Making Celebrity Chefs' Best Recipes But Better

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a lot of things have changed over the years life the internet people and especially food the chefs and cooking shows that we used to watch and not to mention the chefs that I used to look up to have kind of become a part of the historical past their iconic recipes have been cemented in that history and now are put on a pedestal of greatness but that makes me think are the things we've been influenced by still as good as they were way back then or could they be made better we're going to break this down very simply we must first make the original recipe as authentically as humanly possible and then based off our learnings based off our tastings we will do our best to make that item significantly better than it once was so let's begin first up Anthony bouraine in his Mortadella sandwich he's easily one of the most famous chefs known to mankind oftentimes by his own quote said he was not a great chef but I think pretty much everybody would disagree because we love him he wasn't pretentious about food and this sandwich was all about being unpretentious and simple now you can buy a half pound or a full pound of thinly sliced Mortadella but regardless you're going to layer a nice Mound which could be a couple ounces is a qu pound however much you want per sandwich in a mound in a 10-in nonstick pan heated over medium heat optionally you can add a weight to help kind of get that mortadela nice and flat or not if you don't have one that's fine let that cook for 1 to 2 minutes or until golden brown on the bottom give it a flip add two slices of provolone reduce the heat to medium Low cover with a lid for about 30 seconds or until the cheese is completely melted now remove your cheesy meaty boy place to the side and then in that same pan add a small knob of butter and look Anthony Bourdain suggests either a kaiser roll or a Sourdough roll we actually have a little bit of both this is a Kaiser sourdough roll toast on their cut sides for about 1 to 2 minutes or until they look like this now flip them over yes you can leave them in the pan it's totally fun to toast the bottom at the top it'll give it a little extra Crunch and structure on the outside spread Dijon mustard on the bottom bun and mayonnaise on the top bun put as little or as much as you like place a cook madella onto the bottom bun top your sandwich the sandwich cooled down at all you can cover it with the lid until warmed through by the way we will have all recipes both the OG versions and my new versions on my website which is to the link in the description now let's give this sandwich some top I have nothing negative to say about this just by looking at it I mean come on supposedly this is a inspiration from Brazil cheers I mean it's kind of a perfect sandwich if you think about it some people might say oh what if you put pickles on this this has the fattiness the richness the saltiness little cheesy but it also cuts the richness because of that nice tart mustard in there so really you don't need to add anything it's kind of good as it is so how do you make this better well we're going to try since this sandwich is about being relatively lowkey I try to keep this simple while adding just a few quick things to see if we can upgrade it to what I think might be better if that's even possible I have one main thought here we already have mayo and mustard but could it be better maybe a Russian dressing inspired sauce so in a small mixing bowl add one cup or 230 G of mayonnaise 1 thir cup or 80 g of ketchup 2 taspo or 8 G of wasure sauce half a teaspoon or 2 G of sweet paprika 1 tbsp or 15 G of Tabasco or really any hot sauce I don't care 2 tbsp or 30 G of yellow mustard 1 tbsp or 4 G of very thinly sliced chives 1 tbsp or 15 G of grated horseradish that could be fresh that could be Jarred but look fresh is incomparably better salt and pepper to taste whiz together until thoroughly combined and that is your sauce now similar to before heated 10-in non-stick pan over medium heat generally speaking for about four sandwiches you'll need at least 1 and2 lb or 680 G of Mortadella which has been thinly sliced think about how much meat you want on your sandwich put that much in the pan once your Mortadella is in the pan roughly in the shape of your bread add some very thinly sliced yellow onion on top of the Mortadella again as much or as little as you like now weigh that sandwich down using another pan a chef's press if you have them let that cook over medium high for 2 to 3 minutes or until a beautiful deep Brown carefully flip lower the heat to medium low add two slices of provolone cover with a lid or an inverted bowl until just melted about 1 to 2 minutes remove the meat from the pan add a small knob of butter increase the heat to medium once that's totally melted add in one slice of souro bread and toast for 1 to 2 minutes spread sauce onto the untoasted side of the bread add your meat on top of that now once toasted transfer that to a cutting board add additional butter to the pan if needed and toast your other slice of bread again you want that beautiful golden brown take it out spread sauce on the other slice of bread you know maybe a little drizzle little sauce on the sandwich too if you're feeling EXT Crown your king cut your sandwich in half on a bias serve and enjoy so this is like a Saucier Oklahoma smash inspired Morty sandwich but is this too much in order to beat the original let's taste and find out okay the updated version I didn't change that much I tried to keep it simple cheers upon biting this you got the crunch from the toast you got the same salty fatty richness from the Mortadella like the last one the onion added this sort of toasty roasty bring everything together flavor it's like when you add cooked onions to a burger it's not like you're just tasting onion it's making a whole experience and then the sauce instead of it just being acidic now there's a little bit of tart sweetness it's a little more in-depth but that being said is it better I think this is better in the right context but not necessarily better in every context maybe you want something simpler it's just acid fat crunch so if you're looking for a bigger experience this is what you make but ultimately Anthony Bourdain had it right let's be honest so to make our ultimate decision we have a taste tester coming in to finalize that here we go Vic option number one sandwich number poo we touched hands there for a second man that's a tough one they're both really good I think I will give it to number two here's why Anthony Bourdain made a great base and it's kind of at a point where you can only mess it up from here what was great about this version the onions have a texture within the textured bread overall it creates a good experience would I be mad with Anthony borain absolutely not I think both of these are interchangeable and it's just a little bit extra on top of it it's a win on the butt better scale but really only by a slight margin next up Julia Child's called K van in the 1960s Julia became America's first celebrity chef and introduced French home cooking to America so what I'm saying is she's a beast anyone the cooking and restaurant industry has an undying respect for as do I and Coco ven Chicken brazed in wine is one of the most famous of her dishes so I want to clarify I would have done this a lot differently even with the same ingredients that she used but we're going to do it just how Julia Child did on her televised PBS segment about Coco V so number one basically you boil bacon for about 10 minutes in a small saucepan you trip that bacon to a 5 qu pot or Rondo Brown over medium low for 6 to 8 minutes or until crisp then separately in a 10in sauté pan over high heat you add a little bit of oil some pearl onions cook until Brown about 46 minutes then you're going to cover that with water add a knob of butter bring to a boil reduce to a simmer cover with a lid and cook for 10 minutes yeah I know this is how it's done how she does it remove the bacon from your pan increase the heat to medium high setir all your chicken pieces 3 to 4 minutes flip your chicken over till golden brown and I will say here's another thing I noticed normally I would season my meat before it goes into the pan but Julia is pretty specific about seasoning her chicken salt after it has browned add your bacon back to the pan reduce the heat to low no liquid and cover with a lid and cook for 10 minutes now in another pan we're now using three pans at this point he a 10-in sauté pan over medium high add some oil to the Pan Once it's hot you're going to add quartered button mushrooms sear them for 46 minutes tossing occasionally and season T of salt once they're done now to finish this off you're going to remove the lid from your chicken you're going to delazer some CAC Julia likes to flambe it for fun according to her it's not necessary I can respect that I like a little fun then you add your wine your chicken stock should be just enough to cover bring that to a boil add in some tomato paste stir that in a bay leaf thyme crushed garlic stir that all in bring it to a boil reduce heat to Low cover and cook for 15 minutes now we're going to make a bman is that right you're going to mix together equal parts softened butter and flour a little paste then once your chicken's done remove your chicken from the sauce Julia chose to strain the chicken out I just thought it would be easier to just pull the chicken out since it's the same concept you're going to add your bur money to the sauce in batches until it's thicken to your liking reduced while stirring once it's thickened enough to coat the back of a spoon and you're going to add your veg back to the sauce the onions the mushrooms adjust your seasoning mix together taste one final time this is the moment to check and see if you need more salt and pepper and then add your chicken to a bowl ladle your sauce and vegetables on top of the chicken and serve again it turned out beautiful but I will say the preparation of mine I would have made a little bit more one pot and simpler and cook the veg together but hey we're doing it the way Julia asks because we respect Julia so let's taste this is actually a childhood favorite of mine I used to make this with my mom all the time God improving this is going to be hard it's just a perfect dish you have everything you need in this first off the chicken's tender falls off the bone juicy it's salty it's Rich it's ous the wine provides a Woody deepness in the flavor that you don't get anywhere else it's oniony it's almost like the most hearty little French stew you can think of it tastes like France we're going to have to take this way over the top to make it better and I think I have an idea I'm going to make little mini chicken roast using a Ballentine chicken leg method and maybe if we're feeling a little Noy we'll turn it into possibly one of the first cocoa ven poutines ever seen now why would we take the time to debone the chicken you can stuff it with whatever you want it then becomes a flavorful miniature personal roast is it a necessity no but does it add something absolutely so you're going to take four chicken legs with the thigh and the drumstick still attached and you're going to remove the bone but leave it in one piece if you want to skip the deboning process you totally can but it kind of defeats the but better element of this it's real simple you take a knife and with one hand feel where that bone is Flip Your chicken over skinside down and cut a roughly where you feel the bone in a straight line all the way across the whole piece of chicken then using the back of your knife scrape the meat away from the bone your you're essentially cutting the meat away from the bone while wasting as little meat as possible free the bone on every single side there will be areas that are a little close to the skin just be careful not to remove too much meat after a little wiggling and scraping the bone should come out nice and easy now once you get did the drumstick it's a little bit awkward I honestly just angle my knife just to the very edge of the drumstick and cut all the way through the skin like that to remove the leg which will reveal a bunch of little tendons you can run those tendons through a fork grab them with a paper towel wrapped finger and they should pull right out repeat that with all four chicken legs and then we're going to make a nice little herb paste so we're going to take 3 tbsps or 12 G of fresh sage and 3 tbsp or 12 G of fresh parsley finally chop them together then add that to a small bowl along with the zest of one lemon one clove of garlic finely chopped 1 tbsp or 15 G of Dijon mustard 1 tbsp or 15 G of extra virgin olive oil a little bit of salt and pepper to taste mix together and you should have a nice light paste now lay your debone chicken legs out meat side facing up evenly split your herb paste between all of those season a taste with salt and pepper roll those up into to logs and tie at three intervals using butcher's twine I mean you literally just tie it like a shoe or you could just tie a knot we just need this to stay closed now season your roast with salt heat a large 5q pot or Dutch oven over medium high heat add just enough vegetable oil in the bottom to coat the pan and sear your chicken on all sides about 2 to 3 minutes per side until the skin is golden brown remove the chicken from the pan reduce the heat to medium and add 2 oz or 56 G of diced Guan chal or bacon cook until the fats rendered and it's brown about 3 to 4 minutes follow that with 20 pearl onions depending on their size if they're huge maybe cut that in half three shallots quartered and four cloves of finely chopped garlic season that lightly with salt add 2 tbsp or 30 G of tomato paste and cook until the tomato paste deepens in color 30 to 45 seconds deglaze that with 1/4 cup or 60 G of bourbon and reduce until all the liquid is gone F that with 3 tbsp or 45 G of unsalted butter once that's fully melted add 3 tbsp or 30 G of allpurpose flour cook for about 1 minute stirring occasionally then add 2 cups or 480 mL of red wine 2 cups or 480 mL of chicken stock season lightly with salt 1 tsp or 15 G of molasses 2 tbsp or 30 G of red wine vinegar now I will say both of these ingredients were mixed together hence why the molasses looks sort of liquidy because it's the molasses and the red wine vinegar mixed together this is not a necessity for the recipe we just did it to save an extra dish from cleaning and three carrots cut into 1in chunks increase heat to medium high bring to a boil and then reduce the heat to low to bring it to a nice gentle simmer add your chicken roast back to the pot followed with 4 o or 113 G of my mushrooms broken up into bite-sized clusters and 4 o or 113 G of shitake mushrooms that have been half or quartered depending on their size woo we're almost done here brother all right stay with me add in four sprigs of fresh thyme pop on your Li and bra for 20 to 30 minutes once this thing is done of course you can serve it just as is with mashed potatoes or rice or whatever but we have to go above and beyond this all right so I fried up 1 lb or 450 G of french fries at 350 fhe in a 6q dutch oven filled just over halfway with vegetable oil after that I pulled my fries out pop them into a bowl season them generously with salt transfer that to a serving Bowl top with a few cheese curds you know for the poutine Vibes lift off the lid from this beautiful brazed chicken and you're left with that same luxurious silky sauce but instead this time you have boneless stuffed chicken roasts sitting in that deeply flavored juice so spoon some of that sauce and veg on your French fries slice one of your Balentine roasts lay out the chicken on the fries drizzle with some additional sauce and now we taste that is insane this is a perfect dish right here this is 100% elevated and better than this listen I know vickram is not blindfolded simple reality is the second a french fry goes into his mouth he's going to know which one is which the bar is here all right let's see this one that's insane what I like about this one is the traditional flavor of it it's just great on its own now what was improved here the stuffing without the poutine aspect even in play I think this is better but adding in the fries adding in the cheese curds it's just a textural Wonderland that improves upon traditionality and so I'm going to have to give it to the poutine but I could eat both of these anytime and it's just a matter of how much effort you want to put into it so french fries aside this seems like a pretty clear win an incredible original dish moving on to AA Garden's chocolate cake my wife loves AA Garden aka the Barefoot Contessa she's a TV food Legend I got to say I love Ana Garden she's so sweet one of her most famous recipes it's called Batty's chocolate cake batty is that true is that correct batty Bey I don't know it's spelled like this which supposedly is one of the internet's most favorite cake recipes of all time especially for how easy it is the spark notes is essentially dry ingredients like flour cocoa powder sugar baking soda baking powder and salt get all mixed together and then in a separate Bowl you beat together eggs buttermilk vanilla extract and vegetable oil those ingredients get mixed together on a sand mixer until you get a nice looking cake batter which you then add brewed coffee to that which turns it into a surprisingly thin batter that gets evenly distributed between two greased flowed and parchment papered 2x 8 in cake pans baked until cook through and separately a simple chocolate frosting of Whi butter egg yolk vanilla extract of course confectioner sugar melted chocolate and hydrated instant coffee that gets blended it looks nice the only thing that was funny is once the cakes were cooled I started spreading on the frosting and I realized uh-oh I don't know if we have enough frosting and sure enough well we actually didn't we ran out of frosting before I finished frosting the cake look if there's anyone here that gets it I get it riding recipes when they're being written in the hundreds or thousands can be very hard to keep consistent especially when it's handed off to writers that maybe don't know your style so AA we love you we get it the cake looks soft but is it moist I like it it's a decent tasting cake number one it is very moist which that is already going to be a big point for me but the flavor is just not balanced it feels very muted it's very coffee forward I don't pick up any of the vanilla and by that I mean maybe a little more sugar but more specifically there is not enough salt in the frosting or the cake this is a a key element of great baking Not Just Cakes baking anything bread pastries pies I don't care you must add enough salt that is key to making anything great so I think I have an idea on how we can make this better now we're moving on to my version to start with I'm only going to make some slight changes here now for this recipe I'm a big believer in small changes for big results and one of those is going to be the frosting that's for sure first start with the Cakes by sifting into a stand mixer Bowl 1 and 3/4 of a cup or 245 G of allpurpose flour 2 cups are 300 G of granulated sugar 3/4 of AUP cup or 75 G of cocoa powder 2 taspo or 8 G of baking powder 1 taspo or 4 G of baking soda 1 and 1/2 taspo or 6 G of fine sea salt it's very important fine sea salt not Kosher whisk that together then in a separate Bowl you're going to add two eggs whisk those eggs together and then whisk in half a cup or 120 M of vegetable oil 2 taspo or 8 G of vanilla extract 1 cup or 240 M of Buttermilk now add the wets to the dries in the stand mixer mix until homogeneous on medium speed using the paddle attachment once that's combined add 1 cup or 240 ML of brewed coffee which has been cool to room temperature to the batter and mix until just combined again we have two greased floured 2x 8 in cake pans that also have parchment cut out in the bottom and you're going to split your batter evenly between the two pop those into an oven up to 350 F or 176 C use a cake tester poke it in the center if that comes out clean it's done now let those cakes cool for 30 minutes or until completely cool do not frost a cake that is still warm you will regret it and then you're going to comment and go it didn't the frosting didn't work I only let it cool for 5 minutes but for some reason yeah for some reason huh maybe cuz you didn't listen now upgrade number one which is less of an upgrade and more of a fix I'm increasing the batch size of the frosting now to make the frosting add 12 O are 340 G of chopped semi chocolate to a double boiler which is literally just a bowl set on top of a pot filled with a shallow amount of water at a light simmer let that heat stirring occasionally and once it's fully melted take it off and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes once it's sat in a large bowl add 1 lb or 450 G of softened unsalted butter there is no skipping the softening process real sorry use electric beers to whip the butter until pale and creamy now into a upgrade number two add half a cup or 120 g of softened cream cheese look I just like cream cheese and frosting I'm going to be honest with you sometimes recipe writing is very simple I put this in there because it tastes yummy is that okay beat that together until homogeneous and finally upgrade number three add 1 teaspoon or 4 G of fine sea salt listen this needed more salt I'm telling you I know I have a salt heavy palette but the greatest desserts that we've ever had often times have way more salt than you would think to not only help bring out the sweetness but bring out the natural flavors that are already in the dish that should be there AKA ch AKA coffee so on and so forth Now 1 tsp or 15 G of vanilla extract then bead in three cups or 330 G of confectioner sugar bead in your melted chocolate make sure to beat it in gently otherwise it'll break and finally 1 tbsp or 15 G of instant coffee granules which have been dissolved by adding 2 teaspoons or 8 G of very hot water and stirred combin that should cool it down just enough to add just make sure it's not boiling hot when you pour it in mix until combined and you have your frosting now remove your cakes from the cake pan spread a layer of frosting on top of the First cake add your second cake and frost the entire cake you know if you rewind earlier when I plopped this first little bit of frosting in the center yeah that was a bad idea I did that a little too hard and it kind of concaved a cake a widow so it might be a little weird shape when we cut it so we cut and okay yeah you could see where I threw that down that's fine now we're going to serve and see if my changes made it better the tale of two cakes listen AA you're a legend a scholar and a beast and I love you that being said I thought this cake was actually really nice it was one of the better more moist cakes that I've made but there were some small details that I tried to improve on let me preface by saying I don't like making cakes it is quite literally the one thing that I just have not enjoyed and have always kind of had a hard time making good that being said let's taste it's not that different of a cake it's not it's just a little bit more refined in terms of it's got the salt that I want and it's got the chocolatin that I want that being said both delectable cakes this one I would say is slightly improved but the only person that can answer that is our taste tester you ready I'm so ready I love cake I don't like coffee oh forgot vickram doesn't like coffee all right number one yeah I'd say the coffee is only about like 10% of the flavor here number two I'm going to give it slightly to number two what I like about the second one more is there definitely is a bit more salt for some reason it's just creamier just overall a nicer bite a nicer experience for me on the second one that is another win for us in the bucket a slight win all of these are all slight wins but can we maybe okay you're sucking on that way too much dude all right these are all slight wins I want a big win so we're moving on to the Jean George caviar egg John George is one of the most globally famous chefs in modern history somehow I beat him in a challenge at his own restaurant frankly I think he was just gracious enough to let me win I would say that his caviar egg is probably one of the most iconically known OG fine dining dishes that I can think of he has a Savory whipped cream which is made with heavy cream whis together with some cayenne vodka and lemon juice then we have four eggs which will be soft scrambled in a pan I'm not going to change the way that I make my soft scramble so I'll explain to you how they're made in my but better recipe so he makes a quick soft scramble which is then spooned into an empty cleaned eggshell yes that's right you got to take an eggshell and take off the top you can use one of these tools or you can use a very sharp small knife pipe your Savory cream around the edge of your eggshell leaving a little Open Nest in the center what's going to go there oh maybe one of Chef jg's favorite things of all time a big fat dollop of caviar this thing just makes me want to give some little kiss it's like a creamy sued like dream it's salty it's fatty it's Rich it's smooth and silky it's a very rich rich rich bite but that's kind of where it stops I feel like I want more to the texture of it all but that being said it is so unique and so good I do like it but I know we can make this a little bit more to my taste and quite possibly better now what are the changes that I made I'm adding a few things to give it some extra textural depth surprise surpris the guy that wrote the book texture over taste wants more texture now here we're using my duck comy hash browns this time we just shaped our hash browns into little 3-in patties using a ring mold which were then Frozen overnight we then began the rest of the process which I took half a pound of bacon that I cut into half2 in thick lardon that were cooked on medium low heat in a small pan until just golden Brown which were then drained and set to the side instead of the whipped cream I'm going to make a Light Citrus creme fresh so we got half a cup or 120 g of creme fresh into a small bowl the CEST in juice of one lemon seasoned with salt and pepper 1 tbsp or 4 G of chopped fresh parsley 1 tbsp or 4 G of chopped fresh dill stir that together until thoroughly combined and that is your citrus crumb fresh leave that in the fridge cuz we want it as stiff as possible let's briefly walk through the soft scrambled egg it's real simple melt 1 tbspoon or 15 Gams of unsalted butter in a non-stick 10-in pan set over medium heat once it's half melted you're going to add 3 to four eggs depending on their size ideally you would want to have a silicone whisk for this so you can constantly whisk and stir while it's cooking but if you don't a rubber heat proof spatula works as well so you're going to cook that over medium heat constantly stirring do not stop treat it like a risotto as you see curds start to form take it off the heat continue stirring stirring stirring back on the heat it'll form some more curds take it off the heat stir stir stir just keep on stirring and repeating this process for anywhere between 4 to 6 minutes until you're left with a velvety smooth small curd soft scramble like this the texture should be relatively runny but not raw cut off the heat folded in two t spoons or 10 G of cold butter into the egg until melted and emulsified and set that to the side don't forget to season The Taste with salt at the end it should be enough eggs to cover two to three hash browns so if you're serving maybe four or six people you may want to double the amount of eggs fry one potato Patty in duck fat or vegetable oil set to 350 F or 175 C and Fry until gbd golden brown delicious about 2 to 3 minutes remove your hash brown drain lightly season with salt then pop your hash brown onto a plate followed by a nice generous quinel of your soft scrambled egg a few of your big boy crispy lardon a generous spoonful of your creme fresh on top of the eggs season lightly with fresh cracked black pepper some thinly sized chives and finally a big fat juicy dollop of the finest caviar you can find is this insane is this overly luxurious yes it is my inspiration behind this is a full breakfast you got eggs hash browns bacon what more do you need a little caviar a little creme fresh to bring in the Jean Georg this is equally if not more decadent than this but you got some more structure from the crunch of the hash brown it's crispy it's soft the bacon provides a salty little bit of chewiness but then that all melds together into a creamy Symphony of soft scrambled egg refreshing creme fresh and then the of the caviar a very modern interpretation versus a much older take with a different perspective it's an unfair competition cuz this doesn't have a duck fat Cony hash brown with it so obviously I think this is better but we have a judge to determine that vickram doesn't like caviar so I'm doing this tasting God damn this is so one note the flavor is maximized on it but to eat it it's all the same and then you eat this thing and it's like the greatest breakfast you've ever had in a few bites it's so well balanced but then you get these like pops of acidity from the sour cream with the lemon juice and the lemon zest the smokiness from the bacon that little bit of onion from the chives this one's a million times better so we win another round four absolute goliaths a couple massive winds a couple small wins I'm happy with it but we don't finish here we have one remaining Goliath to complete this and that is the one and only Mister Gordon Ramsay sweetheart I'm coming for you finally the big one Gordon Ramsay's Beef Wellington contrary to popular belief Gordon Ramsey did not invent the dish neither did Julia Child but she was the first modern TV chef to popularize it in the 1960s and he absolutely perfected the recipe so Gordon's original recipe is pretty simple right we've all seen it you got the perfect midsection of the flam minan cut into a small roast it get seared brushed with mustard you make a little Duell he actually skips The Crepe process he just straight up wraps his beef in the pido and duel which then goes into puff pastry wrapped brushed and baked that's kind of it now it's time for a taste test okay and I know what this tastes like but just to refresh my memory it's a classic Wellington it's delicious it's mushroomy it's meaty it's beefy it's buttery it's crispy on the outside soft and juicy it's a pleasure pure of flavor that being said it's an old recipe I think we can beat it one of the changes I made well for one we're definitely adding The Crepe so we're going to make a greens crepe which we'll be using spinach as our green but how do we upgrade this for one the mushrooms in the dixel instead of just being boring old button mushrooms we're going to use the most flavorful my most favorite mushrooms ever black trumpet mushrooms let's be honest the lowest flavor of beef you can get which is a flam andan a tenderloin we're in going to be doing a 48-hour cooked short rib am I going way over the top of course I am so you're going to need 2 lb or 900 G of short ribs ideally would be to get a whole short rib plate which was then cut into individual long boy Dino ribs but if you only have the cut up ones then you can just make small mini beef wellingtons now season this with salt and pepper vacuum seal in a bag and cook at 69 CSUS nice in a soused circulator bath for 48 hours once those are done cool in the fridge overnight trim the meat from the bone and lightly trim it into a rectangular shape see that on all sides over medium high heat in a nonstick pan I know you're not supposed to use higher heat on a non-stick pan I don't really care I'm telling you this thing will stick to just about anything it's way easier to do a nonstick at that point I'll take it out brush it with 2 tbspoon or 30 G of spicy mustard and cool for 20 to 30 minutes now for the crepe batter into a blender add 1 cup or 140 G of allpurpose flour 1 and 1/2 cups or 350 M of whole milk four eggs blend on high until combined and then 2 cups or 90 G of fresh spinach blend that on high until pureed pass through shinoa and that is your crepe batter now in a 10-in non-stick pan over medium heat lightly greased with cooking spray once hot add a 2 OZ later full of batter swirl to coat and cook for 30 to 45 seconds flip and cook for another 30 to 45 seconds repeat that until you have about four Crepes that's enough for two wellingtons to make the dukel into a food processor add 4 o or 113 G of black trumpet mushrooms 4 o or 113 G of shiitake mushrooms and 4 oz or 113 G of my t mushrooms Blitz until very finely chopped add a tablespoon or 15 G of unsalted butter then heat a 5 qu pot over medium high heat let that melt and then add one finely DED shallot season lightly with salt and sauté until just translucent about 1 to 2 minutes add your mushrooms one sprink of Rosemary and let that cook until the mushrooms are fully cooked through and there's no water remaining about 3 to 4 minutes stirring occasionally then de glaze with 1/4 cup or 60 G of bourbon be careful because it will ignite from the flame below if you have high heat please be careful now cook that until no liquid remains whatsoever cut off the heat add in four cloves of finally chopped garlic and Grate 1 oz or 28 G of black truffle into the duck cell now that's optional but hey I'm flexing here all right I'm flexing transfer that to a bowl and fold in 2 tbsp or 30 G of miso now here's how we shape this bad boy up you're going to put two green Crepes on plastic wrap line up four to six slices of pido evenly spread your duck cell over the pido into a square place your short rib at the base of those layers this should be long and wide enough just enough to completely cover your short rib edge to edge roll that up holding the end shut and roll up nice and tight until you get a round sausage like this rest that for 15 to 20 minutes in the fridge then roll out a nice large piece of puff pastry take out your short rib package place at the base of your puff pastry and roll that up and just until you meet both ends lightly brush your puff pastry with egg wash so it sticks roll it over press to it here now wrap that in plastic wrap nice and th and rest in the fridge for 10 to 15 minutes so once your pastry has rested brush that with an egg wash consisting of two egg yolks and a light splash of water optionally if you want to add a lattice crust it's just literally additional puff pastry that's been rolled out cut with a lattice cutter and then draped over the top you will need to brush that again with eggwash so that the lattice is also egg washed add a generous sprinkling of flaky salt on top and bake in an oven set to 400° F or 205° c for 20 to 25 minutes or until a beautiful gbd on the outside in the internal temperature is well it just needs to be honestly hot now we cut into that to reveal one of the most juiciest fattiest luxurious Interiors I've ever seen to a beef wellington of course it's lightly pink from a little bit of a cure that occurs during the soused process obviously it's not medium rare because it's been cooked for 48 hours but that doesn't matter because it's short rib and it's not about medium rare it's about fall apart tender juice juy meat in your mouth encased in crispy buttery puff pastry this is luxury right here but is it actually better let's taste and find out this is a big step up just visually I did check it it does kind of look like there's some white fat but it's just really well marbled and it's lightly cured please look at this dude when I cut into this my first thought was this does look delicious I know it will taste good but I'm worried that it will be too rich or only one bite and you're done if I wasn't on a diet I would eat this whole gang thing so I would call it a winner but we need a taste tester to determine a true win woo vickram is back yeah vickram loves beef fart that's insane that's an easy win for the second one it's not even close that is so much more tender it's every good part about a Wellington every single layer of it is better it starts and ends with the beef in the middle the short rib is insane it's a great application in a Wellington would I ever do this I don't think I'd even make a normal Wellington but I'm glad I got to experience that vicer made an important Point here all these things weren't exactly the most practical but they were better and this feels a lot less practical than say this so I guess what I would say to you is if you're going to take the time to wrap the Wellington and wait for it overnight and all those different things then you might as well just go the extra step and just plop a short rib into a SED circulator for 48 hours to experience a truly upgraded Beef Wellington so what did we learn well I'll tell you what I learned is that all of these recipes were great in their own right considering how long ago they may or may not have been made they were the perfect jumping off point for me to make them better what was great can always be made greater and that's what this is about goodbye I love you big kiss m
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 1,886,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, recipes, recipe, easy recipes, top chef recipes, pasta recipes, the best chili recipe, homemade recipe, best chefs, gordon ramsay, jean georges, ina garten, julia child, beef wellington, coq au vin, anthony bourdain, mortadella sandwich, best chefs in the world, gordon ramsay wellington, chef face off, celebrity chef, famous chefs, gordon ramsay recipes, beatty's chocolate cake, bourdain parts unknown, famous recipes, wellington recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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