How To Lucid Dream FAST For Beginners (SSILD Tutorial)

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This video will teach you one of the most effective methods to inducing a lucid dream with hardly any effort I'm going to show you a powerful technique that works for any skill level So if you're new to lucid dreaming, you can still use this method and achieve results But before I get into today's video, please make sure that you are subscribed to the channel I post weekly lucid dreaming Tutorials and if you want to get into lucid dreaming so that you can control your dreams every single night and have amazing Experiences then hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications so that you know when new videos come out anyways Let's get straight into the tutorial Today, I'm going to teach you a new technique called s si LD so that you can lose a dream tonight s si l d stands for senses induced lucid dreaming This technique was actually created in China and because it worked so well many lucid dreaming websites started translating it into English so that everybody could learn it this technique works by taking advantage of your senses and Using them to enter the dream world with a much higher awareness This technique is still fairly new and if you're gonna try it out, I recommend attempting it for at least one week Even if you're not seeing results because if you're more consistent than the chances of this working are much higher Step 1 set your alarm to wake yourself up during REM sleep Now if you don't know what REM sleep is It's basically when you dream and it happens to us every single night You can figure out when your REM sleep is pretty easily if you have a very good sleep cycle But if you have absolutely no idea what any of this means Then just try setting your alarm for about 4 to 6 hours after you fall asleep the key to doing this technique Properly is to wake up from a dream. I usually fall asleep at around 11 o'clock And when I wake up at 5 in the morning and try this technique, it works perfectly fine for me So go on your phone and set an alarm for about 4 to 6 hours after you fall asleep Step 2 when you wake up try to think about the dream that you just had and better yet Write it down in your dream Journal. If you don't know what a dream journal is I've actually made a video on it before and you can click to watch it if you want to learn more about that topic If you wake up and you find that you can't remember your dreams. Don't worry about it You can just keep moving on with this technique and it'll still work fine if you need to get a cup of water or use The washroom, that's fine, and it won't really affect the final result Just try not to stay up for too long and don't use any screens because that can prevent you from having a good night's sleep When you're ready to attempt this technique lay in bed and close your eyes step 3 focus on your sight You can do this by relaxing and focusing on the darkness behind your eyelids Some people will see shapes and colors while others may not see anything at all Whatever the case remain relaxed and don't distract yourself with other thoughts do this for about 5 seconds But don't actually count the seconds as your main focus should be on your sight step 4 Next you want to focus on the sounds that you're hearing Focus on the sound of your breathing your pulse or just any external sounds in your environment Be aware of the noises around you but try to relax and don't think about them too much if you meditate regularly This should be pretty easy for you. Keep focusing on sound for about five seconds and then move on to the next step step 5 focus on touch now you want to shift your attention to what your body feels and any sensations that you may have for example You can focus on the weight of your blanket against your body the temperature of the air in the room the softness of your pillow Really just anything that you can feel again do this for about five seconds step 6 repeat Go back to step three and repeat the cycle Do this for about four to six times with each stage lasting only for a few seconds? Step 7. Once you've done this a few times go back to step 3 again and repeat the cycle But this time you want to spend even more time on each stage about 20 to 30 seconds This will allow you to become even more focused on your senses This is the final step and it's important to be completely Relaxed or else this won't work properly If any thoughts in your mind pop up just ignore them and put all of your focus on sensing the world around you again spend about 30 seconds on each sense do about 4 cycles of this and Once you're done just fall asleep now the key is to fall asleep as fast as you can as soon as you are done your cycles if you do all of The steps in this video correctly you will fall asleep with a higher level of awareness Therefore give you a really good chance of experiencing a lucid dream the best thing about this technique is that you only have to do a few steps and then just fall asleep and everything will just Kind of fall into place. You may not get success on the very first night, but practice makes perfect And as long as you keep trying I can guarantee that you will have at least some sort of success anyways That's about it for this video SS ILD is an amazing technique and if it works for you leave a comment down below and share your Experience if you want more videos like this leave a like and subscribe to the channel Again, I post weekly lucid dreaming tutorials So turn on notifications so that you know Whenever a new one comes out if you have any questions about this technique, or you need any help again Just leave a comment down below and I will try my best to assist you. And as always, thanks for watching
Channel: Explore Lucid Dreaming
Views: 404,046
Rating: 4.9638219 out of 5
Keywords: how to lucid dream, lucid dream, how to lucid dream for beginners, lucid dreaming, explore lucid dreaming, how to lucid dream tonight, how to lucid dream instantly, lucid dreaming tutorial, lucid dreaming technique for beginners, how to lucid dream in 5 minutes, how to lucid dream tutorial, lucid dream tonight, lucid dreaming for beginners, how to lucid dream right now, lucid dreams, lucid dreaming tutorial for beginners, how to lucid dream fast, ssild lucid dreaming
Id: F1dZefxHqXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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