How to Create a Stunning 3D Letter in Procreate

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so the setup is really simple make sure you turn on the drawing guide and you want to make sure you have it set up so that the grid is showing and this is gonna be the guides for your letter so I like to use the 6b pencil when I sketch out my designs so the first thing I do is normally just sketch out a design in pencil so here you'll see I'm going to start building the letter R and I'm using very geometric shapes to create the R so for the main stem I'm just using straight lines and I'm going to start with a rectangle so really tall rectangle it's build R and then I'm again I'm gonna start creating a round circular edge for the rest of the R and again another one so again using very geometric shapes and in this case I'm using a circular shape and then I'm adding that little front end of the R and that's pretty much it that is my arm so next what I like to do is add more details to the letters I'm adding more flourishes here so you'll see I'm adding these little bits to each part of the R that way we can stylize and update the design however you want so this is what I like to recommend starting off with just a plain letter and then building off of it so now that I have my planar where I'm just adding these little flourishes to the top and the bottom of the letter so you'll see it's really easy just adding these little flourishes it doesn't have to be perfect so this is my sketch and I'm going to use my sketch as the main source for designing so now I want you to take that layer and reduce the opacity to about 40 to 50% this is a layer we're going to use as a guide so I like to use the inking pen so this is the inking technical pen from procreate comes with procreate and then I'm going to trace letter R so I'm doing my best to trace exactly this letter I like to save the little flourishes for the top and the bottom and just use straight lines for the main portion of the letter so you'll see I'm just filling in these areas of the R once I complete it I can go ahead and erase different parts of the R but for now I'm just going to try to trace it as much as I can to fit the guides that are behind so try to chase it as much as you can to fit the guide that is behind this layer so we want to trace this sketched out R and again you can move the screen around to make it easier for you to trace I am constantly do you know undoing work on the unpro create because it's pretty much easy to just under your work and you want to make sure for me I want to make sure it looks good so I'll just keep on doing it until I think it looks good so again I'm using very geometric shapes and in this case I'm making a very circular shape to fit the are you can also you know hold down to create perfect arcs or perfect lines sometimes do it sometimes a gentleman just depends on your preference so again I'm almost done with this I'm just filling in the rest of the rest of the piece making sure it all looks nicely so now that this piece looks pretty much done I'm going to take the eraser and I'm gonna erase the parts of the art that we don't need so I just want it to be a simple outline so this is really important because we want to just have a simple outline for this for this piece because I'm going to show you how to create a little bevel towards the end of this video but for now just keep it as a simple outline so now we can actually go ahead and you know go back into this letter and fix little areas that we want to fix so here this little indent I want to make sure that the line looks even so I'm going to go ahead and fix that just zooming in on the part and then just fixing it so I'm going to go out I'm going to go ahead and fix little areas of the AR and make sure they fit nicely make sure the lines are nicely make sure there's no little pieces of land that are sticking out so there are pieces that I want to use that eraser and erase off a bit of it so I'm going to go ahead and do that for the rest of the letter so our lair looks good now so now I want you to make a duplicate of that outline and then delete the sketch layer so you don't need that anymore so now we have two layers of this outline letter R and I want you to go to the bottom layer and I want you to fill it in so in this case I'm going to start off by filling it in with just the color black and then I want to fill it in with the letter with the color pink so I filled it in that way because our outline was black so that way the whole letter gets filled in and then for the for the top layer I'm going to take a darker pink and fill it in and you can hold down on the screen from left to right to reduce or increase threshold so you can see here I'm holding down the screen and essentially what threshold does it kind of decides how much of that layer you want to fill so the farther you go right the more the more full or filled in the letter or a content will be so now once you go back to that bottom layer and make a duplicate of it and then make it the very bottom layer and pull it down to the side we're gonna make dimension to this letter now so let's fill it in with some red and it's already starting to look 3d and it's re starting to come to light so make sure the bottom layer is selected and grab your technical pin and connect that little shadow at the very bottom to the top layer so essentially you're still working on the bottom layer the very bottom layer and you want to make sure that it looks like it's connecting to that top layer so I'm just you know connecting the top to the bottom in the angle that it's occurring in so right now the shadow is going to the bottom right and so all my angles I want them to go to the bottom right there's different ways you can create 3d letters in procreate I just like to do it this way because I'm really particular and I want to make sure that it looks right so I like to do it this way it's just my preference but it's up to you however you want to do it so again I'm just filling in all those areas filling in the round area just so it all connects seamlessly so now it looks really good already it already looks like a 3-dimensional letter but now we always want to pay attention to this we have three different layers we have a outline layer we have the pink layer and then we have the bottom shadow layer so the next thing I want to do is add more detail so I want you to create a new layer and create a clipping mask for the last layer so these are the last two bottom layers and then once you get a darker red and grab the sketching but brush which is the bonobo chalk brush and then we're going to use this to add shadow so it's at the very bottom I'm not sure how it where it is for you but it's in my sketching brushes in procreate so for the shadow I want to pretend that the light is coming from the top down so all the shadow should be forming at the very bottom of the of the letter so in these areas the bottom of the Sam the bottom of that little part of the are so fill in those bottom areas with shadow with that red and then even up on the side so it's as if the shadow is going up the round part of the AR then I want you to grab a darker red and I'll give you guys this color palette in the comments and you can fill it in the dark red however you want for this for the letter you can do it from the very back to the front you can make it from the left to the right different ways you could do this but I'm going to actually do it from the left to the right so it's kind of like it's getting dark from the very very edge of the left side and then ladder on the right side so I'm doing this for every person where I added that red I'm putting the dark red slowly adding it to that little light red and it's kind of giving it more of a blending technique so the shuttle's blending much easier and I turned off my canvas because I don't really need it anymore that way you can see much better with what I'm doing so next I want you to grab the eraser and I like to use the mono line eraser and we're gonna erase parts of that shadow so wherever there's a corner we want to make sure that it's race so we want to make sure that it actually looks like that's shadow so I'm going ahead and erasing all the parts of that shadow area that wouldn't necessarily have shadow so it's only the bottom parts that should have shadow everything that's getting light from the right side should not have sure should not have shadow so you see I'm just erasing it's really easy just simply erasing those parts and already it's coming together super super nicely okay so now the next thing I want to do is I want to add more detail to this so I'm actually going to go to the very top layer which is the outline of the are that dark pink and I want to give it this bevel type of look I wanted to look shiny so I'm going to choose the top layer and create a new layer on top of that layer and I'm going to choose the Mont the inking pen so again I'm choosing the inking technical pens when I've been using this entire time and I'm gonna pick the color white so you'll see here we need to make clipping masks and here we go we can start adding these diagonal lines and this gives the illusion that the the letter is shiny that there's a bevel that's maybe silver and it's really shiny you can change how thick these white lines are just you know make them in the same diagonal direction whichever way we're doing it make sure the angle was all the same so you can see it already looks super shiny and it looks really really cool just very very simple techniques you can add to your lettering so the next thing I want you to do is grab that filled end layer which is the pink layer and you're gonna create a layer on top of that and a clipping mask and now we're gonna add some more shadow so I want you to go back to the sketching brushes and I want you to choose the bonobo chalks so here I'm trying to find it and I grabbed a mime so to pull up to the top because it's kind of hard for me to find sometimes and then again I'm gonna use this this brush to paste shadow so I'm gonna make the shadow coming from the right side of the letter as of the bevels you know creating some shadow on the letter so I'm gonna be filling it in all on the right side of the letter and I'm going to pick a darker one because I think the light one is was a bit too light and so just filling in on the right side so do this for all parts of the right side of the are not on the left side only on the right side we want to pretend that the shadow is coming off on the right side so just from the top to the bottom on that stem and then on the right side of that round portion of the R we want to make sure we do that so I like to actually grab the vanilla chalk brush and make it the eraser pen so I'm erasing parts of that shadow it's just so it looks like it blends better and it's not so just so this big ol chalk sketch or chalk texture and then I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and grab the inking brush again so the inking technical pen and I'm gonna go around it so I want you to grab a darker darker pink and we already have and then just go around the edge so we're gonna be this more of a shadow we want to make sure that it feels more like a shadow just go on along the edge we're gonna blend it in and a little bit so now I'm gonna grab the eraser tool eraser pen again and I'm gonna use up and up with chalk brush cause the eraser and I'm gonna erase it little by little on the edge just so not too much just make it blend a little bit more with the letter make that shadow blend a little bit more not make it so apparent that there's like a straight line there so our letter looks already good the shadow looks amazing very simple so I want to add more detail to this so create a new layer so this should be at the very top very top layer and then grab the inking technical pen so it should look like this and make it about 75% thick depends on how how much you want it thick this is just going to be created for shine so I'm adding these little lines on the right side of the R to make it look shiny it's a really easy technique to just make your letters stand out a bit more so another little fun tip that you can do to really make your letter stand out so I'm gonna go ahead and group all these layers into one so now we have our letter R and I'm going to add a background color so now I want to add some more details I want to add a shadow to this entire layer so I'm gonna grab that pink R so the that main color R I'm going to duplicate that layer and bring it all the way to the bottom so make sure it's outside of that group layer and then and then I'm going to grab the very bottom red layer and duplicate that again and bring it all the way to the bottom so make sure you're grabbing the one that's closest to the bottom so I'm gonna group that layer I'm gonna group those two layers together and then I'm gonna pull them down to the left to the left corner so it kind of looks like we're creating a new shadow and then I'm gonna fill in those layers so that they're the same color so I'm first going to bring them over to the left bottom side and you can see that you kind of see them we're gonna pull them down and then I'm going to open up that group and I'm gonna make sure they're both filled in the same color so I just want to make sure that they're both the same color right now I'm just going to use red and then I'm gonna flatten this layer so now it's just one main shape so I'm gonna pull it again to the left side make sure it looks good and we have our shadow now I'm going to change the color to the color black so I'm going to fill that in and then I'm gonna reduce the opacity on that so by reducing the opacity give the illusion that there's more shadow for the background so again I'm going to connect it to our main layer or a main letter to give the illusion that it's the shadow coming off the lip coming off the letter so it even makes it look more 3d by just this really simple technique connecting it and making this letter this already three-dimensional letter have some shadow and that's pretty much it our letter has come to life looking really 3d with a bunch of shadow and texture so this is my technique for creating a 3-dimensional letter by using shadows using textures and now I'd love to see you try this out let me know in the comments what you think
Channel: Threeologie
Views: 12,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: handlettering, procreate, digital lettering, how to, diy, how to letter, letters, adobe, threeologie, lettering
Id: wPCLqu0Vnys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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