30-30 BFR vs 45-70 BFR vs 450 Marlin BFR vs Pine Boards

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[Music] what's up everybody my name is scott and you're watching kentucky ballistics i was thinking we haven't done a pine board test in a while and i've been wanting to face off the 30 30 bfr to the 4570 bfr so today that's what we're gonna do i have the pine board box set up if you're new to the channel and you don't know what it is the pine board box holds 41 pine boards that measure three fourths of an inch thick we'll shoot down the center and we'll see how many boards we make it through with each caliber so like i said we're going to use the 30 30 bfr and the 4570 bfr i also have a cylinder for 450 marlin so we'll go ahead and throw that in there too let me go grab the guns and show you what we're using today i feel so cool walking around with both of these i mean you can't not look cool walking around with two 10-inch magnum research bfrs so this is what we're using today like i just said these are magnum research bfrs they both have 10 inch barrels this one is chambered in 30 30. and this one is chambered in 450 marlin and i have a 45 70 cylinder for it so we can shoot both with this one let's go get these things loaded up and get started so first i want to give you a baseline this is a glock 19 chambered nine millimeter we're going to be loaded up with some 124 grain full metal jackets i'm going to go ahead and shoot the pine boards with this that way you have something to compare to when we start shooting the big stuff i don't know if i mentioned it before but we're about seven yards back and we do have the chronograph out today 1070 feet per second okay so we went through one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven ten we went through ten and stopped on eleven and you can see the bullet sitting right there in between board ten and eleven here it is okay well we're going to change these out real quick so we have fresh boards while we're doing so i thought i would mention this new game i'm playing called guns of glory it's an rpg strategy game you build your army and then you go on attack there's a lot of cool features but what really impressed me was the graphics they were really crisp a few of my youtube buddies are playing it seems like there's a more mature audience over there if you're looking for a new game to play go check it out why not it's free come on looks like i'm one board shy sometimes people complain that there's knots in these boards and it's going to affect the test i want you to know i try really hard to pick wood that does not have knots in it that way our test is consistent as possible okay we're going to start out with a 30 30 and we're going to be loaded up with some remington 170 grain core locked i know some of you are going to want to see a full metal jacket but i don't know where to find a full metal jacket 30 30. if you do please let me know in the comment section down below because i would love to have some but for today this is what we're using our chronograph says 1612 feet per second okay so here's where we hit and yes that is where i was aiming because we're going to go 45-70 then 450 marlin let's see how many boards we made it through one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen nope looks like we went through fifteen and we stopped on number 16 because there's the bullet right there so we can see where the bullet punched number 16 and there it is right there awesome all right so now it's time for the 4570 we're gonna be loaded up with some underwood ammo these are 430 grain hard cast plus p that kicks a lot harder than that 30 30. looks like we had a reading of 1662 feet per second so i think we're going to be counting for a while one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen holy moly we're still going let's switch sides i can't stretch over this table eighteen 20 21 22 23 24. it's like we went through 25 and stopped on number 26. yep looks like we smacked 26 kind of sideways and there's our bullet right there on the table it's not hot that is awesome 25 boards for the 45 70. okay last but not least we have the 450 marlin and we're going to be loaded up with some buffalo boar 430 grain hard cast i guarantee you this is going to kick harder than the 4570. man that thing kicks chronograph is giving us a reading of one thousand five hundred and eight feet per second all righty we have a 30 30 45 70 450 marlin one two three four oh look at that piece of jacket on that board five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen six seven eight nine twenty twenty one twenty two twenty three twenty four twenty five looks like we stopped on twenty five we went through 24. so we went through 24 stopped on number 25 and here's our bullet so it seems like the 4570 slapped its last board kind of sideways but the 450 marlin it seems like it was flying straight all the way until the end so the 450 marlin went through 24 boards and stopped on number 25. all right i need to go get a fresh board because the last time we did this i tried to break one of these boards on my head and i failed so i'm going to try to redeem myself actually you know what before i hit myself in the head and i forget back to the game guns of glory in that game there's a lot of old school weapons like flint locks and cannons and it got me thinking in the past some of you have requested to see some old weapons or muzzle loaders modern muzzle loaders is that something you would like to see on the channel if it is leave a comment down below if enough you request it i guess i'll have to go pick one up this is gonna hurt i don't know why i'm doing this one two oh ah we did it well there weren't my last few brain cells i hope it was worth it i hope you enjoyed today's video if you did be sure and give it a like if you're not already subscribed to kentucky ballistics go ahead and hit that subscribe button go check out kentucky bliss's clothing and while you're over there check out the teva hollow project they're an awesome company with a great cause also be sure to check out kentucky ballistics on patreon facebook instagram and twitter links to all those can be found in the description down below or you can find them on my website kentuckyballistics.com again my name is scott thank you so much for watching kentucky ballistics and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Kentucky Ballistics
Views: 147,729
Rating: 4.9647293 out of 5
Keywords: 30-30 revolver, 45-70 revolver, 450 marlin revolver, 30-30 bfr, 45-70 bfr, 450 marlin bfr, magnum research 45-70 revolver, magnum research 30-06 pistol, magnum research 450 marlin, 4570 revolver, 4570 handgun, 45-70 handgun, 30-30 vs 45-70, 30-30 vs 30-06, 30-30 vs 30-06 vs 308, 45-70 vs 30-30, 45-70 vs 30-06, 45-70 vs 500 s\&w, 450 marlin vs 45-70, 450 marlin vs 450 bushmaster, 450 marlin vs 500 magnum, 500 magnum vs 45-70, 500 magnum vs 450 marlin, 30-30 vs 500 magnum
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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