30 MORE Things that Don't make Sense in Smash Bros. Ultimate

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how come in the Big Blue stage during the loop-de-loop section the characters aren't affected by the change in gravity at all while completely upside down they're jumping like normal while gravity pulls them upwards somehow or what's up with the clouds in the magic ant stage this is the only surface where you randomly can get spiked right through the floor it's not even consistent either and not even other Cloud stages work like this well well we're here again because there are even more weird things I've noticed in Smash ultimate last time we looked at unusual occurrences like how characters with masks and even robots are able to eat food or how water type Pokemon can barely even swim yes welcome back to the series where we take a look at video games in a literal manner this time we're looking at 30 more things that don't make sense in Smash Bros ultimate but before we do so I have a few more friends franchises I'm planning to cover in this series so subscribe if you want to see those too because I'm finding a lot of funny things in those games as well okay on to the video so the metal box item in this game turns any character into metal with a few different attributes like weighing a lot more and your character doesn't talk now so given that how is metal Jigglypuff still able to put people asleep by singing her song when she doesn't make any noise now oh so then what exactly is putting these players to sleep and speaking of Jigglypuff what is going on with her rest move it is one of the strongest attacks in the game yet to perform this incredible feat all she does is just go to sleep just like what she takes a snooze in front of you yet you go flying and even somehow grow a flower on your head too how come all the items in the Smash Bros Universe don't have any weight to them I performed a very scientific test by using this scale yet it didn't move at all even a giant hammer heavy sandbags or wooden crates are totally weightless here most characters that have a tether grab can also use that tether to grab onto the ledge as well but it doesn't make sense how some characters can While others can't like how is Luigi just not able to use his plunger on the ledge that seems like a perfect fit it even sticks too but what's really weird is how Isabelle has a fishing rod that she can use as a tether yet Steve can't use his fishing rod where's the consistency here eh another thing with the tethers is how do they stretch to pretty ridiculous lengths when grabbing the ledge it could kinda make sense for the energy-based ones but take a look at how big ivysaur's tether is aren't these Vines a part of his body weirdest of all though is the snake that Lucas uses damn now that looks painful for the snake to be stretched out like that brutal man especially when you see the actual size of it what's with the water in the Hannon bow stage it's all an illusion you can't even swim in it at all this is the only stage where the water acts like this it's like Moses is parting the Seas as you fall in it as if this stage wasn't weird enough as is now it has this going for it too a lot of characters have reflectors in this game and most of them make sense but what about the ones where just some guy can kick back any projectile even the ability to kick back lasers which are just light or even able to deflect balls of Aura so the real question is what are these people's feet even made of but let's take this up a notch here by looking at villager now it's one thing to be able to somehow reflect all these projectiles but how are villager and Isabelle able to grab a projectile and place it in their pocket for later use like how does one pocket light sources or even tornadoes or then there's literal Thunder even damn what's with the ledges and the 75m stage certain characters just can't even grab onto some of them they'll just weirdly teleport back to a platform just look how ridiculous this looks in one frame you go from here to here and that's not even mentioning how some platforms so you can't even grab onto While others you can when they all look like the same platform on this stage too in the onet stage how come there are only cars driving on the one street that you're fighting on I mean the rest of the city just looks like a ghost town no cars or people in sight and if this is the highway or something then the question would be why did you guys choose to fight on the one street with cars on it but actually I might have to take that back based on this next one because upon closer inspection I noticed the cars don't actually hit the characters on this stage the cars are clearly on the road while the characters are clearly on the grass so is the wind from the Cars so strong that they're getting hurt from that the Villager in this game is actually a remarkable Gardener he is somehow able to plant a tree growing life into any surface of his choice I'm talking about Metal surfaces with no sunlight or deserts where no other life forms can grow so this guy is just a God in the gardening business in the description of the master ball item it says that only legendary or mythical Pokemon can be in the master balls so then how come you can get a Goldeen or zorark from a master ball when they're both just normal Pokemon Goldeen I guess I can kind of see as like a troll but then what's zorark's excuse he's not mythical or legendary what's going on here with Peach's counter I've always wondered just what I was even looking at first of all toad just appears out of nowhere he's not even a human shield anymore so Peach still takes the hit but now without taking damage somehow but weirder than that is when you perform the counter just what is this odd green fog that you spit out is this acid or just supposed to be like Toad's bad breath or something because I've never seen toad do anything thing like this how do all of these characters perform a variety of different moves while hanging on a ladder even moves that require all four of your limbs to use and yet you still cling on to the ladder somehow snake I honestly didn't know you were this acrobatic until now like jeez that's impressive also how come snake C4 is totally indestructible I mean it's an explosive device it should blow up with other explosives but no regardless of how many explosions are near it it'll just keep intact what's weirder though is that Isabel also has this like explosive land mine yet this can be triggered by just a simple hit from most of the cast when snakes is completely unbreakable Kirby has this pretty sweet move where you transform into some sort of rock which protects you from most hits acting like some impenetrable Fortress well um that is unless you just grab him which breaks this defense he created so the rock protects him from giant sword swings but if you go up and go it breaks right through it how come some characters can Crouch walk or crawl While others can't this one just seems really random as to who gets this strange ability it's not even like it's based on a character's athletic ability or anything because if Wario is able to waddle around like this surely everyone else could do something similar how does the Pokemon trainer who's not even a fighter really survive all the different hazards from the many dangerous stages that the characters fight on and does it all while just chilling on some random platform in the norfair stage for example there are constant lava waves with one being so huge it damages all the fighters who aren't in this tiny little safe house but Pokemon trainer is some sort of guy odd now that swims right through the lava and just chills in it how does every character have the ability to phase their body right through various surfaces like floors of houses or grassy Rock Cliffs are not a problem there's no consistency either like how come I can phase through these wings of a plane but the center Wing still remain solid just use whatever phasing Powers you have on any surface how come there is always a crowd cheering like every character gets a little chant but where exactly is the crowd cheering them on [Music] foreign You could argue they're simply behind the camera but if that's the case how do they bring these crowds to such crazy places like a desert a falling Clock Tower or even outer space and why does krom have the coolest chance out of all the characters too how is every character able to throw any other character extreme distances regardless of the size and weight of them you'll have this tiny electric rat that can just eat this giant turtle Dragon across the stage or then there's just some kid who throws this fat alligator while only using a bug net this next one is actually a complaint I have with this game and it doesn't make sense either and that is how come there aren't any controllable Final Smashes anymore okay there's a few minor controllable ones like aiming a punch but what happened to actually being able to play as Giga Bowser in Brawl or control the actual landmaster now they're all just cut scenes which is cool sometimes but not for every character with Pokemon trainer how do the other Pokemon take damage when they're not even on the battlefield Squirtle could be out here taking all the hits going up to a hundred percent and yet when you change the Ivysaur who's been chilling in his pokeball the whole time he'll be at a hundred percent too and gets launched super easily what's up with Mr Game and watch's throw in an instant he can crumple down any player into this tiny ball and that's a scary enough ability as is but then these ball icons will always stay visible to the actual player even if a nintendog is blocking your view you'll still see your crumpled up player through the dogs somehow what is with the sides of these stages in Mario Bros or balloon fight if you walk too far on one of the sides then you'll teleport to the other side but if you get knocked off then you'll die instead so is there a portal that works only sometimes what's also weird is that if you push a character you normally won't be able to get past him unless you push them through these portals in which you do pass him how is Dr Mario not an echo fighter of well Mario and we can see this by selecting the menu layout that Stacks Echo fighters on top of each other yet Dr Mario is still totally separate even characters that have about the same amount of similarities or even less compared to Mario vs Dr Mario are considered Echo Fighters these are like Canon Ryu or Roy and krom why is everybody so tiny when playing on the Pikmin stages these are all obviously from the Pikmin games where you play as a character half the size of a GameCube disc so the only character to scale is Olimar whereas everyone else is smaller than a crab and thanks for watching another one of these guys comment your suggestions below and I'll see you next week foreign [Music]
Channel: Infinite Bits
Views: 661,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breath of the wild, things you didnt know about botw, things you didnt know, botw, breath of the wild 2, zelda sequel, zelda release date, 30 Things that Don't make Sense in Mario Odyssey, mario odyssey speedrun, mario odyssey hide and seek smallant, super mario odyssey secrets, super mario odyssey, smash bros ultimate, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, smash ultimate, Things that Don't make Sense in Smash Bros Ultimate, all bosses, king k rool, who can
Id: xVivGh3j1JE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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