How To Lucid Dream Tonight In 5 Steps (Updated WILD Tutorial)

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This video will teach you how to control your dreams tonight using the wilds technique wake induced lucid dreaming or wild is in my opinion one of the Coolest lucid dreaming techniques out there because it allows you to enter directly from the real-life world into a dream without losing consciousness Because of that lucid dreams achieved using wild are extremely vivid Some of the best lucid dreams I've ever had are from using this technique in today's video I'm going to teach you all of these steps to doing wild so that you can attempt this for yourself If you've been with the channel for a long time, you probably know that I've made a video on wild before in fact It's actually the very first video on this channel But because of that I kind of want to remake it the quality isn't really that great and the tutorial is a little bit confusing Wild is a difficult technique So I just want to make sure that it's explained as well as possible on the channel so that you guys can know exactly How to do it this video will be kind of like an updated version of that video except that I'll be going into a lot more detail and covering pretty much everything about the technique if You're new to the channel, make sure that you hit that subscribe button because I post weekly lucid dreaming tutorials My goal is to teach you how to lucid dream every single night or at least whenever you want and if that sounds awesome Then hit that subscribe button. I also have an official Instagram and Twitter and every single day I post lucid dreaming quotes and stuff like that and I would really appreciate it if you follow me Also, if you want to see some bonus content, that's not on my channel. I've left a link down below to my patreon Where you guys can support me and view all those exclusive posts? One of the best ways to Increase the chances of this working for you is to prepare as much as you can The first thing that I would recommend doing is to pick a night that you want to attempt this technique If you're planning on doing it tonight, that's completely fine Although you will have less time to prepare but it's not the end of the world Okay. So what I recommend doing is clearing your room of all distractions so just anything that could mess up your technique anything that could wake you up or Basically just distract you just get rid of it if you have something in your room, that's annoying Just remove it set up your room as best as possible So that later in the day when you're going to sleep you don't have to do any work to prepare things You want to think about lucid dreaming for the rest of the day you want to tell yourself that you could lucid dream tonight? And What this will do is set your intention to succeed Like I said before this is a harder technique so you don't want to get your hopes up too high But again, it's still good to be positive about it. And hey, if you fail you can just try again the next night Once you feel prepared and it's time to go to bed pull out your phone and set an alarm to wake yourself up Four to six hours after you fall asleep. So you might be wondering well, how does this actually work? While you're sleeping you go through multiple REM cycles REM stands for rapid eye movement And it's the period of sleep when you experience dreams these cycles get longer and closer together throughout the night Which is why you have longer and generally more vivid dreams Right before you wake up in the morning by setting an alarm four to six hours after you normally fall asleep You're targeting that longest period of REM the goal is to begin your wild attempt Approximately 20 minutes before your longest REM cycle giving you the maximum amount of time in the dream if you succeed Everyone has different sleeping patterns So it's hard to tell exactly when your REM sleep is unless you have a sleep cycle You can create a sleep cycle by falling asleep and waking up at the same time every night Then whenever you wake up from a dream write down the current time, if you do this enough, you'll be able to know exactly When you experience REM sleep because you'll know when your dreams end This is incredibly helpful because if you know that you normally have vivid dreams at 4:30 to 5:00 a.m You can set your alarm to get up at 4 a.m therefore giving you the best chances of succeeding a very important aspect of wild is timing so if you can get this Right, then. It's going to be a lot easier for you Unfortunately, not everyone can create a sleep cycle. And if you're one of those people just know that you can still attempt wild It's just that you'll have to take a guess at when your REM sleep is If you don't like waking up in the middle of the night You can also attempt wild to during afternoon naps since most people have a REM cycle in the late afternoon or early evening Trying wild when you first go to sleep at night is not recommended you can do everything right but chances are there will be no dream available for you to enter and you'll end up just Wasting your time When the alarm wakes you up lie down in a comfortable position Many lucid dreamers say that lying on your back is the best way to do wild But if you're having trouble sleeping on your back, you can also lay on your side Your goal is to become as relaxed as possible so that you forget about your body Something that really helps with this is meditation. I have a video all about meditation for lucid dreaming So if you want to watch it, go ahead and check it out while you're lying there If a random thought passes through your mind just recognize it and then let it go A good way to focus on nothing is to bring your attention to your breathing Breathe slowly in and out as you feel yourself sinking deeper into your bed You can also shift your attention to different parts of your body that feel tense or uncomfortable Imagine all the tension that's built up during the day just immediately releasing This includes the muscles in your face your neck and your shoulders Something that helps me is to imagine myself floating in a zero gravity chamber When you feel completely relaxed just double check and make sure that you are 100% Comfortable because now we are moving into the main part of the technique if you want to lie completely still Because the goal of this technique is to trick your mind into thinking that your body is asleep so that you can enter a dream Within a few minutes of doing this you should start seeing random patterns of light behind your eyelids You might also hear sounds and feel sensations all over your body it's completely normal and the key is to remain still and calm where else you could risk waking your physical body and resetting the progress that you've made this is known as the hypnagogic state if you don't see any hypnagogic imagery or Experience these sensations your brain is probably not in the REM stage of sleep. It could take a while for this to happen So just be patient and continue to relax and not move if you're too alert or excited It could prevent your brain from moving into REM sleep So just make sure that you're very calm and relaxed If you've performed all the steps correctly and are seeing hypnagogic imagery behind your eyelids Congratulations, because you are extremely close to achieving a lucid dream at this point There is a chance that you will feel strong vibrations running through your body This is called sleep paralysis and it happens every night when you fall asleep The only difference now is that you're aware that it's happening for many people This can be frightening, but don't worry because if you've gotten this far You're one step away from entering a lucid dream Some people do not experience this when trying wild and they just go straight into the lucid dream But it's still good to be prepared just in case it happens to you if you're afraid of sleep paralysis I have a video all about it and you can click to watch it if you want to learn more If this happens to you, the best thing that you can do is to remain calm and don't wait yourself up Over time these shapes and colors behind your eyelids will become 3d and more complex Do not try to interact with it until a few minutes have gone by and the images get more stable and clearer The last step is to imagine yourself from a first-person view Standing in the scene that your mind created and bound you will have entered a fully blown Fully vivid lucid dream. It sounds pretty simple but like I said wild is one of the hardest lucid dreaming techniques and There are many things that could get in the way of it working. Here are some things to look out for when attempting wild If your body randomly twitches or moves when you're trying wild it's a sign that your brain is Testing to see whether or not your body is awake The key is not to fight the reflexes, but rather to let them pass by as long as you can ignore them It won't mess with your attempt. I Used to struggle with this one a lot but there are many things that you can do to avoid it You can experiment with propping your head up using pillows or changing your sleeping position if you're trying wild and it's still really bothering you Just swallow and move on. If you don't give it much thought there's a good chance that it won't screw up your progress Eventually with enough practice you'll be able to control your reflexes better and this will happen less This one is pretty self-explanatory Although it is one of the most common mistakes that people make when trying Wild this is why it is super important to focus on something When trying the technique some examples of things that you can focus on is your breathing Counting or even repeating a phrase to yourself like I am about to lucid dream Oftentimes the hypnagogic imagery you will start looking like your room you might become confused and as a result wake up from the dream This is called a false awakening. You can prevent this from happening by doing reality checks every time you get out of bed Anyways guys that's about it for today's video wild is a great technique and it is one of my favorites Although it's hard If you can get it down, right then you can have some pretty awesome lucid dreams If you're planning on attempting this tonight Let me know down below in the comments and also tell me how it works out for you once again I will just say that wild is an advanced technique and if you're not having success Don't be hard on yourself because it's difficult to do I have plenty of easier lucid dreaming tutorials on the channel So if you're a beginner make sure that you check them out and try those before attempting this one and as always Thanks for watching
Channel: Explore Lucid Dreaming
Views: 268,076
Rating: 4.9401236 out of 5
Keywords: how to lucid dream tonight, how to lucid dream, how to lucid dream for beginners, how to lucid dream tonight for beginners, lucid dreaming tutorial, lucid dreaming technique, wild lucid dreaming, explore lucid dreaming, lucid dreams, lucid dreaming, how to control your dreams, how to lucid dream instantly, how to lucid dream in 9 seconds, how to lucid dream right now, lucid dreaming how to, control your dreams, lucid dreaming for beginners, wake induced lucid dream
Id: 0XgF_59b9Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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