit out of that control c should get us out of that and then actually return an error it says use quit to exit so let's just type the word quit and we get out of bc let me clear the screen i don't want this tutorial to run too long the only thing i want to discuss real quick let me do a ls dash la for all files and long format and hidden files because i want to show you guys in your home directory look for dot bash rc what is bash rc that is your config file a lot of linux files if they end with the two letters rc that signifies they are a config file so do nano space dot dash rc and now we have our bash rc opened in our text editor and you could go in here and you could edit some stuff change some stuff but really the interesting things are aliases and you see alias ll is ls dash alf so if we don't like doing our standard ls command what we could do is just use the ll command because they created an alias for it so let me open up a new terminal let me zoom in a little bit here there we go and do ll and ll is the same as running ls dash la that's what is the exact same command i hope that makes sense that's what a bash alias is i've done some videos on bash aliases before and you know you can add other bash aliases for example let me quit out of this do i want to save now i really haven't changed anything anyway to update your system on a debian or an ubuntu based system typically you have to run this command sudo apt update space and and sudo apt upgrade and i suggest you guys get used to installing software removing software updating your system at the command line but the problem with this particular command you know you're going to want to update your system probably once a week twice a week and this is a lengthy command to type it may be hard to remember the command if you're not used to running this command what i would do is i would create an alias for this command so what i would do is get back in your bash or c so do nano dot dash rc and somewhere where you have aliases already written i would just add a new alias so there was already some aliases here so i'm going to go to this line down here and let's do alias space we need to create a name for the alias i'm going to do apt up for update or upgrade apt up equals no space between the alias name and the equal sign it has to be name equals without a space and then we'll do a single quote and we want this alias to run this command sudo apt update and and sudo apt upgrade and then do the ending single quote and then do control x to exit wide or right and hit enter and we have to restart bash here now i could just close the terminal and then reopen it you know to for the changes to take effect but if i want to do that without closing the terminal i can do this command source and what i want to source is the path to my dot dash rc which is i'm going to type the full path the tilde character which is the alias for my home directory slash dot bash rc let me hit enter and now that i've done that we've sourced the new bash rc file the one we just added that new alias for let's try that new alias apt up hit enter and it is running sudo apt update and then it's also going to run sudo apt upgrade it's asking us do we actually want to take the upgrade i'm going to type in for no because i'll upgrade off camera so that's all i wanted to cover on this tutorial on learning some of the basic terminal commands and i came at this for those of you that are absolute beginners i know we covered a ton of commands very quickly so you're gonna probably have to go back and re-watch this two or three times to to get everything down but honestly if you just rewatch the video two or three times and actually run the commands that i ran it'll stick in your head these are not complicated and once you've learned them you will always use them you will never open up a file manager to move files copy pop files or you know see the contents of a directory no you're always just going to open up a terminal and type ls to see contents of a directory it's just faster same thing with moving files you're just going to envy path to file especially if you use the tab complete in the best shell it's actually much faster than trying to drag files and you know with multiple file manager windows open you're never going to do that stuff in a gui program again i think one of the things i think a lot of people think the terminal and the command line are harder than they actually are and i really hope that uh this video inspires more of you to actually learn the command line now before i go i need to thank a few special people i need to thank abc devon fran gabe corbinian mitchell economy arts 530 chris chuck david the other david donny dylan gregory lewis paul pickvm scott wes and willie they're the producers of this episode without these guys this episode about learning basic terminal commands wouldn't have been possible the show is also brought to you by each and every one of these ladies and gentlemen as well these are all my supporters over on patreon a sincere thank you to each and every one of those ladies and gentlemen as well because distrotube is sponsored by you guys the community if you'd like to support my work look for distrotube over on patreon alright guys peace
Channel: DistroTube
Views: 97,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux command line, linux commands, linux shell, gnu/linux (operating system), linux for beginners, linux tutorial, command line tutorial, linux command line tutorial, shell, bash, pwd, cd, ls, man pages, which, whereis, locate, find, echo, printf, less, grep, head, tail, chmod, history, kill, killall, xkill, htop, ping, wget, date, cal, bc, redirect, output, bash aliases, linux, gnu bash, gnu linux, nano, linux command line tutorial for beginners
Id: s3ii48qYBxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 26sec (2546 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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