4 Scary TRUE Craigslist Stories

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[Music] when i was 17 i'm looking to buy my first car i was on craigslist every single day i wasn't looking for anything fancy just a beater car that could get me from point a to point b my budget was three thousand dollars at most so the cars i was looking at were no newer than 0.304 i found an ad one day for a 2002 two-door honda accord it was listed for two thousand dollars and the mileage was under eighty thousand so right away i knew i wanted to check it out the person who posted the ad lived a few towns over from us a 20 minute drive on the highway i convinced my mom to drive me out there to view the car after conversing with the guy over the phone originally i texted him asking for details but he ended up calling me he sounded basically normal over the phone actually rather polite he answered some questions i had about the car and whatnot and when he asked for my name and i told him dan he said dan what a great name that's my name too i laughed because it was the polite thing to do but i just found it to be such an odd comment like everything about it it almost sounded like he forgot his name was dan because of the pause between what a great name and that's my name it just sounded sketchy nevertheless everything else about the call went fine so the next day my mom drove me to the address the guy gave me getting off the highway and onto the streets right away we agreed this was a trashy looking neighborhood bars on windows graffiti under bridges i was hoping the guy's place wouldn't seem equally sketchy but as we pulled up it was it wasn't a standard property like the rest in the area the entrance to the property was between two houses it wasn't a driveway just some low-key road that led into an inlet with two more houses every house was cramped between other houses and buildings but there i saw it the honda accord which was in my guess what you'd call the driveway for this house my mom and i stepped up to the front door and rang the bell we didn't know if it rang or not because we couldn't hear anything so i knocked one of the windows opened out of nowhere and a man's voice said to come inside the door's unlocked i went to open the door and my mom stopped me and whispered are you sure you want to go in there i said yeah i let ourselves in expecting to be greeted by dan the inside of this place was kind of dark not a lot of natural light came in through the minimal windows hello i said yeah over here a voice called it was a deeper voice than i heard on the phone dan i asked yeah he said i began walking through the little kitchen closer to his voice my mom grabbed my shoulder and stopped me she whispered in my ear we're leaving the man's voice now came from beyond this door at the end of the kitchen he called up down here we could do the transaction here my mom and i left the house in a hurry as we were hurrying to my car a lady at the next building over called to us she came hurrying down from her front porch warning us not to go in there then she asked why we were there and we explained that i came to buy a car but that he was calling us into his basement the woman said that she's been concerned about that man living next door for months that she thinks he's up to no good and that he constantly has random cars pull up in the driveway in the middle of the night we asked if his name was dan she said she wasn't sure but that she vaguely remembered the guy introducing himself as mike she told us to just get far away from the house immediately and so we did it's disturbing to know my mom and i may have been murdered in that basement if we went down there like how could we do a transaction before even viewing the car or agreeing on anything better question why in the basement the whole thing screams trap i don't know what else he could have wanted to do to us more specifically me in that basement this actually happened to my best friend chris his family had just bought a new tv and they were thinking of just throwing their old one away chris's older brother john suggested to their dad rick that they could sell the old tv on craigslist to make some easy cash since the family never used craigslist john said he could set up the ad for him since john's girlfriend used craigslist before so john put up an image of the tv with the description used 55-inch samsung 4k tv for 200. he also put rick's phone number so if anyone was interested they could just call or text him a week later rick got a call from a guy who introduced himself as toby and he said he was interested in the tv and wanted to know if he could come by the house at 10 o'clock that same night to pick it up rick said sure and he sent toby his address later that night while rick chris and john waited outside the house for toby to come so they could help him load the tv into his car rick got a call from toby and he said he wouldn't be able to make it to the house because he was almost out of gas so he and rick agreed to meet in the parking lot of a circle k after rick got off the phone him chris and john loaded the tv in the back of rick's pickup truck and they took off to the circle k where toby said he was at which was 15 miles away from the house when they got there they pulled up in a parking space next to the gas pumps where toby was filling up his car a black nissan altima a few minutes later a tall heavyset bald guy with a goatee walked over to rick's truck and said he was toby he told rick that since the tv was big it would most likely not be able to fit in his car so he suggested that they could just follow him back to his house and rick agreed with him after a few minutes of driving on the main highway they got onto a back road which looked sketchy because it was nothing but trees on either side of the road and it was filled with potholes toby texted rick and said his house was at the end of the road when they got to the end the place that was supposedly toby's house didn't even look like a house at all it looked more like a tall abandoned building when they got out of the truck toby told them to untie the tv from the back so they could start unloading it after they untied the tv they turned around and saw three large men emerge from the back of the car and they all pulled out guns including toby they threatened to kill them if they didn't give them all they had on them rick chris and john didn't hesitate so they all gave the guys their wallets and phones and they obviously took the tv too after taking everything they had the guys got back in the car and drove away when rick chris and john got home chris and john told their mom everything that went down and rick called the cops and told them the whole story and even gave them the license plate number from the car since he memorized it to this day chris's family never heard of any arrest being made that was the one and only time the family ever used craigslist back in 2012 when craigslist was more popular i'd say my house was broken into and robbed a bunch of things were stolen like two tvs my xbox 360 all of my video games my hockey skates and whatever stray cash i had laying around i had the police come investigate the house but nothing that would help track the perpetrator including fingerprints was found i gave them a list of everything that was stolen but the cops in my county usually suck and they didn't help at all now i had to replace everything that was stolen believe it or not the most costly thing to replace would be the video game collection but i was starting with the replacement tvs i went to craigslist and there was an ad that was posted earlier that day for a 40-inch panasonic tv for a low price panasonic was the brand i had so i contacted the seller and drove to his house that night he let me into his disgusting home and wreaked and the stains in the carpets and general messiness of the place didn't help he brought me to this back room where the tv was i examined it and it was the exact tv that i had in my living room that was stolen then i started to look around the room and i noticed another smaller tv that was tucked in the corner of the room as well as an xbox the smaller tv looked exactly like my other tv that was stolen i went to pick up the xbox and check the bottom of it for this specific long scratch in the case that mine had and there it was that was my xbox that was all of my [ __ ] i looked at the guy who had a confused look on his face and i said dude you're the piece of [ __ ] that stole my stuff his expression changed he played dumb and had an angry tone now he told me to get out of his house and lifted his shirt exposing his gun holster i live in texas so he likely had a license to carry i left the house and called the cops they arrived to the scene but the man wouldn't let them in he insisted they get a warrant and claimed that i was harassing him i told the cops about my police report and the robbery and everything they said they wouldn't be able to get a search warrant until the next day i regretted not getting pictures while inside the room but i wasn't thinking clearly in the moment i was furious and i didn't know what to do but that night while i was getting ready for bed and doing research about search warrants lawyers and different possible outcomes to this situation i heard a window break downstairs immediately i knew it was him following my instincts i climbed out of my window and down to the small ledge under my window from there i jumped to the ground and ran to my neighbor's house my neighbor let me in while i called the police they arrived within 10 minutes i handed the police my spare house key i had hidden on the side of the house and they investigated the house again guns drawn this time and inside they found him hidden under my bed if that's not terrifying i don't know what is when i said earlier that cops usually suck yeah this was the one time i actually loved cops here and yes it was the man who posted the craigslist ad he actually broke into my house to kill me that night as he had his gun on him and why else would he be hiding under my bed that doesn't sit well with me even to this day he was found guilty of breaking and entering with intent to commit murder beyond a reasonable doubt and was sentenced to 10 years in prison even still i moved to a new town and changed my number i tried to strip any possible trail that could lead that man to me when he gets out and i'm sure he's out by now for alleged good behavior that's the part that scares me the most all of this over less than one thousand dollars worth of items it actually makes me sick i think craigslist is one of the most dangerous places on the internet you could go i once answered an ad posted on craigslist for a free mini fridge under the free stuff section i was setting up what people would call a man cave in my basement and i needed a mini mini-fridge for under the bar to store beers and other drinks inside i checked the address on maps and the house was apparently waterfront sitting over a tall cliff overlooking a huge lake the person who was texting me said his name was jon but that he wouldn't be in the house just his elderly mother he told me when i got there i'd have to let myself in and go to the far right bedroom for the foyer as his mom is hard at hearing and she's very slow i thought for a second what if instead of me answering the sad they were a bad person and they totally took advantage of the situation it sounded almost too easy to rob this old woman's house while i coordinated a time with jon to go to his mother's house around sunset and i gotta say as i pulled up to the long dirt path to the property seeing that big house sitting at the top of the hill with the sun setting in the background over the cliff it was beautiful before going into that house i admired the view of the lake below for a couple minutes then i texted john that i was there he repeated his instructions to just let myself in and go to the room to the far right as his mom would be waiting in the bedroom he reminded me she's very old and i'd have to do all the lifting myself i said that's fine i entered the house through the front door which was left ajar right away i was hit with the smell of cotton it reminded me of the smell of my grandma's house i followed his directions and went to the door on the far right which led me to a narrow hall the house seemed rather large from first impressions as i went down this hall the smell of cotton suddenly shifted to this horrible smell literally it smelled like death like a rotting animal i entered the doorway at the end of this hall and the smell in that room was unbearable that's because of the dead rotting corpse on the bed it was the rotting corpse of an older woman it looked as though she'd been dead for a week or two i wanted to throw up i suddenly heard a loud maniacal laughing from upstairs accompanied with stomping in place it seemed someone was in a room directly on top of me simply stomping their feet to scare me and it worked i ran out of the house to my car looked at the house one more time and saw a man at one of the upstairs windows then i realized there was another person standing at one of the downstairs windows both of them wearing face masks like the same kind of mask you'd wear now for the coronavirus my phone started blowing up with text all of a sudden all of them in capital letters the first text said hahaha followed by we see you look at the windows then a bunch of emojis the last text i got from him said come back inside you forgot your fridge i drove off the property and while on my way home i called the police and reported the dead body in the house after they investigated the house and apparently confiscated the dead body which had no signs of any stab wounds or bullet holes police arrived to my house for questioning i showed them the whole conversation and gave them the phone number which i warned them was probably a fake number and i was right but an officer named boris told me they'd still be able to trace the number even if it was through some kind of fake number app so a week later i was curious about the status of the case so i called the police station but the woman who picked up the phone didn't know any information that or she didn't care enough to look for me because in general she was just kind of rude i never read about or saw anything on the news about an arrest being made regarding this so to this day i don't know if the people in that house were caught or if they were even responsible for that woman's death you
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 1,510,303
Rating: 4.9599519 out of 5
Keywords: craigslist stories, scary stories, scary true stories, scary craigslist stories, true craigslist stories, horror stories, scary horror stories, craigslist, scary craigslist, craigslist killer, mr. nightmare, mrnightmare, mr nightmare, nightmare, shocking, disturbing, craigs list, craigslist horror stories, true horror stories, creepypasta, narration, scary story narration
Id: 2g-kZHKRqFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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