3 True Lockdown Horror Stories (Vol. 3)

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While I love Mr Nightmare my favorite videos are of the more unexplained and creepy variety.

An example of one of my favorites is the dude working in a house building it and he starts to hear a bag or change being tossed and thrown. Eventually he stumbles upon a grinning man just tossing a bag of change to make noise in a dark corner of the basement. I think it MAY have been in one of the lights out episodes, like loss of power and electricity.

I could be wrong. Another one is of the woman who took care of an old lady and stumbled upon her dead husbands body in the basement or something like that. Also the person who moved into a house by themselves for school and started experiencing pretty scary stuff around the house during rainy days and stuff. If I remember correctly they came from a wealthy family and was set up with a house all to themselves. Scary stuff.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/lProtheanl 📅︎︎ Sep 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

Speaking of which, why would anyone need to wear a gas mask during a lockdown, especially one in school?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BiggieBigJ 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
attention lockdown lockdown lock the doors stay away from the windows back in 2016 my school went into a lockdown I was in my senior year and it was the last week of school so everything was kind of chill and laid-back at that point my friend who we all used to call moose was cut in class with me to smoke in my car in the senior parking lot one of our friends Mario who was in the lunchroom texted me to come chill with him so moose and I started walking back to the school as we were about to enter through one of the discreet back doors of the school by the band and chorus rooms Mario texted me saying the school was going into lockdown and he was right as we entered through the still unlocked back door we noticed the red lock down lights flashing in the tiny band hallway we walked through the empty hall this was the quieter section of the school with less foot traffic since we were far from the regular classrooms it was texting Mario asking him what was going on and if it was just a drill moose and I stood in the hallway waiting for an answer my friend Mario texted back saying dude holy [ __ ] and the three dots bubble meaning he was tightening sat under his texts for like 30 seconds then it went away he didn't send a second text I sent him three question marks Lucian I didn't really know what to do the main hallway lights were shut off and all that lit up the halls were the backup lights and the red flashing lockdown lights there were no teachers anywhere to tell us what to do so he just chilled in the hallway we tried opening the doors to the auditorium but they had already been locked moose then taps my shoulder and pointed down the hallway all the way down there was someone dressed in black fast approaching like speed walking down the hall in our direction at first it looks like a teacher but as he got closer we realized he was wearing some kind of white mask moose and I started walking backwards instinctively in response to what we now perceived to be a threat as he got even closer he could confirm it was a mask on his face and it was this horrifying disgusting mask of some pale rotting like face I'd never seen anything so creepy at any Halloween stores or anything the man was now too close for comfort and the way he was approaching us was obviously full of aggression moose and I turned and started running back towards the band room we hope the band teacher Miss Bryant would be in there to let us in we got to the door which was locked and started pounding on it but we didn't have time to wait moose and I split up to hide I hid in one of the music department closets I don't know where moose went I turned the light in the closet off and hid behind a big container there was a big glass window in the door to the closet and I could see into the hall thanks to the little light from the backup lights I heard footsteps approaching from outside so I ducked my head completely behind the container I only looked up and peeked at the window after the footsteps had stopped for a while and I assumed it was clear but it was not the footstep stops because the man in the mask was standing at the door looking in through the glass I ducked back down hoping he didn't see me and then the closet door creaked open it sounded as though he was trying to fiddle for the light switch couldn't find it then gave up I heard footsteps quickly walk away matching his speed walking pace from just before I took out my phone to text moose to see if he was alright and I saw I had a long text from Mario he explained that a student was stabbed in the bathroom by some masked man with a blade moose also texted me saying he's alright he ran back outside to his car I realized that was a good idea it made sure the coast was clear and booked it for my car as well I sat in my car in front of the school and watched his cop cars swarm the place at least ten officers entered the building moves came to CID my car with me and we watched for over half an hour the school was let out early with police escorting the kids out of course they never even found the masked man in the school he likely escaped through one of the back doors there were helicopters searching all day for the men I'm pretty sure he was never found I thank my lucky stars I didn't have a similar fade as I kid in the bathroom [Music] I went to a very poor high school in a bad neighborhood because of that we regularly had fire drills and lockdown drills in the case of something happening during a lockdown the teacher would turn off the lights and we'd all hide in a corner of the classroom without saying anything it was a cold day in the third quarter of the school year the windows were all shut obviously but still my teacher had to stop mid-sentence because we could all hear some kind of shouting outside definitely some kind of commotion my teacher went to the window looked outside and opened one of the windows but the yelling seemed to stop by the time he did at the same time the Dean started speaking over the loudspeaker and said we were going into a lockdown my teacher rushed to shut the door and turn off the lights and we all did our thing went to the corner of the room time seemed to move slow as we were all huddled in that corner screams started coming from the hallway not the screams of students but deranged angry screams from a grown man familiar to the screaming we briefly heard from outside someone dangerous was in the building clearly the school I went to didn't have security guards it was too poor so literally in a case like this we'd have to wait for police to arrive the screams were then accompanied by bangs on a nearby door another classroom you could hear the screams of the kids in the room next to us the banging stops the screaming grew closer until it was right outside our door and then bangs on the hard classroom door a couple kids screamed and started to cry the sick men on the other side of the door bangs and bangs he started hitting the glass with his elbow I think as he screamed and seen things that made no sense to us some of the being I'm sick of it and just stop already a sickening sound of the small thin glass window of the door shattering made the reality of the situation shaken even worse of course kids on either side of me were screaming and crying now me I was just sitting there in total shock the man on the other side of the door stuck his arm into the room through the thin window opening and tried unlocking the door my teacher took that opportunity to grab a pair of scissors and literally stab the man's arm the man cried out in pain bangs on the door a few more times even harder now started running down the halls still crying in what was probably a mix of pain and anger the lockdown was ended a few minutes after police arrived there had to be at least six cars outside and yes the crazy sicko man was arrested and probably brought to a mental hospital the man apparently wasn't armed but he clearly came into the school with intentions of hurting people kids mind you [Music] I went to a school in California we always had a lockdown drill once a month but only one time ever was it not a drill I was in the cafeteria during my lunch period when the teacher it was in charge of watching the lunchroom announced over the microphone for everyone to be quiet he announced to us that the school was going into lockdown and ordered us to be quiet I think he genuinely scared everyone by how serious and nervous he sounded because everyone in the cafeteria looked genuinely shook and actually shut up I looked around the disturbingly quiet cafeteria and could see everyone else was doing the same thing taking nervous curious glances at their friends and strangers at other tables then [ __ ] went down a gunshot echoed from across the school and that's when panic set in with everyone some kids ran for the exit door the teacher in charge of the cafeteria yelled at everyone to hide under the tables as he locked the cafeteria doors and shut off the lights I was sitting under the table with my friend's heart racing feeling sick knowing my life could be in danger every minute felt like an eternity just waiting for someone on the intercom to say it's all clear then across the cafeteria there was a sudden outlaw of screams from students mostly girls the sound of tables and chairs being moved or falling over my friends and I looked out from under the table and we saw a kid with a gun outside the locked door of the cafeteria then I remember hearing gunshots he was shooting at the glass door last didn't shatter right away I don't even know if it did at all but the entire lunch room cleared out through the two side exit doors to the outside students of all ages either ran to their cars or off the school property in it to the neighborhood streets I ran in the direction of the front of the school also the direction of my house I saw police cars already outside I think they had just arrived at that point but I didn't stick around to watch I got home and told my parents and my dad turned on the news to see the shooting was already being talked about miraculously only one girl was wounded and the police somehow apprehended him without killing him I'm sorry for anyone else who has to go through something like this fearing for your life that much is not something anyone should have to go through
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 2,610,813
Rating: 4.9389286 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, true scary stories, true stories, scary, horror stories, true creepy stories, creepy, true, horror, disturbing, scary guy, mr. nightmare, mrnightmare, mr nightmare, creepypasta, scary story narration, narration, reading, shocking stories, home alone, creepy home alone, scary home alone, creepy true stories, 3 scary stories, 10 scary stories, school lockdown stories, lockdown stories, school stories, scary lockdown stories, lockdown horror stories
Id: GQKpwhf8V9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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