Prepositions of Time: AT, IN, ON, BY - Learn English Grammar 🔴

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hello Internet Oh clock is down but oh there it is okay I have a clock now I have a way of keeping time all right we are starting this week's broadcast welcome back to this internet program hello internet students hopefully we're going to get everything going shortly yes yes I think hi if you're just joining hello welcome back to our live stream ok yes people are joining ICU but chat not yet chat not yet in Facebook not yet so hi everybody welcome back to live stream on our English class 101 comm Channel Matias Enrique hello Oscar hello John Kelly hello hello taquito hello growlithe been cool hello Jana from Cambodia hi agnaldo from Brazil hi Wesley epi' del Mar Jorge in demoulas I'm lost Fernando hi Tim owned from Korea hello Facebook is up hello Muhammad hello from Egypt thank you for joining Pablo on YouTube hi Jorge hello on YouTube great everything came up very quickly today good morning good afternoon good evening good night depending on where you are in the world we are ready to talk about prepositions today all right mm um let's see Mateo from Colombia hello Gerardo Gerardo from Mexico hi let's see miler from Brazil thank you for always watching our videos much appreciated Wagner from Brazil hello Andre Rodrigo on Facebook hi Rafael hello thanks for coming back this week mmm let's see my allure on Facebook from Malaysia welcome Mohammed from Egypt hi from Taiwan too great on YouTube Elena hello Tong home from Vietnam sorry if I your name uh let's see Klaus hello yes junkie Lee thank you for the reminder when you join please hit the like button its super helpful for other people to find the live stream so please please please it's really super helpful for me and for the team so more people can join and watch us so please please please hit the like button okay let's see we're gonna take a little bit more time for other people to join us um but let's see while we wait I want to review a couple of different questions that came in from last week's broadcast so if you watched last week's broadcast we talked about phrasal verbs with run we talked about a lot of different verbs with run so there were some good questions someone key fellas asked is run away with murder an idiom no but it's very close it's actually get away with murder get away with murder means to do murder and to not be in trouble for it to not be caught that was one question and another really good question from uh Jairo is ubi oh sorry uh is is it correct to say he runs the park to mean he is responsible for the park yes so to run a business to run a shop to run something means to be responsible for something so nice questions also as with every week I prepared an example of last week's point from my life so as usual I have a tweet from this week let's see it's gonna be here so I used the word run I used the grammar point run it's hard for me to see on the screen so I said huge thanks to people I can't see it here's thanks to people writing questions and feedback so I said the key point here was I don't think we'll ever run out of stuff to make oh thank you thanks guys so the key point here was I don't think we'll ever run out so I used a run out as part of our lesson content last week so run out of something means to not have any more left of something but this comment is about lots of people have been writing comments on the live streams on the videos some of you been writing to me directly on like Twitter and on insta with your comments and with your questions and your feedback and it is super super helpful so please please please continue doing that it's really helpful for us and hopefully it means it's helpful for you in the future too because we can make things that you guys are interested in okay good we're about five minutes in now and lots more people are joining let's see I will say hello to a few more people and then we are going to start let's see on Facebook Alexandre hello Wallace on let's see from Brazil Fabio hello oh is your first time joining a live high-five you hosts are SIF from Mexico hi Daniel from Toronto hello welcome um let's see Gita from Indonesia very cool Guillermo Rodriguez hello on YouTube Igor hello the cruise hello on Facebook Garrison Byron from California Oh from California that's where I was born ok um great let's see Mateus why am I always wearing this shirt actually this shirt is different from last week's shirt this shirt is blue but you can't see it oh not again this is a different shirt from last week's change I like simple clothes ok Leonel from Guatemala hi alright so before we begin today I have one more announcement so the crew told me before we started this broadcast today today we're using something called super chat on YouTube so there's a new function on YouTube called super chat so if you want to I think it's the like the dollar sign icon there at the bottom of the chat if you want to make sure your comment gets seen or if you want your comment highlighted in the chat on youtube hit the super chat button and then there's some function like you can make your comment like appear more like clearly to everybody so that's something new that we're trying today so if you're interested and you know how to use that check that out oh ok let's begin so all hi from Japan great let's begin today's topic so today's topic is prepositions of time so actually I wanted to talk about prepositions prepositions is a topic a lot of you have had questions about but I want to break it into two kind of lessons so this week we're going to talk about prepositions of time and next week we're going to talk about prepositions of location so this week I want to focus on at on in and buy so let's get started and today I'm gonna try something a little new with prepositions I have the whiteboard again today so hopefully we can get some good visuals going oh right so let's begin let's begin with some prepositions we're going to start today I hope you're ready we're going to start today with the preposition on on okay so lots of people ask when do we use on at what point in time should I use the preposition on so I tried to make a little visual I'll hang on I'm gonna make it now so when should you use on so on we use on with locations right to mean like on the table or on my head or on my desk or something like that so let's use a similar visual for time prepositions so for example we use the preposition ond for days and for the weekend so on by this I mean we use it like with on Saturday on Sunday on the weekend on Monday and we can use this with a day plus a time of day so like on Saturday in the morning or on Monday night on yeah on the weekend as I said so the first one I want to practice today is on so I have this visual like on over day so on a day on the weekend so please remember that we use the preposition on when we're talking about a day or a weekend so let's practice using on in a sentence I have a couple of examples I want to try with you so please get your you chatting you're chatting mode ready um so today let's use the word on and a few weeks ago maybe you joined us when we studied going to and will I want to review those in this lesson today so our first question today what are you going to do on Saturday night what are you going to do on Saturday night so here's on right our preposition before the day what are you going to do on Saturday night and then here we have going to if you joined our broadcast a few weeks ago you know that going to is used for a plan you made before the conversation so what have you decided to do before this broadcast so your answer should fit this pattern I'm going to blah blah blah on Saturday night what are you going to do on Saturday night alright let's see dami Nick we're going to talk about months in just a moment we do not use on for months but we're going to talk about that in just a moment so what are you going to do on Saturday night try to make a full sentence so I'm going to eat dinner with my friends on Saturday night or I'm going to watch a movie on Saturday night I'm going to play volleyball on Saturday night I'm not going to sleep on Saturday night I'm not going to I don't know light fire on Saturday night that's terrible ok great Julio on YouTube you are the first one I'm going to hang out with friends on Saturday night first one on Facebook garrison I'm going to watch Alicia's video on Saturday night good Kendall Crowley on Facebook I'm going to watch sorry I'm going to work on Saturday night highlight on YouTube I'm going to watch your videos on Saturday night hey Sun nasib I'm going to start blue whale challenge on Saturday night what's that what's a blue whale challenge is that like good is that like a science thing uh please tell us more on Facebook Barrett says I'm going to practice to improve my grammar on Saturday night nice mal Minolta on Facebook I'm going to do T on Saturday night maybe I'm going to work I like Sandra I'm going to take a shower on Saturday night okay that's good Omar says I'm going to drink on Saturday night YouTube Yvonne I'm going to practice my English with some American friends on Saturday night good George I'm going out on Saturday night Yusef I'm going to eat dinner on Saturday night wah-ah Daniel I'm going to watch a box fight on Saturday night door I'm going to visit my family good one Rodriguez I'm going to get really drunk on Saturday careful Wow I can't keep up I'm going to a restaurant with my husband for my birthday happy birthday not to me everybody's not Sammy's birthday on YouTube I've been birthday not to me um let's see both sir K on YouTube I'm going to fish on Saturday night on you are Facebook uh Nana I'm going to a nightclub on Sunday night on Sunday night oh very nice okay vantur on Facebook I'm gonna go to my English class Saturday morning okay cool cool um so you guys get the idea I think Emerson on YouTube I'm going to the restaurant with my wife on Saturday night nice very nice ah let's see Ferris says I'm going to see a dinosaur a dinosaur show that's hard to say dinosaur show on Saturday night what's that a dinosaur a dinosaur show that's hard to say a dinosaur show okay great so this is how we use on so please remember we use on like we've done here on a day or week some of you have said on Sunday or on the weekend and so on so please remember we use on for days and the weekend so you could say I'm going to what was it study Japanese on the weekend I'm going to watch football on the weekend I'm going to play guitar on the weekend we can use the weekend here instead of Saturday night but great so our first preposition for today is on all right let's go to the second preposition for today let me check my notes can I take the mouse for a second thank you okay so our second preposition for today is at I want to talk about at now so at I don't really have the best visual in the world old for at but I'm going to try here so just a second I'm drawing I'm not an artist I'm drawing we use at now somebody asked a question oh no your question was about on we're going to talk about on after we talked about at but I'm making my little act visual right now just a second okay so when should we use at it is different from when we use on please be careful we cannot intermix we cannot interchange at and on so let's take a look we use at for an exact point in time so here's my visual for at use at for a time like seven o'clock eleven o'clock twelve o'clock and we use it for night at tonight at tonight I have here to the weekend this is like a British English thing though at the weekend American English speakers do not say at the weekend American English speakers say on the weekend on the weekend British English speakers might use at the weekend so I don't use at the weekend but you might see it used sometimes at the weekend but for me I use it four times and by time I mean o'clock that's 7 at 10:00 at 9:00 and we use it for night something something at night so I want to focus today on these two points something at a specific time and at night so it's now time let's make some sentences using at with a time or with at night so let's try to let's try a time sentence first so our practice sentence for at is what do you usually do at about 7:00 p.m. so here I have about we can include about here before the time yeah what do you usually do at at about 7:00 p.m. also notice this sentence usually we need to use a present tense verb here I usually we use the present tense for regular actions yeah this is a regular action so what do you usually do at about 7:00 p.m. so me I usually finish work at about 7:00 p.m. or maybe I usually eat dinner at about 7:00 p.m. I usually watch TV at about 7:00 p.m. ice our producer is writing to me she says I usually drink Monster energy drinks at about 7:00 p.m. she works really hard that's it let's applaud her hard work her hard work her hard effort what do you usually do act about 7 p.m. at let's use act here try to make a full sentence I usually need a verse all right are usually something something at about 7 p.m. good ok on Facebook you're the first one Alexandra I usually go running at about 7 p.m. nice okay badou are on YouTube I usually play games in about 7 p.m. good Matar e says I usually get my breakfast at about 7 p.m. really 7 p.m. is 7:00 at night at tonight Natalia I usually run at about 7 p.m. nice ok milena I usually have dinner at about 7 p.m. good umm Ferris I usually prepare dinner oh my gosh there's so many I usually get off work I usually do my homework at about 7 p.m. drink a beer at about 7 p.m. go to sleep at 7 p.m. watch series at 7 p.m. play with my daughter at about 7 p.m. yeah please be careful some of you are using this ing are usually ing bubble buff and about 7 p.m. please use the present tense I usually play I usually drink I usually go running go running is a ver is a noun in that case please be careful I usually use my phone at about 7:00 p.m. on Facebook I usually read a book about 7-9 p.m. sorry SEC guy oh okay I usually study English in about 7 p.m. good go to college go to college at about 7:00 p.m. on YouTube go play soccer at about 7:00 8:00 p.m. let's see ah Yusuf Ahmed okay I usually study at about 7 p.m. nice good ok that's easy to see actually those giant blue dots is that a super okay Vivian I usually go walking at 7 p.m. Julio I usually take a nap at 7 p.m. garrison on Facebook I usually eat a lot at about 7 p.m. ok good nah nah I usually watch movies at 7 p.m. cool I usually have dinner with my parents at about 7 p.m. ok let's see Oh garrison you're on Facebook and on YouTube at the same time I just saw that that's crazy Wow you have super chat powers ok good so this is at 7 p.m. so this this uses a time a specific time but I also want to practice I mentioned we use at for time yes but we also use at for night at night at night what do you do at night so let's change the question slightly slightly just to practice using at night the preposition at with night so next question is going to be very similar what do you usually do at night what do you usually do at night so I usually go jogging at night I usually cook at night I usually watch TV at night I usually sleep at night what do you usually do at night this is our next question what do you usually do act is there preposition at night next one ok good I saw and I usually check my Instagram account at about 7 p.m. 7 p.m. nice one okay so at tonight let's change the sentence slightly at night what do you do at night usually usually first one is on Facebook vantur Dias I usually watch movies at night good nice one ok think about how hard it is to get up the next day at night nice one nice one ok let's see what do you usually do at night cool Alice on Facebook I usually do the laundry at night very nice Gonzalo usually plays soccer at night learn English at night walk at night do my homework and eat dinner at night usually stay up usually watch your videos thank you umm Omar I usually eat spiders at night that is not normal in my culture okay I usually sleep at night I usually write my tests I usually maybe do homework or I try tests at night I usually watch YouTube at night I usually watch Netflix at night I usually play with my son at night very nice I usually watch English clash one-on-one movies at night my Larry thank you let's see I usually sleep at night I usually talk with my children at night on Facebook I usually prepare my work at night okay let's see I usually do my homework at and at night eat dinner great I usually learn Japanese at night good I usually read my Bible good for my spirit at night good I usually work at night I usually drink a coffee at night well okay usually drink coffee I can't drink coffee at night if I drink coffee at night I can't sleep that's amazing no okay great but huh we have only 9 minutes left so let's go to the next preposition for today perhaps the most complex preposition for today today the next one to talk about is in in okay so again nice sentences with that so we have practiced um let's see we've practiced now on yeah and at okay and then while I draw my next beautiful image I think I had want to introduce this week's a special thing I think we've talked about it a little bit in the past before we have these PDF sheets that you can check out there we call them cheat sheets so cheating it makes it sound like if something becomes really really easy so take a look we have these PDF cheat sheets I don't know if they can see them right now there we go yeah so take a look at these PDF cheat sheets they have a lot of different topics so if you need to use English like it works for example if you need to use English at school maybe when you're going out to eat these are some really really good things that you can take a look at because they just have some basic vocabulary words and maybe some basic phrases that can be very very useful depending on the situation that you're in so take a look at those head on over to English class and you can download those for free those are part of the free gifts I think for this month so take a look definitely go download those go download those no may be very helpful for you okay so with that said oh also if you've just joined us we are talking about prepositions of time today prepositions of time today and also please make sure if you haven't already please like this video that little thumbs up sign on the video it helps other people find it it's super helpful for us and for your fellow classmates so please make sure to like this video please please please okay and also if you just joined us today we're trying the super chat function so if you want to use super chat it helped I guess you can so you can see your comment more clearly in the chat all right so if you have a burning question let us know there okay but let's move on to maybe the most complex the most complex preposition for today so we're gonna talk about in now in so hang on I forgot to use the correct color I have this I have a color scheme going on I forgot okay let's take a look at in so here is my visual for in okay you can see in which we use in terms of location we use in for leg boxes and things like put something in something else so let's use the same visual for time period so in you can see I have months here let's see seasons here a period of time so this means like minutes or days or years or something like that a period of time we use in we also use it in the afternoon in the morning so these are the cases where we use in for months and seasons in September in October in November in seasons in summer in winter in fall and spring in the morning in the afternoon and in five minutes in two hours in four years so these are the cases where we use in okay so please remember in looks kind of like this for a visual use on for days and weekends and we use act for a specific time okay so let's try a practice sentence using in all right let's take a look it's September now it is September so let's look at this example sentence what are you going to do in September what are you going to do in September I'm going to work in September of course but again we have this going to yeah I'm going to LA in September okay so what are you going to do in September in September I'm going to I'm going to go to a baseball game in September that's true I'm going to go to a baseball game in September okay oh let's see our producer says I'm going to celebrate my birthday with awesome kind of okay with friends yeah nice one nice one okay I'm going to go to a baseball game I'm going to I'm going to go to a dinner event thing that's exciting that's true let's see what else are you going to do in in September what are you going to do in September here in September Oh Alexandria I'm going to practice karate' with some friends in September nice one cool Alice I'm going to travel in September on YouTube I'm going to teach in September John Kelly I'm going to work work in September no work up I'm going to work in September Claudia I'm going to a football game in September oh that's right football season is starting soon isn't it oh I'm excited about that um let's see Leno I'm going to the beach in September here May I'm going to travel in September good um Alex the musician I'm gonna go out with my friends in September good Davidson I'm going to Edinburgh in September nice okay I'm going to start I went too fast I'm going to a wedding in September I'm going to start classes at University in September good I'm going to take a alts in September good luck I'm going to India in September let's see Facebook I'm going to play the guitar in September good I'm going to keep fit in September good I'm going to improve my English skills in September yeah okay um let's see I'm going to watch it in September I'm going to hunt spiders in September what's the deal with spiders today spiders thing ok I'm going to quit my job in September oh very interesting ok so let's quickly change the question because I'm running out of time as usual so our next question within is going to be what do you think you'll what do you think you will do in the morning or in the evening we'll use the will form now so we're gonna change within we use in for mornings let's see afternoon oh sorry I should have written evening here as well in the morning or in the evening what do you think you'll do okay I've got to go a bit lower here should I go here okay but what do you think you'll do in the morning in the evening is there question here so remember we studied will and going to yeah so this is a decision you're making right now I think I'll ba ba ba in the morning or in the evening depending on what time it is where you are I think I go running in the evening I think I'll cook something in the evening I think I'll make a pizza in the evening I think I'll watch Netflix in the evening I think I'll watch a superhero show in the evening these are all things we can decide now all right so let's try to practise this let's review this grammar point from a few weeks ago yeah okay on Facebook first one abs and JFR I think I'll do nothing in the morning oh that sounds nice great badou ha mod I will I'll eat in the morning great Alejandro I think I'll drink don't forget your verb I think I'll drink orange juice in the morning good hue is warm in here um let's see I'll drink coffee in the mornings these are nice I think I'll still be working in the morning on YouTube milena I think I'll exercise in the morning Caroline I'll wake up in the morning Alex I'll drink milk in the morning I think I'll run in the morning I think I'll get up in the morning I think I'll learn English in the morning I think I'll go to Quito city in the morning I think I'll be rich in the morning how is that going to happen good try sorry um let's see I think I'll eat chicken in the Lord that sounds like a good morning to me uh I think I'll eat spiders in the most seriously what is the deal with spiders today guys this is just weird what is the deal with spiders what's the deal means like what do you mean like why why are you talking what's the deal is like a confusion phrase what's the deal with blah blah blah what's the deal with spiders today you guys are hilarious hilarious means very funny hilarious is very funny you guys are way you guys are all about spiders today okay we have to stop there so uh let's see I wanted to talk about bye but I don't think I have time do I do I have time no probably not I need to finish yeah I do I have time I can talk about it okay producer says yes so let's go I'm running out of time for visuals so our last preposition for today I'm going to make it very very small on my little visual chart here the last one I want to talk about is by so actually we just started a new series on the YouTube channel by the way it's like I'm just teaching like super serious lessons in front of a whiteboard but the very first lesson is actually about this point the difference between bye and until so we use by with time to talk about a deadline we have a deadline for something that needs to happen and so we use by to express that deadline so this is sort of it's so small I'm so sorry can you see it Casey so here's my timeline yeah so this blob here this thing this is now and then then in the future is over here but here my deadline something I am going to do in the future we use by to express that deadline so for example if I want to say like what time do you usually have to leave for work or school I would say I have to leave for work by 10 o'clock I have to leave for work by 7 o'clock something like that so we use by in this way to talk about deadlines so I don't have time I have run out of time to talk in depth to talk a lot about this grammar point so if you want to know more about bye please check the YouTube channel like just two days ago I think yeah two days ago one day go our new series our new video is there so please check that video I seriously I just talked for like 15 minutes about it so please go to youtube and check the new video out for that okay my last point for today my last point for today so we talked about on and at and in and by but sometimes we don't need any preposition at all and this is one that I hear a lot of people make mistakes with if you use this before a day before the weekend before a month no preposition is needed so when you say what are you doing this weekend what are you doing this September what are you doing this evening no preposition if you use this you should not use a preposition with that phrase the only exception is when you use bye so I need to find a new job by this winter I need to find a new job by this November for example we can use this with by but know at know in know on when you use this plus a weekend plus a day and so on okay whew so that was a lot of information and I am late I have run out of time thanks you go uh let's see so I think that's all I need to talk about for today thank you guys for your awesome awesome sentences like you were really really fast I couldn't read them quickly enough that was fantastic so please keep in mind yeah these prepositions next week so next week's live stream we're going to talk about prepositions yes but next week I'm going to talk about prepositions of location so this week we talked about prepositions of time next week we're going to talk about prepositions of location so it's going to be similar words but in a different way to use them how to use them to talk about places for example so that's one thing so that's next week September 20th that's Wednesday at 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time next week 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time please check us out on youtube or on Facebook yeah so and also to get the free PDFs you're gonna see them at the end of the livestream too if you're on YouTube please check the link in the description to get the PDFs we talked about you'll see it one more time check the link in the description if you're watching on Facebook please check the link above this video for more good stuff and also if you haven't if you just joined us if you relate just hit the like button it's super helpful for us as well and then I think that's it said everything you say I think that's everything I need to say all right so I'm going to finish up here yeah thanks guys that says everybody's leaving nice comments thanks for a nice video thanks for a nice comments if you have any questions to please let us know like I said at the beginning your questions and comments via like our Facebook page via our youtube video comments section some of you write to me on like Twitter or Instagram or whatever like all of it is super duper helpful so keep it coming it's super helpful for us and I think it's helpful for you okay we're finished so have a nice week have a nice weekend and I will see you again soon and check out the PDFs and enjoy your day enjoy your evening bye-bye you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 177,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, englishclass101, past tense, what did you do, english conversation, teacher, school, how to learn english, english for beginners, learning english, english language, american english, how to speak, read, write, english, america, us, england, english topics, alisha, english grammar, english lesson, english phrases, english vocabulary, prepositions, prepositions of time, at, in, on, by
Id: YTi-f038xEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 48sec (2148 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2017
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