3 Of the Most Popular True Scary Stories Found On Reddit | Best LetsNotMeet Horror Stories

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[Music] hey everyone just a friendly reminder that my channel is primarily ran on stories submitted from my viewers to my email and there's been an extreme lack of stories that i can use recently and it has contributed to my upload schedule being what it is whilst my health is a big problem and it does contribute to that i can't upload without good stories if you have a good story that you think could be usable on my channel please email your story to corpseh stories gmail.com with the subject of the email being what kind of story it is and also includes somewhere in the email what alias you'd like to be credited under i only want true stories and i do vet them so please don't send anything otherwise it really just wastes my time also if you're new here from pewdiepie's video i was in recently or any of the streams i've been in welcome and i'm really happy to have you here that being said here are three of the most upvoted let's not meet stories from reddit i grew up in ohio in the 70s and me and my childhood friend joe were outside all the time we could manage it joe lived on a farm that boarded a pretty big forest and my parents would drop me off in the morning and we'd stay in the woods all weekend we'd basically only come out for school we loved pretending we were frontiersmen we'd build shelters traps practice making fire with sticks the whole nine yards when we got to be in high school we got this notion to play stand by me this was based on the movie of the same name that had just come out the idea was that we'd walk the railroad tracks out in the country but instead of looking for a dead body we'd find cool bridges to fish from and camp a little ways off the tracks of course we knew this was dangerous and we'd likely be trespassing but we were kids we had a lot of fun we did find beautiful rivers we discovered bridges no one went to we fished we hid from trains at night we camped in woods just near the tracks and made small hidden fires nothing bad ever happened it was idyllic in fact it was so fun we did it multiple times never had a problem after high school me and joe went our own ways we both left home but always stayed in touch and always tried to coordinate visits so we'd see each other occasionally well one summer in the mid 90s it worked out that we were both in town for about a week we'd do stuff with family of the day and at night we'd either catch drinks at the bar or sit outside joe's house around a fire and talk about the good old days one night me and joe got to talking about our stand by me trips well nostalgia and beer are a hell of a mix and soon we decided to take a day walk the trails camp one night and walk home the day came and we started out early morning we had my wife drop us off in our old spot where we used to start right outside of our hometown she thought this was absolutely crazy and made sure to mention it when she pulled away joe suggested that instead of walking the usual route we'd take the opposite direction just to be adventurous i mean we knew the land well and we had a map so i gave a what the hell and off we set the day went fine it was fun and a little sad but in a good way we found a bridge sat on the edge smoked a joint and moved on we had no fishing gear but we brought some canned food and other stuff before night started the set in we picked a spot to camp it was a thick forested area with trees on every side of the train tracks so you felt like you were in a tunnel we had brought small hammocks to sleep on but before we set them up we decided to do a little scouting of the perimeter now this is what we used to do in the old days too we'd walk the area around a little bit just to make sure some dude's house wasn't just over a hill and we weren't actually camping in their yard we walked maybe a hundred feet or so into the woods and up a small incline we figured if we didn't see anything from on top of this short hill that we'd be fine but when we got to the top we saw an old building down at the bottom about a hundred yards into the woods it was barely visible we pondered over what to do we both assumed it was a sugar shack or something because there didn't appear to be a clear road into it from where we were there didn't look to be anyone in it either all was quiet no movement could be seen no lights we decided to walk a little closer just to make sure we came down the hill very slowly and as we neared the building we saw it wasn't a sugar shack at all it was an old church it looked like it had been abandoned for years it was the squat sagging building whose wooden planks were almost black from years of moss and rot a cross still stood on top of the place also weathered black none of the windows had glass and there were no doors just open doorways we got close enough to see inside there were rows of pews and a built up section in front for a preacher to stand we didn't go all the way in i mean we didn't want to beyond all that there was no sign of anyone else no footprints no paths no roads it was an abandoned church we left immediately and went back up the hill to our spot we had picked a camp having a hill between us and the church made us feel better but we were still a little uneasy we chalked it up to the natural creepiness seeing a church in the middle of the woods would elicit besides at this point it was dusk and we just decided to rig up our hammocks go to sleep and move on at early morning night set in and as we lay in our hammocks and shot the [ __ ] we began to hear something in the direction of the church our conversation about it went a little like this do you hear that the hell is that sounds like people singing and it did sound just like singing we both slid right out of our hammocks and hunkered down straining to hear more we listened for a minute or two when the singing continued but it wasn't getting louder finally we decided to creep back up the hill and see if we could spy where the sound was coming from we could still move very quietly in the woods from the old days i mean it was second nature to us the moon was barely out but it provided enough light so you wouldn't walk right into a tree but it was near pitch black we didn't use flashlights as we crept slowly up the hill and we didn't talk when we got to the top we saw light in the distance it was coming from the church and the singing was coming from inside joe and i put our heads close together and had a hushed conversation that boiled down to can you believe this [ __ ] the light looked to be uh candlelight from the way it flickered and though we tried we couldn't make out what was being sung it sounded like church music but in another language we sat and watched for a while trying to see who was in there but we only saw occasional shadows we had no intention of getting closer either we had about a football field length between us and we aimed to keep it that way the singing continued for a bit and then it just stopped after that a very loud male voice began to chant i was already freaked out but this voice thoroughly scared the hell out of me it sounded like some old testament preacher you see in movies but again it was like he was speaking in a different language because we couldn't understand a single word eventually it got to where the single male voice would say something and then a bunch of voices would answer in song this lasted for a while and then they all broke into this long sustained whale that just kept getting louder it got so loud and so disturbing that i covered my ears then it stopped at this point i was just getting ready to say let's get the hell out of here when joe put a hand on my shoulder and hissed they're coming out we were far enough away that we couldn't make them out really well but what we could see was a line of figures walk out the open doorway all holding hands in single file we could see some of them had flashlights they began to sing again and the light from the flashlights began to move toward us and the hill we booked it back down to our campsite grabbed our [ __ ] and ran to the tracks once there we ran down the tracks in the direction we had came from after a few minutes we stopped and looked back we saw lights coming down the hill they were moving erratically like whoever was holding them was shaking them we continued to run in spurts and walk as fast as we could we eventually stopped seeing the lights and came to a road by our map we knew a small town was about 15 minutes down it and we walked there got to a 24-hour gas station and called my wife to come get us my wife and other friends all just thought it was some kids messing around but i heard those voices and they sure as hell didn't sound like kids to me i'm not sure who those people were but it was definitely the creepiest thing that happened to me out in the woods [Music] i'll start by saying i have a terrible biological father he's been a shady person all my life and constantly caused me a lot of grief this is just one of those examples when i was four my parents split up my mother and i moved states and they agreed i would visit my dad every school holiday for a week this one particular time i had been with him for a few days when i was playing with my cousin at a nearby park a car pulled up and i recognized the man as one of my dad's friends he called me over and without thinking i ran over to him and left my cousin at the park he asked me if i could show him where my dad lived and i agreed and got in his car i gave directions and didn't notice at all that they weren't following them correctly looking back i didn't completely really know the way anyhow after way too long i did realize that we were getting closer to the city which is far from my dad's house we pulled up at a house i didn't recognize and the man told me to wait in the car so i did at this point i didn't feel scared at all for some reason he eventually took me inside and i definitely started to feel unsafe then i mainly remember two girls passed out with their tops off and a much older man was feeling them up everywhere i made eye contact with this man and he made me sick to my stomach i had definitely figured out that this was a bad situation by this point a lady took me into a bedroom and brought me a sandwich the bread was stale and i wasn't hungry but i ate it all because i felt bad for her which doesn't make a lot of sense but that's what i was thinking about the lady told me a lot of things i didn't understand but when she left i remember thinking my dad was coming to pick me up soon and i fell asleep waiting for him i wet the bed that night and no one came to see me the next day until i cried very loudly and banged on the door the lady came back and yelled at me for stinking up her bedroom and i asked about my dad she said he was coming tonight after he finished work she didn't offer me a shower or a bath so i sat in my soiled pants all day after that everything turned into a blur really my dad didn't come that night and i was so terrified in my head i felt like i was there for months i thought i was missing school and everyone had forgotten about me in reality i was there for five days they let me take one shower i don't remember eating much except for boring sandwiches and i had chips and gravy maybe once finally my mom drove across the country to come and get me after not being able to get a hold of me or my dad for so long and then me missing my pre-booked flight home she panicked and came looking for me thank god she did she found my dad at his girlfriend's house methed out completely hiding out turns out he owed a lot of drug money to the people who had taken me they had told him that they had me but he couldn't afford it or didn't want me back whatever it was he didn't bother to try to get me back my amazing mom paid his debt for him after borrowing from a lot of people and she came to get me back i remember when someone came into that room and told me my mom was there and i walked out and i could smell her it was the best feeling to feel safe again she took me home and i didn't see my dad again for a long time she never called the police my parents relationship was very complicated then and i fully understand the choices she made anyways i'm definitely okay now i've spoken about this in therapy and i've come to terms with most of the things that i went through as a child but still a very messed up situation for a four-year-old girl to have to be in so to my dad's friend the sandwich lady and even to my dad himself i hope i never meet you again a few years ago i was renting a house in northern california the neighborhood was just outside the suburbs it seemed like the perfect balance of having space and also having nice neighbors close enough to not feel isolated the area had no street lights so it was very dark at night especially if there were clouds blocking the moonlight it didn't bother me though it made my little house feel even more quaint on dark nights i got home from work one day in mid-winter it was a cloudy night so pulling up to my house i saw only what my headlights and front porch light illuminated when i got out of my car i caught a whiff of cigarette smoke that was odd as i had never smelled that before around that house i didn't see anyone nearby so i just ignored it and went inside i had just got off a shift with a few hours overtime so i felt pretty tired even though i wasn't even seven yet i decided to take a shower and just call it a night i woke up sometime later sure that i had heard a noise inside my house i wasn't worried right away because my friend would sometimes stop by to use my shower after work on his way to his night classes i even gave him a spare key so he could stop by even if i wasn't home but he would always text me to let me know beforehand though and i hadn't heard my phone go off i reached over to my bedside table and picked up my cell phone to see if my friend had sent me a text the bright light from my phone screen in number pad blinded me these were the days before phones had a light sensor that would dim the screen in the dark and this particular phone was so bright i could use it as a flashlight through squinted eyes i could make out that it was nine something but i couldn't tell if i had an unread text or not i set my phone aside and called out my friend's name there were a couple of seconds of silence before i heard loud footfalls as someone started running through the bottom floor of my house i leapt out of bed and ran to the closet they were already up the stairs by the time i had to open the door and stepped inside the house had three rooms upstairs two bedrooms on either side of the hallway the one i was in in a spare and a bathroom at the end the bedroom doors were both locked but the bathroom door was cracked open i heard whoever was in my house thundered down the hallway past my door and into the bathroom thank god he did that gave me just enough time to open the attic access in the ceiling of my closet and hoist myself up i had just started to lift myself up when the person ran back out of the bathroom my feet were barely inside of the attic when my bedroom door burst open i heard footsteps run into my room and stop when they didn't see me in that room they ran back to the hallway and into the other room which just had boxes stacked in a corner i guess they decided that if someone were hiding it would be in the bedroom because they charged back into my room and turned on the light a moment later the closet door was ripped open i was crouched in my attic just a foot or so away from the access so i could try to stop them if they started to climb up from my vantage point all i could see was from about their knee down they were wearing dirty blue jeans with frayed cuffs and worn work boots after a few seconds of looking in the closet they stepped away and i heard a loud crash come from my room followed by a scream of frustration and anger that scream was the most unnerving part of the incident for me it reminded me far too much of my stepfather who would scream in a similar way when he lost his temper he would eventually be put in a mental hospital for several mental disorders that resulted in erratic and violent tendencies the man in my house ran back down the stairs i heard crashes and clatters as things were thrown around and furniture was knocked over i stayed crouched in the attic i had left my cell phone when i ran for the closet and i wasn't certain i could climb down without him hearing after some time the noises stopped i started counting slowly when i reached 1000 i decided it was safe enough to climb down and call the police the first thing i noticed when i exited the closet was the intruder had flipped my bed over i assumed in an attempt to find me that was the noise i had heard after he stepped away from the closet i couldn't find my cell phone so i went to the landline by the bed and called the police i waited in my room until i heard them call out from downstairs the first floor was a mess but i had expected that chairs had been knocked over the sofa had been flipped all the books pictures and knickknacks i had on my shelves were strewn across the floor the cupboards in the kitchen had been opened and all the boxed and canned foods had been thrown to the ground as far as i could tell though the only thing missing was a single knife out of the wooden block in my kitchen the police checked the house from top to bottom they found that the side door had been forced open by something like a crowbar they also found a few cigarette butts along my fence line along with some foil and an empty pen tube which the police said people often use to smoke meth so they think he had been watching my house for a while i realized that he must have been out there smoking a cigarette when i got home they collected up the evidence and told me i should stay with family or friends that night and get that door fixed as soon as possible i opted to just not sleep i moved his shelf over to block the broken door and spent the next couple hours cleaning things up i would often go to the window with a flashlight and shine it along the fence line where the police found the cigarette butts in foil but i didn't see anything the next day i called to have the door fixed and motion lights installed at the back and sides of my house i ran a phone cable up into the attic and added a landline i never wanted to be stuck up there without a phone again nothing else happened at the house though i mean i lived there another three years without incident one more precaution i took was practicing getting out of my bed going to my closet and climbing into the attic as quickly and quietly as possible i even kept at it when i moved except now i go to a crawl space at the back of the closet instead of the attic i try not to think about what would have happened if i had been a bit slower getting into the attic or if he hadn't gone into the bathroom at the end of the hall first [Music] thanks for watching and please follow me on twitter or instagram so that i don't completely die out when youtube inevitably kills my channel for not being consistent stay safe and have a good day
Channel: Corpse Husband
Views: 3,353,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true scary stories, scary true stories, horror stories, true horror stories, real horror stories, true stories, scary stories, real scary stories, scary stories real, letsnotmeet, letsnotmeet stories, corpse husband, horrifying stories, horror stories true, horrifying horror stories, real life horror stories, best true scary stories, best scary true stories, best letsnotmeet, best letsnotmeet stories, scary stories found on reddit, CORPSE, CORPSE PEWDIEPIE, CORPSE AMONG US
Id: 5pM8j41gImg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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