INTERSTELLAR Breakdown | Ending Explained, Easter Eggs, Hidden Details & Things You Missed

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so Interstellar is one of Christopher Nolan's most ambitious movies this is pretty much his 2001. the director has a number of references to that and other movies throughout this video we're going to be breaking it all down and talking about the hidden details in it Easter eggs and the true meaning of the movie along with its ending now you can tell from Christopher Nolan's movies that he's absolutely obsessed with time it's laced throughout a lot of his work with more obvious examples like tenet down to more subtle things like his non-chronological storytelling Memento made the director a name and this told the main story backwards so that we could be hit with lots of twists and reveals Inception had time dilation as we got deeper into a dream and both Batman Begins in the prestige use flashbacks throughout Dunkirk had different periods of time being shown to us and in interstellar time is almost like a force fighting against the protagonists at its core Interstellar to me has always been about a father sacrificing the time he has with his children in order to do his work I'm sure this is something a lot of of people can relate to and it leads to one of the most devastating scenes in the film now the theory of relativity is laced throughout with time means something that characters experience is moving differently depending on where they are however this idea of time extends beyond that and the ship that endurance is even shaped like the face of a clock we can see that it has a circular design with compartments going around it in total there are 12 of these subtly hinging to us about this idea I think the most devastating planet that they travel to is the water one where we learn that the speed they experience time could cost them years on Earth this is reflected in the soundtrack too and the ticks you can hear in the music give the idea that time is working against them bacon however these ticks happen at the time they do for a specific reason every one of them happens at one and a quarter seconds exactly broken down this equates to one tick equaling one day on Earth so you can literally hear the day sticking away as the crew search for what's happened on the planet I didn't actually discover this myself so if you're the person who did then write it in the comments no one claims it then just give this Easter egg to everyone and Well Done mate give yourself a pat on the back for that amazing detail this planet was ventured to by Miller who sent back a signal saying it was safe to travel to they clearly hadn't experienced the waves yet and thought it was safe which is why they gave the green light due to the time dilation we learned that Miller likely died minutes before their arrival and knowing this at the start of the scene actually adds a lot to it if you zoom in you can make out this happening as the ship descends from the clouds when they land the waves that we see up in the distance behind them are the same ones that have just killed Miller the Miller killer if you will now another nice deep tell as they come down is that the Ripples and the waves are moving in different directions this is because of the planet's proximity to a black hole which is causing lots of gravitational anomalies it's even possible that the planet could be safe but due to strong gravity field from the hull everything is being pulled in the black hole in the movie is something that's actually groundbreaking and it was built to be a scientifically accurate as it could be it's a full render of Einstein's equations sped out in IMAX on a 32 000 core render from a farm that worked 24 hours per frame this means that each frame featuring it took roughly 100 hours to render the end result was so accurate that it actually brought forth real scientific insight and so far three papers have been published on the information gain from it this obviously wouldn't have been available in Einstein's day but rendering it this way aloud for scientists to study a representation of it inside a computer named Gargantua this means giant or colossal they explain it by folding paper and using a pencil to show how one can travel from one point to another the first time I saw this example was back in Event Horizon and Jane Foster mentioned both this movie and that when discussing it in Thor love and thunder now the movie opens with Murphy's bookcase and some dust falling from a shelf out of view due to the events that happen at the end we know this is caused by Koopa and this is the first anomaly that brings in the Drone now the bookcase itself is actually filled with ones that share themes with the movie there's the Stephen King book the Stan which is about a post-apocalyptic World in which the last humans are trying to survive can tell it's that book instantly off the spine because dear me size of that story everyone who's made it through that book no knows what I'm talking about and there's a wrinkle in time which talks about higher dimensions and it also includes a tesseract there's flatland or Romance of many dimensions Labyrinth the go-between and selected poems which deal with time and space lastly when Cooper is watching his past self leave Murph we can see on the Shelf near his head the book Lois Larry's the willoughbys this is the story about the effects that her parents neglect has on their children which is echoed in the scene of him leaving her at this point we get Nolan once more playing with time as we see an older Murphy being played by Ellen burstin she talks about her father and this is taking aspects of a documentary that appears later on at the end of the film to recount Murphy's childhood and also life on Earth we see several survivors after this and these are apparently taken from the kensburn documentary which is called the Dust Bowl this four hour long film Chronicles the man-made ecological disaster which was known as the Dust Bowl it affected 100 million acres of land in Texas and caused a lot of health issues she talks about how her father was a farmer and we see a giant cornfield now Nolan loves doing things practically and this was seen in tenet when he crashed the plane just for a scene this is the case in interstellar II and rather than using CGI for these fields he actually had 500 acres of corn planted for the film Thrifty as ever Nolan actually sold this once the movie was complete and he made a profit back which you use for the budget now we discover in the movie that an event known as the blight has ravaged all crops on earth except the corn this is the only surviving food source and cornice laced throughout almost everything they eat Merv brings it out a cornbread sandwich they can only get popcorn at the baseball games and a corny breakfast of Pancakes and chowder is also given to them in bowls corn syrup is also used along with corn juice for their drinks hmm delicious corn juice available in all good shops now although Murph says her father was a farmer we immediately cut to him as a pilot referencing not only his past but also the journey he takes in the film Cooper is clearly very experienced which is why he's picked Vanessa now we see Cooper's pilot knowledge later on when he's trying to reattach to the endurance during the spin bran puts ahead into it and this causes her to blackout Cooper on the other hand turns away from it and thus he stays conscious this pilot seems a dream and he wakes up to find meth standing over him Nolan often likes to spoil his movies early on and we pointed this out on our Prestige video with the two opening shots in the film these told us the twists from the opening frames and Murph also spoils the end reveal here I thought you were the ghost later on we learned that Koopa is in fact the ghost in Murphy's room and spoiler alert dust is also a big thing in the movie dust everybody no dust everybody no dust anybody no this is lace throughout how the people live with plates being placed upside down and tops covering Vehicles when they're not in use the dust storms that roll in were also done practically as well with Nolan hiring out a real town sand was lined along it and then fans were put in place to blast it in to create the effect we see in the movie Nolan did clear it out in the end and it adds to the realness that we see on screen now come the end of the movie Cooper's taken to a recreation of his home and he's told that it's been rebelled exactly how it was on Earth however this isn't the case fully and Coop runs his finger along the table for dust which of course isn't there outside Donald tells him about how a teacher at his kids school is single and how he should help repopulate the Earth might be a reach well it is reaching but he will end up going out to a planet at the end which has Brand and some embryos on it where they'll help pop like that world now on the way to a parent-teacher conference they see a drone drifting in overhead in the first draft of the script oh oh my God that's bloody Timothy Charlemagne I forgot he was in this anyway never mind in in the first draft of the script the Drone was supposed to be what Coop sent back with the equation of how to handle the gravity problem however this was later changed to what we get in the final film the Drone still is a left behind of that and though it doesn't really serve much of a purpose it indicates strange things are happening at the farm just before it swoops in Cuba explains Murphy's Law to his daughter and how anything that can go wrong will go wrong Murphy's Law is something that we can't actually test for because any test that carries it out by Murphy's Law is doomed to fail however in the film I think it takes a more optimistic approach the laws of the universe have a balance to them and thus if things can go wrong then they can go right too plan a and plan B in the movie are seen as the two eventualities that could keep the human race alive initially plan a was that people would venture into space and send back away for the remaining humans to travel into the Stars however this was thought to be a pointless Endeavor and thus the real plan would be Plan B this would carry the embryos into space that could then restart the human race in the end though both plans come to fruition and work out hence Murphy's Law is also the mention of Newton's third law which states that in order to go somewhere you have to leave something behind kuber is of course leaving his family behind bringing this idea into the film's themes and also its characters actions now we discover later on that the Drone is from India and this is hinted to us when Cuba starts hacking it in a split second shot we can see some text pop up on screen and this is in Hindi now as we mentioned earlier the Drone has actually been pulled towards the home due the gravitational anomalies that come from the Tesseract this happens with a combine Harvesters also being pulled towards the house later on at school Coop wants his son to go to college and when this idea shut down he ends up bringing up his taxes well the university only takes a handful they don't really have the resources I still pay my taxes and where where's that money you know there's no more armies no no don't go to the university in actuality these are being siphoned off to NASA who have to be kept on the down low because of public opinion the government has put out the idea that the moon landing was fake in order to keep people grounded and focused on being Farmers they are deliberately discrediting the past so that people look to the dirt Tom doesn't want to accept this at first but over time he starts to believe that his dad isn't coming back and he goes back to looking at being a farmer however Murph doesn't and deep down she continues to hope that her dad will return now the teacher says okay well right now we don't need more engineers we didn't run out of Television screens and planes we ran out of food and they've also stopped putting money into medical equipment and had MRI machines still being developed then Cooper's wife's tumor would have been caught before she died now as mentioned they've secretly been putting money into NASA so that they can find a way to save the human race really nice touching the book on the table and you can see that there's a brown stain on the top that's caused by the dust the dust rolls in at the Yankees game and these are pretty crap players again due to people being pushed into being Farmers Coop Ventures through the dust with his family and the sound effects used remind me a lot of their journey through space thank you the truck is also very much like the ship traveling through an inhospitable area whilst those inside are protected from it figuring out that the dust leaves coordinates Kuba heads out of there and with Murph as a stowaway nice touch as he opens the truck door and we can see that he's stuffed a rag in the vents to stop the dust coming in the car upon arriving at the base we see a sign that says NORAD which is now what NASA is going on there this is a real life institution and it stands for the North American Aerospace Defense command now in the first of many 2001 similarities we meet tars who is an AI that has a voice based on Hal like how the machines journey into space with the crew but they don't turn evil and try and Kill Them All now does this call this because it's actually an anagram of star we meet case on the endurance and another one is called Kip this is actually named after cap Thorne who helped to make the film as scientifically accurate as possible on the front of towers we can also see dots next to his name and this is actually Braille to help blind people with it other 2001 references happen when we see the truck transition in the spaceship as Cooper's driving away 2001 is famous for its smash cut from a bone to a ship and this allows us to immediately fill in the blanks of what's happened in between there's also Koopa seeing messages from his children on TV which too happens in 2001 early on with a traveler getting one from his daughter he missed out on her birthday to continue with his work and it's much like how Cooper missed out on his kids now here we're introduced to Dr brand played by Anne Hathaway Hathaway Sports a short haircut throughout the movie and though it's a slick look it's actually been done for a reason Beyond just how it looks in zero gravity long hair would obviously flop about and having a shorter would save a ton on his the CGI budget Cooper is reunited with his daughter and we discover that NASA are working on something known as the Lazarus Project alongside Jesus this biblical figure is the only person who's come back to life and the name is picked to talk about restarting the human race we get a blurred picture of Matt Damon on the wall amongst all the astronauts but it's something he might only be able to make out on a first watch Damon's casting was Kept Secret so that people weren't sitting thinking where the hell is Matt Damon instead of focusing on the plot this is the same with Casey Affleck and also Topher Grace bran senior takes Kuba for a tour and he explains the two plans and the one that we learned was a lie on a second watch Kane's performance takes on a whole new meaning and we understand what really drives him he weaponizes the idea that Murph and her generation will die if they stay on Earth which pushes Coop forward he knows that a parent will want to save their child as he himself also does this bran senior then sends his daughter into space because he knows that's the best way for her to have a chance Kane also has some incredible mannerisms in the movie that you only pick up on a second watch He's evasive when people get too close to learning the truth and he acts very sheepish around certain conversation topics Koopa gives his goodbyes and also says I can't be your girls right now eventually he of course will be and even the books falling don't stop him from going love the little goodbye he has with Tom and it's very much him saying that he's the man of the house now he lifts the blankets up in his car and while Smurf was hiding under them last time she's no longer there they make it to the endurance and it's designed like most ships where everything is symmetrical this is so that things can be operated no matter what orientation the person on board has at this point we hear the poem Do Not Go Gentle into that good night by Dylan Thomas Do Not Go Gentle into that good night rage rage against the dying of the light this is about how life is precious and that it should be fought for this is something that Coop later adopts against man and man even drops the poem whilst all this is going on into that good night old age should burn and Rave at clothes of day now they go down for a long nap and upon waking up we can see Kuba winding his watch this is one that keeps ticking and it winds because of movement and due to him sleeping this would have completely stopped at this point they hit Saturn and then travel into the black hole lots of similarities to contact with this scene and we see his time and space folds around them in order to propel them out of the Galaxy they have three planets to visit and no prizes for guessing the first one it doesn't end up going well for them as they head down we hear just like reckless driving this pays off later too and Coop has to dock the endurance Cooper is no time for caution as I'm sure you can guess this planet fascinates me I love the way that the water is so shallow because it's being sucked up to create the giant tidal waves there's a desperate Run for the ship and as it's hit we catch tars prepping itself to hold Brown in place they lose decades and also Doyle we see an astronaut face down in the water as they escape the planet and what really works about the scene is that we don't know who this is this could be Doyle however it could just as easily be Miller due to the time dilation Upon returning back to the ship they find romley who's now a Broken Man Cuba also gets messages from his children and he misses out on Tom meeting his first love him having his first child and we also learned that they sadly died you to the blight Donald passed away too and we watch him go from an optimistic child to a devastated adult in seconds they name their second child Coop after him but he's not been there for his son throughout his hottest moments we then see a message from Murphy tells her that she's the same age as her dad was when he left then spend some time with her and Professor brand he discusses how all the rivets they're pumping into ships could have been bullets and we learned that the government actually wanted to slaughter some of the population to make it easier on the rest brand Elia talked about NASA dropping bombs from the sky but he's got them all pulling together because they believe they can survive to Professor brand the LIE is a positive so that people have hope and he further avoids Talk of the equation and how it's not really working upon discovering that bran had a thing with Edmonds they decide to head to man for a look at man's ugly side it's Man Vs man man being the reason for his own demise and all of the man puns that you can think of man Damon sake now bran brings up how love is a force that we can't really quantify it's something that exists across all dimensions in space I feel like Nolan is very much trying to almost give us signs to our emotions to explain what drives the characters in this journey back at the farm we see as the blight returns whilst the sibling and share some corn on the cob Murphy learns of the lion Brand's deathbed and it's a chilling chilling scene to know the planet is doomed mirth is desperate to know whether Cooper knew and left her there to die but she doesn't get an answer from here we see we obviously learned that the great and apparently noble man wasn't really the best of us but he truly demonstrates what humanity is selfish cowardly and happy to bring others down with him he's given the green light even though he's on a planet that's doomed things are suspicious from the off but the world being so cold that even the clouds are frozen Kip is dismantled as well with man saying that he started to degenerate humans obviously have suspicion of AI and even most of the early interactions with tars are laced with the idea that things could go wrong Nolan is once more playing on the plot line with Hal in 2001 and using our assumptions to make us trust man more than the machines I love Damon's performances he comes out of the Sleep sack you can see genuine Leaf mixed with sorrow and happiness he's been through a lot and he drops his iconic line pray you never learned just how good it can be to see another face at this point they learn the truth about Plan B another nice subtle detail is our professor brand calls it Plan B to make it sound like it's a fullback option he knows Humanity won't work together if they don't think there's hope and thus he makes it sound like this is the one they don't want to resort to when really this is the main plan back on Earth Murph refuses to give up and she also carries the secret because she knows if the truth is revealed that people will Panic yeah we get a further shot of the bookcase and can also see Moby Dick metaphorically this is about an unsurmountable force of nature that's impossible to overcome much like what they're facing on Earth at this point they decide to send tars into the singularity in order to Glimpse the core of the black hole so they can send data back to Earth he heads out with Cooper and you might notice that you can see the ground through the landscape as they travel out this is because they're actually walking on Frozen clouds which makes the Landscapes themselves on Earth we see his mirth goes back to her room and in a flashback we won't watch your Placer watch on the bookcase to the left we see a book titled the big nowhere and to the right is a biography of Charles lindenberg he was a pilot much like Cooper and the big nowhere is what Cooper is currently in during this scene as he's behind the case in the Tesseract that's a tiny one wibbly wobbly stuff but technically he's here whilst also being with man now I love the mirroring of the environments here with the inhospitable atmosphere of mans being almost uninhabitable like Earth is this is the same as back on the farm but Tom's wife and child having breathing problems due to the air on the farm becoming corrupted man's true nature is revealed and he gave a thumbs up because he was afraid of being left alone doomed to die by himself the astronauts were picked for the Lazarus Mission because they didn't have any attachments to Earth however Humanity as a species at its core is a social one and this man ended up reaching out Detachment from humans is often seen as a necessity for space travel and during the Russian space dog program Strays were picked to be part of of the missions this is because they didn't have an attachment to an owner and therefore wouldn't suffer from the anxiety that would come from being a pot Professor brand kept the truth secret because he knew that people wouldn't work together for the betterment of their fellow man if they didn't have some stake in it too man actually knew the truth and he demonstrates that bran was correct by pulling the astronauts in for his selfish needs mirth is forced from the farm and he drives along a queue of people heading to live underground we get a quick cut of some kids on the back of a truck and the girl here is actually Christopher Nolan's real-life daughter Flora Nolan had to spend some time away from his own daughter in order to make a career in Hollywood and I think having her brought out to this set is very much him making it so the pair can spend some time together man starts to play up that he's actually the good guy in this situation and I love this line come out of the 50 50k you're gonna kill yourself those are the best shots I've heard in years this is at the point where he does Do Not Go Gentle into that good night and this later appears at the end of the plaque as we see Cuba being shown about the station Merv drives back out of the farm and she cuts through the cornfield echoing the earlier Journey from the movie She Burns part of the field mirroring the beginning of the film in which a neighboring Farmer's field was set on fire to show crops were dying out Cooper chose to farm corn which is why he lasted longer and this is why Tom sees this as being such an important issue Romney then starts up Kev and the robot explodes killing him in the process however tarz survives unscathed thinning out how he's built to experience extreme conditions and can also survive a black hole couldn't really but this is a movie now in space man's kill referee fails to dock due to the auto docking system being disabled he is warned about this but similar to the helmet line he'd rather take the risk against the low odds because he's got nothing else at this point the explosion has no sound and that's because it exists in space there is a moment I'm after messing up the dark we get the best scene in the movie [Music] completely love the score here Zimmer knocked it out the park and the visuals and iMacs on the OLED with a 4K Blu-ray I was like God damn now sadly the insurance is slipping towards Gargantua and thus they use the gravity of the black hole in order to slingshot brand around to Edmonds Planet Apollo 13 had something similar carried out in order to return home after the mission went to Rye they swung around the Moon to throw themselves back as they weren't able to land on the surface we see the Escape thrusters being fired and get a split-second shot of their names the lmao1 and lmao2 I was laughing my ass off during this and a maybe Nolan he maybe does have a sense of humor even though everyone says he doesn't but I think he does now the ending of interstellar is summing it still confuses people but I believe it's more straightforward than people think who watches Cooper travels in the black hole which someone Echoes the journey at the end of 2001. this takes Cooper into the Tesseract which is a term that's gained popularity with the MCU but it's been about way longer than that a tesseract is a four-dimensional cube and it's what Kuba moves through when he's behind the bookcase as humans we see things in three dimensions with the fourth dimension being time hence why this shape was picked now the way I see the ending is that the humans from the future had traveled into the fourth dimension and they could see all of time in space this is much like when you pick up a book and you can see the story and move both forwards and backwards in it you can jump to any point and said story and you you're able to travel through it without restrictions however you can't actually influence the events of the story and it will always play out the exact same way the characters in the book are the ones experiencing it and this is very much the case with Cooper and the book is the device in which the story plays out which in interstellar is what the Tesseract is Cooper is the character in it who can influence the events and the 5th dimensional humans of the readers that are basically what we see playing out the film is a similar metaphor too do and much like how we can watch Cooper and jump about from scene to scene they're able to do the same thing they've created the device for Cooper to travel through but they can't really do it themselves which is why they don't just send a direct message telling us what to do if they did it would also create a paradox as the events in the film need to play out the exact same way in order for them to play out the way they do hopefully that makes sense but this is why Coop can't stop himself leaving at this point Murph puts a hand on the buck case and she touches one written by Diana Gabaldon this is the author of Outlander which too features time travel working with tarz he passes on the message to his daughter on how to crack the gravity equation they put it into her watch and upon leaving her earlier in the movie he put a watch side by side with his to talk about the passage of time this Memento has brought with it the morse code on how to save humanity and Murph figures it out okay Kuba gives the first handshake to brand and he's dropped off besides Saturn which is where he's picked up as mentioned earlier things like MRI machines in complex Hospital equipment weren't worked on because of the lack of food here we see though that Cooper station is packed with them due to humanity once more focusing on technology this is also how Murph has been able to live for so long because Medical Care is now far more improved as I've been saying it's called Cooper station and Coop assumes it's named after him but it's actually after mirth we see the plaque mentioned earlier and it shows how little Humanity actually knows about the mission due to thinking everyone gave their lives man is on there as well showcasing how they don't even know about his betrayal of all the people left a bran is the last survivor and she's now reached Edmond's Planet Cuba has some time back on the porch with tars echoing earlier shots with Donald and he says his line I don't care much for this pretending we're back where we started I want to know where we are again this is showcasing one of the reasons that he ends up heading out finally he's reunited with his daughter look I'm not crying oh cry now we see she's had countless children and grandchildren showing that Humanity has grown rather than dying off the pair say their goodbyes and he fulfills his promise to see his daughter again no parent should watch their child die unless he heads out in the stars in order to join brand we catch her on a planet that looks more similar to the rocky lands of Earth but Edmonds died before she managed to reach him she buries him and with Paws in his fighter suit Cooper heads out there be clouds out with her walking towards the camp which is a bright beaming light it's only small but it offers a glimpse at what's to come in the future plan B is going to start there and both Cooper and brand will be the Adam and Eve of this new world they're the people who left the quote-unquote paradise they had and went out in the harsh Wasteland after discovering knowledge and had to make their own way that ends the movie and it also ends our breakdown too I really hope you enjoyed it as a lot of work went into it and again a huge thank you for checking the video out you want something else to watch then make sure you check out I'll break down of The Prestige which will be linked on screen right now that's another Nola movie that's got a lot going on with it and hopefully you'll see over there right after this also enjoy the rest of your week thanks for sticking to the end you take care yourself adios peace
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 1,513,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interstellar, interstellar ending explained, interstellar breakdown, christopher nolan, michael caine, ending explained, movie details, hidden details, interstellar hidden details, interstellar foreshadowing, easter eggs, things you missed, insane details, interstellar movie details, breakdown, interstellar easter eggs, interstellar insane movie details, interstellar review, interstellar trailer, black hole, hans zimmer, matt damon, matthew mcconaughey, space, space travel
Id: zBNKrja8dyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 2sec (1742 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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