3 Insanely Delicious RAMEN Recipes that will blow your mind!

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thanks re tech for sponsoring this video instant Ramen by itself not that great but I'm going to show you how you can use leftovers to upgrade this thing and make it amazing enough talking and let's start upgrading now if you've never had this let me quickly explain how it actually works all you got to do is heat up some water throw it in there close it for about 1 to 2 minutes and in the end you're left with something like this it is as simple as it gets inexpensive and you will get your belly full but today I'm going to be using all of these leftover ingredients in order to make something incredible and the very first one we're going to do is this one I'm going to call it the Lomo Salado instant Noodle and as you can clearly guess it has steak now to make this it is super simple first up to marinate the beef I had some of this P left over and I'm going to be using it however any kind of beef you have will work just fine now for the marinate is quite simple into a bowl I threw in some garlic followed by cumin a little bit of MSG some AI Panka salt and soy sauce mix everything well and combine and you should have something like this now there's left to do is to throw the p in there and let it marinate give it at least about 20 minutes now you want to cook this up real hot and quick and a walk is perfect for it as then we throw the Pico right in get a good amount of that walk hay in there and throw in some onions followed by tomatoes and stir fry the whole thing to finish it off add some red white vinegar stir fry it a little bit more once that's done transfer back to a serving plate and using the rest of the marinade together with a little bit of water throw it in the walk heat it up real good and cook the noodles this will Infuse an incredible amount of flavor into the noodles and that's what we're looking for as once the noodles is fully cooked all there's left to do is to throw everything into the cup followed by that beautiful juice we just made we cannot forget about those beautiful toppings and of course the P Stakes now this I can guarantee everyone will love but we're not done yet even though this one is fantastic I have a feeling that the next one is going to be even better the first thing is some pork belly as you can clearly see this one was cut for a complete different application but it's totally fine because to marinate it it's super simple we're going to be using some pre-made shu sauce you can get this available in any Asian supermarket once it's fully coated let it marinate overnight but if you don't have the time 1 hour can be good enough I had some extra pork belly so we're going to be using this one for some crunch as the next step is to go ahead and take it outside and cook it and for that I'm going to be using my R Tech Duo fire smoker now this smoker is unlike any other smoker I have and that's because of two reasons as you can clearly you see after adding my pork belly in here it's cooking nice and gentle but it doesn't only have one chamber it has two meaning I can cook my pork belly on one at 325° F and on the other chamber I can just be searing some steaks as far as I know it is the only pallet smoker that can cook two things at two different temperatures I'm telling you friends this Grill is awesome and after about 1 hour of cooking the pork belly take a look at my Shu it is perfection exactly what I was looking for all I did was chop it up in small little tiny pieces and the one that I was looking for crunch oh this one turned out even better nothing is burned we got it to puff up really nicely and just listen to the crunch now that is what I'm talking about and to add it to the cup nud I did something quite interesting we threw down some Charo sauce right on a bow coated the lip of the cup really nicely and immediately dumped into the chicharones I also had some beia leftover meat which I'm going to be using for this one so into the bottom of the cup you went to cook the noodle I started with a good amount of bone broth once it was simmering I threw in the noodles followed by a little bit of fresh carrots and green onions once the noodles were fully cooked I threw in some extra shu pork in there to Plate it up throw in the noodles followed by that delicious broth add some more of that topping that was left from the broth one fried egg some crispy chicharones on top and some jalapeno slices now this one will turn some heads because even though the Pico one was delici delicious I think this one might be even better I cannot wait for you guys to see the reaction when we try it because we're not done yet we still got one more to go and this one is for all the seafood lovers out there and it is quite simple to make let me show you we're going to be using some shrimp and bacon first start by cooking up the bacon once it started getting a little bit of color throw in the shrimp season it real good with a good amount of salt black pepper and garlic powder stir it until everything is fully cooked once that's done swap off the pans and heat up some chicken broth we're going to be using this to cook up the noodles bring everything to a simmer get a shrimp instant noodle cup open it up and throw the chicken broth in there and close it up after about 2 minutes the noodle is fully cooked but we're not done yet we're going to be making a carbonada out of it so into a bowl I threw in some egg yolks followed by parano regano some black pepper and mixed everything well then to smooth out the sauce add a little bit of chicken broth in there mix everything well and stir it really quickly now add the noodles into the shrimp followed by the that mixture that was just made mix everything well and combine these ingredients together because once you're done you should have a super creamy juicy Noodle and we all know this is going to be real delicious to finish it up all of the noodles go right inside followed by a very generous amount of shrimp then add some bacon bits right on top a good amount of Parmesan cheese followed by parsley to finish it up a tiny bit of chili flakes now this is our take on shrimp carbonada cup noodle and I'll tell you one thing I cannot way to try this one but don't forget we also have the other two as well and I cannot wait to find out which one is going to be best all right everybody and here we got our beautiful ramens what do you guys think huh that looks a lot better than what I used to do so here's the deal all of this stuff is leftovers everything is just leftovers that I had over for videos and other things I can't believe that's leftovers this looks impressive if you wouldn't have told me that it was leftovers I would have not guessed very good so this I'm just basically trying to upgrade the noodles cuz we all had this right me and Angel lived off of that so here we have a little bit of seafood combination perfect for this guy and this one we got a little bit of Shu chicharon and beia damn and this one is one of my favorite things which is Peruvian like Lomo salal style oh I'm ready for that one and let me just ask you guys for forgiveness already because this cures are wag forgiveness it's okay left over all right I'm not going to get too angry about that bro but you can use whatever steak you had left over okay so Mr leonardis you your first pick all right we're going with the shrimp first okay I knew it I hate this man bro this is not instant cup noodle no more this is something else it's about to be real special right now I'm telling you I'm so excited enough talking cheers everybody Cheers Cheers wow dude I don't even like shrimp let me shake your hand you this sir is fantastic taking a bite just puts a smile on my face I mean that that it tastes like happiness that's what I was say you get the shrimp flavor the noodles are nice and moist there's so much creaminess from the sauce so much flavor I mean this is the first thing we tried and I'm already blown away dude like I said I don't even like shrimp like I don't like shrimp I don't like most Seafood but this is awesome like I literally went for a second bite and everything it's it's good but now pick your second angel I think I have a feeling where he's going I knew it I knew it he was going to pick the beef I know of course okay enough talking cheers everybody Cheers Cheers wow BR that is not fair the contrast between one and the other is just phenomenal everybody the flavor is so Bolden in your face I've never had noodles this damn flavorful yes and it's also extremely coated each individual noodle everybody it's amazing what do you think the word you guys haven't used which I'm surprised you guys haven't said this it is extremely rich 10 out of 10 we'll highly recommend give it a go everybody you're not going to regret it ready for the next one now I only have one egg here you have to take the egg oh that's what I was going to say can I please have the egg cuz i' be nice hold on I see a Charo I'm trying to get that one wait there's charu in here oh hell no I got to get me a Char enough talking let's give it a try cheers everybody [Music] cheers come on that's not even fair bro that is also very good none of these are fair this is just s of illegal everybody that's how delicious this is if your goal was to upgrade simple ramen noodles well mission accomplished Google cuz this is f everything we've tried is fantastic absolutely phenomenal what do you think Angel these are all individually amazing like there's not a single miss here like all of these hit right on the money and they're all different from each other too that's what I like the most you know so delicious in their own right and I agree it's absolutely phenomenal I mean any one of them I'll pay over 15 bucks for no problem I would say the boldest flavors though definitely came from the middle so your favorite is the middle one hell yeah bro I I agree with Angel goes to show you everybody a little bit goes a long way I hope this give you guys some idea and inspiration to go make your own I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe remember everything I use is always on the description down below thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: Guga
Views: 268,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food, cooking, grilling, picanha, steak, crispy pork, sea food ramen, ramen, ramen recipe, instant ramen, how to cook, cooking instant ramen, cheap, inexpensive
Id: pbACq35Y8Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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