3 Ways Genshin's "Weak" Characters Can Be Fixed | Genshin Impact

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alrighty it's been a while since we've done a theory crafting video and frankly i'm just in the mood to do that today so that's what we're gonna do i'm harboring no illusions that hoyo will ever give old characters the time of day but assuming there's even the slightest possibility that underpowered units will be retroactively buffed that's enough to get entire fan bases out of bed every morning historically unless my memory is wrong ganchin has only ever buffed one character and that is the geodaddy himself mr zhong li after his underwhelming release in version 1.1 his banner rerun in version 1.3 gave him and the geo element as a whole a very much needed pick-me-up for him specifically jungle's jake shield was 50 stronger against all known sources of damage effectively increasing his maxed out scaling by 1.5 times additionally nearby enemies suffered a 20 decrease in resistance to all forms of damage this alongside the adjustment to dominance of earth was enough to skyrocket him from below average to one of the most powerful supports in the entire game a statement that holds true well over a year after that was the only instance of a direct balance change given to a character in the almost two years genji has been out for we've had two other systems changes though primarily to jio's elemental properties and transformative reactions like overload swirl and electrocharge to name a few apart from that hoyo doesn't see fit to touch what they've already put out the only reason they made an exception for zhonggi was due in part to the overwhelmingly catastrophic public relations disaster that was expectations versus reality not that i blamed the community after bearing witness to the rich and stored lore of moraxi's power and influence only to find out he's potentially weaker than noel at the time was a bit embarrassing to say the least that being said the fact that they were willing to acquiesce to player demands meant they weren't above making balance changes with that in mind i wanted to make a video listing ways they can hypothetically give other characters the jungle treatment in the hopes that they can more equally contend with the rest of the cast so let's get to it really quickly though before we continue i just want to give a shout out to today's sponsor keeps i know genji can sometimes be frustrating but mulding over a game is never worth it two out of three men will experience hair loss of some kind by the time they reach 35 but thanks to clinically proven researched and tested treatments keeps helps you improve your hair growth so you don't end up molding in real life all forms of treatment plans are doctor recommended and delivered straight to your door at roughly half the cost of a traditional pharmacy so you don't have to visit a pharmacy or a doctor's office treatment products and refill reminders will be shipped to you based on your subscription plan speaking of which each plan comes with a full year of unlimited messaging so if you have any questions or concerns you can reach out to your prescribing doctor about anything at any time most keeps customers notice results within 6 months of starting treatment so we'll take a bit of time before you see things working but considering it's to maintain a nice full head of hair it's more than worth it so if you're concerned about hair loss in the possible future head on over to keeps.com fars2 for 50 off your first order link is also in the description thanks again to keeps for sponsoring the video but for now let's get back into it first i think i should clarify that there is no such thing as weak units in genji only in efficient ones even with the so-called low tier units like amber or animal traveler you're never gonna run into a situation where they're entirely unusable the way most gacha titles power scale their content is in accordance to the top 25 to 30 percentile of units that is the hardest thing in the game is only efficiently and comfortably doable with the top quarter of all units and tier lists are usually formatted by the logic i think by now most if not all of us are beginning to accept that genshin was never meant to be one of those games as much as i think endgame content would still be a worthwhile direction for the game's future based on how they like to design their events challenge and optimization of characters is outside of their realm of interest at least for now more focus is placed on exploration and discovery than trying to get the best of the best equipment and artifacts for your characters even if we end up doing that anyway but be that resume many of you might have seen my video on power creep a week or two ago and i talked about how new characters appear to be evolved versions of existing four star ones in some way yelling is a five-star alternative to simcho kokomi is a five-star version of barbara ito is to noel eula is to raise her albeit a different element is to chongya kazuha is the sucrose so on and so forth there is a clear progression of character power and that's ultimately causing older units to fall behind in relevance units like chichi lisa chongyong razer shinyan toma kaya barbara eloy and their very own traveler have seen very little if any usage in recent years so grinding quality of life buffs are slightly better efficiency would allow them to be on the same level playing field as everyone else that is if we're going by the notion of genjin having different units not necessarily stronger ones the problem is balance patches are typically not something you run into in gacha games for three reasons first it goes against the business model of getting you to always chase after the new thing not stick to the old stuff as mentioned in the past power creep happens so frequently in almost every updating game because in order for new stuff to capture your interest it has to take that interest away from existing stuff and to do that it needs to be more attractive either in the sense of being more engaging or more efficient than what you already have naturally this means as time goes on new units will start to equips older ones in power or coverage second gacha games are all pve at their core even if they have a pvp mode which isn't actually real pvp rather player versus a cpu operating another player's team or cpus operating both players teams therefore there's not a need for balance as no one is competing against each other in a literal sense in a title such as league of legends since dead rotation isn't a thing champions from over a decade ago are still active to this day meaning they'll have to be continually updated to match the relative power sealing of modern champions alternatively those modern champions will have to have their numbers toned down but of the two options that's usually the lesser favored third it's too much of a hassle to decide what should and shouldn't be meta especially in a game where every character is a very loyal and dedicated fan base developers picking favorites would be in poor taste if you were to buff a unit you would determinely have stands begging for some love for their waifu or hudsbando as well and if you were to nerf a unit the amount of outrage it would generate will cause more trouble than the present desire for change however that doesn't mean there's no way for genji's older units to have a chance to come back into the meta so rest assured coaching means the copium will come through for us at least i hope direct balance changes may not be a possibility anymore barring extreme exceptions but there are three other directions the game can take to fix weaker units though any of these approaches poses a lot of risk and has to be done carefully the first and most conservative direction would be to introduce new material that supplements or encourages a specific set of units consequently buffing them without having to change the internal kit of the units in question and you can do this in a multitude of ways which they have the bus to transformative elemental reactions and geo's elemental resonance are two examples of this where they go after something that affects multiple members of the cast while not changing anything but the one i'm thinking of specifically isn't adjusting what is already in the game but adding something new entirely out of the three options this one has the highest likelihood of actually happening considering it's already taking place yunjin's attack speed bonus was a very welcome addition to units that specialized in normal attacks like yoemia razer and noel as of making this video access to sumaru will likely be opened up in the latter half of 2022 and with it the denture element will finally have playable representatives and more elemental reactions depending on what those reactions will be or what role those new units serve it can directly or indirectly change the power dynamic of the roster let's say there's a new amazing support character that gives a buff to one member of your party where the dps increases the longer they stay out any damage dealer who excels in long drawn-out fights or who can keep their attack consistently high such as razer or kuting will get buffed by way of that new dendro support right now the meta favors quick swap burst rotation mostly because of there being so many more incentives to go that route than to stay on one unit for a long time in the foreseeable future that might change we might have supports who can give buffs to their party that lasts an extremely long time removing the need to swap so much weapons or artifacts can be introduced as a retroactive way to make certain characters stronger as evident by the ocean food clamp set which led to kokomi and chichi receiving a supplement to their damage nowadays to hear most kokomo users favoring tenacity of the milolith but at the time the new artifact domain gave more exposure to her leading to many giving her a second chance resulting in more theory crafting klitsching was indirectly buffed with the advent of missplitter reforged a weapon originally designed to be ayaka's signature the former instance had a more profound effect but this is another way we can see weaker characters improve in efficiency the second one and arguably the most dangerous yet exciting would be to raise the power ceiling of the game via designing new global systems that just employ this a lot especially when they feel like the game is stagnating in some way no doubt if you played any other title you've seen this plenty of times i know i keep bringing up final fantasy brave exius a lot and that's because that's the gacha i played the most out of all of them ffve's max star rating for a long time was 6 stars but around late 2018 there was an update that allowed base 5 star units to awaken into 7 stars gaining new abilities higher stats and what not a similar instance happened again in mid 2020 featuring neovisions basically 8-star units they would have this new form called brave shift which was for all intents and purposes two different units packed into one alongside base units seven star units could become neovisions too leading to many old or outdated units getting massively buffed thanks to new abilities and functions if they so choose hoyo can go down the same route either in a small or grand way they can increase the level cap to 100 and provide every character with a new passive or active talent like his second elemental skill opening up a myriad of ways to make gold characters better amber could receive a new pastor talent that causes baron bunny to pulsate fire while dancing or razer can get a new passive that boosts his electro damage proportional to his physical lisa can have a second elemental skill that stuns enemies in place for 2 seconds allowing her to use a max channel violet arc if they want to do something big they can introduce an entirely new system say a combo mechanic the more consecutive attacks you dish out with a single character the more damage they do kind of like in final fantasy not sure why i always go back to final fantasy but hey it's a good series something else i thought of doing was an awakening mechanic every unit could have a specific quest you would have to do or certain conditions that need to be met and if you complete it they get enhancements to their existing abilities if they wanted to they can apply this to a select group of units or they can apply this to only 4 stars so as not to make the gap between 4 and 5 star units wider now the reason i say this is very dangerous is that making game changing updates like this has the potential to severely power creep the game so while i'm suggesting this as a way to bridge the gap between weak and strong characters the exact opposite can happen too where the strong ones get even stronger if executed competently though big gameplay updates like this can refresh and enhance the game's experience adding more depth to strategy and team building a core part of genching impact on the subject of strategy the final way they can fix weaker characters would be to construct the bridge from the other side of the canyon that is to design content that forces you to use those sub-optimal units by imposing conditions or restrictions that mandate certain gimmicks or niche play that can only be done by them case in point dedicated healers objectively speaking chichi sayo see low usage on account of their purpose not being a necessity for anything that's available right now in other games end game bosses tend to dish out staggering amounts of damage requiring you to field at least one tank or healer-type character so as to not get wiped out technically speaking enemies do a lot of damage in genji but since elemental bursts inherently grant full invulnerability during the animation quick swap burst comps spend a good third of the entire game being straight up immune to any damage invalidating the need for a healer since you take no damage to begin with that only happens because you can switch between units every second or so so something that got me thinking was in the recent event that coincided with the airline one of the stratagem buffs in the domain went along the lines of increasing your swap cooldown to 6 seconds or so in exchange for greater staying power for the active user without the luxury to switch between party members so liberally it would force players to reconsider the viability of quick swap teams poyo could release a boss that would increase the cooldown of swaps to 3 to 4 seconds making each character more vulnerable to taking damage therefore anyone who can provide lasting support or persistent damage would be more favorable over those who switch in use e and q then switch out right away unique situations are the best way to spark interest in character variety once again a lot of quote unquote bad characters aren't actually bad in a vacuum they're just too gimmicky or inefficient however if you were to create a boss that had a face where you can only damage them via melee cryo-infused normal charge or plunging attacks there are only two characters in genji who can do that consistently ayaka and tonyan for those who don't have ayaka tongyun is their only option to take this boss down efficiently since he gives every melee character cryo infused damage say there's a boss you have to chase down if you don't have a fast character like yelan the next option would be sayu who can go from one location to another very quickly with their roly-poly skill since name is escaping me at the moment long distance candles that have to be lit to expose the boss's weak point amber and yoinia are the only two who can do that a boss that takes increased damage from catalyst users mean guangyan faye and lisa a boss that has two forms one that takes bones pyro damage and the other that takes bones physical damage xenyan in fact that's a lot of missed potential about this game every gacha tends to categorize its units based on weapon type class element function etc and then weekly bosses events or pvp seasons are set in rotation to encourage players to diversify their roster blue archive is one example of a relatively new gotcha that does this quite well in my opinion each unit performs differently based on what terrain the battle takes place in urban indoor or outdoor areas they also have a certain damage type explosive piercing or mystic and a certain defense type as well light armor heavy armor or special armor this allows for scenarios where one character is vastly more efficient than the other and vice versa so there's no instance when one character is infinitely superior over everyone else genqing has an even more diverse roster of characters six playable elements soon to be seven five weapon types perhaps more in the future and different playstyles ranging from crowd control to burst to dps etc it's just that right now there's no content that facilitates that diversity every boss of domain takes place in an open room and knows someone's a strategy other than maybe having a type advantage such as bringing pyro against cryo enemies there's no difference between who tells damage ayaka's damage shogun's damage shells damage etc since there's no content that distinguishes one from another ideally hoyo should try to do a mixture of all three there are plenty of ways to balance characters to allow for a more complete and diverse roster they're simply not using any of them do they have to not necessarily but speaking from experience gadgets that last a long time and are successful do so by fostering character longevity it feels really unsatisfying for a player to invest so much time and resources into a unit only for them to fall off within a few weeks to the next one that comes out fortunately some day one units like bennet and xingcho are still doing well but it would be awesome if more day one units had a chance to shine noel chongyon lisa ninguang amber kaya chichi even now they still have a lot of tricks up their sleeve that many don't bother looking into since there's no need to and that applies to more than just day oners sayu thomas xinyan even aloy of all people only time will tell right now if there's anything to look forward to on the horizon it would most likely be the advent of dendro as a playable element and its accompanying units and reactions i still think the game would be better off if they added more talents though if everyone had two elemental skills as opposed to one but again that's very risky to implement and has to be done with proper thought and care on that note let me know in the comments which of the three options i lined up would you choose might be fun to see what the majority is so what i'm going to do is leave a straw poll in the description for you to vote on for now if you enjoyed the video i'd appreciate it if you'd like to like and subscribe consider following me on twitter joining my discord server and checking out my other discussion videos if you haven't yet but till next time thanks so much for watching and i look forward to seeing you again soon take care [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Vars II
Views: 159,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin impact game, genshin impact graphics, genshin kusanali, genshin impact 2.8, genshin impact sumeru, genshin impact dendro, why no one plays, genshin impact why no one plays, genshin impact lisa, genshin impact chongyun, genshin impact weak characters, genshin impact bad characters
Id: lcd92ohgYjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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