3 ways to visit the US after renouncing Citizenship

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hey guys I'm Andrew Henderson from Nomad capitalist Nomad capitalist calm here in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and we recently made a video on US citizenship renunciation talking about my experience and one of the biggest questions that I've been asked one of the biggest questions that people who want advice on renouncing citizenship or trying to determine if they want to renounce citizenship who asked me is how do you get back into the United States now this could apply to people who haven't renounced US citizenship but I'm going to focus largely on former US citizens and how you can visit the United States there are a lot of misconceptions out there even among people and websites who largely have the facts correct there are some misconceptions so sort of break that down I want to go over the three categories of people who can enter the United States how the world is viewed by the US government for immigration purposes for tourism non-immigrant tourist visas and the first category is Canadians Canadians similar to Brits in Hong Kong have a greater visa-free travel window in the United States without doing anything this is most likely due to the geographic proximity of Canada to the United States the great relationship between Canada in the United States Canada sadly has gone to copying some of the us's more draconian policies which one of which we'll talk about in this video but Canadians have special travel privileges that really nobody else does if you're a Canadian you are the only people on earth outside of of course US citizens who can enter the United States without filling in any form without going to any web sites without doing anything you just go to the border you get on a plane you do whatever you have to do you get into the United States and you are greeted on arrival United States citizens have that unique reciprocal privilege with Canada as well so when I was a US citizen you would fly through Canada you'd go through immigration you wouldn't need to show anything you would just go through so that's category 1 category 2 or what's called the visa waiver program countries there are I believe 39 different countries run around 39 or 40 countries to Canada that are part of the visa waiver program generally what the u.s. looks for is they want a visa refusal rate over time of three percent or less so if you're a country people who go to apply for visas are rejected less than three percent of the time then your country may be put on a road map list to eventually become a visa waiver program country one of the more recent entrance was Chile which now has a visa-free access one country that used to have it up until about 2001 was Argentina due to the riots and the in the financial instability there back then the u.s. took it away so there are like I said about thirty nine countries most of these were in Western Europe Australia Singapore Taiwan South Korea Japan all the usual suspects I mean really this is a bear this is a rather small percentage of the world's population but it is all the wealthy countries and these are what I often refer to as tra passports passports they can get you into the United States but there's one difference between these passports and the Canadian passport and that is that these countries need to fill out esta this is electronic travel authorization Canada copied this from the United States Australia has their own Europe is gonna be implementing their own rather soon and this is where you have to go online before you travel once they're able if it's two years and you have to register your passport you have to register that you're coming to the United States you've got to pay a very small fee of fourteen bucks and they run your information through a database and more than 99 percent of the time they approve you you print up the little form and you show it at the airport counter if asked you have to do that once every two years you can do it for multiple trips within two years but you've got to do it once every two years if you have a visa waiver program passport or else you're not going to be allowed in that system was introduced after 9/11 to basically screen out the worst of the worst and not have to do that at the US border so what that means and what one of the misconceptions is is that someone will say if you have a visa waiver program passport you can renounce the US citizenship and then enter the United State the same the next day it's actually not true because if we're looking at a conservative reading esta has to be applied for 72 hours before you travel I think that you would be denied esto or you should be denied esta under the law if you applied for esta while you were still in US citizen so I mean technically when you go to the second u.s. citizenship appointment you're no longer a US citizen and so I would say at that point of the next day you could apply three days from then you could actually enter the United States and your visa waiver program passport now the thing that a lot of people don't understand is that the u.s. embassy I have seen historically will often say hey do you want to keep your US passport too if you need to do any travel especially travel to the United States because even after you renounce and you're technically no longer a US citizen there's kind of this period of limbo where it hasn't been approved by the State Department they could still reject your renunciation and so are you a US citizen are you not a US citizen I had somebody who would come to me who had a visa waiver program passport renounced but actually had a trip plan to the United States for a conference after he renounced and they allowed him to take his US passport and actually enter the United States even though he had just renounced I think that opens up some weird kind of arguments for the government potentially for the IRS just my humble opinion but that's how estimate works so if you've got a visa waiver program passport I I know another guy who renounced who is Swiss says it's easier than it was as a US citizen to get in the country just file as to once every two years and you come on in he's had never had any problems I've never heard of anyone have any problems now the third category is the category that most people in the world fall into and that is where you need a US visa and this is where you've got to go to the US Embassy you've got to have tons of paperwork you've got to pay $160 the interesting thing is there are some people with visa waiver program passports who also have to go to apply for tourist visas and that is if your visa waiver program country citizen but you've been to Iran Iraq Sudan perhaps North Korea prior to believe it's 2012 you actually have to kill it apply for a US visa I knew a British guy who had been to Iran after the the law was implemented and he had to go and he had to get a US visa now the interesting thing about giving an actual US visa but again there's there's some misconceptions about on the Internet is under the visa waiver program you get 90 days at a time and because you're just basically showing up after filling in esta they'll ask you when you're coming where you're going and obviously you should be truthful in that but if you're saying hey I'm coming here on holiday for 90 days they probably accept that with the US visa process when you get a b1 b2 visa it is for up to 180 days at a time but really especially in the early days when you apply for a visa and you say hey I'm going to you know Miami I'm gonna stay at the you know the addition hotel on the beach and I'm going for 10 days you know if you stay for 90 days you're gonna have some problems afterwards so even though it's a 180 day visa if you're telling them what your travel plans are in advance you have to be honest about that and and you don't want to have any problems by just staying longer than you said you would even if the visa technically allows for it so what happens if you renounce your citizenship you don't have a visa waiver program passport that tra passport what happens if you have what I would call it T or B or a T or C Passport well you've got to go to the US Embassy you've got to demonstrate here's where I live and you've got to make the same case for why you're going to return to your home country is everyone else there was a big guy from the Bitcoin community a couple years ago who got an economic citizenship renounced US citizenship then when it applied for a visa and the speculation was that he did not have enough substantial ties somewhere he was living this kind of nomadic lifestyle he had this Caribbean island passport it wasn't living in the Caribbean island and they said you know we believe that you might have immigrant and and because we're where are you gonna return how do we know where you're gonna go home you don't have a home you don't have money in the bank you don't have friends you don't have everything that normal people have in one country so you've got to prove that you don't have immigrant intent and so if you have decent amount of money if you have you know a home and that kind of stuff then you know that's what they want to see and so you know the challenge with getting a visa that is a six-month visa is that there are other considerations financially that you have to be aware of that if you spend six months you're gonna have some financial considerations to take into account so those are the three categories of folks if you renounce US citizenship it's important that you understand how you can get back in the United States obviously anyone who's not a US citizen has no guaranteed right to get back into the United States they can accept or deny anyone now there are other ways for people who say I don't want to get a tourist visa even though you know a lot of people who are serious people can get a 10-year or even a two-year tourist visa you know get off to go every 30 days even though you get a multiple entry tourist visa in most cases if you want more there are other programs that you can do that are above immigrant and non-immigrant by making investments in the United States those might be worth considering for certain people so there are certain kinds of second pacts ports that are better than others if your intent at some point in the future is to start a business in the US spend some time running that business in the US that should definitely be kept under consideration so if you're planning a renouncing I think it's important to kind of take in the whole set of facts I've had people who have come to me saying Android just renounced I bought a passport from one these guys who sells off the back of a truck and they didn't tell me what to do my bank accounts they didn't tell me what to do with you know the properties I am they didn't tell me you know how to get visas they didn't tell me how to do anything now I don't know what to do I think it's important to consider all the facts before you make a decision and before you actually go through the process so that you know what your life is gonna look like you know one year five years ten years down the line if you're getting second passports especially to invest it might be worth you know paying a little bit more to get one that gives you a little bit better access to the US depending on what you want to do there so these are all things to be aware of and you definitely want to take these things into consideration now if you want to learn more about second passports if you want to learn more about the global citizen lifestyle we talked about here at Nomad capitalist two things you should definitely do number one subscribe to our Channel we've got lots of videos and you will want to see everything that we put out so subscribe now the second thing is nomadic capital is calm if you're trying to figure out exactly what the strategy is you can go there you can get some advice you can get some help at Nomad capitalist calm
Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 36,455
Rating: 4.8810811 out of 5
Keywords: ways to visit the US, how to visit the us after renouncing us citizenship, how to visit the US, united states, how to visit the us after renouncing, visa, visa program, canada, ESTA, visa waiver programs, renouncing US citizenhip, how to renounce us citizenship, us citizenship, offshore strategy, nomad capitalist, planting flags, flag theory, expat, travel, immigration, how to get into the us, us tourist visa
Id: WsY0B4_t3PQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2018
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