Which country makes the GREATEST Breakfast?

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they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day many countries have different variations on this meal today I'm exploring American style breakfast and Mexican style but not only that I will also be making my style which I cannot wait to see which one is going to come out on top so let's begin we're going to start off with the classic American style of breakfast there are several different ways but I think most people would agree that this is very popular especially when you combine all of these ingredients together it is delicious first off we're going to start with the bacon the best way I know how is to cook them in the oven and to do so it's quite simple get yourself a good quality bacon keep in mind of one thing it already has a good amount of fat so choosing ones that have the most amount of meat is the key then I like to place them down on a cooling rack and into the oven they go at 350° f it will take anywhere between 20 minutes to 30 it all depends on how crispy you want them to be in the end you are left with bacon it does not get any easier than that next up is Harsh Browns and mine are quite different than the on ones you've seen before that's because I like mine super crispy now I've learned this technique from the restaurants in Miami and here's how to do it these are the types of potatoes I like they're called rusted potatoes they're nice and big and it's just perfect for it first thing to do is to go ahead and peel them once that's done I like to grate them by hand it will give me exact control to make sure all of them are perfect as you can see once I was done I was left with a good pile next up is to immediately throw them in water now this step is quite crucial and that is to remove all of the moisture as much as possible you see I'm going for an extra crispy texture in the end take a look almost bone dry like this it will Crispen up beautifully talking about that next thing to do is to go ahead and cook them so I went ahead and throw some oil on the pan added a good amount of the potatoes in there squeeze them down nice and flat and let them cook under medium heat once the edges starts turning golden brown that's when you know it's time to flip and immediately go to low heat you see the key is to cook them nice and slow and dehydrate them as much as possible it will make them extremely crunchy that is what I was going for I mean take a look at these crispy edges it's going to be marvelous and we can't have American breakfast without pancakes first up the batter into a boy through allpurpose flour followed by Sugar one egg baking soda and baking powder mix and milk mix everything well until it's fully combined in the end you should be left with this consistency next step is to cook them nice and slow especially if you want them perfectly fluffy once you see bubbles rising to the top you know it's time to flip just make sure to make enough because these things are delicious especially when you add butter and drizzle them with maple syrup if you don't think that that's delicious you should seek some help to finish it up scramble eggs these are absolutely delicious and most importantly super simple to make first up is to whisk them really good then I season them immediately now if you want to get them super creamy and tasty you got to cook them on some butter once the butter is fully melted I immediately threw in my egg mixture the key to have nice fluffy eggs is to cook them slowly keep mixing them as as much as necessary and make sure not to overcook it because in the end I was left with this delicious scrambled eggs as now we assemble first the pancakes followed by that wonderful fluffy eggs extremely crispy and crunchy harsh Browns and let's not forget about the bacon to keep it healthy we go ahead and add some green chives this is my version of American style breakfast absolutely delicious easy to make and just what I like to call a 10 out of 10 will highly recommend the question question is can it beat a Mexican style well we're about to find out right now because this is called weos Rancheros and it will give the American style breakfast a run for its money at the same time it is easy to make and here's my take on it first up we got to char up the veggies as you can see I'm only using tomatoes and jalapenos into a pan I threw in some oil and immediately threw in the veggies you want to get a nice Char on them there are several different methods to do so but in the morning you want to go nice and easy getting this done in a pen is the easy eest way to do it and in the end you are left with good results next up refried beans might sound complicated but trust me it's not first up is to choose the beans at least to me pinto beans are my favorite they are delicious widely available and you don't have to cook them from scratch so into a pan I threw in some bacon fat then I immediately threw in my beans using a Smasher I went to town we want to crush them up as much as possible as the next thing to do is to add some chipotle peppers just make sure you chop it up real fine because once that was added I went ahead and added some salt followed by black pepper and mixed everything well taste it for seasoning though at just as needed because that is how easy it is to make the beans next up is choriso oh this one brings in a lot of flavor you can literally find on your Supermarket just look for one that has a nice pronounced color like this so into a pan I threw in all of my chisso you want to cook them under medium high heat as soon as they start changing color on you throw in some onions followed by some jalapenos mix everything well and combine these ingredients because the next thing we got to add is some extra flavor and this paste is super simple to make into a Pasto and mot I threw in some garlic crushed it really good followed by the tomatoes we made in the beginning I don't know if it's just me but by crushing them in the Pasto and motor it makes them better it releases some of the oils that you can't get in a food processor to finish it up I season them with salt followed by freshly ground black pepper and that's it adding this to my shisso is going to be fantastic talking about that the only thing left to do is to mix everything well and then we are now done I'm telling you folks even though this is super simple and easy to make the one thing it does not lack is Flavor next up is to fry up some eggs into my egg pan I threw in some avocado oil break them in there and cook them under medium heat the key for me at least to have perfect eggs is not to overcook them I like that runny yolk the final step of cooking is to cook up some tortilla whether you like flour or corn it does not matter because now the only thing left to do is to assemble first I spattered a good amount of my beans on the tortilla followed by my perfectly cooked sunny side up egg then a generous amount of choriso right on top those charred up jalapenos we made in the beginning a good amount of ctia cheese and to finish it off some cilantro now this is my take on W was raneros and I'll tell you one thing if you've never had this you don't know what you're missing and as you saw it there it is easy to make and quite frankly a lot faster than the American version now the question is which one is better well we're about to find out real shortly because to make this breakfast even more memorable I went ahead and did my version these are simple steak eggs and potatoes but the way I made them is quite interesting first I chose a steak for that I went with New York strip I season it with salt pepper and garlic powder then I let it sit so my salt can penetrate deeply in there as now I wanted to Tech my potatoes for this one I chose Yukan gold the key here is to cut them the same size so that they cook evenly nice little cubes like this was the way to go and then into a tray they went I sprayed them with some wagu fat followed by salt freshly ground black pepper and ccas rub mix that everything well and threw them in the oven I baked them at 350° F until they were nicely golden brown now everything goes into a bowl I went ahead and chopped up some bacon that was left from the American version threw them in there and now we got bacon and potatoes next up was to make the eggs and I wanted to do something different as you can see this one is super thin so after whisking up my eggs on a bow I went ahead and cook them under low heat on a walk getting the edges cooked little by little this takes time and patience but it will pay off on a presentation in the end as you can see once I was done they are now paper thin and the only thing I have to do was to go ahead and cook my steak outside I went and started to sear here's the key whenever I'm cooking any type of steak I like to use a cold grade technique and what that means is to make sure that I get no grill marks this will give me a nice golden brown color which is what I was looking for right when I'm towards the end I just flip them in place many many times and I'm doing so to perfume the steak with a charcoal flavor trust me when I tell you this it will give an incredible amount of charcoal flavor on your steak if you do this towards the end because once I was done take a look perfectly grilled steak and as I slice oh yes exactly what I was looking for to finish it up is the assembly so first I got my egg followed by my beautiful steak we can't forget about that harsh brown right on top then I closed everything up and if I was serving this to a guest I would just make a next pattern like this and let them open by themselves because come on now this is what I like to call the Breakfast of Champions and it will please everyone the question is how will it stack up against American style breakfast and Mexican style breakfast well we're about to find out right now because now I say it is enough talking and it is time to eat so let's do it all right everybody here we got our beautiful breakfast today gentlemen wow this guy's still sleeping everybody it's too early for this man it's too early and you're already sweating definitely we have three things going on over here I want your honest opinion just tell me like it is American breakfast you guys can tell Mexican damn right and I don't know steak googa special so let's try this out okay so what is your favorite part of an American breakfast Angel pancakes pancakes oh you like a sweet okay I see I give you a little bit of everything so I want you guys to notice one thing here real quick pay attention to my harsh Browns check them out because I like my nice and thin almost like potato crisps everybody I know that it's not very traditional but I have been to several restaurants and they serve it this way and I just love it check out the crunchiness come on now McDonald's ain't got nothing on that no come on now McDonald's wish you can make it like that everybody try it is that crispy or what is that like crisp is like Crispy Crunchy hash browns everybody that's like what a hash brown should taste like I feel like right I think I like this one more actually because the ones at McDonald's sometimes they taste like greasy yes but because this is so thin it's just crispy and delicious nice crispy also it's less colors because not that thick not so so much potatoes you know what I mean we on a diet my favorite part of a breakfast is always the pancakes I'm Canadian so I love to drench my pancakes and maple syrup mine is definitely 100% the protein I'm talking about bacon and eggs everybody breakfast Heaven it just hits different everybody oh those eggs though M so good so good don't finish I especially you because you have limited amount of space in your belly I know not today I just woke up let's go ahead and try the Mexican version okay so this is my take on weos Rancheros shout out to my good brother Oscar this is 100% his recipe from La Capital I'll tell you one thing everybody if you've never experience this you owe yourself to give this a go so this like a taco all right you eat it like a taco if you want or you can eat it the American version dude look at that gooey egg bro C we're about to get real messy up in here everybody oh no I get saying that to Leo oh boy oh boy I'm about to mess this table up real real nice cheers everybody cheers oh wow wow wow wow wow wow they got some beans in there too yes sir dude that is yummy it covers every single flavor base that you could have it's Savory Rich a little bit sweet a little bit spicy this is fantastic love love love this finger licking goody it's flavorful when you mix everything together it's just a Harmony of flavors in your mouth incredible lastly we got the googa special now this one is as googa as he gets everybody potatoes eggs steak everybody that's it right there that's what we like to call the usual the yes goog I got to say this is the nicest presentation I've ever seen the Google special in I agree enough talking let's give it a try cheers everybody Che cheers M oh that's not even fair no that's amazing everybody is it just me or do you guys feel a little bit weird eating a steak this early I know it's the way to wake up everybody have steak in the morning let's go this tastes like a badass breakfast right here I love the steak bold beefy flavor right in your face surrounded by that nice soft egg plus you have that nice and delicious potato and the best part a little bit of bite from that bacon it combines to an overall super delicious and flavorful bite this early in the morning I love it listen high protein breakfast is the way to go sometimes you know what I'm saying which wine do you like better damn I'm going to have to go with the Mexican style that was too delicious the runny egg with the toriso and all that there's nothing wrong with that one everybody it's a there's nothing wrong with this one either or this one you that's a hard question my winner is going to be the Google breakfast hell yeah Leo I'm also with you steak is always a better everybody it does not matter what you pick steak is good everybody but my second winner will probably be this one oh that doesn't count you can't have a second winner my second winner would have been the Pancake Man there you go I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did hit that thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe remember everything I use is always on the description down below thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 886,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food, cooking, grilling, breakfast, steak, eggs, pancakes, best food, mexican food, how to cook, hash brown, bacon, huevos rancheros, spicy, delicious
Id: xwzQuZq7120
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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