How to know when God wants me to move?

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the Lord has put on my heart we're going to look at Matthew chapter is one through 19 we're going to talk about sit with this don't move until God moves you that's a word for somebody and maybe a word for everybody but about ten years ago I was going through a point in my life where I was questioning a lot of things I was trying to make a lot of things happen in my own power and my one of my best friends in the whole wide world is named Clement MOC Clemen taught me this principle camera don't move until God moves you you're a pawn on his chess board and he's the mastermind he knows how to anticipate seven or eight moves of the opponent all you can see is the little square box you're in and sometimes you may think yourself as you're relevant you may think yourself as trapped you may view your current position or your current situation as something that has no meaning and purpose but listen God the mastermind if you will he has got you strategically placed in a little square you can't even tell how many squares are on the board because all you can see is your little position you don't get the big picture although you think you get the big picture you really don't don't move until God moves you amen so this morning I just want to say this despite your circumstance do not waver in the fact that God is God you are not God is God and you or not see we think Satan's biggest thing his biggest lie is you can be equal to God you can you can call your own shots did God really tell you Eve don't eat from the fruit did God really tell you did God really put you here or did you did God really strategically place you or is this just circumstance listen if God really had his hand on you then you wouldn't be here right now you'd be over here and happy land or good bill or whatever you know I'm saying you would be somewhere better than this place if God's hand was really on you that is not true amen God is in control and I know that sounds vague and makes a good bumper sticker and it sounds really good especially at funerals and what people are going through terminal illness and kind of sound no no let's get past that and just realize God is God I am amen I will not move until God moves me I won't change my job till God changes my job I'm not going to change spouses because God doesn't want me to change spouses right whatever it is I'm not moving until God moves me amen usually you usually we struggle we this is how we struggle we either move too fast and try to force change and force it to happen or when God tells us to move we're like oh I ain't moving don't move till he moves you right now when he tells you to move you got to move right that's a whole nother trust step of faith when he says two squares forward over to the right one you got to do it when he says move move but don't move until he moves you amen let's look at John chapter I'm in Matthew chapter 11 verses 1 through 19 one of my favorite men in the Bible is John the Baptist Elijah and John the Baptist if you don't study anybody else in scripture study Elijah and study John the Baptist listen to what God does this John the Baptist is Jesus's cousin Jesus and John are about six months or so apart Elizabeth and Zachariah are members of the same family with Joseph and Mary so Mary goes and visits a lot Elizabeth and Zachariah and if you remember in the scripture when Jesus are Mary already being pregnant with Jesus walks into the room of Elizabeth already being much more along about to have or birth John the Baptist the Bible says as soon as Mary walks in the room with Jesus in her belly Elizabeth's baby John the Baptist starts to leap for joy he's filled with the Spirit of God amen the Rita and Luke the point is this John the Baptist was the forerunner he was the spokesperson he was the announcer he was the guy that God chose to introduce Jesus Christ he was to go before and make the you know clear down the brush make the the pathway straight he was preparing people's hearts amen John the Baptist spent his life in the desert he spent his life in very harsh conditions very little water very little food source extreme heat no oasis no palace no fancy place he was on the run when Herod sent out the decree if you remember the story Jesus has been born in Bethlehem Herod realizes that the three wise men don't return to him because he was going to slaughter them he just want to figure out where Jesus was and who he was he knew the prophecies that this king was going to take over Herod trying to protect his palace trying to contect his kingdom sends out a decree that all baby boys under the age of two should be killed you remember that listen not only was Jesus on the run that's why Mary and Joseph fleet are fled to Egypt for 12 years not only was Jesus on the run but so was John the Baptist John's parents took him to the desert John the Baptist is raised in the desert he understands desert conditions he's a harsh man he's not harsh but he's a very direct man he's a very in-your-face he's a bulldog for Jesus amen he wears camel clothes he eats locusts he's honey he is a desert dweller he took the the Nazarene vow he never drank wine he never cut his hair similar to Samson he was a devout follower of God amen so we pick up this devout follower baptizes Jesus this devout follower is the one who declares if you remember John the Baptist says that's the Son of God John the Baptist baptizes Jesus Jesus comes up out of the desert the Holy Spirit descends it I mean comes up out of the water the Holy Spirit descends upon him as a dove and then the Spirit of God drives him to the desert John the Baptist is losing all of his disciples he's losing all his followers to this new man named Jesus amen tracking with me the Sadducees the Pharisees that people come to John the Baptist and they say hey are you the Messiah are you the Prophet are you Moses he's like no no no I'm not I'm a lowly servant of the Most High doesn't take the pride bait he doesn't take the popularity bait he doesn't take the fortune and fame bait he stays true and devout to Jesus Christ amen he announces who Jesus says he continues to speak publicly against King Herod he chooses to continue to tell King Herod what he's doing is wrong he's married his brother's wife he's committing adultery he's doing all sorts of fornication and things before the Lord he continues to be bold like Elijah before the opposition Amen for that he gets thrown in prison because he takes a stand against King Herod King Herod throws John the Baptist in prison this is where we're going to pick up in this story let's think about this for a minute let's pretend that you and I are John the Baptist at this point in John the Baptist is life he is about 30 to 31 years old so for 30 years you have lived in the desert you have forsaken luxury for the sake of Jesus Christ you have forsaken popularity if you would have said that you were the Prophet if you would have said yes I'm a pretty good preacher they would have elevated you to a position of power and fortune and fame you have denied that for the sake of Jesus you have never tasted wine for the sake of Jesus your eat locusts you eat honey you live in these conditions so that you can fast and pray 24/7 you have lived devoutly for God so devoutly that you have amassed of following a people you now have 12 disciples of your own you now have a larger group that stops by to hear you preach you're still bold you do not waver but you do have a following and all of a sudden the Lord tells you one day from the desert go to the Jordan River and start baptizing people in water start telling people to repent from their sins so you follow that you do that you say okay God if that's what you want me to do now I go to the water and I'm starting to tell people they got a sin and turn away and all of a sudden before you know it hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and thousands of people come from villages far away to get baptized by you to go to the Jordan River and to get baptized the remission or the repentance or the forgiveness of their sins and all of a sudden one day in the crowd a light from heaven shines on your cousin and your cousin's name is Jesus and the light shines from heaven the scripture says and all of a sudden when that light hits your cousin the Holy Spirit tells you that's the Messiah that is the Son of God and though for a half a second through your mind you go no that's my cousin how could that be oh that's my cut oh yes Father I will follow and listen to you behold the Son of God amen and now let's pretend that the Son of God walks up to you and says hey I need you to baptize me this is John the Baptist humility here he says I'm not worthy to baptize you Jesus I'm not worthy to untie your shoes or to tie your shoes you should baptize me that's your position of your heart amen but Jesus says now John this is fulfilling Scripture baptize me so through your devote allegiance to the Lord and your devote allegiance to his calling on your you baptize Jesus himself and then when Jesus comes up out of the water all of a sudden you hear audibly from heaven the King of Kings the Lord of lords God Himself say that's my boy that's my boy and whom I'm well pleased and all of a sudden you see the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descends upon Jesus himself and then all of a sudden Jesus probably gave him a hug this is Cameron's paraphrase game of fist pumps at sea ajahn I'm going to the desert and you know what the deserts like because you've lived there for 31 years so the Spirit of God drives Jesus to the desert and now you are like what okay you keep doing what God's called you to do because God hadn't told you to stop so you keep calling people to repentance you keep baptizing people in the river you stay devout even though this guy who you just bapt it now he's gone and you're alone again and 40 days later that guy your cousin comes out of the desert you don't know that he's been tempted by Satan three times you don't know what he's gone through you just know the reality of the desert amen and now your cousin comes out of the desert and he starts to say things like behold the kingdom of God is near behold I've come to set the captives free behold I've come to heal the blind heal the sick set the captives free I'm taking authority over Satan and also your cousin starts to take all of your followers except a very small devout with you and he starts to be the preacher he starts to be the band and here's your heart you don't get jealous you don't get bitter you don't get envious amen and our job sometimes we get so jealous and envious because the new guy comes in and out sells us the new girl comes in and gets promoted twice as fast and all sudden were like man I've been doing this like John doesn't do that amen he stays devout he's still preaching he still announcing the Herod Herod you got to change your ways because your sin is putting the whole nation under a curse of sin you're our leader you got to be devout Herod and now because of your stands against sin you've been arrested and now you're in prison and their prisons are not anything compared to our prisons Amen you don't get any food or water unless you're family or friends bring it to you you've been beaten you've been stripped you've been chained to the wall and now you're in prison for what for following God amen the Bible doesn't tell us how long John the Baptist was in prison before these words that were fixing to read were written but John had probably been in prison for a couple months it's been a period of time a day or two in prison you could probably handle that and get through that but a week in prison two weeks three weeks a month Jesus hasn't come to visit you just your few disciples anxiety pressure stress fear regret doubt all that is settling there they men pick up 11 chapter chapter 11 Matthew verse 1 now it came to pass when Jesus finished commanding his twelve disciples that he departed from there to teach and to preach in their cities and when John had heard in prison about the works of Christ he sent two of his disciples and said to him listen John heard man my cousin's doing what Jesus did what he's healing people he's 5000 people with some fit what he's pretty okay disciples come here I got some questions for this boy I got some questions for this man listen listen disciples I'm in prison I've been here for a while I know I'm fixing to die I know Herod's track record is to kill everybody that ever opposes them I got you I got to ask Jesus a question I need you two guys to go and ask Jesus this question look at his question verse three are you the coming one are you the Messiah are you the chosen one are you the coming one or do we look for another what are you reading into John's thoughts right there he's lived his life for God he saw a lumen ational lighting from heaven to sea he heard God he baptized Jesus but in his situation what's creeping in he's hearing Jesus is going to weddings and turning water to wine remember what we just read hearing but Jesus wait wait how did he pick his twelve to say one of his disciples is a tax collector modern-day mafia what he went to the mob and got the head bopping a boss to be Judis I know that guy wait when were we okay go ask him because everything he's doing is not making sense to me go at is he who is he the right one or we look for somebody else jesus answered and says for go and tell John listen to Jesus he is a genius his response is not vague it's not it is direct but we gotta read it he says go and tell John the things which you hear and what see John's asking the question based on what he's heard right Jesus hanging out with prostitutes who's washing his feet okay hmm what what his first miracle I mean his debut miracle water to wine because the party ran out right think about it what's Jesus's response go tell John again what you see and what you hear right what is John struggling with his preconceived idea of what God should act like and be like right what do we struggle with our preconceived outcome of our prayer our preconceived outcome of how God should rescue us from our situation I am strapped to this stinking cell being beat and he's partying Jesus's response go tell John again I'm setting the captives free I'm making the lane to walk I'm bringing sight to the blind listen let's keep reading you with me tell them this if you got a Bible with red letters it's Jesus speak and go and tell John the things which you hear and see the blind see John the lame walk John the lepers are cleansed John the Deaf hear the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them John listen John I'm healing people and preaching to people I'm setting people free the poor are being freed from their bondage I'm destroying legalism I'm destroying the law all the Sadducees and Pharisees that you dared preach it call broods of vipers listen I'm destroying their stronghold over the common people I am breaking the yokes I am setting people free John but Oh John listen to my last statement and blessed is he verse 6 and blessed are you John blessed is he who is not offended because of me Oh blessed are you John if you're not offended because of me Oh blessed are you John if you don't get offended because I didn't fit your mold of the Messiah Oh blessed are you John if you don't get offended because you're in shackles and I'm partying Oh blessed are you John if you don't get offended because I didn't answer your prayer the way you thought I should answer Oh blessed are you John if you don't get offended on how I come to the earth and a manger through a virgin called Mary through coincidences but through circumstances that you can't explain oh do not be offended because of me tracking with me hold your spot look at Matthew chapter 24 long after John is beheaded long after John has been off of the scene his disciples asked the same ask a similar question are they ask another question John Matthew chapter 24 look at verse 4 Matthew 24 for this is Jesus's response to the disciples question of when will the end of the world come when are you going to set up your kingdom hey Jesus when are you going to take over Rome because we're really sick to the Romans Jesus when are you going to take over Jesus we've been following you now for three and a half years Jesus and all you're talking about is a bunch of parables and a bunch of stories and you're talking about your kingdom and yeah you're healing people and yet we really do believe but now you're talking about death and now you're talking about dying and now you're talking about leaving us Jesus when are you going to measure up to our expectation of what the Messiah should be what the king should be when are you going to set up your kingdom when's the end of the world Jesus answer our questions come on for Jesus answers take heed that no one deceives you how do you get deceived because you have a preconceived idea and they take advantage of that idea and deceive you you believe that car is great so the salesman knowing that it's not great deceives you and allows you to believe your preconceived idea come on right take heed that no one deceives you for many will come in my name saying I am the Christ that many will deceive and will deceive many and you will hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you are not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet for nation will rise against nation Kingdom against Kingdom and there will be famine pestilence earthquakes all these are the beginning of Sorrows listen it gets deep right here then you will deliver then they will deliver you up to tribulation and they'll kill you and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake and then many will be offended what the heck does that have to do with Wars rumors of wars pestilence suffering for the name of Jesus because when we go through trial and circumstances if we're not careful we'll get offended at God you didn't heal I prayed I fasted I did everything you told me to do and they still died I am now mad and ticked it offended at you because I did what you call me to do but the circumstances did not line up to my expectations so now therefore you did not measure up to my expectation and now I am offended God I lost my job because I stood up for you I lost my marriage because of this stance I took for you and now I am offended the way they treated me I'm offended amen many will become offended and then their hearts will grow cold amen listen go back to our first text are you with me verse 6 blessed is he whose not offended because of me that's his message that's his response that's the last words Jesus will speak to John the Baptist that's the last words that he'll hear from his god John hang tight till the end don't get offended yeah you know the the hatchets coming you know your heads fixing to roll don't get offended blessed are you when God doesn't measure and meet your expectation John amen thank you verse 11 and surely I say to you among those born of women this is Jesus talking to the crowd about John and understand this Jesus his heart is breaking Jesus's heart is dying because he knows the most godly man to ever walk the planet born of a woman more holy than than Peter more holy than Moses more holy than Abraham more holy than Billy Graham more holy than anybody ever born of a woman John the Baptist he says assuredly I say to you among those born of women there's not risen one greater than John the Baptist but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he and from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force if you think that we're not in a war for your soul you are blinded and deceived just realize the Kingdom of Heaven is under attack and then for all the prophets and the law prophesied until John and even if you're willing to receive it this this verse you just got to study because it will blow your way listen Jesus is talking about John the Baptist goes if you're willing to receive it he is Elijah it's not talking reincarnation is he talking about the spirit of boldness this this boy's just like this this is Elijah so this is Elijah who is to come Hugh has ears let them hear to skip down to verse 18 for John for John listen to what Jesus is saying listen basically Jesus says this is basically what Jesus is responding to the crowd he's saying listen you're going to believe based on faith and faith alone because what he's fixing to lay out to them is hey listen you didn't believe John and now you're not going to believe me listen to what he says he goes for John came neither eating nor drinking and they say he has a demon so here's John taking the nazarene bow the Nazarene Valmet you never cut your hair you never drink wine you fully devoted to the Lord so John never eating or drinking doesn't mean he never ate food it just meant that he spent a life of fasting and minimal food minimal sustenance to keep himself alive he came neither eating or drinking and you said John had a demon he didn't believe John the Son of Man verse 19 came eating and drinking Jesus says I came I eat I drink so so what do you want you got John the Baptist and now you got me listen to 19 goes the son of man came eating and drinking and they say look a glutton and a wine-bibber a drunk a friend of tax collectors and sinners amen here's the kicker despite your circumstance do not put God in a box God says blessed are you if you're not offended by me because offense will be offended whether Jesus came in the form of John denying himself of food and drink or if Jesus came in the form that Jesus came eating and drinking and associating with you and I amen don't be offended there's a great book about this is the basis of the sermon it's a book by Jean Edwards called John the Baptist the guy in the third cell something like that but my point is read it dig deep understand the true level of being offended amen my question for you this are you offended this morning has somebody not measured up to your expectation has your spouse affinity has your friend has your pastor offended you has your boss offended you has the church has the government has the system offended you amen blessed is he who is not offended because when we give up offense then we give up our right to what we believe we deserve amen question is this will you serve God from where you're at this day forward and quit asking God to make your life better quit asking God I'll serve you when I get a million bucks I'll feed the homeless no you won't if you won't give them the ten that you got now you're not giving them a million when you got it you won't do it I'll serve you God after I get over this terminal illness no you won't you'll serve God now or you won't serve them they were going to serve God some of them said we'll serve you if you come in the form of John without eating and drinking no they wouldn't we'll serve you if you come in the form of a modern guy that no you won't you'll serve him regardless of how he shows up you'll serve him regardless of what your circumstances amen come to Jesus just as you are and give up the offense question is has God not met your expectation has he ever not met your expectation what have you prayed for and he said no what have you prayed for see then we try to rationalize it well you didn't have enough faith he didn't pray hard enough I'm gonna close with this I already told you I was close but more close with this my friend Clement and many of you have heard this before but I think it bears repeating oh for 2004 about 10 years ago mr. moxon his early 30s or mid 30s and has married the woman of his dreams they have a four year old and a 7 year old together she's already beaten breast cancer once been three years in remission then one day the symptoms show back up and there is not a man that I know that prays harder that fasts with more dedication and integrity that seeks God and asked for repentance of this sin and mr. Clement monk he fasted like nobody's business he prayed like nobody's business he anointed his wife with oil like nobody's business he gathered his friends his pastors his deacons his elders around to anoint and he went to the finest doctors that they could afford he altered his diet they did everything they could are you hearing me and the Lord took her home one night and mr. Mac did not get offended he got sad he got angry he went through all the normal stuff but he ultimately came back and said God she was yours to begin with thanks for giving me amen don't get offended because you're following God and things call apart amen God's in control why did it happen I don't know he doesn't know god only knows amen come on stand up let's pray
Channel: White Stone Church
Views: 25,736
Rating: 4.8964705 out of 5
Keywords: whitestonechurchtx, white stone church, lakeway tx, cameron corbin, sermon, Church (Type Of Place Of Worship), Follow Jesus, The Word of God, The Will of God, God (Deity), Jesus Christ (Deity)
Id: fcGPHoSFjrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 01 2014
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