lucid dream in 9 seconds using your phone

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hey guys welcome back to another video and today i'm gonna show you how to lose a dream using a simple yet powerful technique that not many people know about now recently this has become one of my favorite ways to lucid dream because it really works and that is because there are two main outcomes when using this technique the first outcome is that it works you fall asleep and it causes you to enter a lucid dream right away and the second is that if this technique doesn't work it will set you up perfectly for another lucid dreaming technique which means that you have two chances to succeed in one night unlike other techniques where if you fail then you have to wait until the next day the only thing you need to do this powerful method is your phone and a pair of headphones you don't need to use headphones for this technique but if you share a room it is recommended i'll explain why that is a little bit later okay so to get started you need an app on your phone that allows you to make custom voice alarms what i mean by this is you're able to record audio and set it as an alarm and when it goes off it starts playing the audio that you recorded now there are lots of free apps that can do this and i've left links to some of them down below in the description the one that i'm going to be demonstrating in this video is called reminder with voice reminders it's not sponsored it just happens to have everything that you need for this technique now this is for ios but if you're on android there is an app very similar to this in fact i think it's even better because it's made specifically for lucid dreaming but once again any app will work so yeah once you have the app of your choice you need to create a voice recording of yourself saying something around the lines of leonardo you are dreaming but of course instead of saying leonardo you need to use your first name in the recording once you are done creating this recording you need to save it and then using the app that you chose set it as an alarm to go off at around three to five am these times are different for everyone but what you're aiming for is to wake up during a dream or right before you have your next stream if you set it for three to five am you should come pretty close to this but you can always adjust it if you find that you have your dreams at a different time depending on the app you chose the interface may look slightly different again if you're on iphone just follow what i'm doing in the video but while you're setting the alarm you need to make sure that the voice recording repeats itself for around one to three minutes and then afterwards it turns itself off automatically so if the alarm is activated at 3am it needs to automatically turn itself off at 302 or something like that after you configured the alarm just go to sleep and that's really all there is to it but to help you understand further i'm going to explain exactly how this technique works and why it is so powerful the reason why this technique is super effective and why a lot of people have success with it is because hearing your own name causes a reaction in your brain which usually results in you becoming more alert you might not care about this when you are awake but if you're dreaming and you hear your name this will potentially cause you to become more alert in the dream and then you'll start focusing on the message that comes afterwards which is of course you are dreaming hearing your own voice call you by your name in a dream telling you that you are dreaming will most definitely cause you to snap out of the autopilot state in the dream and within a couple times of hearing this message you will become fully lucid and that is the first scenario of this technique which is of course that it works once again it's really important that your alarm automatically shuts off because if it causes you to become aware in the dream and it keeps going off you're gonna continue hearing it and you will probably wake up and now we're going to move into the second scenario which is of course that the audio doesn't work there are a few reasons why it may not work and a lot of it has to do with luck you see when it goes off you might be in a really deep sleep and your ears won't pick up the message or you could set the alarm for the wrong time so when the alarm goes off you're not even dreaming you're just in a regular sleep state but the most likely mistake that comes from using this technique is that you wake up however if the alarm causes you to wake up this can actually be a good thing because now you are perfectly set up for a lucid dreaming technique this is because the alarm will wake you up at around three to five am and then it will go off which means that you will wake up without even moving a muscle so it will be a lot easier to fall back asleep using a special technique like wake back to bed or wild to keep the video short i'm not going to explain how to use these techniques but all of these steps can be found on my channel so if you're interested definitely go ahead and check them out and find one that you think will work best for you it's really important to have a clear idea in your mind what you want to do just in case you wake up in the middle of the night because this will give you another shot to lucid dream if the original technique i showed you doesn't work but yeah that's pretty much it for this technique it's really awesome and you should definitely go and try this i want to point out that this may or may not work on the very first night if it does well that's awesome now you can do whatever you want and have a lot of fun in a lucid dream but if it doesn't end up working don't be discouraged because there is always the next night if you ever fail just remind yourself that you've spent thousands of nights literally going to sleep as normal so it's not the end of the world if you have to wait another night to use this lucid dreaming technique the key to succeeding is just to keep trying and be consistent and also learn as much as you can about lucid dreaming pretty much all of the videos on my channel will help you out with this so definitely go ahead and watch them if you've used this technique before or you are trying it tonight leave a comment down below and let me know how this turned out for you if you need any help with these steps go and join my official lucid dreaming discord it's full of people who would love to help out and you can get answers right away instead of waiting for someone to reply to your comment and of course if you want weekly lucid dreaming content make sure you subscribe to the channel because i always post new videos and as always thanks for watching
Channel: Explore Lucid Dreaming
Views: 171,140
Rating: 4.9674606 out of 5
Keywords: how to lucid dream, how to have lucid dreams, how to lucid dream tonight, how to lucid dream for beginners, how to lucid dream instantly, lucid dreaming, lucid dreams, lucid dreaming technique, lucid dream tutorial, how to lucid dream in 3 minutes, how to lucid dream right now, lucid dream reality check, explore lucid dreaming, how to lucid dream without waking up, how to lucid dream easy, beginners guide to lucid dreaming, lucid dream tonight instantly
Id: cDS5-BJug8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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