4 Urban Explorers Were Asked What Their CREEPIEST Experience While Out Urbexing Was..(Urbex Stories)

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This happened 8 years ago when I was a sophomore in high school. My "urbex" friends and I were on a bike ride looking for cool places to explore in a relatively dilapidated area when we discovered a really creepy cave (which we later learned was an old abandoned cement mine ). We did some mild exploring that first day but quickly realized it would require more gear to thoroughly explore (flashlights, respirators, etc). About a week later 5 of us came back with the proper gear and a camera to see what we could find in the mine. We discovered there was basically one main shaft that sloped downward and deeper into the earth so we followed that main route. It was wide enough for a car to drive down and was pretty well graded so the walking was easy. There were many rooms, old machinery, and rusting equipment off of this main shaft but we mostly avoided it in the beginning; we were trying not to get lost or confused. Along the way the walls were littered with the classic abandoned graffiti: "x was here," swastikas, initials and dates, phallic drawings, etc. As we got deeper and deeper though, the graffiti really thinned out. At this point the light from the entrance was long gone and we were relying solely on flashlights. The air was so stagnant and hazy with particles that the light from our flimsy flashlights would only go 20 feet or so before getting totally obscured by dust (thank goodness for the respirators). The glow sticks we had brought to mark our way to prevent getting lost were also basically useless because they would disappear in the haze only a few steps after dropping them and we had only brought ten or so. At this point we started arguing amongst ourselves. Several of the crew was nervous about going any deeper with the air quality being so terrible and without a good way to prevent us from getting lost (we were probably a quarter mile into the earth now). The rest of us managed to override that sentiment of fear by assuring them that the path was easy and straightforward so we'd have to try to get lost. We were going to rely on our levelheadedness, sense of direction, and flashlight battery life to get out. Despite the agreement to push on it was becoming very creepy for everyone. We walked for a while in silence, hearing nothing but our own movements and the steady drip of water coming from somewhere deep in the cave. I think we were all pretty scared at this point but no longer willing to admit it to each other. Then we stumbled across something that made all of us stop cold in our tracks. Dug into the side of the deep stone shaft we were slowly descending was a tunnel - an offshoot. It was narrow, you'd have to crouch to go through it, and it was also a good few feet off the ground so it required us to scramble to reach it. But that wasn't what made us stop. It was the graffiti. We hadn't seen any for 10 minutes or so and had assumed the "artists" never came this deep. But someone else clearly had and the message they left was ominous. The tunnel was lined with words written in white, all of them somehow relating to death and destruction. Scrawled throughout the tunnel were words like "Suffering," "Pain," "Plague," "Disease," and "Hell." It was terrifying. Who else would come this far just to write such a terrible message in a mysterious tunnel that broke from the main path. But there was no turning back now, we had to see where the tunnel led to. Despite our fear we were overpowered by intense curiosity. So one by one we crawled through the tunnel to the other side. What we found was a strange flooded chamber. Around the pool of water were many large stones, each covered with dozens of burned out tea candles. There must've been hundreds of used tea candles in the place. The walls had a few creepy monster faces poorly graffiti'd on them and the tunnel entrance back to the main shaft was ringed with a spray-painted blood-stained mouth. What the hell was this place? Some weird ritual site for local Satan worshippers? Some sort of elaborate hoax set up by a bunch of kids? We couldn't find much evidence to figure it all out and we were running out of adrenaline to keep exploring. We all crawled out of that weird hell hole and back into the mainshaft where we promptly headed towards the exit. When we finally saw that pin prick of natural life coming from the real word outside we were flooded with relief. We never did figure out what that mysterious cavern was for and I think I'm content to leave it a mystery. No we didn't hear any monsters in the depths of the tunnel or find any bloody Satan-praisers themselves but just finding that room, buried deep in an old forgotten mine, and thinking about the horrible things that may have taken place inside there, was enough to creep all of us out for a very long time. A few years ago, I got a text from a friend while I was at work saying he found an abandoned house deep in the woods off of a trail. And that he tried approaching the house but some old lady came up to him and told him not to go in there. This was on a Tuesday and I told him I was at work so we'd have to go that night. Night comes and I make my way over to his place a couple of cities over, and we head down this trail to go find this house. This house looked as if it had been abandoned for years. It was in the middle of the woods, at the end of a long driveway surrounded by trees and darkness. I mean you couldn't hear a single sound or see a single light. We walked around the house to try and find an entry point but all the windows had been smashed in and replaced by boards, nails and 2x4's. Our only option was the front door which was also boarded up and locked with a pad lock. My buddy decides we should try and break in seeing as no one probably lives here and no one would be around to see us or even care. So we hike back down the trail to go find something we could use to break in, and we end up finding a park where the city had planted trees. We took the big steel rods planted around the saplings that were used to help keep them levelled while they grow and headed back towards the house. We get to the house and start trying to break down the front door. We're kicking and prying the pad lock with the steel rods. it's now close to 3 am, in the middle of nowhere, deep in the woods on a Tuesday night. With every kick, the door is moving more and more, we're getting a solid 2 feet of give and with every kick, the wood is cracking. We're almost in. All of a sudden, it starts getting bright, I mean really bright. Too bright to be the sun starting to come out. I turn around and see 6 trucks speeding down the driveway towards us. I yell at my buddy and tell him we have to get the fuck outta here. As, the trucks pull up to the house, we race around it and sprint into the trees. This house happened to be at the top of a very steep hill, in the woods. We're running down it and tripping every other step because we're in complete darkness and can't see what's a foot in front of us. I look back and there are a bunch of men with flashlights following us, so I run faster. All of a sudden, I drop. I feel a sharp pain in my left thigh and can't move. There was a sudden drop in the hill, and I landed on a fallen tree. My leg was bleeding but the men were still following us so I had to get up and keep running. When we reach the bottom of the hill, our feet are submerged. We're in a stream or small river of sorts. It's only knee deep so we cross it. Once on the other side, we find ourselves at the bottom of another hill. So we climb up and look for an exit to the forest. Once, we were at the top, after what felt like an eternity of climbing, we see some light piercing through the trees up ahead. It must be morning, so we head over to the edge of the forest and find a cul-de-sac. We hear a car speeding towards us so we hide in a bush. From there, we wait to see if the men in the trucks were coming to look for us on the other side of the ravine. It was a fucking cop, doing about 80km/h in a small residential neighbourhood with no sirens or lights. We wait for him to reach the end of the cul-de-sac and start walking towards civilization. For the next hour, as we were making our way back home, we must've see 10 more cop cars all driving around the neighbourhood we were walking through. Every time we would hear a cop, we would jump into a bush and wait for it to go by. We got back to my buddy's place by 5:30 am. He was bummed that we never got into the abandoned house but I was relieved. Had we been inside, I wouldn't have seen the trucks pull into the driveway. And who knows what kind of trouble we would've gotten into, or what would've happened to us Thinking back to it and seeing that the cops were involved we assumed it was probably some type of grow op. There is an abandoned east coast insane asylum that I've often seen posted, both on Reddit as well as various other places around the internet. I personally have been there probably 10 or 15 times over the course of a decade, and each time I've found something new, as the complex is very spread out, and very massive. What I've never seen posted, nor even mentioned, however, is the maze of tunnels beneath the complex. Connecting each building is a subterannean network of tunnels for steam, water, sewage, and electric. The tunnels are all roughly 10-15 feet underground, and quite long. They lead into the basement of each structure in a portion of the complex, with an emergency escape hatch that leads out into the woods between buildings in a portion. One really weird thing about this, is that most of the entrances to the tunnel system are hidden in the walls - I exited through a door once and found myself in a room that was the complex's post office, where I'd literally been 5 times before, and had never noticed that there was a hidden passage integrated into the wood paneling. The complex has been abandoned for 20-30 years, so parts of the tunnels are very wet with leaking water. When you're down in them, you constantly hear environmental noise, as well as echos from your own movements. There is NOTHING reflective down there, and there are no outside sources of light. If you don't have a bright enough flashlight, it can get kind of difficult to make out features of things in the distance. You're relying alot upon the slight tonal differences of what you can see to determine when something is off in the distance before you're right up on it (go out on a moonless night, and shine an LED penlight against a concrete wall from like 15 feet away to get an idea what I'm talking about). Now, for the terror: First of all, I have a stupid habit of going into these places by myself. I've recently started correcting this, because you never know when an accident could happen, leaving you alone, underground, in the dark. The last time I was in the tunnels, I was by myself, with a single AA battery powered 75 Lumen LED flashlight (mistake number two). During this excursion, I decided to follow the tunnel down to what was the water treatment building for the complex. This tunnel slopes downward, so the leaking water previously mentioned runs down and collects at the tunnel's end. So, at the end of the tunnel, I enter this large room, with two 15 foot tall water storage tanks. There is probably an inch of water and muck on the floor, which makes a "schtuck" noise when you walk. I'm standing still, looking around with my flashlight, and from the opposite side of the room, around 20 feet away, I hear "schtuck"..."schtuck". There is someone else in this underground room with me. I shine my flashlight across the room, and don't see anything, but I keep hearing the wet footprints. All of a sudden, I shine the light on this human shaped object that is just black. There's no difference in shading or anything, it's just like a shadow against the peach colored concrete wall. I stammer out a "Hello?" and all of a sudden, I can see this person's two eyes flash up. Their eyes are reflecting back off my flashlight, and that's all I can see. I don't know if the person was in a ghillie suit or what, but it's impossible to make out anything distinguishing. I don't know what kind of weirdo sets out in a full black outfit to rummage around underground. So, at this point, I flip out. I spin 180 degrees on my heels, and BOLT. I'm flying up the inclined tunnel, slipping and sliding all over the place on the damp concrete. I fell a handful of times, sprained my wrist badly, and got a number of cuts on my one knee. That run through the underground tunnels felt like an eternity. If you've ever seen the "subaway scene" from the movie "28 weeks later", that's the closest thing I can approximate it to. It was the closest thing I've ever experienced to a living nightmare, I've never been so terrified in all my life. Looking back, I'm sure whomever I met down there in the dark was probably as terrified as I was (unless they were crazy as hell). I have no reason to believe they followed me, and they probably ran back the way they came, same as I did. I noticed that they didn't have a flashlight on, so what I think probably happened is that they noticed my light, and pulled a hoody up over their head, turned their light off, and tried to hide as best they could. Anyway, If there's a takeaway from this, it can be summed up in a single fantastic sentence: "Don't enter strange underground tunnels, through hidden doors, beneath long abandoned and forgotten insane asylums, with a single tiny flashlight when you're by your lonesome." Under a church in my local town, there was this wooden green door with no handle and no hinges. The way that it was put there was meant to just stop access into there. I’d like to mention that the door is on the back side of the church bit and outside the church grounds. There is no road near it. One day me and my friends saw someone had smashed the wooden door thing to pieces. Being typical teenagers, we wanted to explore, but me being me, I said we should research it first. In our town, there are quite a lot of tunnels linking houses, shops etc, that are usually chained off but a lot of them are still open and haven’t been explored. This was the first one where we wouldn’t have to ask a shop owner to have a look. During my research, I found that there were apparently all these ghosts including “The Blue Drum Boy” who got killed during a war in the early 11th century. My friend believes in all the paranormal shit so he got his cross and ghost related things ready. I packed a 500lumen flashlight to light up the place and had a backpack of batteries, a walkie talkie each and all the other essential shit. Early hours, when it was pitch black, we went in. Everyone was completely silent as we crept down the stairs. Suddenly, we all realised there was a 90 degree turn where we couldn’t see to the right. Everyone was shit scared to go first so my friend lit a red light flare and threw it in. Then, we all together walked in. There was a huge room with another doorway. We looked around the first room finding needles and blood. We carried on through the doorway and found a gate that had a ladder coming off of it. Obviously we were all excited and thought, what a great fuckin idea to cut through the lock and climb down the ladder. Three out of the four of us were down when the largest of us all started climbing. The ladder was rickety and kind of rusted but it just broke when he was halfway. He fell and hurt both of his ankles really really badly. Yeah bad situation as we couldn’t get back up there (because of the ladder breaking) and my friend, who was the biggest guy couldn’t walk. We had to practically carry him. The exit from the ladder was a completely dry and pitch black tunnel. Me and one of my other friends carried on, (leaving the others to find help as the Walkie talkies got no reply. We walked past rotting rat corpses, live rats and a shit ton of blood stains at one point. I remember how HORRIBLE it smelled there. After about 30 minutes of walking, so about a mile and a half, we found a crossroad. Straight, left, or right. Left was a dead end, right was a dead end but straight had a ladder. The ladder was rusted and we were scared to climb it, especially after the other ladder breaking. Eventually, we found the courage to climb up, and I really wish we hadn't. What we found, I will never forget, and it haunts me to this day. There was a man.. His lifeless body was slumped to the side sort of leaning towards the wall. His face on the concrete ground facing me. One of his arms was slumped to the floor and had a needle jammed in it with the plastic part of the needle leaning on his torso. I remember he had long matted hair, and was wearing a sleeveless denim jacket. . As I shined my flashlight on him, you could clearly see his face was rotting away. I was about to be sick. I'll never forget that smell. My immediate reaction, was that we had to get the others and leave. The ladder lead to identical rooms but no lock on the gate. I ended up going back down the ladder, got the others and came back. We managed to get my larger friend up and out,nd ended up taking him to the hospital. We couldn’t say where we went or talk about the dead guy because we were worried about how much trouble we would get in for tresspassing, and just in general, especially after what we saw. After all, I was 15 and shit scared. The story ends there. Shortly after the user posted this story, people flooded the comments asking how long it'd been since the body was found, that it was important to somebody that the body be reported, that they should report it with an anonymous tip, and things like that. Eventually, the user responded with pictures, showing that they had submitted an anonymous tip to the authorities.
Channel: Corpse Husband
Views: 1,236,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urban exploration, urbex, urbex stories, urban exploration stories, creepy urbex, urban exploration scary, urban exploration gone wrong, urban exploration horror stories, urban exploration creepy, urban exploration abandoned, urban explorers, creepy urban, scary stories, creepy stories, true scary stories, urbex scary stories
Id: grqdWVXgITM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2017
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