3 Disturbing Real Basement Horror Stories

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when my grandparents passed away instead of my parents selling her house they just let me live in it instead since I was of moving out age anyway I just had to pay the taxes and monthly expenses at first I really enjoyed living alone given that I could have whoever I wanted over whenever I wanted but it quickly got lonely being alone so I got myself a two year old German Shepherd dog named rocky he was named after Rocky Balboa Rocky's a very calm and gentle German Shepherd he hardly ever barks only when he feels threatened or if he's playing with another dog I bought him a doggie bed the day after I adopted him and put it next to my bed after I got rocky I always let the bedroom door open so that he could go get water at night if you were thirsty one night soon after I adopted rocky I woke up to his barking coming from outside my room and down the hallway I dizzily got out of bed to check what the hell he was barking at I rubbed my eyes as I walked down the hallway and when I opened them I saw rocky maniacally barking and clawing at the basement door I didn't know what to do usually I'd call my dad to deal with something like this but now it was on me and I was terrified I had to ask myself if I wanted rocky to go down there with me and I quickly realized there was no chance of me going down there alone I opened the door ever so lightly but it was enough for Rocky to push it open with his nose and run down the stairs I flipped on the lights and followed close behind rocky was silent now which I found a bit concerning I looked around for him calling his name and then I saw him standing still with his tail between his legs looking up at something in an opposite corner of the room that was blocked by a wall rocky looked at me and his tail slightly raised as I approached him I could now see what he was looking at it was a closet door Rocky's apparent bout of confidence was obviously short-lived and he seemed to be back to his comment in itself all that was passing through my mind at that moment was do I dare open this closet door right now and who or what could be in there I didn't know rocky too well just yet but I had a feeling he wouldn't attack whoever or whatever was in there I'm still not sure whether I made the right move or not but instead of opening that closet door I took rocky by the collar and walked with him back upstairs he kept looking back at the corner of the basement until we got to the stairs I shut the basement door and then dragged him back to my bedroom and shut the bedroom door then I went to the kitchen to call my dad I had to call three times before he finally picked up in a groggy voice I explained the situation and asked him what I should do he said I should go back down there with a huge knife or some kind of weapon and see what's in the closet I told him I was too scared to and somewhere deeper into that conversation with my dad I realized the basement door was open I put the phone down for a second to listen to what I felt were footsteps and I was right loud and clear were footsteps heading towards the front door I Rance my bedroom and told my dad he told me to hang up the phone and call the cops and so I did by the time the cops showed up though whoever was in the house was obviously gone already unfortunately I left a large amount of cash down there by the bar all of it was gone the basement window was wide open so we found the method of entry pretty quickly just turned out to be a break-in burglary when I happened to be home [Music] the story took place just two weeks ago I've always had a fear of basements since I was a kid now that I'm 18 my fear is obviously subdued a little bit but I still will glance over my shoulder - any noise I may hear behind me and I might get that slight butterfly in my stomach feeling when I'm alone well on this cold Friday night I was home alone and since our biggest TV is in the basement that's where I usually show especially to play video games I was playing fortnight with my friends some crazy popular first-person shooter game I had headphones in and I was really invested in the game yet even over the loud sound effects through the headphones I knew I heard something come from behind me like a thunk I took off the headphones and examined the back of the basement now our basement is huge but also extremely cluttered and messy if I wanted to actually thoroughly examine what's behind me I'd have to get up that's how bad it is but I didn't feel that we're necessary yeah I found it been unsettling anytime they heard a noise but I really didn't think it was anything to be concerned about I tried to continue playing however I wasn't able to give my full focus anymore not with part of me constantly thinking about the noise I took off the headphones and played with him off just because I was feeling extra paranoid and wanted to hear my surroundings shortly after taking off the headset there was a sudden Clank sounds and it had a metallic echo II ringing to it I turned off the system now because I was in shock this was an intentional sound made by someone or something I walked really really slowly to the back side of the basement when I laid eyes on the big metal air vents in the corner that's when it hit me that that was most likely the source of the sound I got as close as I felt comfortable then stopped and just looked at the air vent for a second I got a terrible painful feeling in my stomach and I felt like the life was literally being drained out of me when I saw a hand reach out from the air vent and start waving me over then a deep raspy voice said come here I need help at first I didn't run I just gradually stepped backwards with my mouth hung open looking at the vents the person's hands gripped the vent and started shaking and aggressively obviously trying to break it open I screamed I'm calling the cops but the shaking didn't stop I did what I said I called the cops and told them to send someone right away the operator told me to go to a room upstairs with a weapon lock the door and hide I was the most scared I'd ever been in my entire life and the pain and fear of the situation only became worse when I heard it door bust opened downstairs and I could hear a maniac screaming at the top of his lungs I'm not lying when I said he was screaming things like where are you I'm gonna kill you I heard him run up the stairs he probably ran up two stairs for every step because he was up the stairs in like three seconds my heart was in my throat when he tried the door knob to the door and started pounding on it so hard I could see the door came in a little bit I thought he was actually gonna break the door down I had to climb out the window or I'd be a goner I think he heard me though because the banging stops I jumped from the window to the bushes below and with the right stroke of luck a cop car pulled up in front of my house I basically ran into the officers arms begging them to go inside and get the man they told me to wait in the police car which they locked while they both went inside the house with their guns drawn not even five minutes later the two officers came out and they were holding the man in cuffs the man in cuffs took my place in the back seat of the cop car and for that moment until the cops drove away he was giving me the most evil hate-filled stare you could ever imagine that stare still haunts me the whole experience still haunts me I still hang out in the basement occasionally but nowhere near as much [Music] the story I'm about to tell you is a series of blurry memories from when I was a little kid we were living in our old house my brother and I always hung out in the basement where our dad has his hockey table pool table and video games we usually played on a Super Nintendo system but at some point I don't remember when it started my brother and I would hear things come from the boiler slash laundry room the first time this happened though my brother and I were playing some racing game on Super Nintendo that was when we both heard it the door to the dryer slammed shut we knew that's what the sound was we both called out mom figuring maybe she'd been in there the whole time without us realizing but the room was dark and empty of any people when we realized this we both ran upstairs screaming for our parents leaving everything downstairs still on our parents came down to humor what they probably thought was just our dumb childish antics and nobody was in the laundry room moving along probably a few months I was awake late one night for whatever reason walking to the kitchen passing the basement door and remember hearing the tv downstairs turn on it was one of those big old box TVs so it made that distinct clicking sound as it turned on I called mom dad and my brother's name no one answered I went to my parents room to tell them and they were both upset with me for waking them my dad went downstairs to turn off the TV and I remember him telling me it's a glitchy TV there were a couple other suspicious happenings after that but I'll move forward all the way to the last occurrence and honestly the most horrific it was a few days before we were going to move to our new house just about everything in the house was already shipped to the new house but our parents were nice and let us keep the TV and video games downstairs until the last few days my brother and I were once again playing video games that's when I felt something hit me in the back of the head I thought it was my brother at first but then saw the red ball bouncing on the ground behind the couch we were on then the door to the boiler room slowly shut as my brother and I looked at each other with horrified looks on our faces once again we ran upstairs screaming our parents once again went downstairs but when they came back up they were strangely silenced they told us to go to our rooms and wait there a while later a police car showed up but our parents wouldn't let us out of our rooms they wouldn't tell us what happened until we finally move apparently my dad tried to open the boiler room door but something was holding it shut or perhaps pulling it shut even so long ago I could sense fear and my dad's voice explaining it I don't believe in ghosts but to this day I still don't know what to make of what was going on in that basement you
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 4,123,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: basement stories, scary basement stories, true basement horror stories, scary true stories, true stories, true scary stories, scary basement, creepy basement, true horror stories, basement horror stories, real horror stories, mr. nightmare, mrnightmare, nightmare, mister nightmare, mr nightmare, shocking, disturbing, creepy, scary
Id: pxUhetnVmVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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