3 Ways to Create 3D Lettering in Procreate!

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace whether you need a domain website or online store make it with Squarespace in this video I'm going to show you three ways to create 3d lettering in procreate on the iPad pro so the first technique uses the motion blur from the adjustments panel but first we just need to duplicate our work so we're left with three identical pieces we're going to focus on the middle one first so you hide the other two by pressing tick box this is where the 3d element is going to be produced so what we need to go is go to this magic wand icon which is the adjustments panel third one down motion blur and as you see when I move my pencil across the screen is that you can see it blurs in certain directions what we want is going up towards the top left but you doesn't make a head towards the bottom right it still acts the same but as you can see at the top there you've got the figures we want about 30% of that blur needs to be rough it can be bigger if you want it to be bigger but for now we're just going to go with that so once you've done that go to your layers click on the thumbnail where it says select click on that go to your brushes we need a really big brush for this the Mon line full brush size isn't big enough so we're going to duplicate that by swiping and clicking YouTube click here we go click on it again and go to the general tab along the bottom and just bring the size limit right up to max now we've got this brilliant all I use it for is just doing this edit this part selects color she's going to use a bright pink for now see easy to see and then just go over it deselect it by pressing the S selection tool we're going to bring back the top layer and whip the middle layer selected I'm gonna click on the arrow and bring it down so it fits nicely the white layer is if you want to refine the movements just tap on the screen in the direction 1 again so that's the 3d element we're going to make the shadow we've got some light coming over from this direction and create a shadow coming off this side so hide the top to you and bring up the third one you can do the same process again adjustments motion blur this time I'm gonna go in a different direction way to go for this way and we want roughly 40% and again you can have it go really huge or small of now go roughly for use and click on the layers click on the thumbnail hit select now we want a black brush for this go fricken deselect bring up the other layers and also we want to do is click on the end which brings up our opacity bring down to out 20 percent 15 20 % select multiply click on the arrow to move it I'll just bring it down nightmare that's nearly done we can just add a bit more depth and a bit more texture to this by adding a darker color so if the light's coming here there's going to be lots of areas where it's much darker on that on that pink so we select a darker shade a pinky purple and our new function that's coming with pre-k 4.2 is clipping mask which is like one of my favourite tools and so what we want to do is click on a blast have a new layer click on the thumbnail and select clipping mask so what this means is everything I do on that layer will be restricted to the shape of the layer below so I go and choose a brush from skitching called bamboo chalk bring down the opacity of that about 50% and size to about 25% of its max and then I'm just going to go around shading areas though this bit here would be much darker than this side here and as I come around the corner I really gently press the pencil so it fades off so I'm going to go through that now of time that's it so you can see where I put the shadows but when you come to your own it's it's up to you what you think looks nice but just remember where the light source is coming and where you think the shadows my fault [Music] [Music] [Music] so you go we have that's the motion blur Tony that's the technique I probably use the most and give us the best results if you found the first method too complicated then this method is much easier I unfortunately takes a lot longer so first of all you want to duplicate the layer three times again turn off the top and the bottom one the middle one again is give you our 3d element we want to color this the color of our shadow so the one way of doing it is clicking on the thumbnail and selecting alpha lock so we just color the object itself and I'm gonna give it a like great and turn off and off lock duplicate that layer select the bottom of those two layers and then choose the arrow so you can move it and this is how we can determine how long our shadow is so wants to be a happy go back to our layers and merge these two together by clicking on the top of the two layers and taking thumbnail okay merge down to create one solid object grab a small one like brush and then we're going to join the edges to remove these little gaps this is where the time-consuming element comes in going around the whole word joining the edges and if you had a much longer way than just three letters it would take you a lot longer today so once we've done that we put we make the top visible again we can see got a 3d element and now to create the shaded cast with light coming from this direction again turn off the top T and just bring up the bottom one and we want to color that black previously say select layer after lock color it turn off the a flock again duplicate it select the bottom one and this is how far we're going to create the caste the modes ace 2 together and then again with a monolayer brush we are going to join those edges [Music] once we're done juicy opacity again multiply bring back the other two layers and just position me in the right place and there we have the second method of three lettering lot easier to understand but as I said a lot more time-consuming with this final method that we're going to utilize the power of drawing assist and drawing guides to make a more tapered 3d lettering so what we want to do is bring up those guides so go to the spanner hit canvas turn the drawing guides on they'll default to the grid fashion edit those drawing guides okay to perspective it won't be anything in there and it's asking us to tap to creative anything points they just tap anywhere and then what we don't do is move it say that the lines line up with the edge of our lettering [Music] once happy you press done now go to your layers duplicate this twice you turn off the top layer select the bottom one click the arrow and then we're going to pinch and zoom pinch and zoom pinch together to reduce the size and bring it down in line following the lines either side once we're happy with a position go back to your layers panel select middle one click on it and merge down to create one object click on it again and click drawing assist and now when we select a brush when we draw it will follow the guys and give us a straight line we join up all these edges like we had done in the previous one once you've done the edges then fill the whole shape in sometimes easier if we turn off the drawing assist [Music] once that's done color it like your minor bread now forelock bring up the top and they were going to add some shadow turn off valve lock create a new layer and then clipping mask find a darker shade get the power boo chalk around giving imitation once you're gone over it with with some texture turn off the drawing guides then just so I had one more element we're gonna give it a shadow underneath so duplicate the top layer i wouldn't drag it to the bottom and turn that black have look it's paint a row it's down for look yeah I bring it downwards reduce in size it's just a bit smaller than bottom fishing and then going to the effects Gaussian prayer they five-cent and layers multiply and reduce the opacity and there we have the third and final way of doing 3d lettering there you go guys I hope you found that useful if you've got any questions that leave them in the comment section below and I'd like to thank Squarespace again for sponsoring this video if you need a new website or domain name they really are a fantastic platform I've been using them for the past five years ever since I first set up my lettering business I needed somewhere where I could display my portfolio of work it was easy to set up and manage and Squarespace has been perfect for this their beautifully designed templates which makes your work look amazing and a super simple user interface which helps updating your website really easy and if for some reason you get stuck they have award-winning 24/7 customer support to help you out so start your free trial now by going to Squarespace com and when you're ready for launch go to Squarespace calm /bm barnard to save 10% off your first purchase of a domain or website [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Ian Barnard
Views: 228,246
Rating: 4.9639044 out of 5
Keywords: hand-lettering, typography, lettering, calligraphy, letters, procreate, ipad, ipad-pro, apple-ipad, 3d-lettering, 3-ways-to-create-3d-letterin-in-procreate, procreate-app
Id: ZwTVVe_gfdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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