3 Disturbing True Birthday Horror Stories

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[Music] for my friend Ryan's 21st birthday I threw him a surprise party at my house I invited all of our friends in our group plus some acquaintances and friends of friends who were brought along my parents weren't home for the night so it worked out nicely the peak of the night was when Ryan walked in the door and all of us got to scream surprise it was a Friday night so mostly everyone drank a decent amount I tried not to get too drunk just so I could stay alert in case anyone was doing something dumb in my parents house we had cake and other desserts set up for Ryan - I did a lot of walking around offering cake and beers to everyone even people I'd never met before including one guy with long blonde hair and a football shirt sitting on my couch and some dude who looked a few years older sitting on my grandma's old rocking chair that she gave to my mom I whispered into Ryan's ear at some point that half these random dudes that our friends brought over looked either kind of creepy or odd he agreed with me a bit over enthusiastically but that's probably because he was a lot drunker than I was the night progressed and everyone got drunker and everyone was doing increasingly silly and dumb things the guy who was still in the rocking chair started to hama song really loudly and obnoxiously the rest of us just watched and found it hilarious for some reason then the guy with the long blonde hair started to sing a completely different song and everyone else kind of just joined along it was a room full of drunk 20-something year old singing very loudly it was a fun time but eventually it had to end the people started leaving one by one as they sobered up a couple of people stayed the night because they were too drunk to drive including Ryan and our friend Shawn I slept in the living room with them we left the TV on with the movie The Hangover on in the backgrounds I suddenly thought to ask the two who were those two guys who had been in the living room on the couch and in the rocking chair most of the night Shawn said the guy with the long blonde hair was a friend of one of our other friends but as far as the guy in the rocking chair neither of them had a clue I decided to text everyone in the group chat we had made prior to the surprise party to find out who was friends with this creepy dude in the rocking chair one by one our friends said they had no idea it seemed everyone assumed he knew someone there but apparently that wasn't the case I was waiting on two more friends to answer but I was pretty sure one of them had to have known him anyway Shawn and Ryan fell asleep quickly so I decided to go to sleep too I woke up an hour later though I guess to the sound of the TV I checked my phone which was sitting on my chest there were a bunch of texts from the group chat to put it short every single person in the group chat said they had no idea who that was i sat up to let that sink in better some random creepy looking older dude snuck into my house and hid in plain sight for hours I suddenly looked around the living room lit up by the glow of the TV I felt as if my entire house was unsafe and that we weren't alone I quietly stepped out from the living room towards the kitchen I went over to the tiny hall that separates the kitchen from the three bedrooms on the first floor still using the glow from the TV in the living room as my light source to navigate I think because I didn't want to draw attention I guess I stepped into the hall and froze I was pretty sure I could see something at the end of the hall it was too dark though I took a couple steps forward and it became more clear that there was a person standing there at the end of the hall and to make it even worse I heard a faint low cackling kind of laugh at the far end of the hall I slowly backed away without acting fazed at all meanwhile I felt like my heart dropped to my stomach I got back to the living room and shook my two friends awake I whispered to them that someone was in the house with us I got on the phone with the police and talked as low as I could into the phone so that the woman on the other end could still hear me and as I was on the phone I saw the creepy guy from earlier the guy who was on the rocking chair all night suddenly walk out to the living room look at us sitting there passed us and walked out the front door I was literally frozen I think my friends were too I told the 911 operator that the intruder just left my house she said lock all the doors and we should be fine a cop came by for a few minutes just to check in after he left my friends and I found a trail of bloodstains on the carpet in the hallway the stains led to the end of the hall where I saw him standing then it just stopped needless to say no sleep was had that night I'm sure we all have those memories from our childhood that make us uncomfortable to think about how we were so young and innocent and unknowing to something bad that was about to happen I was in the first grade it was either a Friday or Saturday night all I know is we didn't have school the next day my friend's mom set up a little party for his birthday at a local bowling alley all his friends and their parents were there and we were sectioned off in two different lanes to play with different groups I wasn't having a lot of fun mainly because i stunk at bowling and still do to this day I remember complaining and crying to my mom that I didn't want to play anymore I think one of the kids started taking my turn for me there was a backroom sectioned off for the party with a bunch of snacks sweets and sodas so while my mom was talking to some of the other parents I think that's when I snuck to that back room to fill my stomach with cupcakes and other sweets there was a door leading to the outside in this room it led to the back of the building I guess and the next thing I remember was the moment a man was standing at the doorway telling me to come outside and check something out to this day it still makes me cringe thinking back and remembering that I actually listened to the random man and went out there upon stepping outside the man knelt down to my level so that we were face-to-face then he pointed at a truck that was running maybe five yards away I remember he said he had the rest of the sweets and snacks in the back of his truck and he needed help unloading it he also offered to give me a $20 reward if I helped him now I'm sure in my six-year-old mindset I was thinking about how cool I'd look and how jealous all the other kids would be I followed the man to his truck he opened the back door for me and pointed at a big black plastic bag sitting in his back seat I climbed into the truck and the next thing I remember was the horrific ear piercing scream of a woman it was my mom standing at the back doorway at the bowling alley screaming my name over and over I ran to my mom who grabbed me and held me tight as I heard the sound of tires skidding out followed by a truck speeding away I turned to look and the truck was already gone my mom was in tears scolding me a few other parents and kids came out and it turned into a huge scene it was a traumatizing ly embarrassing experience for me the bowling alley had to shut operations for the night and the party had to be cut short I've asked my mom about this story so many times she said the police arrived after my dad picked me up and my mom told the police everything I told her she also got a decent look at the man and his truck so she gave a description to the police as well unfortunately nothing was ever heard as far as the police catching him all I have to say is if any of you are parents burn the phrase don't talk to strangers into your kids heads [Music] for my son's twelfth birthday my wife and I threw him the little party in the backyard we invited the whole family as we usually did for any of our kids birthdays and let him invite all his friends too we live in rural New Jersey so our backyard connects to forest on two sides we also have a pretty big property which allowed us to space out a bunch of tables on the grass with food and refreshments the little party went into the night most of our guests left but closer family and some of our friends stayed late it was probably eight o'clock the mosquitoes were out in full force so I decided to run over to the shed at the far end of the back yard by the woods to fetch the tiki torches I grabbed like six torches and set them on the grass while I went back in to look for fuel however while I was in the shed I heard steps in the woods I stopped what I was doing to take a look out there but honestly it was just too dark to see out into the woods after finding the fuel I went back to the part of the yard everyone else was at and pitched the torches into the ground the six torches gave off a decent amount of light while keeping us safe from the blood sucking pests there were about six kids left including my son and they all wanted to play hide and seek in the woods my wife and I allowed it just making sure to tell them to stay close to the treeline my son and his friends went to play their little game in the woods which left the rest of us to sit in peace for a little bit it was a solid 15 minutes of talking with relatives and hearing the kids laughing and yelling in the near distance out in the woods but all of a sudden the yelling turned to screams concerning sounding screams from the kids all of us looked at each other sitting up and concern the kids one-by-one came running out of the wood-- ceiling that there's something in there we don't have bears or any big predatory animals around here so that was not the first thing we assumed it to be I told all the kids to stay near the patio area my brother Dom and I being the biggest men there decided to go investigate we took a couple flashlights and off we went into the pitch-black woods the only sounds we heard around us were crickets and other night bugs so we went deeper and that's when we started to hear something else it sounded like an animal at first but as we followed the sound to get closer the sound started to become more human-like he continued to walk and we agreed we both had the feeling that we were being watched like dogs I put my arm out to stop Tom standing in the silence now the best way I could describe the sound we were hearing was a moaning angry kind of sound it sounded human that it was a bizarre salad then a few cracks of the leaves on the ground ahead of us we aimed our lights over there and there was someone or something behind the tree the moaning sound stopped Tom stepped forward and called out what happened next was textbook horror movie stuff the scream so loud so blood-curdling so inhuman filled the air I'm sure it could be heard for miles Tom and I turned and booked it back to the property we waved at everyone to go inside when we made it back Tom got on the phone with the Sheriff's Department they said it was probably a wild animal we wanted to insist it was a human but we honestly couldn't me to this day don't know who or what we saw and heard in those woods but it was definitely stalking us and the kids when they were playing hide and seek and that scream we heard it just didn't sound human to us
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 2,772,636
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Keywords: birthday stories, scary birthday, horror, birthday horror stories, true birthday stories, scary birthday stories, scary true stories, true scary stories, scary, horror stories, mr, mr nightmare, mrnightmare, mr. nightmare, nightmare, mr., scary stories, true horror stories, birthday party stories, birthday party horror stories, scary birthday party, party horror stories, deep web, lockdown stories
Id: zp0JvU06X0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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