TOP 3 INTERNATIONAL ALIEN ENCOUNTERS *2 Hour Marathon* | UFO Files | The UnXplained Zone

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I don't know [Music] a discovery from deep within the mountains of China [Music] twelve thousand year old ancient stone discs with an encrypted message from extraterrestrials called the dropa some believe they tell an amazing story there was an alien crash landing the China thousand connection to today's UFO sightings I named it the Chinese Roswell is the Chinese government hiding evidence of extraterrestrial contact the drop Stones is the strangest UFO story I've ever encountered as we uncover the truth behind China's Roswell [Music] the story of the mysterious dropa discs begins deep within China's Bayan karaula mountains there a 1938 archaeological Expedition led by chai pu Tay [Applause] [Music] reportedly arrived to study a series of interconnected caves what they are said to have found was far more intriguing in a cave allegedly found a row row upon row or several rows of of what looked like Graves these were no ordinary Graves a inside this Graves were many skeletons buried skeletons with big heads big and clumsy heads and with fragile bones and an addition on the walls we are told that there were images of these stick figures of presumably these beings these short beings with the large heads with images of the sun moon and stars he also found 716 Stone discs one feet in diameter and they were about one or one and a half centimeters thick these have become known as the dropa stones this round Stone discs had a black hole in the center some of them have a rectangular Notch engraved in them not cut out some of the notches were cut out others were just engraved and then they found a spiraling groove of closely written ancient characters like hieroglyphics raiding out from the center it is told that the expedition of Mr Chipotle brought a lot of these Stone discs to Beijing because he had been in the Beijing Academy of Sciences according to Believers the dropa stones were filed away with other items from antiquity some 20 years later one scientist became interested in deciphering the hieroglyphs on the stones it must have been at the end of the 50s 1958 or 1959 when a professor tsumnui Came Upon these discs again and what he could decipher was a very weird story it was on the stones that Tsum unwi is said to have deciphered the name of the extraterrestrials they call themselves The dropa the name of the draw pass was written down on those Stone discs and the story was as follows that there was an alien crash landing in Western what is now western China 12 000 years ago [Music] Dr Nui purportedly faced opposition when it came time to publish his findings in 1960 or 61 Professor tsumului published his reportings from his deciphering of the hieroglyphs and the title was something like hieroglyphs which are telling the story of spacecraft crash landed in the Bayan karaula Mountains in Central China most of his colleagues thought it's an absolute nonsense and so professori became very frustrated and not long after his publication he emigrated to Japan however the harsh reaction from the academic community in China did not silence the dropa stone story a handful of magazines published articles about Dr nui's work keeping the remarkable story of the stones alive [Music] the first magazine which was publishing the story was the Russian Sputnik magazine Sputnik magazine has been in the early 60s a magazine reporting interesting items from behind the Iron Curtain after the Sputnik article researchers say that the story spread around the world in 1962 or 63 the Belgian youthful investigator and then German publication the vegetarian Universe they brought the same story again until the year 1974 these articles inside the magazines were the only informations we had it has never been possible to go to China in those years and to ask if the story is true but some ufologists people who research and study possible alien visitation claim that the dropa tail was kept Alive by oral tradition in the Bayan Kara ulla there are some Oak myths in those mountains which are telling the story of these small tiny people Crash Landing from the sky thank you some of the Legends claim that the dropa came from a star system called Sirius the ancient story tells that their ancestors came from the star system of Sirius 12 000 years ago some of the earliest gods and goddesses who came to Earth according to Legend from the Star series for example in in ancient Egypt you have the Goddess Isis the embodiment of the Stars Sirius the pyramids of Egypt were built in alignment with the star Sirius the theory that ancient gods were actually space aliens is common among ufologists author Matthew Hurley has studied the goddess space alien idea for over a decade throughout history looking at many cultures around the world we often hear of beings coming down from the sky and we often read of imagery of UFOs to primitive humans the technologically advanced visitors could have easily been mistaken for gods they would have arrived in their ancient spacecraft they would have had an unusual appearance they would have spoken with a lot of wisdom and knowledge so primitive man would have been overwhelmed by these experiences and may well have fallen to the Trap of worshiping them as gods today we are left with only two verifiable photographs and a fantastic tale supposedly written in Alien hieroglyphs [Music] in 1938 a Chinese archaeological expedition to the isolated Bion karaula mountains allegedly made an amazing Discovery inside a series of caves that have never been located again they are said to have found oddly shaped skeletons and hundreds of mysterious Stone discs now known as dropa stones [Music] some say that they also discovered etchings of the sun stars and other celestial bodies carved on the cave walls and his soul the planets of our solar systems and other stars and some of them connected with lines made from points something like a star map in the caves they find pea-sized dots connecting the planet Earth to a distant star system pointing towards the origin of the visitors are the alleged star map etchings proof that aliens were in the bionkara Ula 12 000 years ago [Music] UFO researcher and author Matthew Hurley maintains that ancient art from all over the world may provide evidence that early man was contacted by extraterrestrials we look at the cultures around the world and they all talk of beings coming down from above in their creation myths the fact that we have the depiction of UFOs in artworks going back through the epochs to me strongly suggests E.T and UFO visitation throughout the centuries the earliest example cited by Hurley date to primitive cave art over thirty thousand years old initially I believe ancient man would have used a branch and maybe scraped patterns in the mud but then eventually he got hold of minerals such as manganese oxide and ocher and was able to construct beautifully executed images on Cave walls which were familiar today such as hunting scenes and bison and so forth early man also Drew pictures of the natural world including the sky man would have been looking up at the sky it would have provided a permanent backdrop to his day-to-day living as it does for us today and he would have observed the passage of the stars and Heavenly Bodies as the days went on man's fascination with the heavens has remained a common theme in art throughout the centuries but Hurley sees unexplainable objects and many works of art that he believes may be extraterrestrials [Music] thank you this example is from an area of France known as pesh Mill we've got this curious geometric triangular shaped objects here's an example of a Petroglyph from velcamonica in Italy dated to 10 000 BC and we've got two beans which holding strange implements and they have what appeared to be helmets surrounding their heads interpretations from ufologists support that these images might be depictions of extraterrestrials but even Hurley admits that other possibilities exist I think we've got three possible explanations for these ancient artworks they could well be real and people were illustrating what they saw they could well be fictional and were purely out of the individual's imagination or they could well be real beings but maybe tribal leaders in some sort of ritual costume but Hurley is unsure about the origins of the alleged dropper stones I think what we may be looking at in those two photographs are either hoaxes which were done for the story or they may well be Jade by discs were created for the wealthy Elite of China and they were placed in their tombs to protect them from demons the drooper stones do resemble Jude by discs there's no getting away from that [Music] in fact the general design of the alleged dropper Stones disc shaped with a hole in the center has appeared in Chinese art for centuries thousands of these discs have been recovered from sites all over China from many time periods there's nothing particularly unique about finding a flat disc with a hole in the center although the shape of the dropa stones appears to be common to Antiquity the hieroglyphs on them were said to be otherworldly the script of an alien hand they were like characters from other languages uh Mr Chipotle thought it must be something like hieroglyphs but some researchers find the hieroglyph story hard to believe so these are discs that are allegedly 12 000 years old that have writing on them that this Chinese scientist translated this is very problematic first of all this is an achievement greater than the translation of the Rosetta Stone by champollion in the 19th century the Rosetta Stone was carved in 196 BC in Egypt and lists the Good Deeds of the Pharaoh using three scripts hieroglyphic demotic and Greek Jean Francois champagne deciphered the scripts in 1822 after many years of study his ability to read both Greek and Coptic helped him to figure out the writing on the Rosetta Stone some Skeptics have noted the difficulty if not impossibility involved in deciphering scripts from unknown Origins he was able to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics because there were two other languages that he he knew so in this case a Chinese scientist is able to decipher and allegedly pre-human language and tell a story how would you be able to tell the difference between a alien hieroglyphic and an alien human civilization hieroglyphic so I don't know what to make of this there's nothing to make of it it's just a story but according to the dropa legend there was something extraordinary about the stones that's why Russian scientists allegedly asked to examine them in the late 1960s after testing the composition of the discs the Russian scientists are said to have studied the general design of the Tropa stones it was either 12 inches in diameter or 12 inches in circumference possibly about like this large or so with a hole in the center where you could stick your finger through and had emanating from the center going to the periphery a spiral like a Groove to describe the Bayan karaula Stone discs I can compare them with a modern long playing disc so like phonograph LPS the Russian scientists supposedly placed the discs on a turntable of sorts to play them suddenly they oscillator showed an Abrupt movement that looked like the stone discs had some electrical charge inside the conclusion was that these Stone discs must have been inside a very strong electrical field some ufologists allege that the electrically charged Stones could have been used to send a vibrating message through space were the dropa trying to phone home like Steven Spielberg's marooned extraterrestrial in the 1982 movie et why were the hieroglyphs written in a spiral pattern the Enigma of the stones persists [Music] Peter Liu a physicist at Harvard University in Cambridge Massachusetts has studied the phenomena of spirals in the natural world anytime you want to simultaneously move say from the center of the circle while that circle is rotating you get a spiral we see logarithmic spirals on both animals and plants the animal kingdom perhaps the most famous example is the chambered nautilus hurricanes tornadoes or spiral Arrangements of storms like the swirling pattern of hieroglyphs on the alleged dropa Stones spirals are a common Motif throughout art history in Ireland at Newgrange the entrance stone is covered with spirals in China about 3000 BC we have these wonderful painted pots with artistically drawn spirals that have been made with a brush and ink at about the same time the Egyptians introduced hieroglyphics they picked a spiral for the hieroglyphic character for the number 100. [Music] spirals are an extremely common iconographic Motif we see them in a wide distribution through space and through time and there's no reason to assume that it meant the same thing to everyone who drew one dropa has all the elements of a great science fiction story crashed UFOs mysterious missing skeletons and stone discs that are said to hold otherworldly secrets if the account is true extraterrestrials landed in China 12 000 years ago those who believe call it China's Roswell you can compare these two stories the Roswell UFO creation 1947 and the Chinese Roswell that probably happened 12 000 years ago you have probably alien spacecraft that has crash landed in an area you have bodies that look similar in both cases you have little people with big clumsy heads and very tiny bones very tiny skeleton and as well the proof of those crash Landings has disappeared and then the story went on and on and on through all the magazines books the internet the story and the way it was covered bear striking similarities to the alleged alien crash site at Roswell New Mexico the Roswell incident really begins in the late 1970s when a documentary film about Roswell and other UFOs called UFOs are real was picked up by The National Enquirer it is true that in 1978 there were stories in the National Enquirer that discussed Roswell and that this was one of the major ways that the story got its rebirth then you saw articles and television films about it and more books and more books then that's when the eyewitnesses started to come out of the woodwork and tell their story that's when the Roswell incident really starts some UFO researchers agree that coverage in the Tabloid seriously diminishes the believability and credibility of both the Roswell and droba accounts it's been a real hindrance and it's unfortunate aside from being nearly impossible to find the dropa magazine sources have proven equally problematic but for a variety of reasons we are told that the original source for this was the Soviet magazine known as Sputnik there is a German publication a vegetarian Universe from July of 1962. there is apparently also Belgian UFO publication but they also had a an account of this in 1962. these were very sensationalistic magazines sort of equivalence of the star or The Inquirer and things like this and who in uh in vegetarian Universe knew Chinese the Tabloid articles about Roswell and droppa are just one of several similarities for some the parallels run much deeper a government conspiracy in the minds of ufologists cover-up is another aspect that both droppa and Roswell have in common [Music] that the governments of the U.S and China are hiding extraterrestrial technology and alien bodies moreover they claim Chinese officials have tried to hide a race of human alien hybrids [Music] there are a lot of instances in which the Chinese government acts in such a way as to prevent itself from being embarrassed it's not just government restriction that keeps tourists out of certain areas in western China the land itself is vast isolated and often inhospitable the Bayan karaula is a mountain range in the qinghai province in central China it is as big as the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico with mountains ranging up until 20 000 feet and in this area is only one major road crossing through in the Bayan karaula mountain range are people who have every day their fight against nature people are primarily herders they raise a variety of different kinds of animals horses goats sheep but there are those who believe this rustic setting holds a dark secret [Music] a legendary Village of dwarves housedorf argues that a race of human alien hybrids may live in a Chinese village called we long like Roswell those who subscribe to the dropa story think the Chinese government could be hiding extraterrestrials who crash-landed on Earth but the difference to Roswell New Mexico is that in China probably 12 000 years ago some of them did survive and the next question is when there were survivors could they still exist in our days not the survivors themselves but their descendants generations and generations after [Music] housedorf says that the small statured residents of Wee long may be the hybrid offspring of local humans and the Marooned dropa their press allegations that there were remarkably short people apparently that living in that part of China the Chinese government alleges that what has led to their dwarfism is the existence of contaminants in the environment the theory was supported by a study conducted by the Chinese Academy of Science which found toxins in the water supply the results were widely published around the world the environmental pollution is Extreme in many many parts of China the water was adequately treated and according to press accounts in 1997 no new cases of dwarfism have been reported since the little people of Wee long have inspired the entire dropa story the mystery gets even more intriguing with the discovery of a journal written under the name of Dr Carol Robin Evans a British Explorer in 1978 author David agamon posthumously published the travel Diary of Robin Evans as a book titled Sun gods in Exile and this book described a journey to the the dropa region uh that Evans had allegedly made where he encountered these dwarf-like people who said to him that they had ancestors Who Came From The Stars in 1947 English scientist Dr Carl Robin Evans goes into the the border of Tibetan China at the actual site and he studies the local language of the hernzopa people actually the book Sun gods in Exile reads like a true story and it's very thrilling it's about those people coming through space with a spacecraft and crash landed here on Earth it turns out that there's there's no evidence that there was a Dr Carol Robin Evans no one can find this person or confirm that this person existed David agamon does exist or did exist and from what I understand claimed that in later years that this was his own hoax or that there he made up the name Dr Carol Robin Evans [Music] in the April 1998 edition of the popular British magazine 40 in times David agamon did indeed admit that sun gods in Exile was a work of fiction this book is a complete hoax and in later years David eggerman told the whole world yes this book is a hoax still Believers remain undaunted I'm convinced there's a truth behind the stone disc story but I know the book Sun gots an exile it is a hoax yet like Roswell the dropa story continues to grow with time and new evidence may have been discovered some say that mysterious dropper Stone supposedly found in the Chinese mountains were made by extraterrestrials who crash landed on Earth twelve thousand years ago UFO researcher David sireda believes that an astonishing video shot by the NASA space shuttle in 1996 [Music] shows mysterious objects shaped like dropa stones floating in space sarada thinks they are extraterrestrial spaceships that he calls NASA UFOs there's a stunning resemblance to these ropa stones and the NASA UFOs into stone disc with a round hole in the center a rectangular Notch cut out of the side and a spiraling groove of ancient written characters which was identical to what we were seeing on the NASA tapes this infrared footage part of NASA's enormous catalog of space imagery available to the public for review was shot from the space shuttle Columbia mission sts-75 Dr Stephen Walton director of the Donald E Bianchi Planetarium and astronomy professor at California State University Northridge remembers the mission on this particular Mission there was an idea of being able to generate electricity by unwielding a 12-mile long spool of wire downward from the space shuttle but unfortunately the wire broke and the rod that you can see is the broken end of the wire the objects appear to travel past the downed wire this movement has convinced sarada that they must be UFOs these things were all moving in different velocities they must have internal energy in them to be going different velocities Walton has a different opinion if you look at the times at which the debris seems to make sudden motions you find out that those sudden motions occur at the same time as the space shuttle firing its thrusters although neither is certain about the strange pulsing spiral seen on the objects each has a very different theory of what it could be when I freeze frame the the pulse you actually see a spiraling wave radiating out from the center when we get closer to the objects and we zoom in on we can see them strobing with these very curious energy waves I don't think that the flashing has anything to do with electricity it looks to me like it's a purely Optical effect in Dr Walton's view the objects in question are nothing more than optical illusions caused by the space shuttle's video camera what you're seeing is probably a piece of debris tumbling in the sunlight and flashing on and off that flashing on and off of this object interacts with the 30 frames per second that a video camera takes a simple experiment by Walton May demonstrate this phenomenon what I've got in my hand is a white plastic lid from a spray can you can see that and if we show that white object to the camera and then make the camera go very far out of focus you will see that the unfocused image of this white object looks very much like a sort of donut shaped object kind of a spherical edge with a hole in the middle [Music] oh but some True Believers are not convinced when you consider the hole in the center the rectangular Notch and the spiraling wave all identical when you look at them side by side to the NASA sts-75 UFO in 1996. you've got to ask yourself a lot of questions if someone is going to convince me that extraterrestrials are visiting the earth a few unidentifiable points of light on a video are not particularly persuasive like Roswell some ufologists see the sts-75 footage as more evidence of a U.S government conspiracy to hide extraterrestrials but conspiracy goes beyond borders could the communist government in China have suppressed an even more shocking truth [Music] like the physical evidence that is said to have disappeared from the ranch in Roswell New Mexico in 1940 47 the physical evidence relating to the dropa stones has seemingly disappeared I've never heard that the Russian scientists gave back those Bayan karaula Stone discs to their Chinese very few people after this know what happened to some artifacts until perhaps 1974 when an Austrian engineer familiar with the dropa story claimed to have made an amazing Discovery in China an Austrian engineer a certain Mr vegera Came Upon a small Museum in Xian and he suddenly saw those Stone discs exposed there so he asked the curator of the museum a lady what's about these Stone discs oh these Stone discs are just cultural relics Mr vegera took photographs with a Polaroid camera some see Ernst weggerer's photos as important physical evidence of the dropa story it is apparently a real photograph that does show discs yes but they don't show any grooves they don't show anything that you can identify as as the dropa discs the only evidence we're left with is a series of these Polaroid photographs so the question is is this purely a hoax or is there something to it claims to have spoken directly with the late ernstwegerer and was given the now famous dropa stone photographs because of the political climate in China at the time housedorf was not allowed to visit the country until 1994. [Music] I Came Upon This band pure Museum and I could speak with a curator I showed him the photographs first he looked around himself and then he told me oh I've heard just a few days after this Austrian engineer was here in this Museum both the former curator and stone discs on exposure here they disappeared no one knows up to no where they have vanished too the supposed disappearance of the stones has played into the conspiracy theories that now shroud The Dropper Stones like the Roswell incident decades before a handful of photographs remain I think they are doing a cover-up Imagine The Story it's about some alien people who experienced something like 1947 happened in Roswell New Mexico when you don't have physical evidence you have to give some explanation for why you think your story is true even though you can't prove it one of the things that people do in that case is construct conspiracy theories consensus seems impossible concerning both Roswell and the dropa incident secrecy may be a common denominator what government in this world would admit the reality of such an uncanny story and that's the reason why I think that Chinese government is hiding those proper disks this is utter nonsense whenever a spectacular scientific discovery or technological invention is made people don't go crazy Society doesn't fall apart researchers claim that they've had trouble locating key people and physical evidence to support the dropa tail you can't find any people or any bits of evidence you can't find the paper that's supposedly wrote in 1962 this has never been found by anybody where is it the discs themselves are nowhere to be found and if as is claimed in the documents there were actual bones of of these people Excavating by a Chinese archaeological team where are the bongs the difficulty of of believing the story itself is primarily because of the inability of anyone to track any of these sources [Music] house Dorff claims in his book the Chinese Roswell that the dropa stones along with key evidence were lost or destroyed during the decade of upheaval known as the Chinese Cultural Revolution in the 1960s the violent cultural revolution swept China having slipped in the ranks of the Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong created the revolution to regain power of the country now he couldn't do it through the Communist party so he mobilized the youth he created an extra party apparatus in the red guards to bombard the party members and to get his own forces to replace those folks and to a large extent that was really what the cultural revolution was about the Red Guard lashed out at all aspects of traditional Chinese Society [Music] feudal society destroy it bring it destroy the statue tear down the image of a God that people used to believe in or a saint or something like that in the the belief that these things were holding China back and a lot of really great stuff was destroyed as a result artwork religious images historical texts and things that are quite clearly Irreplaceable and an enormous loss to the culture and tradition of of the Chinese people on September 9 1976 Chairman Mao died the Chinese Cultural Revolution ended shortly after could the dropa stones have been destroyed at the hands of Mao's Red Guard or did a courageous art lover stash the stones to prevent their destruction we may never know for certain the past is blurred behind a bamboo curtain truth long buried in the chaos of Revolution it's difficult to tell fact from fiction reality from fantasy for many of these people the facts are irrelevant the belief in Alien visitation is a matter of Faith No amount of contrary evidence is going to modify their beliefs because the facts don't matter [Music] thank you in the Years following the cultural revolution China struggled to regain some sense of normalcy the main focus of life was no longer a revolution the borders opened and information poured in from the West including the UFO craze that was sweeping America after Close Encounters of a Third Kind in 1977 and the publication of several books on Roswell during the times of Mao titong where they were Communists they were not allowed to get informations about this the Communist ideology says all things come from Earth such things as UFOs or alien people do not exist but it didn't take long for the Chinese to catch on by the late 1970s people began to talk about and Report UFO sightings there appeared to have been a fair amount of UFO sightings in China prior to the 1970s but these were not really reported during the Mao years after his death around 1979 and 78 in fact you start getting a degree of openness within China regarding of this topic under a number of Chinese researchers looking into this phenomenon and then as you expect dredging up stories from a lot of people who would say things like oh let me tell you what I saw five years ago or ten years ago or 20 years ago today there are more UFO sightings over China than anywhere else in the world there have been a variety of reported sightings in China of UFOs are they genuine visitations by UFOs I don't know but they certainly have been witnessed by large numbers of people [Music] to bear in mind that China's got over a billion people so when you have two or three or a couple of thousand members of a UFO organization that's not necessarily a huge amount but there is a core a very good serious-minded people in China with true academic credentials who take this topic quite seriously I think that's significant unlike in the U.S UFO sightings in China are not only reported in tabloids but in conventional newspapers as well according to press accounts modern China has the world's biggest network of UFO clubs the China UFO research organization and a monthly UFO magazine that sells four hundred thousand copies hobbyists and academics meet regularly to watch the skies and discuss UFO news there are in fact UFO clubs now beginning to spring up in and around China perhaps now UFOs are more interested in China and there are more of them going there the reason that UFO clubs are more popular in China is they now are free to think what they want and they now are very interested in UFOs and related items which brings us back to the question is droppa China's Roswell I see them as absolutely totally different I see dropa as uh most likely hoax almost certainly hoax let us say and I see Roswell as something that has not yet been explained officially by the United States Air Force or government [Music] I think people call droppa the Chinese Roswell because it's sexy it gets better ratings and attention to people because roswell's already known otherwise it's a total nonsense mythical story just like Roswell abductions small beings with oversized heads spaceships hybrid children and a government intent on hiding them China is quickly creating its own UFO mythology accounts are true they're extraterrestrial Heritage may go back many centuries before the Communists before the cultural revolution and even before the cave art back to the isolated mountains where some believe that a peaceful race called the dropa crash landed and created Stone discs to preserve their story for posterity I think for some people their own Paradigm isn't wide enough to accept the idea that they may be looking at possible extraterrestrials it would cause a revolution in Sciences because this would be the proof that there has been alien people from the Stars Crash Landing here but the lack of physical evidence sharply divides Skeptics and believers the only evidence we're left with is a series of these Polaroid photographs so the question is is this purely a hoax or is there something to it that the people involved in the dropper story these Chinese scientists and and other journalists who apparently wrote about it and so forth are not to be found in any other context at all no one knows who these people are there's just no evidence that they actually even existed first of all there's no Stones there's no stones with grooves there's no stones with grooves with hieroglyphics my attitude is what the drooper stones get a life still others stand firm [Music] well I myself I'm convinced there's a truth behind the stone this story I'm convinced that most of the 716 Stone discs are still in those caves and maybe by chance it one day happens that another man can step in this area again and find these caves and this would be a very thrilling thing if it would be possible to find these Stone discs again it would rise the whole story out of the fox of obscurity again [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's an explosive tail that's been lost among the Sands and weeds of the Mexican desert there were rumors since long ago that an object crashed in Mexico in 1974 a mysterious incident took place that some say involved a UFO and a small plane on a collision course followed by a race between two governments to recover the debris the Mexican recovery team finds a sort of a silver shaped classic disc the Mexican military recover an object and had it on a truck and something killed all the men the U.S government responded very quickly and very organized they've done this before but what happened in the Mexican desert is just the beginning of that country's UFO history the eclipse from July 11 1991 it practically branded the modern era of UFOs in Mexico over the last several decades it has become a hotbed for UFO encounters when they picked up the object on radar the first thing they did was start looking at it and everyone from Pilots to politicians have been witness to sightings would you say to the governor that he didn't see something strange in the sky in the next hour eyewitness interviews never before seen footage an expert analysis tried to solve the mystery of what really happened that day at the Mexican desert in 1974 and the rash of documented sightings ever since [Music] foreign [Music] Mexico a small town not found on many Maps a place swallowed up by the Mexican desert home to more Agave plants than people koyami is situated in the northern part of the estate of Chihuahua and our municipality is 7 000 square feet we have between two thousand two thousand five hundred people it's a complex a beautiful place A Place With No Library no archives and no local historian but that doesn't mean it's a town without a history here history is passed from neighbor to neighbor and it's this oral history that gives testimony to an unsolved air collision that took place here just three decades ago began as a civilian plane took off from El Paso Texas enroute to Mexico City August 25th 19th I'm coming out from from El Paso he was going to Mexico City and it was an accident they say that there was a crash between a plane and a UFO within the territories of the municipality I don't think this could be made up how could someone make this up it's true August 25th 1974 1007 pm [Music] it's a quiet Summer's night in koyame the town's inhabitants are beginning to turn in 500 miles away United States air defense systems suddenly register an unknown flying object over the Gulf of Mexico streaking across the sky at over 2 500 miles per hour at an altitude of 75 000 feet only one thing is for certain this is not something man-made initial indications are that it's probably nothing more than a meteor but 60 seconds later it becomes clear that this is no meteor this object was traveling and descending through steps unlike that of a meteor again the object appears headed on a course towards Corpus Christi Texas American air defense systems are alerted 1009 PM the unidentified flying object now suddenly veers left and enters Mexican airspace just 40 miles south of Brownsville Texas the U.S continues tracking the puzzling spacecraft as it now races over Mexico [Music] yet what isn't seen on radar is a small craft headed on a trajectory towards the UFO what's also interesting about this case is about the same time as this UFO was zigging and zagging there was a plane that was leaving El Paso headed towards Mexico City [Music] under the cover of night the small civilian plane from El Paso heads towards Mexico's capital city but the plane from Texas never reaches its destination at the same time the American military watches as their unidentified flying object disappears from radar it appears that the unthinkable has happened a UFO plane Collision there's an assumption that there was a collision of some type where both the craft and the plane had collided August 26 1974 8 A.M nine hours after a civilian plane disappeared over the desert a Mexican recovery team hunts for the downed craft across the border American intelligence is listening in at 10 35 a.m the Americans intercept the Mexican military radio report the wreckage of the missing plane has been spotted just outside koyame moments later another report shockingly announces the sighting of a second wreck but this is no plane the Mexican recovery team finds a sort of a silver shaped classic disc some 16 feet 5 inches about five feet thick convex on both sides serve like a saucer the saucer's surface has the appearance of polished steel it has no markings no lights and there are no bodies inside however it does appear to be damaged in two spots possibly caused by a collision with the civilian plane and then falling to the ground immediately Mexican officials declare a radio silence on all search activities meanwhile U.S officials reach out to the Mexican Government offering assistance in the recovery their offer is met with a denial the Mexican Government denied it they said no all we have is just a plane wreckage while the Mexican team collects the crash debris the United States is busy assembling their own Elite recovery Force at Fort Bliss Texas the team includes four helicopters three small huees and a large sea stallion kept and ready to move out the team is placed on standby while U.S surveillance Scopes out the situation the U.S was keeping Taps again through its uh spy well what I call the Spy surveillance Network through their satellite surveillance as well as airplanes they were flying over at low altitude American surveillance reveals that the Mexicans have placed the UFO on a flatbed truck and moved out from the crash site they were able to see there were a number of dead bodies so which led them to believe that something very extraordinary had happened August 27th 2 38 PM unsure of what's happened U.S officials green light the rescue team four helicopters with team members aboard depart Fort Bliss one of the things that seems obvious in this case is the the government the U.S government responded very expertly very quickly and very organized they had this team that assembled in Fort Bliss and in no time were down there on site recovering this they've done this before but nothing will prepare the Americans for what they are about to find dressed in bioprotection suits the American soldiers approached the silent Convoy [Music] and find all the Mexicans dead there is no time to investigate what killed the Mexican team but ufologists have their theories thank you they somehow came in contact with a a lethal agent of bacteriological agent that was from out of this world or an extraterrestrial biological agent of some sort that killed them which is my favorite Theory the U.S recovery team quickly tends to business it finds the 16-foot wide silver UFOs strapped to the back of a flatbed truck the straps are reconfigured and connected to a cargo cable from the sea Stallion helicopter safely secured the estimated 1500 pound disc is lifted up and headed back to the U.S with the saucer gone the team immediately turns their attention to the remaining evidence the plane wreckage vehicles from the Convoy and the Mexican team bodies are gathered they gathered the debris the bodies from the Mexican recovery team and then they exploded them with high explosives the reason why is to hide the evidence their work done the recovery Team Heads back to base where the UFO was taken is unknown some have speculated Atlanta Fort Bliss or Wright-Patterson Air Force Base it is an unprecedented event and I think it's comparable to what happened in Roswell New Mexico only the passing down of the story from generation to generation kept the tale alive but few took it seriously that changed in 1991. that year not one not two but dozens of UFO sightings are reported over Mexico what gives the 1991 sightings credibility is that strangers reported seeing the same thing at the same time on the same day and yet they were hundreds of miles apart from each other [Music] for over three decades the Mexican desert is alleged to have been the site of an incredible tale there were rumors since long ago that an object crashed in Mexico an object enter our atmosphere through the United States and it crashed with a small plane for the last two decades Mexico has witnessed UFO incidents that rival anything reported in the United States Mexicans just needed one uniting event to keep their eyes focused to the sky that happened in 1991. [Music] in July of that year one of the longest solar eclipses in history is set to happen [Music] total eclipse is visible only in a narrow Corridor that includes Central Mexico a year in advance all the Mexican people knew about the eclipse in 91 I mean it was an event it was a moment all around Mexico there were people waiting for the eclipse it was an important Eclipse because even though there had been other eclipses that had taken place until that day they were not on the magnitude of that eclipse just after 1 pm the skies above Mexico darken astronomers adjust their telescopes Millions gaze Skyward during 1991 consumer technology makes videos commonplace on this day many Mexicans use their cameras to capture the moon as it begins to pass in front of the sun to their disbelief they also capture something unexpected it was a Curious Thing during the eclipse I heard some people who were around us saying look what is this there also several people filmed and saw metallic objects that are clearly distinguished with the form of a cupola and what is commonly called a flying object Mexico City [Music] Del Rio Puebla in Cerro De La Estrella [Music] from all corners of Mexico come video showing a strange metallic looking object just below the eclipse the eclipse UFOs or ovnees that they are called in Mexico become the talk of the country but while some are quick to claim that Mexico experienced a UFO encounter Skeptics aren't buying it this was one of the great events of the century as far as eclipses and astronomical events and hundreds and thousands of of astronomers professional and advanced amateur astronomers came from all over the world and it converged upon Mexico City and the other towns where the eclipse were visible not a single professional astronomer reported seeing anything that wasn't supposed to be there professional astronomers immediately doubt any UFO claims and instead offer a more scholarly response when the sun is totally eclipsed like it was in Mexico on that day the bright stars and planets become visible for a few minutes and Venus was very brilliant and so it was very easy to see when people looked up and I'm sure that many of the people thought that they saw a UFO Skeptics have their answer but UFO Believers have their doubts because of that because so many people recorded in different cities these objects some suggested that had to be the star Venus but binus was in a different position than the UFOs were in the tapes it was something strange that happened during the eclipse it's afterwards when you start analyzing and looking at the videos that you can start to see in some of them that there are movements that maybe wouldn't correspond to a planet when you start analyzing more calmly after the fact that's when you start to wonder if it could have been a UFO the 1991 sightings ignite a UFO explosion in Mexico the effect of the UFOs from the 1991 Eclipse was like a snowball and this allowed people with an interest in UFOs to record sightings more frequently phenomenon while Mexico's UFO explosion comes as a surprise to most some ufologists believe it was actually predicted over a thousand years ago oh the Maya were one of the great civilizations in history for over 600 years they built cities constructed reservoirs and Temple pyramids and developed an incredible understanding of astronomy it is incredible the knowledge that the Maya had about the sky and the planets they had a great capacity of observation they knew the celestial movement and were able to determine every single important event that was going to be registered in the sky the Maya recorded their information on foldable books called codices most of these texts were burned by Spanish priests during the 1500s four Mayan codices remain among them is the Dresden Codex a document that offers an enigmatic glimpse into the Mayan's astral wisdom this is pure astronomical the moon the song the systems everything everything is there anybody who has a story and analyzed that consider this document a real pressure from the past among the information contained in this codex is an eclipse prediction cycle the eclipse of 1991 appears in the Dresden Codex but did The Dresden Codex predict something more they talk about the meeting with the brothers of the Stars which in our language we call extraterrestrials when I read this after receiving all these videos that struck me that really affected me because it's like if the Mayans knew long in advance that these sightings were going to take place that day how can you explain that is that a coincidence or they knew I think they knew over a century later most Mexicans knew something out of the ordinary was happening their UFO wave had turned into a tsunami literally overnight Mexicans are mesmerized by the apparent UFO wave striking their country [Music] you followed just point to the open-mindedness of the Mexican people as being partly responsible for this UFO explosion Mexicans have been fascinated by Legends stories is a that psychology and sociology allows Mexicans to keep an open mind when it comes to extraordinary occurrences when you open yourself up to other possibilities it is much easier to accept the UFO phenomena however Skeptics claim that Mexico's UFO wave is more of a social phenomenon than any actual increase in visits from Little Green Men sightings always seem to come in waves and these waves are generally correlate with the publicity that if the newspapers or TV stations whatever are filled with stories about UFO sightings people will go out and pay much more attention to things that they see since the earliest UFO sightings Witnesses have always been subject to heavy ridicule they are portrayed as overzealous Sky Watchers who wouldn't know a dc-9 from a weather balloon but what happens when the witness is someone who doesn't fit into these categories what if the person has a solid reputation and career what if the witness doesn't just know a dc-9 but flies one Captain Raymundo Cervantes has been flying for over 40 years with 17 000 hours of flight time he has seen it all or at least he thought so July 28 1994 Captain Cervantes is piloting Aeromexico flight 129 from Guadalajara to Mexico City he's taken the route before and everything seems in order including the weather totally clear like we the aviators say we could see the next day totally clear as the flight nears Mexico City International Airport Cervantes puts the dc-9 on course for landing five thousand feet in the air he receives the all clear from the control tower and prepares to lower the landing gear but I ordered to lower the front wheel at that moment we felt an impact on the plane and it'll be very strong the plane is rocked the Cervantes it appears obvious that they have collided with something in midair but there is no time to investigate has already begun his Descent of the dc9 emergency at that moment I declare an emergency and I requested an area so that I can develop the list of emergency and coordinate my Personnel of flight attendants because I thought we were going to have an abnormal Landing sure of the condition of the damage to his landing gear Cervantes needs nerves of Steel to coax the wounded jet to safety we level the plane but they'll try to land softly and steady the front wheel I was concerned that there was damage we lower the front wheel and to our surprise the plane starts rolling perfectly is disaster is averted Captain Cervantes wonders if a helicopter is clipped his dc-9 on approach but the air Tower's radar records discredit that theory yet an inspection of the dc-9 reveals damage and creates more questions than answers there was a flight inspector that searched the plane who detected that one of the hydraulic lines was cut it was cut like if it was done with a cutter something very strange what caused the landing Gear's hydraulic line to be cut a subsequent investigation will place blame for the incident on worn out parts and the line denies any mid-air Collision but Captain Cervantes stands by his claim that the plane hit something that isn't the end of the story flight 129 strange encounter is about to get even stranger Enrique colbeck is an air traffic controller who was in the tower that night upon learning of flight 129's incident he instantly flashes back to a series of phone calls the tower had received earlier that evening an hour before that flight was initiated in Guadalajara we received phone calls from different sources they were communicating to us that an object was flying very close to a building that is almost in the final trajectory to these runways the sightings place the unidentified flying object right in the landing path of flight 129 the most the idea of a plain UFO Collision seems unrealistic but a few days later another incident at the same airport raises suspicions that something out of the ordinary is going on August 8 1994 co-pilot Carlos corzo is helping Aeromexico flight 304 from Acapulco begin its descent into Mexico City International Airport the morning skies are partly cloudy as co-pilot corzo looks out the cockpit window the Pilot's eyes are glued to the instruments he was flying by instruments so all his view was on the instruments but was taking care of the surroundings and seen outside and even take the communications and helping him with the approach as the plane breaks to a cloud a shocked Corso finds something unexpected I was living top thousand feet and came out of the of the cloud and I see this big object in front of us and I really get a skirt I thought we was going to have a collision and I tell my captain in a surprise expression that oh my God we're gonna crash the mysterious craft streaks by the front of flight 304 barely missing the plane's nose it was a object maybe 15 or 20 meters radio something like platinum or some kind of very neat metal Corso quickly regains his composure and helps land the plane without further incident afterward he speaks to an air traffic controller who reveals that corzo's plane was in fact the fifth plane that week to report seeing an unidentified object I can tell you about approximately 99 of Pilots that I have talked to believe that we are not alone here and the evidence that we have had confirms it we take it very seriously because it could affect our airspace definitely there is a potential danger because we do not know what produces the phenomenon and what it is made of and why it is manifested nearly a decade later another incident in the Mexican Skies would send shock waves worldwide yet unlike previous Encounters this one would have everyone believing including the Mexican Government every year on the night of September 15th they come together thousands pack the main Square in Mexico City to watch their president ring the very same Bell that signaled the start of their fight for independence almost two centuries ago the next 24 hours will be full of parades parties and celebrations but in the early 1990s a new Mexican Independence Day tradition is born September 16 is Mexican Independence and we have a military parade on the streets of Mexico for several years we used to have an air show the whole Mexican Air Force used to go out and fly over Mexico City Mexico a lot of people will film these events when the planes would pass over the houses there are many videos where certain objects are seen flying over and passing closely September 16 1991 during a flyover an amateur videographer captures a mysterious bright round object September 16 1992 an unidentified object is spotted flying through the sky September 16 1993 as a squadron of helicopters conducts Maneuvers a metallic looking object appears to weave through their formation three years three sightings yet the Mexican military offers no comment on the encounters don't respect with respect to the sightings of these objects during military parades the government never voiced an opinion for or against the government here has always remained aloof this comes as no surprise to the UFO Community who for decades has claimed that governments are actively suppressing UFO encounters blacked out reports secret projects and constant denials have all fed the notion of a massive cover-up March 5th 2004. Mexico's 501 Air Squadron is on a routine search for drug smuggling aircraft but the military Pilots witnessed something far from routine the Air Force in Mexico patrols the South border to stop airplanes with narcotics from South America they regularly they do this many times every day with different airplanes but this day is different during an afternoon surveillance run the team picks something up on their radar they assume it's a drug running plane and takeoff after it following it on radar the object appears to be changing speeds erratically at times traveling at over 380 miles per hour while in Pursuit the crew turns on their forward-looking infrared system or FLIR it's like a camera that is mounted on the aircraft and its purpose is to look not using visible light like an ordinary camera would by using infrared the infrared eyes of the plane's exterior mounted clear system transmits video to the crew inside this is the actual video as seen by the crew but as Mexican Air Patrol gets closer to the object the crew are unable to spot anything using the flear or with their own eyes all this time that they're flying towards it they are looking ahead of the aircraft because that's where it says that this radar Target is ahead of the aircraft and they're looking they couldn't see anything after Chasing the object for several minutes the crew determines they are too low on gas to continue the hunt they turn around and begin heading back to the base the unknown object soon vanishes from radar yet their Adventure is just beginning the FLIR operator was still operating the FLIR and he started picking up bright lights that appeared to be at Cloud level suddenly appearing on the flear through the clouds isn't just one ball of light but at times as many as 11 objects appear to be weaving through the clouds the crew got a little bit spooked over what was going on because they couldn't identify these things I didn't know what it was they were looking at this is a veteran crew who have flown this route before and have for almost two years but on most experience of Pilots would be unnerved as the cockpit recordings reveal [Music] it appears to the crew the objects aren't just traveling alongside their plane but surrounding it no question then suddenly the balls of light disappear leaving a scared and confused crew to return to base over the next several weeks the Mexican military conducts an investigation into the incident crew members are interviewed images and weather data evaluated yet no answers are found it appears this case is destined to go unsolved and forgotten then one phone call changes everything and UFO history they called me and said we have something that is from common interest Mexican TV journalist Jaime misson is an expert on investigating Mexican UFO claims Hassan's impressive resume attracts The Mexican government who asked the civilian reporter to assist in an unprecedented move Mexico's Secretary of Defense hands over to masan the classified flear UFO video he gave me the video and said please be fair with the military please be fair with these Pilots do your investigation you are authorized officially to do your investigation to present this in the media Mao sun is given complete access to flight records weather reports and most importantly the crew members I am interviewing these pilot inside the Secretary of Defense this is first in history in Mexico they told me what they saw they were very honest and sincere no we never had the opportunity to identify them visually I never saw this kind of object before [Music] something that we never saw before it never happened to us before hey so yes we have fear good morning here on May 11th mousean holds a press conference to present the tape to the world it doesn't take long for Skeptics to denounce any UFO Theory their explanations come fast and furious it's ball lighting you'd have a whole Fleet of these top secret aircraft flying some Skeptics and UFO investigators suggested that equipment was not working well one after another explanations are given and one after another they are discredited however a new Theory emerges that might solve the mystery there's a theory that what the officials filmed out there were the Flames of the oil wells that are 100 to 120 kilometers from the account they appear to be brilliant glowing objects in the infrared of course they were not visible to the eye but that's the whole purpose of the infrared camera system is so that you can see things by their heat signature you can see things that are not visible to the eye could what was showing up on the FLIR system actually be distant oil wells those who've examined the case have their doubts first thing that we did was analyze the lights to determine their shape to see if there was shape to them and how did it change frame to frame minute to minute if the lights are oil wells as Skeptics have claimed then they should flicker like a flame but using computer programs to break down the lights reveals something very different over a period of frames and minutes the glow may change on the outer edges but there is an object in the center that is Rock Steady it's a ball it's a sphere and it's not possible that it's a flame because if it was a flame it would be undulating not just from the edges out but over the entire object adding to the case against the Oil Well theory is the fact that despite flights in this area daily no one has ever reported this kind of encounter before the only way really really to prove these would be to do it under the same basis using a clear camera flying the same route probably with the same airplane until that happens the Mexican Air Force encounter remains an unsolved mystery but for UFO researchers that doesn't take away from the importance of this Landmark case for the first time a government turned to the UFO Community for help Mexican UFO investigators are optimistic that this incident May signal a new era of openness by governments this is going to produce many many new cases are more openness in the future there are many other people who are now trying to become investigators in Mexico this is just the beginning it was just the beginning in 2005 just when it appeared things couldn't get any stranger in Mexico did since 1991 Mexican Witnesses have videotaped hundreds of hours of footage containing alleged unidentified flying objects but while the sheer volume of sightings has impressed some it's what's on these tapes that matters but out of the thousands of thousands of videos that we have most of the times are yeah balloons airplanes Stars mistakes honest mistakes probably just 10 or 15 percent of them are good really good it's this ten percent that is drawn the attention of everyone from ufologists to the mainstream media among the most interesting UFO phenomenons captured on tape are what is referred to as fleets a group of more than three objects we call fleets they travel horizontally or vertically with very strange forms as boomerangs June 10th 2004 Guadalajara Mexico an amateur photographer captures unknown objects in the sky [Music] June 21st 2004 300 miles away in Cuernavaca Mexico another Fleet is caught on tape [Music] March 30th 2005 almost 600 miles north in Torreon yet more unexplainable objects dot the Mexican sky [Music] April 11 2005 500 miles to the south in Mexico City the Skies over the capital city are full of mysterious aircraft I believe it's a way that someone is using to communicate with us I believe they are trying to to say something similar to what happened in England with the confirmations Skeptics are quick to dismiss fleets as nothing more than weather balloons or Birds but seeing is believing and in June 2005 a fleet sighting had people believing one of the more recent accounts of UFO sightings here in Mexico happened here in halapa Veracruz and it is very interesting because the Witnesses were of a very high caliber June 24 2005 10 30 a.m a public ceremony is being held to celebrate the delivery of new patrol cars to the local police department on hand are such dignitaries as Governor Fidel Herrera Beltran high-ranking Police Department officials and the local media moments after Governor Beltran finishes his speech cries of UFO UFO echo through the crowd instantly all eyes are on the mysterious objects hovering above [Music] we have as a first-hand witness the governor of halapa and the newspapers published the news the next day and it was spread throughout Mexico Days Later a local newspaper reports that the alleged UFOs were actually balloons released by local school children but this explanation only raises more questions for UFO Believers if they were balloons why did they appear Frozen in formation for over half an hour [Music] as the witness says it was more than 14 severe objects that were shining in the sky formed a triangle formation and remained there for 30 minutes I just find it hard to believe that balloons could stay in the same place and in the same formation for half an hour I think this is an extraordinary observation because it's a governor and all of his advisors and police Personnel who observed this case who say to the governor that he didn't see something strange in the sky it's those strange things in the sky that have brought together these UFO experts and enthusiasts from all parts of Mexico they have come to discuss the UFO way that their country has undergone for these men and women the encounters that have taken place deserve attention and answers among the incidents they examined is the alleged 1974 UFO plane collision near koyame Mexico the world is getting around somehow that something happened and that the U.S was interested in this crash the information that Gilberto has is very little but the data that makes this case lends itself to the possibility that this may have been real [Music] three decades later koyame still has more questions than answers but are there Clues out there that could break the case wide open any motivated investigative journalism student of today or professional have a field day go to the town track down all the people in the town that used to be there and live there by by address and and find them and interview them it requires more rigorous study it requires more of a collaborative effort hopefully among the research UFO research communities between the United States and Mexico so it's a case that's going to need more further investigation and like any seminal event in history there is a last second plot twist I was recently in Chihuahua and I asked about this case and there is a rumor that there are photographs around this case that I haven't seen I was promised that I was going to receive these photographs but people there there are still afraid if seems that they have kept these photographs for a long long time fittingly once again the koyame story is shrouded in mystery did a UFO crash in the Mexican desert in August of 1974. did a Mexican recovery team fall prey to an unknown biological poison the truth may never be known [Music] that over the last 15 years Mexico has experienced something out of the ordinary for UFO Believers this appears to be a golden age of alien encounters only one thing is certain Mexico a land steeped in history is now steeped in mystery [Music] okay for more than 20 years a handful of U.S Air Force personnel have been haunted by an event that took place in the rindlesham forest just outside their base in Suffolk England maintain that for two nights in 1980 they experienced up close an encounter with an unidentified craft their accounts make the rendlesham incident one of the most detailed and well documented to date these Witnesses also say that the government launched an investigation and then tried to cover it up [Music] this event has an eerie similarity to a sighting nearly 33 years earlier when an extraterrestrial spacecraft allegedly crashed near a military base in Roswell New Mexico both stories involve eyewitness accounts from respected officers government investigations and classified records and evidence this really was the Holy Grail this was certainly Britain's most famous UFO case there's no doubt about it this is Britain's Roswell [Applause] in this way Is that real what really happened in the woods outside the Woodbridge bentwaters Air Base in December 1980 if you contact the Pentagon about what happened December 1980 at RF Woodbridge England they're going to tell you right now nothing happened there people need to step up to the plate and say something it happens and it was real and someone else visited Reynolds from forest in 1980. this is bentwater's Royal Air Force Base located 70 miles Northeast of London the now Dorman site was once a highly sophisticated military installation the main function of the twin bases there was to support the needle effort on in case of a war in Europe we would go ahead and mobilize our A-10 aircraft to support whatever war effort we're in 1980 with cold war tensions near their Peak bent Waters and nearby Woodbridge air bases are operated by about 12 000 U.S Air Force personnel making it one of the largest NATO complexes in all of Europe but the site bordered by the dense rendlesham forest has a secret this was bentwater's weapon storage area exactly what was kept here is officially classified but researchers and observers agree that a massive nuclear Arsenal was stockpiled beneath these concrete bunkers the extraordinarily secured underground bunkers with alternating layers of steel concrete Earth steel concrete Earth held something like 300 000 kilotons of nuclear Ordnance the American Airmen who manned this base are highly skilled they're trained to deal with life and death situations with a cool clear head and that makes the events at rendersham even more mysterious because what they saw on Christmas night 1980 made these thick-skinned military men shudder with fear it's 3 A.M Airman John Burroughs is patrolling the East Gate of Woodbridge Air Base part of his normal routine as a security policeman security did the airfields weapon storage areas and stuff like that to control the entry of the base the 20 year old has been with the Air Force for almost two years and has been stationed at bent waters for about a year and a half tonight there is nothing to observe but the Stars overhead it was cold that night it was a clear night pretty much you know it was a clear night there's a little bit of fog as he's walking his Superior Bud Stevens pulls up in a truck he tracked me down and said let's ride around for a while the men drive into riddlesome Forest Sergeant Stevens notices a strange light in the woods just off the road whoa is that normal and I looked out and it was just a weird glow in the woods I said no it's not normal Burrows can't shake a bad feeling you know you just felt a real sense of danger or something wasn't right there were different colored lights you know like you see Santa Christmas display different color lights that were blinking on and off alarmed the men speed back to the gate to call the flight desk from a secure phone line they do not want to broadcast the information over their radios at Burrows insistence the call is transferred to the basis Central Security Control or CSC youth Commander dispatches 26 year old sergeant Jim peniston to the site peniston has been a security policeman with the Air Force for seven years they told me I need to go out the East Gate we have a situation out there I said what type of situation he said well I'd rather have the Unseen patrolman tell you what that is I says well can it wait no you gotta get out immediately within minutes peniston and his driver arrive at the East Gate Burroughs and Stevens direct his attention to the woods I've seen this multi-color uh yellow red it's just about you know two three hundred meters away and it looked like an aircraft crash immediately that's the color that you get from titanium and fuel burning peniston calls back to CSE and gets clearance to investigate a possible downed aircraft if it is an aircraft crash we can go ahead and uh you know render assistance and set up security for it as part of standard procedure Sergeant peniston tries to gather information from Bud Stevens and I said what do you hear a crash buddies it only didn't crash but it landed Stevens is too frightened to help with the investigation he returns to his post while Burroughs and peniston proceed without him soon after they speed off with a driver and head toward the mysterious light when they can no longer maneuver the vehicle around the dense trees Burrows and peniston proceed on foot they walk about 50 meters and notice strong interference on their radios the farther we got into the woods the it became more and more inner intermediate where it was harder and harder to talk to him suddenly Sergeant peniston feels an electrical charge in the air I've been in excitable situations before uh on duty and I know the adrenaline feeling but this here was different you feel it on your clothes your face your hair the closer they move toward the light the less the scene resembles a crash smell of smoke and it was too contained it was just like a one ball out there we came into a clearing and then that's when it was like a bright light lit up the whole area was almost blinding Sergeant peniston moves within 10 feet of the object and the bright light dims as his eyes adjust he has trouble understanding what he's seeing I'm a rational person I want an irrational explanation of what was going on I could not come up with one Knapp's pictures with his military issued camera the craft was triangular in shape and measured probably nine feet wide by about eight feet high I couldn't tell the front or back to it I mean there was no engines on one side or no cockpit or nothing like that it was all completely smooth the outside of the craft he then circles the object writing descriptions in a notepad these are the notes he wrote that night surface is unknown identity unknown no apparent landing gear present no sound but appears to be operating somehow peniston's handwriting changes dramatically as he gets closer to the craft I I was really having problems with the type of craft that keeps I keep saying something I I have a problem with understanding what I'm what I'm what I'm recording here when he draws near enough he reaches out and touches the object the fabric of The Craft was smooth like glass it was warm to touch but not hot there was like lights on it the if somehow it was in the fabric of The Craft on the front side of the object peniston notices several strange symbols he copies them in his notebook as well [Music] they were like markings uh not numbers not language there were several maybe six symbols measuring three feet wide I wasn't trained for what I was experiencing suddenly the object emits a blinding flash of light the men take cover then the object whatever it was lifted up went up and then moved back away over the trees craft leaving this way to describe is probably in oblique of an eye I've never seen any craft move that fast in my entire Air Force career and I don't think I ever will again as the men slowly rise to their feet their attention is drawn by another flash of light through the trees at first they assume it is the craft but on Second Glance they realize it is the Orford Nest Lighthouse five miles away Burrows and peniston check their radios they're working again it is now around 5 a.m roughly two hours since they first spotted the mysterious lights in the woods they contact the CSC and their Commander orders them to Rendezvous with a security team back at the East Gate so we were like what are we going to say well you know what we can't explain what we saw we can't explain what just happened later that morning the men are brought in for debriefing peniston is reluctant to divulge everything he witnessed it was not a good career move to report exactly what we've seen I wanted to shift Commander's office with the boroughs and we gave a sanitized briefing of of what happened that night after the debriefing peniston says the shift Commander issues him a thinly veiled warning gentlemen he says Project Blue Book ended in 1969 and sometimes things are best left alone Project Blue Book was the code name for the U.S Air Force's controversial UFO investigation unit course of our investigation before it was disbanded its goal was to determine if UFOs were a Potential Threat to National Security despite his Commander's warning Sergeant peniston can't put the strange encounter out of his mind I got back to my house and I couldn't go to sleep I'd probably sat around the house for me two or three hours and finally I said well I I gotta go back out there he returns to the site with some plaster of Paris his plan to make casts of any indentations left by The Craft I wasn't going to leave there until I had answers I wanted something tangible he spots three round impressions in a symmetrical pattern on the ground or a few inches deep and roughly 10 feet apart they measured exactly the same distance apart each of the pods approximately two to three inches thick these are the casts made by peniston the morning after his sighting he believes they show the marks left by the craft when it landed on the forest floor he decides not to show them to his superiors along with his notes and role of film the sergeant now has the three plaster molds to help back up his story but peniston's physical evidence doesn't solve the mystery of rendlesham just two nights later the UFO returns and this time the deputy based commander makes a chilling record of his own encounter Etc late December 1980 sightings of a mysterious craft at the Woodbridge bent Waters NATO complex in Suffolk England have put many Airmen on edge strange encounters began the night of the 25th when Airmen reported seeing unusual lights by the early morning hours of the 26th two men claimed to have come within a few feet of a landed craft in the neighboring Forest it's now the evening of the 27th 40-year-old Deputy base commander Lieutenant Colonel Charles halt attends a holiday party at the Officers Club his celebration is cut short when one of his men arrives looking distressed he showed up just white as a sheep and he wasn't the type of person to get too excited too easily he was a former Marine he said it's back we looked at each other and said what's back he said the UFO after two nights of disturbing stories pulp decides to investigate for himself the police were spending more time looking in the sky than they were at the airplanes they were supposed to be protecting it's time to put this to rest Holton struck's a three-man security team to assemble their gear and meet him at his quarters within minutes they head toward the rendelstrom forest by the time halt arrives a security Cordon has been established around the perimeter of the Woods halt is briefed on the situation and is told that the UFO is no longer visible but the men are experiencing mysterious outages in their high-powered floodlights called lighthalls Halt and his team collect their gear a still camera a geiger counter for measuring radiation and a night vision device called a star scope I took my small personal cassette recorder which I carry just about everywhere with me just to record the events the team heads into the dark woods and I was going to investigate and show that there was definitely a good a good reasonable explanation for everything the following is the recording halt made that night there seems to be some kind of mechanical problem along with the malfunctioning light Halls pulse team encounters the same radio interference experienced by Burroughs and peniston two nights prior they are walking through the area where boroughs and peniston reported seeing the unidentified craft when Holt notices gashes in the bark of several trees it looks as if they have been struck by a large object halt orders one of his men to take photographs he took pictures of the indentations of the trees and everything he was taking snap snap all the time the geiger counter begins registering high levels of radiation but only in the areas surrounding the alleged Landing site facing the suspected Landing site where it clicks Max up to four interesting that's right we're taking the sample now for there's no place whatsoever suddenly the dark woods are alive with sound we're hearing very strange sounds out of the farmers burning our animals all the animals in the forest are acting up making a lot of noise and the Barnyard animals from the farm which was on the adjacent side of the particular location we're also acting up one of his men points out a glowing light in the distance with his tape recorder rolling halt documents every moment of this encounter um we saw this bright red glowing object it looked like an eye it's the best way I can describe it it was bright red had a dark Center and a pure lighter though or winking some type of strange in it too weird yeah it's coming this way it was moving through the trees horizontally but also traveling vertically in other words it was zigzagging through the trees and dripping what appeared to be best way I can describe it is molten metal Halton as men pursue the object into a nearby Field as we approached it receded it went away from us and went out into the farmer's field it stayed there for probably 20 30 seconds maybe a little more exploded and broke into multiple white objects so we went into the field and searched around on the ground looking for burnt marks or evidence of whatever was coming off the object the men find nothing in the field overhead the object makes a sudden turn it approached us at very very high speed coming to stop the overhead and sent out a beam the best way I can describe it is like a laser beam it was a steady constant beam as far as the diameter it fell at our feet and we all just were an awe and I thought was trying to signals and trying to warn us is it threatening us yeah just as suddenly as it appeared the light went click was off the object speeds away the team watches mesmerized as it moves over the base and continues to Beam lights to the ground to some it appears that the light is beaming directly into the base's weapon storage area where nuclear missiles are reportedly housed at this point pulse recorder runs out of tape a craft is still hovering in the distance but Halt and his team aren't sure what to do next there's no protocol for what they've just encountered unnerved and exhausted the men head back to base Airman John Burroughs who had witnessed a UFO two nights earlier arrives at the site along with Sergeant Adrian bustenza Burroughs is immediately concerned by the behavior of the men returning from the field they were kind of I don't know they were weird I mean they were upset after a brief conversation burrow spots a blue light glowing in the same clearing halt has just examined the Airmen is determined to investigate further I was bugging come on Carl let me go out and see I mean I want to see what it is so he finally authorized myself and the stenza to go forward just to get a closer look the men head toward the strange blue glow in the field adrenaline quickly takes over and Burrows breaks into Iran as I was getting close to whatever it was all of a sudden it was gone field is thrown into darkness leaving the Airmen scared and confounded this was gone and I'm standing out in the field and there's nothing here Burrows turns to bastenza in disbelief he goes what happened to you and I go I don't know what you're talking about he goes in you were like involved in the light she said you were just like it was like all of a sudden you were there and then you were in the lights and you were gone Burrows and bustenza returned to base Burrow's second encounter with the bizarre lights leaves him with nothing but questions they are unaware that a sweeping investigation involving covert government agencies is already underway the men claim that as they headed back to the base that night they were walking into a government conspiracy [Music] January 1981 rumors are swirling around the Woodbridge bent Waters air bases in eastern England after mysterious UFOs are cited by the U.S Air Force personnel stationed there many of them were some years into their tour of Duty these were highly trained Witnesses it's not as if they'd all just turned up there the night before the military investigation that followed remains controversial to this day those who say they witnessed the UFOs believe the military was more interested in damage control than in finding the truth what our government did in the name of secrecy to these individuals is absolutely shameful according to these Airmen they soon became unwilling participants in a government cover-up initially the investigation follows standard military procedure Deputy based Commander Charles Holt a witness himself begins debriefing the Airmen who reported seeing the craft I had no choice I couldn't ignore it there were so many witnesses and so many people at so many different places John Burroughs who witnessed the UFOs on both nights says his interview is clear-cut he took our statements kind of looked at him said it was really a wild thing and there's really no explanation for what's going on and that's how it was kind of love others like Sergeant Jim peniston say that after their meeting with halt a long and disturbing process begins two weeks after his initial interview peniston has called for another debriefing this time it is with a high-ranking team of investigators the OSI the osis office of special investigations it's uh how should I say the the discrete police is one way to put it they are there to please the US Air Force and they can actually walk into the an office of a general and you know even a resting if you like that's how powerful they are when peniston enters the room the mood is ominous he begins to give a statement and offers the investigators sketches and notes of his encounter according to peniston the rest of the interview is a blur to this day he has a difficult time recalling precisely what tactics The OSI used to extract his information they took extra steps to make sure I was telling the truth so the empath law I'm sure I gave a release for that [Music] and hope that they understood that everything I said was the truth I think I I believe I gave mission for that I would think to peniston the military's investigation takes on a Sinister tone as more men are called in for questioning [Music] shortly after the event Sergeant Adrian bustenza who had accompanied John Burroughs to the field he's led to a room beneath the base for questioning even now bustenza refuses to speak publicly about the events of that night according to author Georgina Bruni he later confided in her they said to him look you know what you saw was a light from the the local Lighthouse and he said no no I saw much more than that was more than that no you don't get the picture do you and they would not let him go until he agreed that what he saw was the lighthouse and the moment they said to him bullets are cheap a dime a dozen is when he said okay it was the lighthouse other Witnesses also say they are told to drop their stories about seeing a UFO we were told that we couldn't talk about it was to treat it as top secret and that was it we never talked about it according to Airman Burroughs the signs of a government cover-up are obvious [Music] shortly after his interrogation Burroughs is back on guard Duty as he makes his rounds he can see that the woods are bustling with activity those Vehicles leaving Woodbridge going out into the forest there was helicopters flying around out there so there was some stuff going on out there exactly what I don't know Deputy base commander Charles halt is also aware of covert activities going on at the base I heard some stories that were substantiated by several people that a plane load of people did come in a day or so later and did do a lot of investigating peniston and Holt claim they took pictures of the mysterious craft they encountered but when the prince returned from the base's photo lab they are blank majors are white it out most of them I thought that was really unusual and I believe that the photos that I got were intentionally just Whited out photographs that's what I believe even Lieutenant Colonel halt the highest ranking eyewitness believes he is being kept in the dark by the military as the investigation continues he's asked to type up a memo based on his interviews with other Witnesses and submit it to his superiors pulse understanding is that the document will be shared with the British government halt does as he is told and submits a memo entitled unexplained lights he writes the individuals reported seeing a strange glowing object in the forest the object was described as being metallic in appearance and triangular in shape it is not a definitive report any of the details are missing or incorrect and the descriptions at times are vague [Music] the memo was not meant for public consumption it was met as a Tickler if you will to the ministry of Defense to get them involved to do a proper investigation his superiors filed the memo away and the strange lights never returned to the base eventually rumors of an extraterrestrial craft die down for three years the public is kept in the dark about what happened at the air bases then in 1983 a new witness surfaces with a startling Claim about the UFO encounter one that will only deepen the mystery of renderson October 2nd 1983 the British Sunday tabloid News of the World hits newsstands with the headline UFO land in Suffolk and that's official the article claims that a mysterious craft moving under intelligent control invaded the skies above the Woodbridge bent Waters air bases in late December 1980. but most intriguing is the offering of a piece of written evidence an official U.S Air Force memo confirming the alleged sightings the document was written by one of the men who encountered the mysterious object Deputy based Commander Charles Holt every local radio TV station Japanese TV German TV I had people swarming all over the place wanting to know the real story from there onwards every single newspaper in the United Kingdom was featuring this story for about a week the memo titled unexplained lights offers a brief description of the late December encounters it includes Jim peniston's description of a strange object that maneuvered through the trees as well as halt's account of a red sun-like object in the night sky but how was the story leaked to the public the document known as the halt memo was brought to light by Larry Warren a former Air Force Security policeman at bent Waters he's blunt when he explains why he did it I want to drag people right by their hair through the thing and say this happened he was the one the one who brought this whole thing to public attention it was his information specifically that resulted in Freedom of Information Act that resulted in the release of the so-called halt document and once that single sheet of paper was out the toothpaste was out of the tube Warren has received both praise and criticism for his candidness story he tells begins like the others but the ending is even more bizarre in late 1980 Warren was a 19 year old security policeman stationed at bent Waters according to Warren after midnight on December 29th he is removed from his post and ordered to the woods to assist with Colonel halt's investigation when he reaches a clearing he sees a group of military personnel surrounding a glowing object this field was this object on the ground it's like science fiction movie but there was something alive associated with it didn't come out any doors there were no windows it was this thing and it was changing all the time as he draws within a few feet of The Craft Warren says he witnesses an amazing sight there are officers and Airmen facing the object and three small glowing entities standing in the light what he observes and the other men observed that are in proximity Is three humanoid shapes there was something separate from it with these three what you would perceive as kids Warren and watches as a senior officer begins communicating with the beings the senior people there seem to be following like a protocol it seemed to be there was a procedure Warren is then pulled from the clearing he's given no explanation for what he's just seen the next day he says he is brought into a room with other Witnesses for debriefing he remembers a film projector and three men in suits they showed us the different films UFO military activity going back probably I don't know the 40s like other Witnesses Warren says the more he is questioned the more distorted his memories become he remembers what happens next as a series of scenes that make little sense Warren recalls being taken against his will by men in dark suits then being led to an underground facility on the base I remember being on a table and people talking to me and you know doctors and Air Force people behind them I have another memory of being in a kind of a mess hall and trying to eat something and kind of being alone at a table it's imagery I mean this could all been plugged into my head Warren says he isn't sure if what he remembers is real or if these images were planted by military investigators in order to confuse him and distract him from what really occurred with a rentals from story breaks Warren's accusations infuriate other Witnesses these Airmen and officers say they too want the truth revealed but that Warren's story is anything but that hurt the whole incident as far as this is something really did happen to us but there's no way the way he was describing what happened to us and it wasn't fair to the people who are involved to have that kind of extreme stuff come out parts of his story do correspond with other eyewitness accounts Warren like Charles Halt and Jim peniston recalls seeing a glowing craft in the clearing of the rendlesham woods shortly after Christmas 1980 but Larry Warren is the only Airman who claims he saw alien life forms another problem with Warren's version of events is that no one can remember seeing him in the woods on the night in question nobody ever recalls him being out there that night nobody I've ever I've talked to all the players and just about everybody was on the even the fringes and nobody remembers seeing Larry Warren anywhere except around the base in training Warren remains steadfast in his convictions I've never lost a minute's sleep over my role in this I've never intentionally misrepresented anything lied or tried to gain anything unfairly the contradictions surrounding the rendlesham case have proven frustrating for UFO researchers while there are multiple credible Witnesses Airmen trained to be good observers and remain calm under extreme circumstances the discrepancies between their stories are difficult to ignore in the years that follow researchers struggled to unravel the mystery [Music] thousand two Declassified government files reveal new facts about those mysterious knights in the woods [Music] and which could have been a spot where the alien craft landed since 1983 the rendersham UFO incident has garnered attention around the world but to this day there is still no explanation for what U.S Air Force personnel claimed they saw in the woods and skies of Suffolk England some experts who have reviewed the reports of strange lights and a glowing spacecraft have concluded that these sightings are a simple case of optical illusion retired Air Force Major and astronomer James McGahey learned about the incident by chance [Music] Forest case in 1983 when I was at the base conducting a military exercise there on temporary Duty during his tour he discovers that five miles from the Twin bases on the shores of the North Sea sits the Orford Nest lighthouse McGehee feels that Witnesses mistook this Lighthouse for a UFO if you're out a dark sky on a cold night in December and a lighthouse is swinging through the trees with this bright beam of light passing through the trees it's going to have some strange unusual Effects light is going to get scattered by the trees John Burroughs did mention this lighthouse in his first statement to his superiors in the report he says that after the mysterious lights disappeared he thought the lighthouse was another craft but quickly realized his mistake I want to clarify something I've always this is why somebody tries to twist it if you read the statement it's best in mind it clearly distinguishes between what we saw at the beginning and then we did see a Beacon Light and we followed it nowhere in my statement does it say I felt the Beacon Light was the object I've done a whole lot of research on this Lighthouse you know you can talk about it from here to Eternity and there's absolutely no way that a lighthouse can travel five miles go in and out of trees shoot beams down to the ground so anyway it's not a lighthouse but McGehee claims there is a second explanation for the lights in the sky that has nothing to do with UFOs on the night of the 25th at around a nine 30 in the evening a cosmos satellite re-entered the Earth's atmosphere it would have looked like a fireball which is a very very bright meteor for nearly 20 years Skeptics and Believers continue their search for answers in 2002 thanks in part to researchers like Georgina Bruni the British government finally releases a new set of Records the files provide additional information about the case but also raise new questions they make it clear that the British government investigated the mysterious sightings back in 1981. this fact seems to indicate that military investigators did not believe the sightings were caused by a lighthouse or a satellite but the files also reveal some of the shortcomings of that investigation we discovered that some of the radar facilities were actually faulty the cameras were faulty on the night's in question or allegedly faulty that the films were missing at the time investigators based their research on the original memo written by Lieutenant Colonel Charles halt his document states that the first event occurred on December 27th but the sightings actually began on the 25th Holt's mistake has caused researchers to examine the wrong nights for 20 years it is a frustrating Revelation for Nick Pope an official with the ministry of Defense here we had possibly the most significant UFO event ever to have taken place on British soil and yet not only were the dates wrong but crucial days had been lost moreover much has been left out of the files researchers hope the U.S and British governments will release further information including pictures taken by Air Force personnel on the Knights of the sightings these are the only photographs that remain from the investigation they show authorities examining the alleged Landing site but the pictures reveal no evidence of a landed craft [Music] the U.S Air Force's official stance is that the events were no threat to National Security this statement doesn't ring true if in fact nuclear weapons were housed at the base then the military would have been very concerned about reports of an unidentified aircraft we had objects flying over the weapon storage area shining beams down to the ground if that ain't defense significance what is Skeptics grapple with the same question but in their minds the military's response bolsters their claim that UFOs did not visit the rendlesham forest this was during the Cold War you have to realize that security was fairly tight anything that would happen near the flight line when you have these high value Asset aircraft tactical aircraft are in weapons areas would immediately cause a response by the entire base everybody on the base would have been woken up and been reacting to something like that and of course that didn't happen even Charles halt the deputy based Commander is frustrated with his search for answers I kept prodding Squadron leader Morton the British liaison officer for an answer doesn't somebody care doesn't somebody interested I got the feeling that I was kind of left hanging out there to drive you know what I mean though they continue to press the government for more information some researchers believe that the missing files and early mistakes in the military investigation may leave the rendelstrom case a lasting mystery in any investigation whatever you're investigating if you don't if you don't really use the first 24 hours to try and Chase it down your chances of success diminish rapidly the problem with the rendlesham incident is that this happened over the Christmas period a lot of the key personnel were on leave and I think there was a bit of a decision-making vacuum the newly released information is not enough for the men involved at rendlesham to put the incident to rest for now they possess the few pieces of intriguing evidence that remain from their strange encounter peniston's plaster castes and drawings pulse tape recording Jim peniston Larry Warren and John Burroughs continue to wonder why the government is hiding the truth there's a chain of command there's a chain of custody everything's kept track of and for this stuff to play it like it disappeared and it's gone it's not I guess technically we were part of our cover-up to ourselves we probably started it by sanitizing the initial report like John Lennon used to say conspiracy of silence speaks louder than words and that's fact and I'll be pissing off people as long as I can about this and screaming that uh this went down take a look at it then judge for yourself in America everyone's heard of Roswell but um only the UFO researchers really know about this case and yet in many ways I consider this case to be bigger than Roswell this could be the biggest UFO incident of all time let's put it where it deserves to be let's put it in people's minds people keep telling me well what really happened I don't know what was it I really don't know I mean I don't
Channel: The UnXplained Zone
Views: 77,879
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Keywords: the unxplained zone, ufo files, unxplained zone video clips, unxplained full episodes, history, the history channel, UFO FIles, UFO, UFO sighting, aliens, alien, alien sighting, aliens on camera, ufo, ufo sighting, ufo caught on camera, ufo files streaming, ufo files full episodes, ufo files clips, extraterrestrials, ufo videos, ufo sightings, alien investigations, alien investigation, ufo files full episode, full episode, alien encounters, top 3 alien encounters
Id: mA54u9VjP-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 29sec (7949 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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