30 Facts You Didn't Know About Interstellar

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it's like we forgotten who we are huh explorers pioneers not caretakers what's up everyone it's ryan here from the y and today we're going to be taking a look at my favorite space travel movie of all time interstellar man what an incredible film i remember watching the imax version when it came out in 2014 and just being in awe of what i just seen few movies if any have ever matched that cinematic experience for me so in saying that here it is 30 facts you didn't know about interstellar the earliest origins of interstellar can be traced back to carl sagan and him setting up two friends on a blind date in the year 1980 those two people were producer linda opps and theoretical physicist kip thorne and although their romance never really took off a friendship was started which eventually led to the conception of interstellar in 2005. a year later the idea attracted the attention of steven spielberg who then hired jonathan nolan to write the screenplay for the movie but in 2011 after spielberg moved his production studio to walt disney paramount needed a new director for interstellar jonathan suggested his brother christopher nolan direct it and the rest is history jonathan nolan spent four years writing the script for interstellar even going so far as to study relativity at the california institute of technology he said that two of the major influences for the film came from wally and avatar another piece of inspiration came when jonathan got to meet elon musk their meeting spawned the idea of nasa operating covertly in the future without major backing from the government [Music] christopher nolan also worked for years on his own script for interstellar ultimately merging his brother script with his own creating the movie that we know today the first hour of the movie which provides the setting and backdrop for the film was largely from jonathan's mind while the second half of the movie is mainly christopher's the space station endurance closely resembles that of a clock with each box module representing one hour time is a major theme in the movie so it's no surprise they made the spacecraft a symbol of that fact the cornfield in the movie was actually real nolan learned from zack snyder and his work on man of steel that growing it was feasible so instead of using digital effects they grew 500 acres of corn and even sold it for a profit dr kip thorne the lead theoretical physicist for the movie said that probably the largest degree of creative liberty taken in the film are the ice clouds present on dr man's planet thorne said that he cringes every time at that part because the structures go beyond what the material strength of ice would be able to support but if that's the most egregious error in a movie about wormholes black holes and transcending space and time then who really cares about some ice clouds old murph has both the first and last lines of the movie well my dad was a farmer um like everybody else back then but the light of our new son and her new home the visual effects that portray rays of light stretching out over the horizon of the black hole is a real phenomenon called gravitational lensing this basically means that the gravitational force of the black hole is so strong that it bends light out around its sphere or event horizon in april 2019 the first images of a black hole were discovered and released to the public and crazy enough it looks almost identical to the one in interstellar interstellar was the fifth collaboration between han zimmer and christopher nolan nolan believes that this is the most powerful and compelling soundtrack that zimmer has ever created i wrote this piece really about what it feels like to be a father and what it feels like to have a son and i was writing about my son during the atmospheric entry to the water planet cooper makes a very interesting statement should i disable the feedback no i need to feel the air so this probably doesn't mean all that much to you unless you're a pilot of some sort but it's actually a reference to the common aviation phrase fly by the seat of your pants this expression came about in the early days of flight when there were few navigation aids and everything was accomplished by means of the pilot's judgment this is why the camera focuses specifically on cooper holding his seat multiple times in the scene it's done on purpose because doing so would allow a person to feel the vibrations coming off the seat which they can then use to determine wind speed and direction [Music] after the crew lands on the water planet right before they are about to leave the vessel the music softens and you can hear a quiet tick every one and a half seconds [Music] each of those ticks represent about 17 hours on earth while filming the scene in the water somebody forgot to fully secure anne hathaway's suit and she got hypothermia as a result the experience itself got pretty terrifying for hathaway because she didn't tell anyone she was dying for fear of losing her job as she put it wimps do not last long on nolan's set damon was not included in any of the promos for the film and didn't even attend the premiere of the movie there was one variety article that disclosed he had some sort of unspecified role but i think most of us were a little shocked to see him in the movie if you wanted to learn a little more about dr mann and his backstory then you'll be glad to learn that there's a prequel comic that goes over just that it's called absolute zero and was written by christopher nolan and published on wire magazine site for timothy chalamet interstellar was a good learning experience about acting and how little control you have aside from playing your part sometimes after seeing the film for the first time at a private screening for the cast chalamet went home with his dad and cried for about an hour all because he thought his part in the movie was more significant chalamet said that although none of his scenes were exactly cut for the long video monologue he recorded for his dad while in space his face was never included as they went with a long zoom of mcconaughey's reaction instead the line do not go gentle into that good night is a line from a poem written by dylan thomas it means to live boldly and face death head-on in a blaze of defiance which is why the line fits so perfectly into one of the major themes of interstellar interstellar is the longest imax presentation ever at 2 hours 47 minutes and 7 seconds and why is that specific time important well for a while the limit on imax films was 2 hours and 30 minutes because the diameter of the platter dictated how long films could be on imax but when james cameron's avatar was set to be released he demanded more and engineers accommodated him by moving the clamp system from the bottom to the top thereby allowing film to wrap around the outermost edge giving a little more run time avatar clocked in at 2 hours 46 minutes and 54 seconds which means that interstellar beat its imax record by a mere 13 seconds christopher nolan's first meeting with matthew mcconaughey was a little strange to say the least and very unexpected the two didn't talk one bit about interstellar even though they spoke for over three hours instead they discussed what it meant to be 43 year old men who they were as fathers and of course their kids when i walked out of there i had a little bit of okay what what was that i enjoyed it the jacket that adult murph wears for the majority of the movie is almost identical to the one her dad has on in the beginning of the film the only difference being that murph's coat is a little longer and has patch pockets while cooper's has welt pockets seeing as christopher nolan was such a huge fan of stanley kubrick that he restored his film 2001 a space odyssey it's no surprise that interstellar contains many references and similarities to the iconic movie one major callback was the placement of the wormhole next to saturn as this was originally the final destination of the discovery mission in 2001 a space odyssey however it never panned out as the vfx at that time could not make a convincing rendition of saturn's rings another reference are the robot's tars and case which have a striking resemblance to the obelisks in kubrick's masterpiece and finally the video calls between coop and his kids are an obvious shout out to 2001 a space odyssey the explanation of the wormhole using the pen and paper is done exactly the same way in event horizon when the spacecraft passes through the gateway space returns to normal during early production of the film kip thorne laid out two ground rules that he wanted nolan to follow for the movie that nothing would violate established physical laws and any ideas or shots in the dark would originate from science rather than from the creative mind of the director nolan agreed to these rules as he wanted the film's foundations to be grounded in science although this did not prevent arguments from taking place between the two at one point they debated for two weeks about traveling faster than the speed of light with nolan finally relenting and abandoning the idea the tar's robot in interstellar was actually a 200-pound puppet made of metal in the movie anne hathaway's character is named emilia this is almost certainly a callback to amelia earhart as both women went further and explored more than any woman at that time [Music] jessica lange was offered the role of old murph but had to turn it down because of commitments to american horror story interstellar is the highest ranking box office hit from 2014 on imdb the visual representations of the wormhole and black hole in interstellar was literally done as scientifically as possible dr kip thorne worked alongside the visual effects team at double negative and provided pages of theoretical equations which they then used to create an entirely new cgi software that would be able to accurately render computer simulations of these phenomena amazingly some individual frames took up to 100 hours to render and the final product came out to a whopping 800 terabytes of data it was also so scientifically accurate that it led to thorne writing two scientific papers one for astrophysics and one for computer graphics and led to new insights into the effects of gravitational lensing and accretion disks around black holes the books on merce bookshelf were all put there by design they all hold some special meaning to the movie it's many themes or to nolan himself christopher nolan commented on some of these books and explained their significance the wasp factory by ian banks once read never forgotten strangely moving horrible tale of a child and father living in near isolation gravity's rainbow by thomas pincone the most elegant title ever emma by jane austen a beautiful name for a beautiful book or a beautiful producer a wrinkle in time by madeline engel my introduction to the idea of higher dimensions including the notion of a tesseract the stand by stephen king a bleak scenario that hammers home the fact that our perspective on momentous events will always be intimate labyrinths by jorge luis borges the name says it all finally we were the mulvaneys by joyce carol oates is an interesting one because nolan talks about this book and specifically the painting krsna's world as the main influence for the setting of the farmhouse the 2008 script written by jonathan nolan was much different than how the movie actually turned out so i'm gonna go over the major plot points because i just find it so fascinating that this is what interstellar could have been the start of the 08 version is largely the same except at the beginning features a sequence showing the creation of the wormhole in the sun's solar system and the drone they find is not indian but chinese additionally in the early script nasa is located off the coast of los angeles on santa cruz island and cooper is led there by a drone instead of by dust patterns this is where things become wildly different after going through the wormhole they discover a solar system with two black holes orbiting one another the crew is able to navigate between the black holes eventually landing on the ice planet but not before tars is lost after arriving on the ice planet they discover that the chinese had gotten their first as evidenced by their base but they soon come upon the graves of all the chinese astronauts and learn that the culprit is a neutron star that emits powerful radiation every 24 hours they go inside the shelter before the star returns and case drills a hole in the ice which leads them deep underground there they unearth alien life in the walls and after trying to take a sample it gets pissed off and a chase scene ensues after still underground the team discovers a chinese bunker which was supposed to house all the chinese astronauts but because none of them survived all that is left are chinese robots while in the bunker they discover a black box which creates gravity and decide to keep it but in doing so anger the chinese robots and there's another chase scene at this point the team learned of another emergency related to the planet's orbit destabilizing so they get in their spacecraft and leave only to fly too close to one of the black holes and they get sucked in decades pass by as minutes and then suddenly a wormhole opens up inside the black hole which transports them to a gigantic space station built by the chinese robots over the course of the last 4 000 years [Music] at the futuristic space station they have invented a wormhole network and tars is also shown to have been found emilia elects to take tars and explore the galaxy through the wormhole network whereas coop and doyle feel the need to go back in time using the new technologies they soon learn that time travel is possible just not for humans but this doesn't faze doyle as he'd already made his mind up he locks cooper away so he doesn't stop him and travels through the wormhole by himself which instantly kills him but the black box survives and falls to the location where cooper finds it in the beginning of the film it's then shown that coop's youngest son murph yes murph is the son not the daughter in the 08 version so he finds the black box and spends 20 years attempting to solve it he never succeeds but his daughter emily does thus saving the human race cooper returns to earth 200 years after he'd originally left to find it an icy wasteland he goes back to his house and remains to die eventually falling unconscious and just like in the final version of the film coop wakes up on the space station and this time he has a hero's welcome he meets his great great great grandson anthony cooper welling who returns the watch he gave to murphy centuries ago an unspecified amount of time passes upon which cooper decides to go find brand like he promised her a sequel to interstellar is reportedly an early development at warner bros and they want nolan to reprise his role as director or at least have a part in the screenwriting process the film would be a direct sequel picking up right where it left off as cooper chases after brand on the far away but supposedly habitable planet i for one think interstellar was perfect as a standalone film and a sequel is definitely not needed but in saying that take my money because i'm definitely getting tickets for the release of that movie so what do you guys think about an interstellar 2 thank you all so much for watching give me a like if you enjoyed the video and subscribe if you haven't done that already alright have a great day everyone i'll see you all next time
Channel: The Why
Views: 788,275
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Id: Qy8KaWpbBUk
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Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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