Pop!_OS vs Manjaro - What is the best Linux Distro?

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/allexj 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody this is teca and in this video what we're going to be doing is overviewing and comparing the two most well-regarded linux distributions out there today these two linux distributions are recommended by just about everybody including probably the most well respected person in the linux community papa s and manjaro so pop os and manjara are at the top in the linux distribution space when it comes to overall community opinion and their dedicated user bases to summarize you cannot go wrong with either with that said let's deep dive into both of these so what is pop os pop os is an ubuntu debian based distribution designed by system 76 a computer manufacturer that focuses on well-designed linux machines popos was released in october of 2017 and since its release they have optimized this distribution with a ton of great features including easy gpu switching their pop shop and some of the best auto tiling window management around and much much more so what is manjaro manjaro is an archbase distribution that first launched in july of 2011 what the manjaro team did is they got manjaro and made the archbase extremely user friendly speaking of the team unlike pop it's not backed by a larger company is built by an independent team of very talented developers from all around the world so the big difference between these two linux distributions is they're backing os's pop os is based on ubuntu which is then based on debian and manjaro is based on arch like we said now the primary difference between arch and debian is that debian is user friendly and arch has always been and shall always remain user centric meaning it's generally up to the user in arch to manually install and configure just about everything through a terminal manjaro is essentially arch without any of these hassles so if both popos and manjaro are extremely user friendly where are the differences first update structure popos follows ubuntu with their updates they come out with a new release about every six months or so and their regular releases have nine month support cycle while their long long-term releases are supported for every five years now manjaro follows the rolling release model where instead of needing to replace the entire operating system with a major system-wide update core of the system can be constantly maintained and upgraded now there are pros and cons to a system like this a pro being that you'll never need to run a full system upgrade and the latest software packages are always available there is no need to resort to snaps or flat packs however this does not come without the potential cons you will need to upgrade your system before installing any other applications otherwise you could run into issues and being on the bleeding edge of development this could result in more bugs and crashes depending on the software also being that your system is constantly being updated this could cause issues with you if bandwidth limitation is a concern now speaking of software this is another major difference you may want to consider particularly the package managers popos has the pop shop a beautiful interface borrowed from the elementary os team it is a great place to browse and manage applications and if you hit the gear icon to the top right it will open the repo man a super easy interface to manage your sources within the pop shop you could download the debian packages or dev files or even flat packs if the particular software supports it in the command line you could expect to use apt or apt just like you would with any ubuntu based system now manjaro uses an application called add remove software it's not very creative when it comes to the naming but it works beautifully it's not as polished as the pop shop but it gets the job done there are actually significantly more options and settings available within this package manager including both snap and flat pack support you can also enable the aur or the arch user repository now this alone is why many people including myself like archbase systems over their debian counterparts now popos has more officially supported packages than manjaro but with the aur it gives you access to more than eleven thousand community built packages in ubuntu based system there will be packages that you need to manually install and update the probability that those packages are in the aur is incredibly high making it extremely easy to download build and keep up to date now let's get into desktop environments popos ships with a custom version of gnome or their pop desktop that has many improvements and customizations over the gnome base including improved window tiling that automates window sizing and other configurations popos has also mastered the keyboard and its use within the desktop environment it does this with powerful keyboard shortcuts that encourages a fluid user experience and max productivity gnome is your only option with pop os out of the box but you can always install other desktop environments for the most part this will be an issue but there may be times that there will be conflicting software also other desktop environments may not look that great with some of the pop specific applications like the pop shop now manjaro supports a wide variety of desktop environments and their flagship desktop environment is xfce but they have officially supported versions of kde plasma architect and gnome in addition to this they have community driven distributions with almost every major desktop environment available today manjaro's desktop environments do not feature many customizations or additions to what would normally come with the selected desktop environment the only way to directly compare their environments is to compare the gnome variation of manjaro with pop os manjaro does feature a layout switcher and a much better extensions manager out of the box giving the user a little bit more customization options but i still believe that popos takes the w with their near perfect optimization of the gnome desktop environment and the very last category that i'm going to be talking about today is gaming both these are highly recommended and well regarded to be beasts out of the box when it comes to this pop os famously has a dedicated iso image with the non-free nvidia driver available and majaro just straight up comes with steam installed they are both great systems for gaming and their performance isn't all that different so no matter what you're going to go with you're going to have a good time the youtube account boro tech did a really good benchmarking video between these two distributions overall manjaro had a very slight advantage but it did vary by title as well so in general they are very on par in conclusion both of these linux distributions are absolutely fantastic you can't go wrong with either of them if you're somebody who wants the latest and greatest bleeding edge software or you want access to those arch repositories i would highly recommend manjaro or even if you don't want to use gnome you might want to go with a manjaro or a different distribution based on the desktop environment or built around the desktop environment of your preference and with manjaro you may come into a couple more issues and bugs so if you don't mind fixing things here and there and doing some troubleshooting you're going to be more than fine now as we said popos uses ubuntu's long-term support releases so if you're looking for one of the best environments with a perfect gnome shell out of the box and you want that long-term support and compatibility pop os might be what you want to go for and when it comes to issues i haven't really had any with popos it just simply works there's nothing i can really say negative about it personally i use manjaro kde edition on my primary production machine and i have popos installed on my primary laptop that i do all my writing and all that on so thank you so much for watching please check out a linux playlist right there or there i'm not sure when to put it has all my linux videos tutorials guides tricks everything see you later
Channel: TechHut
Views: 172,654
Rating: 4.9275331 out of 5
Keywords: manjaro, manjaro linux, best linux distro, best distro, linux distro, pop os gaming, manjaro gaming, best distro for gaming, best arch distro, best debain distro, best ubuntu distro, top linux distros, top linux distros 2020, best linux 2021
Id: tqf34L1Etrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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