TOP 3 BIGGEST UFO MYSTERIES *2-Hour Marathon* | UFO Files | The UnXplained Zone

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the Bermuda Triangle one of the deadliest places on Earth a Hot Zone where ships and airplanes vanish Without a Trace but halfway around the globe at its polar opposite there lies another triangle this one more mysterious and more deadly it is known as the Dragon's Triangle the Dragon's Triangle is an area where ships disappear planes disappear and other kind of phenomena occur there's really no way to predict what sorts of things you're going to see out here and we do see some pretty odd stuff we'll explore the Mysteries the evidence and the science behind one of the most treacherous dangerous and puzzling triangle regions on the planet if your ship was right on top of that gas bubble you would sink because you wouldn't have enough buoyancy to keep your ship floating as events involving ships planes and submarines continue to terrify passengers and mystify experts many Wonder what is down and what could possibly be next in the Pacific's Bermuda tribe [Music] 25 degrees north 142 degrees east these are the coordinates of the center of one of the most mysterious triangle regions on Earth for centuries this area has hosted some of the most bizarre disappearances of ships airplanes and loss of life anywhere on the planet but this is not the Bermuda Triangle it is a 500 000 square mile area located in the Deep Waters of the Pacific Ocean it is known as the Dragon's Triangle the Devil's Sea or the Dragon's Triangle is an area off the southern coast of Japan where supposedly many unexplained shipwrecks have taken place where planes have disappeared very similar to the Bermuda Triangle in of course a very different part of the world the Dragon's Triangle is a large area of water off the east coast of Japan bounded by Japan and Guam in the Philippine Sea in which Navigators and ships have reported for thousands of years loss of ships loss of compass readings and strange objects flying out of the water curiously it's counterpointed the Atlantic the infamous Bermuda Triangle lies directly across the globe along the 35 degree latitude line both areas are believed to contain some of the world's deepest Waters much of which remains unexplored to this day both the Bermuda Triangle and the dragon sea lie along the same latitude and both have the same anomaly where geographic North and magnetic north seem to come together so Compass readings are off by 20 degrees and that's why researchers believe there are so many lost planes and ships in these areas it's quite interesting to see that they are both at exactly the same location the boundaries of the Dragon's Triangle are generally believed to stretch from Central Japan to Guam to the Mariana Islands while lesser known to the West than the Bermuda Triangle unexplained disappearances and strange phenomena occur in this area with a far greater and more alarming frequency since World War II It is believed that over 1500 vessels and hundreds of military commercial and civilian aircraft have disappeared the dragon triangle has had many more ships disappear than the Bermuda Triangle and the ships that have disappeared in the dragons triangle have been large ones military ships cargo ships what's so odd about the Dragon's Triangle compared to the Bermuda Triangle is that the Bermuda Triangle has so much more press why would that be the area first gained modern notoriety in 1989 with the publication of Charles berlitz's the Dragon's Triangle berlitz coincidentally was the author of the book The Bermuda Triangle which reopened that mysterious case in 1974. for years berlitz studied the reports of ship and aircraft disappearances in this area along with reports of UFO sightings and other anomalies according to his research compasses often fail or give wildly inaccurate readings in the Triangle boats and airplanes report being moved far off course in a matter of seconds sightings of ghost ships have been reported for over 100 years and finally hundreds of ships airplanes and even submarines have without warning Fallen to the bottom of this extremely deep region [Music] of berlitz's most terrifying and puzzling unsolved cases involves what he considers unseen and unknown forces that pulled legendary pilot Amelia Earhart down to her death in the heart of the triangle in 1937. she goes more than two-thirds of the way around the world over 22 000 miles I look Eastward over the Pacific she writes I shall be glad when we have the hazards of its navigation behind us this fleeting radio contact is the last verified report of Amelia Earhart [Music] here's a story where Amelia Earhart was flying off Guam some say she was on a spy mission for the United States and she lost her compass bearings July 2nd 1937 12 30 pm pioneering Aviator Amelia Earhart and Navigator Fred Noonan left Lei New Guinea on the last leg of a round-the-world flight their Flight Plan would have taken them 2500 miles to Holland Island for a refueling stop and over the Dragon's Triangle the two were never seen again her compass and her instruments went down her plane was lost she was never heard from again to this day Earhart's disappearance remains one of aviation's greatest unsolved cases the Dragon's Triangle is also host to stories of ghost ships appearing out of the fog berlitz Associates the dragon's triangle with one of the Sea's greatest Mysteries as well ghost chips large ships floating at Sea completely devoid of people cargo and equipment claims the region has been fraught with unmanned floating Hawks for centuries in Japanese tradition these ghost ships are typically malevolent they want to destroy the living people that they run into ghost ships exceeding 100 000 tons have been seen floating aimlessly in the Dragon's Triangle true how does an entire crew vanish Without a Trace burlitz points out a pair of horrifying ghost ship cases in his book June 11 1881 4 AM according to reports the HMS bashante encountered the legendary glowing Flying Dutchman Ghost Ship late at night in the deepest area of the Dragon's Triangle a naval engine aboard the ship a prince who had later become England's King George V made the following entry in the ship's log The Flying Dutchman crossed our bows she emitted a strange phosphorescent light as of a phantom ship all a glow she came up on the port bar where also the officer of the watch from the bridge saw her but on a ripe there was no Vestige or any sign whatever of any material ship to be seen either near or right away to the Horizon the night became clear of the sea calm January 1989 brillitz says that a Japanese whaling Ship skippered by Captain Morrow sagakami came within 50 feet of a small fishing boat that was bobbing erratically in their course when dark clear night the captain and several crew members arrived to find a ship completely Barren of all crew and cargo save for the corpse of the captain still gripping the helm as far as ghost ships are concerned what if the crews themselves were abductees so the reason the vessel is adrift the reason there's no crew no remains is that the Cruisers simply gone taken by a Uso according to berlitz's research dozens of vessels have gone even further off the radar they have disappeared from the triangle entirely on April 19 1949 the Kuroshio Maru number one disappears with a reported crew of 23. on June 8 1952 29 crew members of the chifuku Maru number five vanish June 26 1955. a U.S Air Force f3b jet loses radio contact with its base its two-man crew disappears March 12 1957 eight crewmen aboard a United States Air Force kv-50 tanker transport are reported missing June 7 1963 remains of the Donan Maru are found floating on the ocean surface off shio no mizaki [Music] but an event forever etched into triangle lore and Japanese history is the mysterious sinking of the Japanese research vessel Kaio Maru number five number five was a Coast Guard ship researching about that area on September 24 1952 the Japanese Maritime safety agency research vessel Kaio Maru number five is in the Dragon's Triangle she went out to the Dragon's Triangle specifically to find out the cause of all the losses of vessels in that area suddenly without any distress call she disappears forever taking with her a crew of 22 and nine scientists in their official Kaio Maru number five accident investigation report from March 1953 The Marine Coast Guard States we have to investigate when where why it disappeared because there are no Witnesses and no survivors for this accident [Music] while many conclude that the ship fell victim to an underwater volcano's eruption others remain unconvinced very ironic that here you have a ship that's going out looking for other ships and it disappears that often times happens in these mysterious triangles because of this event's importance to Japanese Maritime history today in Tokyo there is a shrine dedicated to the memory of those lost in this mysterious sinking like the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic the Dragon's Triangle in the Pacific just off Japan is believed to play Havoc with the so-called time-space Continuum of planet Earth this unexplained phenomenon reportedly causes ships and airplanes to be forced off course by miles and miles and for clocks to suddenly change time all in an instant some of the theories for the Dragon's Triangle include that it's anomaly if there's some kind of magnetic anomaly that there's some kind of black hole in the ocean that there's something from outer space that zooms down and has some kind of interaction with you know craft there and they disappear but as far as We Know things happen there and we don't know why in the late 1950s American television and radio personality author Godfrey an accomplished pilot in his own right reportedly experiences a frightening occurrence in the Dragon's Triangle one that nearly cost him his life the 1950s the band leader and television personality from America author of Godfrey was piloting a twin-engine craft over the Dragon's Triangle he he saw a Uso the instruments on his plane went dead he was low on fuel he had to navigate by the sun because his Compass was out when his instruments came back on and he was able to get over land again he found out the same exact thing that he had experienced missing time during the period with only enough fuel for three hours Godfrey piloted his Craft on dead reckoning after one hour his instrumentation returned and he was able to return to course however Godfrey would later report that he inexplicably lost a half hour his clucks literally rolled backwards fortunately for Godfrey and his crew they safely arrived in Tokyo avoiding the terrible fate of Amelia Earhart and countless others in the Dragon's Triangle other similar time space anomalies over the triangle have been reported by military pilots in the 1950s and 60s including Air Force pilot Frank Hopkins an adviser to the 106th air Transport Group in the summer of 1968 he wrote to Argosy Magazine with a story of a time-space Continuum Shift while flying a c97 strato freighter over the Dragon's Triangle in the spring of 1966 I was a basic Navigator aboard an air guide c97 flying from kwajalein Island to Guam we looked forward to a pleasant Night Flight of about six to six and a half hours Hopkins says that as per protocol he plots his position hourly using star navigation but during the third hour of the flight something inexplicable occurs I shot a second Celestial fix weather was excellent only problem was and I almost fell out of the airplane when I put this on the chart this last fix was almost 340 nautical miles down intended course I rechecked and rechecked a plugging old c97 covered 340 nautical miles and one hour of time for no apparent reason later upon landing on Guam Hopkins reports to his duty officer that his airplane jumped many hundreds of miles ahead of course but no report is filed Hopkins says that he remains convinced however that this area is indeed home to Peculiar forces that pose great danger to airplanes and ships due to the Confluence of these events experts continue to feel other forces might possibly be at work deep below the triangle all the anomalies in at least the Dragon's Triangle none are more mysterious than the vast number of sightings of UFOs according to Charles berlitz's Dragon's Triangle he believes the most notorious cause of deadly events in the area are the Specter of UFOs and their underwater counterparts Usos unidentified submerged objects quote a number of ships that have disappeared in the Dragon's Triangle have been sunk by Usos events were often attributed in ancient times to angry demons or dragons the Japanese were very influenced by the Chinese and the Chinese were great Believers in Dragons and that that these Dragons Were Somehow at Sea and they could you know rise up and the dragon was both a propitious and a threatening symbol UFO experts in Japan and researchers like brillitz all believe the apparitions in the Triangle thought to be monsters and Dragons by early Witnesses were in fact UFOs these reports continue to this day as we studied about this area we found many interesting scientific reasons for these incidents which had been called mysterious there was a report in the Japan Sea by a fishing boat the fishermen reported seeing a huge UFO flying back and forth and lights in the ocean Japanese ufologist junichiro Kato head of our J the organization of UFO research Japan has been studying UFO phenomenon for almost 20 years he has seen UFOs on numerous occasions over the waters near Japan and has photographed many other sightings I have so many photographs there are maybe over 200 sightings at one point I witnessed one or two a month the Eastern tip of the dragon's triangles believed by experts to even include portions of the city of Tokyo on June 14 1997 katos snapped a photograph of a fast-moving glowing disc moving ADI estimates over 500 miles per hour just above the waters off Tokyo bay I took a picture of three UFOs flying in formation over the ocean near Tokyo Disneyland the three UFOs made a triangle shape this event was seen by ten Witnesses the event was phoned in the local Tokyo news outlets by several witnesses but media reports were never filed Kata was not the only modern Japanese witness to inform the History Channel of sightings of ufo-like objects over the Dragon's Triangle a tokyo-based magazine editor witnessed a UFO over the Dragon's Triangle while on this quiet beach about 30 miles south of Tokyo in 1990. thank you in August of 1990 I saw an airplane going in One Direction and a white light appeared very close to the Jet and I wondered what it was [Music] it moved like it was writing a w in the sky it moved at one kilometer per second it was quite quick before that I didn't believe in UFOs but since then I became a Believer this unique experience leaves an indelible impression on Nobu I wasn't scared I was very surprised I'd love to see it again and watch it much closer throughout the 20th century eyewitness reports of UFO sightings in the Dragon's Triangle began to swell from verbal reports from fishermen to official reports from military men and women after World War II the Soviet navy had one of the largest active fleets in the Northern Pacific over the years Sailors and officers aboard these vessels have been responsible for some of the best UFO reports in the Dragon's Triangle in 1977 the reconnaissance division of the Soviet navy organized a scientific research project to examine the issue of UFOs in the water I was in charge of this group at the end of 1977 we gave our large Naval vessels instructions on how to observe UFOs August 18 1980 according to reports from moscow-based UFO experts Vladimir ajaja the Russian research vessel Vladimir volvirov moved slowly South through the Dragon's Triangle around Japan heading toward Okinawa just after midnight suddenly and without warning a cylindrical metallic ufo-like object is seen to rise slowly from the sea however then Dart away into the sky the object's ability to hover has caused experts like ajaja to believe that the craft was not man-made to this day the event remains a mystery eight months after this Russian event another significant incident occurs in almost the exact same location one of the more recent cases in a fascinating case is the Taki Kyoto Maru from 1981. they spotted a UFO actually a Uso coming out of the water April 17 1981 it is a clear day and the seas are calm the 165-foot Japanese Trader Taki Kyoto Maru is sailing 200 miles off kanazawa with over 30 crew members suddenly the crew is rocked as shock waves roll through their ship the semen immediately assumed they've been hit April 17th of 1981 a Japanese ship sailing off the coast of Japan in an area that is noted as the Dragon's Triangle encountered a UFO that came out of the sea violently and of course huge waves to Buffet the ship captain usuda is at the helm when a bright saucer-shaped object Rises out of the water The Uso is over 50 feet in diameter and hovers silently over the ship the ship's instruments Compass the various dials the engines all began to blur as the Uso circled around the ship the captain estimated that the Uso circled the ship for about 15 minutes then plunged back into the water the waves were so violent yusuda reports the ship nearly capsized even more Fierce turbulence occurs when the Uso returns to the water compared the time on the radio to the time on the watches and found out the ship had lost 15 minutes in time foreign observing and hovering close to large ships is not new to the Dragon's Triangle according to Japanese ufologist junichiro narasawa a Japanese government research vessel kahio Maru is a ship with an impressive UFO related history launched in 1967. she became the largest ship in the ministry of agriculture's Fleet weighing in at over 2500 tons was also considered to be one of the most advanced nautical research ships of her time on two known occasions 1984 and 1986 the Premier Research ship was reportedly tracked by a UFO Schilling events were witnessed by at least nine research scientists aboard the ship including researcher mikia nogonobu in December 1984 Mr Naga Nobu was in the Falkland Islands at the southern end of South America one night he saw two dozen UFOs they were like lights floating in the sky then they suddenly went in three different directions the second reported sighting by the kaiyo Maru occurs two years later in 1986 but this time in the Dragon's Triangle a huge cigar-shaped UFO over 100 feet long is reported to approach the ship at high speed before diving into the water he witnessed another event in 1986 in the Japan sea a huge cigar-shaped UFO approached the ship the only thing they saw was a small red light that kept it disappearing but this time the UFO was seen unrated these two extraordinary events were reported in detail in the Japanese edition of Scientific American Magazine in September 1988. Americans Scientific American Magazine reported about these incidents in the article the editor actually described that this event is very important because it's an official report of the government research ship of the Ministry of Agriculture foreign triangle are not limited to the Sea from the Amelia Earhart incident onward Pilots have found the skies above the triangle to be as treacherous as the oceans below a significant air-to-air UFO event occurred over the Western end of the triangle a near-miss collision between an unidentified aircraft and a TOA Airlines convair 240. one famous incident happened in Ikeda when a pilot witnessed a UFO and the control tower announced to all the aircraft that there was a UFO approaching [Music] March 18 1965 706 pm in a harried report to the air traffic control tower in tomokatsu 43 year old Captain yoshiharu anaba reports an unidentified oblong craft is approaching his jetliner as it cruises over the triangle fast anaba then makes a 60 degree turn at over 500 miles per hour to avoid Collision the object stops abruptly then follows alongside the airliner Captain anaba reports he's being shadowed by a UFO he reports the object is 50 feet in length and radiates a greenish light several witnesses observed the situation from the ground meanwhile a piper Apache registered to Tokyo Airlines here's Captain inaba's frantic Transmissions at 1007 universal time he sees the same UFO at 7 200 feet heading east to Osaka and toured the Dragon's Triangle air traffic controller Akira tagushi was at his post when Captain Inaba radios his report he later confirmed the object was seen over the mountains near Hiroshima and near the island of shikoku the same day at roughly the same time Engineers who worked in the mountains near Hiroshima said they had seen something which had been a flying saucer these other facts nobody knows what this object really was the Dragon's Triangle has been known for thousands of years and one of the stories that's connected with it is that there's a dragon that lives under the ocean and comes out of the ocean and snatches craft and vessels down into the depths one of the world's earliest UFO stories in fact originates from the Waters of Japan along with what many believe to be the first modern drawings of UFOs the legend of the utsuro bune a mysterious alien woman who arrives from the bottom of the Pacific in a round craft-like vessel goes back centuries a closer look at the drawings reveals a flying saucer-shaped object similar to those seen by countless Witnesses in the 20th century these drawings are thought to be the earliest known UFO themed prints in the writings they found a description of a bowl-like metal ship that arrived on a beach called hirotonou Hama the witnesses approached and looked inside there was a woman with smooth light clothes on the ship there were letters that had never been seen before they described what could have been a UFO in ancient Japan there were no round ships in Japan at that time so they believed it was a UFO the most interesting part of the shapes it is very similar to the modern UFOs so my first interest is why the people can imagine this kind of shapes 200 years ago Tanaka a professor at gifu University in Tokyo reopened the gutsuro bune legend in 1997. his investigation led him to ask if the mysterious woman who came out of the Waters of the Pacific so long ago was really part of quote a close encounter of the Third Kind so all the ship is a period 200 years intensity but I could not find that any ships that is similar to these spherical shapes this is similar to the utilobene so this is very very I think a strange thing beginning in the early 1800s Japan suddenly sees a bounty of utsurobune drawings all by different artists in different parts of the country each one telling the exact same story of a mysterious woman emerging from an eerily similar saucer-shaped craft uh many places in Japan I could find five pictures it is very a little bit strange so why people made so so many drawing concerning the uh it is a mystery these strange coincidences cause experts like Tanaka to wonder if Japan which was completely close to Outsiders and outside News until 1857 experienced a mass UFO sighting at around this time in Japan has a key to solve the mystery of the modern UFOs I think [Music] the mysteries of the sea purvey Japanese culture and history stories and legends surrounding UFO activity in the Dragon's Triangle have been around for centuries on September 24th 1235 strange Celestial lights are seen to move and hover above General yoritsumi's Army encampment in Kyoto which terrified the troops the objects were thought to be dragons from the sea on their way to attack them 40 years later two large-scale catastrophic events in the Dragon's Triangle would make world history and give its deep Waters a deadly reputation the Devil's Triangle which has accumulated a certain amount of lore in Modern Times And this clearly to some extent at least reflects old Japanese Traditions having to do with the sea with dangers in the sea with Supernatural or even Divine beings who live in the sea who can both protect and also attack those who earned their livelihood from the sea fishermen and so on in 1274 the Mongol empire under Kublai Khan assembled a massive force of over 900 ships to conquer the one territory he coveted Japan victory was more than assured until a single catastrophic event in the Triangle stopped this massive Armada cold Mongolia was governing maybe half of Europe and all over Asia and they tried to invade Japan as well a typhoon came and all of the ships were sunk and they couldn't reach Japan and they brought about 40 000 troops in 1274 to Japan more than half of that fleet was sunk in this storm and so the Mongols first Invasion ended up as a major disaster you know some twenty thousand Mongols were killed in that instance or lost their lives Khan made another more Massive Attack on Japan in 1281. this time he brought 140 000 men and 3 000 ships the second invasion had similar disastrous results an estimated 70 000 Mongol troops were destroyed along with the majority of the ships [Music] the second great effort to invade Japan was once again defeated by the arrival of a propitious wind as a Japanese like to call and this this created the notion of the divine wind at the time of the Mongolian Invasion It is believed that the wind saved Japan experts and historians alike still question if events in this anomalous zone are the work of divine Winds of benevolent gods strange meteorological occurrences or possibly something else the fact that nature intervened on two separate occasions I don't know it it did put a little bit of folklore into Japanese history as far as as Heavenly intervention protecting Japan as Japan was all but closed Outsiders over much of its history experts fear that a great reserve of UFO Research into the triangle is forever lost it was not until the late 19th century that reports became more frequent the American official whose work helped open Japan's door to the West Was personally involved in a mystery involving possible UFOs in the Dragon's Triangle July 8th 1853 4 AM Commodore Matthew C Perry is off the coast of hulaga In Tokyo bay [Music] suddenly an unusual object emerges from the sky Perry recorded this encounter in his log during the watch from Midnight to 4 am a very remarkable meteor was seen it made its appearance in the South and West and illuminated the whole atmosphere spars sails and hulls of the ships in company as well as our own reflected its glare as distinctly as though a blue light were burning from each at the same time from the South and West about 15 degrees above the Horizon it pursued a northeasterly course in a direct line for a long distance when it fell gradually toward the sea and disappeared what follows is a vivid description of something which does not resemble a meteor something far more ominous its shape was that of a large Blue sphere with a red wedge-shaped tail which it could be easily observed was formed of ignited particles and resembled the Sparks of a rocket as they appear upon explosion UFO researchers in Japan are convinced that Commodore Perry during one of the most important voyages West by an American witnessed a UFO in the heart of the Dragon's Triangle there was a report of sightings of a UFO when the American leadership approached the Japanese government to open Commerce while his ship was floating at the uraga Perry wrote the report in his navigation diary others witnessed this sighting as well Perry continued to search for Clues and answers but died five years later in 1858 without further insight into the events of that night two big dragons are hiding themselves from three thousand years ago this area is called The Devil's Sea and many ships have disappeared without good reason let's find out the biggest and strongest mystery of the 20th century the Dragon's Triangle what we have seen is that in Japan and the ring of fire that before and after increased seismic activity or increased volcanic activity there'll be a lot of sightings of these UFOs deep beneath the dragons triangle is one of the most seismically active regions on the planet here gigantic undersea tectonic plates shift constantly and sub-oceanic volcano eruptions are quite frequent all of which might be responsible for significant shipping losses and dramatic loss of life back in the States we receive message traffic on a regular basis that tells us volcano warning alerts so not only do we know where they are we haven't plot on our charts if I go down and check my email right now I have about eight or ten messages from these guys telling us that there's a volcano here that has shown some sort of seismic activity and uh your best bet is to steer clear when you get an underwater eruption depending on how deep it is if it's pretty deep you'll just get lava flows coming out but if it's closer to the surface you'll get actual gas in the magma that forms Bubbles and it's an explosive eruption Dr Joanne stock is Professor of geology and geophysics at Caltech University in Pasadena California one of the Mariana Islands Island was erupting in 2003 it had these on the island itself and people could see that there's pulses of gas coming out it actually has more than 80 little vents that are offshore that are also active if one of those was erupting you know you might see the peak of the volcano on the island it doesn't look like anything's happening but something could be erupting underwater where your ship is sailing near it and could be affected or could sink because too much gas is in the water the gas is created by underwater volcanoes can wreak havoc with ships even huge container and cargo ships if you happen to get a gas bubble you know a big gas bubble that came out of a vent that was underwater if your ship was right on top of that gas bubble you would sink because you wouldn't have enough buoyancy to keep your ship floating the ring of fire that lies within the Dragon's Triangle is filled with dangerous volcanoes at varied depths the shallow is are these islands above sea level and then they go on down you know ten thousand feet why is there so much volcanic activity surrounding Japan and this area it may come as a surprise to some people to realize that the majority of the volcanism on the planet Earth is happening on the seafloor most of the Pacific ocean floor is moving from east to west and as the sea floor is dragged down into the interior the Earth this water reacts with hot rock and makes volcanoes volcanoes along the Marianas which are erupting as a result of this plate Collision can toss aerosols in particulate matter all the way up to the stratosphere and obviously if a plane flew into that it might clog the engines another dangerous phenomenon in the Dragon's Triangle is the so-called triangle waves these bizarre Oceanic enigma are Swift and deadly and impossible to predict there are big waves seven eight nine feet high crashing in from different directions this creates huge waves up to 65 feet high this is the most dangerous thing that I have ever seen Japan is located where there are seasonal big wins in the winter time there tends to be a lot of bad weather and turbulence winds from different directions create the triangle waves the term triangular wave sankakunami in Japanese is a name used by Japanese people from the past what it represents from a scientific point of view is not known Dr Hiroshi Tomita special researcher at Japan's national Maritime Research Institute inducted to kujiwaseda professor at the University of Tokyo performed a unique experiment for the History Channel in the world's largest wave tank it demonstrates the destructive capabilities of the kinds of triangle waves and currents that affect this area a U.S commercial ship reported that they actually saw a wave over 100 feet high but it was measured by sight so they don't have any scientific proof what my team is trying to do is measure in a more scientific way there's 32 plungers at the end of the tank which we control the amplitude of the face from a computer these tank tests are scalable the same thing can happen in the real ocean Dr Watson illustrates the nature of a triangle wave as two waves process each other the weight pattern will form a triangular shape when a ship encounters these kind of triangular shape wave the ship can move in quite a different way sometimes it can move this way but sometimes it can roll roll for example for a ship is extremely dangerous the energy piles up it is said that the amplitude can be quite High because of the crossing sea not being able to predict the direction of the forces is a threat for a ship the phenomenon of triangle waves is reportedly responsible for the destruction of many ships and great losses of life in the Dragon's Triangle I think the scientific knowledge is very similar to the jigsaw puzzle the we have no no peace that much it is a UFOs there are many reports of accidents so I consider that it is a dangerous area but we cannot Define those accidents either from volcano natural causes or some mysterious UFOs for hundreds of years in the Dragon's Triangle there have been countless reports of disappearances and Eerie encounters with UFOs drawing a perfect correlation to its mysterious counterpart in Bermuda leaving many researchers to call this Hot Zone the Pacific's Bermuda Triangle I've seen all the reports I believe there are many people who see it and don't talk about it there are some people who say I cannot believe until I see with my own eyes but of course the eyes are not always reliable we have to research from many different points of view maybe there are some doors that open frequently to the different dimensions on this planet so in theory maybe it's possible there are doors like that in the ocean modern researchers both for the dragon city of Japan and the Bermuda Triangle of the Florida coast have hypothesized that there's an undersea UFO base or a Uso base in those Waters they're very deep there's a lot of volcanic activity and sometimes the magnetic readings will throw off attempts to find objects on the bottom of the surface so there may well be a Uso base in the dragon Sea of Japan is the government hiding crashed UFOs beneath Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton Ohio I would say we probably retrieve dozens of Crash saucers are there Declassified government documents that prove that UFO wreckage was secretly flown to the base reports claim anywhere from 14 to 16 bodies were recovered from the ground for the first time on television exclusive stories from Deep behind the secrecy I had a top secret SCI clearance I've never told the story is there a conspiracy to hide UFO evidence at the highest levels of the U.S government or is it all just a myth if you want to know the truth about UFOs ride Patterson Air Force Base would be the place to go join us as the UFO files uncovers the facts behind the legend of hangar 18. [Music] July 1947 Roswell New Mexico wreckage of an unknown craft litters of field measuring almost a mile long and hundreds of yards wide US Army sends trucks filled with soldiers to the location their mission to secure and retrieve everything from the crash site the military initially calls the craft a flying disc in a press release the Army quickly recounts the UFO story and a press conference is scheduled in which the media is told that the wreckage is nothing more than a weather balloon but according to many UFO researchers at the same time that the Press is distracted with supposedly fake debris the actual Roswell wreckage and possibly other retrieved items are taken under military control they are surreptitiously flown almost 1500 miles away to a military base in Dayton Ohio named right field according to UFO Legend its precise destination is a hangar on the base hangar 18. we know that stuff got shipped to right because of the testimony of the people who were involved in the shipments on both ends foreign classified FBI document dated July 8 1947 the same week as the Roswell crash also provides ties to right field the object found resembles a high altitude weather balloon with a radar reflector but that telephonic conversation between their office and right field had not borne out this belief disc and balloon being transported to right field by special plane for examination [Music] debris arrives the class of 1947 from the military's Elite Airman training facility the prestigious air War college is flown to right field to investigate one of the officers on scene is a battle-tested hero of World War II a fighter pilot whose reputation earns him the nickname black mag but nothing would prepare Marion Magruder and his classmates for what they would witness at right field it would change their lives forever he saw metal that was very pliable that you could wrinkle up in your hands and then it would go right back into shape and it was very light and yet you couldn't tear it apart he saw parts of wreckage of what were extraterrestrial craft he saw bodies and he also saw a living being he said that it was childlike very thin with an oversized head and long arms with four digits my father referred to the fact that we killed it I'm sure we did not do it on purpose but they were experimenting and obviously we did not know how to make this entity live but this being did die and the way he referred to it is we killed him according to his son Mark Lieutenant Colonel Magruder and his classmates are sworn to secrecy under threat of Court martial because of this he keeps a secret for 50 years even from his family but in 1997 his health fading Black Mac begins to open up to those closest to him I said Dad are you finally going to tell us what you know so that we will know and at that time he said it was an awesome secret to carry all of his life to know that there were more than us on this Earth and to not be able to tell anybody [Music] I've never told this story on TV before and it's difficult to do it now because I want my father's Legacy to be as honorable as his life was and it's very important to me that you know that I'm telling you the truth as he absolutely knew it to be he just needed to let us know his children know weren't alone foreign er's story is not an isolated Tale in fact for more than half a century similar stories have surfaced about UFO wreckage alien bodies secret underground cryogenic Chambers and a mysterious hangar at the base right field would grow and be renamed Wright-Patterson Air Force Base but questions about the base and its legendary Hangar 18 would remain Hangar 18 has always been a mystery at Patterson Air Force Base if you want to know the truth about UFOs about the craft the debris probably the records ride Patterson Air Force Base in my estimation would be the place to go [Music] if these claims are true Wright-Patterson Air Force Base one of the largest and most important in America's military could be Ground Zero for recovered UFO material all the information I have from all my sources says it was shipped here and the people who actually worked at Wright-Patterson who actually wore a uniform here said it was here wreckage and tire pieces of The Craft and whole sections of the craft bodies were brought in in fact bodies were brought in on a regular basis from a number of different crashes from Roswell Not only was debris from many UFO crashes allegedly shipped to the base but from the late 1940s until the end of the 1960s all reports regarding UFOs were conducted at Wright-Patterson for the military's official UFO investigation Project Blue Book Wright-Patterson evolved into one of the most talked about bases in UFO lore however the Air Force's description of the base is much different really what makes Wright-Patterson unique is we are by and large focused on tomorrow what is tomorrow's Air Force going to look like what kind of airplanes will we fly what kind of weapons will be on those aircraft what kind of Technology will be in the continent we have the Air Force research laboratory here we buy all of the aircraft in the United States Air Force Through the offices that are here we are responsible for all of the flight tests all the Science and Technology we're also responsible for all of the major intelligence that's done for air and space [Music] some of the research that goes on in technology may be classified because we're trying to protect the technology that we develop to make sure that we provide our soldiers and our Airmen the the best advantage [Music] until the early 1990s much of the scientifically advanced work was done by the foreign technology division or FTD which many researchers believe is the key to understanding wright-patterson's role in UFO history thank you a foreign technology division was the Air Force unit that was responsible for scientific and Technical intelligence as as it applied to the air and space and missile capability of mainly the Soviet Union they were there to prevent technological surprise they were the experts in the bad guys equipment Wright Patterson has a history of duplicating Russian equipment German equipment and reverse engineering it why would they not do the same thing with extraterrestrial technology and so there's no question in my mind that's exactly what we're doing March 25th 1948 Aztec New Mexico what starts as a normal day for local Oil Workers turns into an encounter with the unknown [Music] as they approach the western edge of the Mesa a large silver object grabs their attention when the Oil Workers got to the Mesa there was a disk approximately 100 feet in diameter thank you found intact appears to be a landing as opposed to a crash [Music] the witnesses I talked to both Ken Farley and Doug Nolan young men at the time would not enter The Craft Bill Ferguson the foreman more senior gentleman was yelling at the the workers to get away from it except for a shattered porthole there isn't any immediate sign of damage Doug Nolan reported to me he saw two bodies through the porthole slumped over hooks arrived supposedly from Camp Hill Colorado it appears the U.S government has another UFO incident to contend with Having learned from their mistakes at Roswell the Army quickly takes control of the situation Roswell nine months earlier had been sort of botched by putting it on the front page of many newspapers around the country I think the military had really fine-tuned their skills on going in and retrieving a down flying disc or UFO the secrecy started immediately upon the military's arrival at the crash site they separated the locals and reminded them of their patriotic Duty for the United States and swore them to secrecy 58 years ago you've told showed up for National Security you did it because you respected and trusted the government the military wanted that craft immediately and they would do whatever it took to get it out of there [Music] according to the eyewitnesses the Army recovers between 14 and 16 badly burned alien bodies from The Craft the recovery team reportedly brings both the ship and the alien corpses to a local safe house away from the media take it to the nearest military base where you can control access to it and then you arrange to ship it to an appropriate Place depending on what you want done but again Wright-Patterson would be the eventual Repository to the number of alien bodies at Aztec it is considered one of the most significant UFO retrievals to date [Music] but UFO researchers say there are many other cases tied to right field October 1947 Paradise Valley Arizona May 1953 Kingman Arizona June 1953 Laredo Texas and December 5th 1965 Kecksburg Pennsylvania are only a few of the alleged Flying Saucer recoveries in the U.S alone no matter where a UFO lands it seems all roads lead back to Wright-Patterson and hangar 18. a Wright-Patt was kind of a graveyard for some of these things and probably put them in a holding pattern until technology got to where they could look at them better but despite countless books and the public interest in UFOs there was no official confirmation about alien aircraft at hangar 18. eventually attention shifted away from Wright Patterson interest was revived however in 1978 when UFO researcher Leonard Stringfield gave a speech at the annual Mutual UFO Network or mufon Symposium coincidentally held in Dayton Ohio wright-patterson's home Lynn was doing things in this field that nobody else had done he actually had developed a number of people that were leaking information to him they were given testimony on things that they had seen and done not just one person but a whole Entourage of people that he developed a trust where people knew they could trust him and and he wouldn't expose them and they could give him the information and he could correlate it with others and determine what's real and what isn't Stringfield wrote several books on the subject of UFO crashes and their retrievals because of the secrecy involved many of his sources didn't want their full names published for fear of losing their top secret government jobs [Music] among the stories of wreckage being stored at Hangar 18 at Wright-Patterson was the tale about a Navy pilot identified only as PJ who along with several others accidentally entered a restricted hangar for a brave 30 seconds a disc shaped object of metallic color 15 feet wide and eight feet deep was seen I cannot confirm anything other than it was there according to stringfield's research they were confronted by the guards and quickly escorted out of the hangar once outside we're here to reassure each other that the good old U.S had developed or had all along flying saucers in service [Music] as these stories started surfacing other Witnesses came forward UFO researcher and Aberdeen Washington police detective James Clarkson located June crane a former employee of Wright-Patterson from the Roswell era she agreed to sit down with him for an audio interview in 1997. Crane's story dates back to the early 1950s according to the documents she supplied to Clarkson she was a clerk typist with access to top secret information one afternoon a lieutenant surprised her with a piece of unusual metal he threw it on a disc and he says June you're a good wrecker tear that thing apart setup and I took it and I Bennett and I twisted it and they laid it back down and it went got right back the same shape so it's it's fairly thick but it doesn't weigh anything but had no weight at all it was like a feather I said well what is it and he says piece of a spaceship so I just come back to New Mexico and I promised him it is the early 1950s Wright-Patterson Air Force Base is at the center of America's high-tech war effort and the Air Force's most sophisticated technology it is also home to the government's crash retrieval program which these Declassified documents describe as designed to capture for study non-us space objects or objects of Unknown Origin it was codenamed Project Moon dust items retrieved by Moon dust were then shipped to the foreign technology division at Wright-Patterson project moondust had to do really with us collecting space junk things that would be falling out of the sky when a Soviet satellite fell when a piece of a Soviet missile or a space launch vehicle landed in an area that we could get to it was important to to glean as much of this equipment as possible so that we could study its technical makeup its structure and the components and so forth it was not uncommon for examples of foreign air space and missile technology to be brought back here to Wright Patterson even fragments of them if that's all that could be located the situation is the same here's an unknown aerial vehicle coming down let's keep people away from it let's grab the wreckage ourselves and let's lie about it so nobody knows what we've done standard practice at airplanes or saucers one Wright-Patterson employee who may have had access to information about these recoveries was clerk typist June crane [Music] according to Crane her top secret clearance allowed her to witness high-level Base information including she claims classified files on UFO crash retrievals in 1997 crane told UFO researcher James Clarkson her story of downed alien aircraft there was three times aware of I won't vouch for the fourth one because I wouldn't well these these three crashes that you heard about while you worked at Wright-Patterson well one was the Roswell and then there was two other ones so as of 1952 they knew about three crashes right of vehicles that were probably extraterrestrial right and then the one word about the two men and to write Patterson Air Force Base and put them in the ice box I didn't see it because nobody was allowed to see it okay when two of them he called them little green men then he described him as a greenish blue and they were four foot tall I never did and we're talking about non-humans non-humans right according to Clarkson crane had kept her silence for 45 years at the time she had been forced to sign a confidentiality agreement and was liable for a ten thousand dollar fine but by 1997 crane changed her mind and an email from Clarkson to UFO files he explains June had told him I'm 72 years old what are they going to do shoot me or put me in prison I think I can handle either one [Music] June passed away in 1998 but her testimony would appear to provide witness to alien bodies at Wright-Patterson according to many in the UFO field she is not alone I have talked to a number of people and interviewed a smaller number at some depth who have said that there were bodies at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and bodies recovered from Roswell and remember Wright-Patterson did have the capability of providing low temperature storage for biological specimens they had an anthropoid laboratory there you know apes and monkeys and stuff like that that's a great cover for aliens as well additional stories of aliens at Wright-Patterson can be found in the papers of Leonard Stringfield The ufologist Who specialized in Crash retrieval most of stringfield's eyewitnesses preferred to remain anonymous or simply go by their initials one of them an unnamed former Naval intelligence officer claims to have been present when alien bodies arrived in 1953. I saw the bodies at Wright-Patterson I was in the right place at the right time when the crates arrived at Night by dc7 Stringfield also interviewed an anonymous army officer who claimed to have witnessed another group of four alien bodies being brought to Wright Batterson in 1957. according to the general the four bodies approximately five feet in height were sent to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base where we had seen them in a deep freeze morgue kept at approximately 120 degrees below zero for preservation despite stringfield's passion for the subject many ufologists were frustrated by his unwillingness to reveal his source's identities for additional confirmation the UFO Community was very interested of course any hint of a crash it always gets everybody's attention but the fact that he wouldn't give his sources was really upsetting to a lot of the people because they wanted to run off and check for themselves and probably so why not I've tried to tell people he should be given credit for speaking out for collecting but let's not take anything he said as gospel because we need verification and validation and very rarely did Len have that [Music] but not all of the witnesses requested to remain anonymous respected UFO investigator Ted Phillips told Stringfield he'd been given access to several top secret photos that showed details of some of the alien bodies supposedly stored at Wright-Patterson the hand had long thin appendages fingers I suppose and there was a sort of membrane between the fingers I'd not seen anything like that before and for some reason mentioned it to land he became excited because he had seen the same thing I don't know what the origin of the photos might be but I do trust the source regardless of the various Witnesses Stringfield interviewed the descriptions of the actual aliens that were maintained in Hangar 18 were all similar the general testimony about bodies is quite consistent little guys big heads relatively long arms upper arm longer than the lower arm which is a reverse for us four long skinny fingers would have made a good violinist as one witness said slip for a mouth no visible teeth not really a nose but two little holes holes for the ears big eyes for body size short guys little guys little gray men if you want not green great I have heard that there were live aliens kept alive for a certain period of time maybe years after Roswell let's say now they would certainly have done all kinds of testing on them if you hit a body of an occupant of a crash buying disc you would definitely autopsy it and try to figure out how its physiology was different than that of humans Howard's DNA was different than that of humans even some pretty Advanced investigations I'm sure now if this was coupled with analysis of test results from live aliens then you'd really have very exciting biological study project [Music] of a secret underground vault that holds these alien bodies the biggest kept secret was the huge cryogenics networks that were required to support and preserve these bodies [Music] [Music] Wright-Patterson Air Force Base is a vast military complex officially it employs 22 000 men and women and is the home of the 88th air base wing the National Air and Space Intelligence Center and the Air Force materiel command but since the alleged UFO crash at Roswell New Mexico in 1947. there have been rumors linking the base to the storage and study of UFO crash remnants and even alien bodies the military says none of this is true but those who've studied it say Wright-Patterson is large enough and secure enough to hold a multitude of Secrets I spent 22 years in the military about about six years of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base author and retired Air Force Captain Robert Collins says he was a research analyst for the foreign technology division the FTD the unit most commonly linked to UFO studies on the base His official job was to analyze Soviet technology but Collins has also spent years researching the link between UFOs and Wright-Patterson in his book exempt from disclosure Collins determines the mystery of Hangar 18 May lie in a vast underground infrastructure hidden from the thousands of eyes that frequent the base the reason you don't want to use hangers and the reason you want to use underground vaults is because you want to keep things under cryogenic temperatures and you want to keep it cold and you want to keep it secure in the underground volts would be the ideal place to keep it now we do have a lot of evidence that supports the idea that these bolts were there [Music] this underground structure was enormous and a huge long tunnel areas that connected these vaults there are about four volts that are about 100 by 100 feet we found out that these things exist the question is what was in convinced that the stuff that was recovered from Roswell and other crashes was put in these faults [Music] UFO researchers have long heard reports of such a network underneath the base but Collins work May provide a more specific view of those tunnels one that helps construct a diagram of what may exist at the base [Music] according to his research there is a building 18 complex instead of a hangar 18. the structure he found that fit the description is the neighboring building number 23. Collins claims it was previously known as hangar 23. now the way I understand it that back in the early 50s sometime perhaps between 51 and 53 a craft was brought in here the floor of the hangar 23 was removed and this craft was put in the basement of the hangar and then the floor was covered over the craft and then there was a vault area in building 18f with a tunnel that was constructed and built over to hangar 23. [Applause] while it is possible that building 23 was the legendary hangar 18. most researchers have continued to focus on the importance of the underground tunnels [Music] Wright-Patterson Air Force Base is honeycombed with below ground level facilities these pits were dug in various configurations and were deep enough to where if covered over would have made an ideal remote examination laboratory for somebody trying to examine alien artifacts that had been recovered elsewhere by interviewing various Air Force personnel who were supposedly granted access to the top secret underground vault Collins felt he was able to confirm many of the rumors the biggest kept secret was the huge cryogenics networks that were required to support and preserve these bodies and I understand it was quite extensive they were huge cryogenic storage tubes that these so-called three foot four or three foot six aliens were kept in these canisters under cryogenic temperatures what actually Lies Beneath Wright-Patterson may be impossible to confirm the Air Force Base operates under the highest security keeping access to the base and these vaults secret from almost everyone even their own the secrecy goes all the way to the top it's a question of absolutely the highest level of classification that exists in the United States government as far as I know [Music] a formerly classified Memo from mid-july 1947. points to FBI director J Edgar Hoover showing immense interest in a retrieved craft and his frustration about being kept out of the loop we must insist on full access to District recovery the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination [Music] was written just days after the Roswell New Mexico wreckage was taken to right field if J Edgar Hoover couldn't get access to the contents of Hangar 18 how high did the secrecy go in a 1994 interview with Larry King on TNT Senator Barry Goldwater detailed his attempt to visit hangar 18. I think at Wright-Patterson if you could get into certain places you'd find out what the Air Force and the government does know about UFOs reportedly a spaceship landed it was all hushed up I called Curtis LeMay and I said General I know we have a room at Wright-Patterson where you put all the secret stuff could I go in there well I've never heard General Lemay get mad but he got madder than hell at me cussed me out and said don't ever ask me that question again how much was there we don't know whether it was just documents or specimens or pieces nobody knows but the story dates back to Goldwater and I think there's almost no question that it's a very true story they are schematics once classified as Secret designs of a craft that appears to be a flying saucer various unconfirmed stories have emerged of disc shaped Vehicles being developed at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base but these Declassified government documents from 1955 reveal that the air technical Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson had in fact begun work on a disc shaped craft named project silverbug it was a circular aircraft about 35 feet in diameter had a crew of One Pilot and was capable of a vertical takeoff at about two thousand miles an hour foreign there are witnesses who swear it eventually flew but most accounts state that silverbug probably remained on the drawing board but project silverbug wasn't the only example of the military's interest in disc shaped vehicles eleven years later a former pilot who was walking through the hangars at Wright-Patterson during a reunion of his Squadron the Flying Tigers says he accidentally saw a similarly designed aircraft Mr Warren Bots who had an inquisitive mind at the time was going through these different Hangar Bays when he got to Hangar number four bay e he went through the doorway there there was an armed guard at the facility who did not see him at in the beginning he started approaching the port main landing gear to investigate it and that's where the guard stopped him questioned his authority and told him he was not supposed to be in there but he did see a very large monster his words of an aircraft that was 116 feet in diameter at least 12 feet off the hangar floor although the name of that specific project has never been disclosed the U.S military was apparently interested in a craft that could have looked like this with wright-patterson's history of reverse engineering foreign technology is it possible that some of the military's advances were gained from retrieved UFOs I think we've made a great deal of effort to learn bits and pieces based on the both the recovered wreckage and the instrument data for tracking UFOs I don't think we've yet learned how to duplicate that technology overall that is to build something that could fly the way saucers or motherships do if you're given Christopher Columbus an unlimited budget in 1493 in a nuclear submarine and say Chris is your reward here's this great nuclear submarine and an unlimited budget I need two more of these could he have built one [Music] summer 9 sterious lights fill the night skies above Wright-Patterson Air Force Base newspapers and countless eyewitnesses report the aircraft was unlike anything they'd ever seen the main reports we saw was the object was moving up and down was brightly lit it hovered for long periods of time and some people said it seemed to disappear over Wright-Patterson Air Force Base but the biggest thing that gave us what we felt was a conclusive evidence that was something from right field was when the two Middletown policemen chasted we chased it for a long ways towards Dayton Ohio and then lost it in an area where they felt was heading for a Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Wilhelm a retired army master sergeant and UFO investigator suspected the military may have been secretly testing the newly developed Harrier jet on the base the British design craft combines the vertical abilities of a helicopter and the forward thrust of a conventional jet after releasing his findings to the media Wilhelm was quickly contacted by the military I got a phone call from a major from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and he asked me a lot of questions and at the very end he did say I cannot make any comments Mr Wilhelm but all I can say is you've done your homework foreign so a lot of things that people think they see that's strange doesn't mean that it's a craft from another world most of the time it's our military developing some of our technology which we need very badly and it's the reason why they don't say a whole lot and I commend them for them and I back them up 100 percent [Music] the Harrier incident raises another possibility about activities at Wright-Patterson perhaps many of the legends about Hangar 18 are actually a cover-up for top secret military programs I think it's important to keep in mind that the government in association with Air Force OSI counterintelligence division would really like to extend the alien myth as a cover to hide their own deep black programs well it means that they want everyone to believe that what you're seeing out there is extraterrestrial and we do not have the technology to duplicate what we're seeing in the skies I think to the extent that they can confuse or disinform folks about flying discs and make it look like a terrestrial Innovation the more they'll do that it's in the government's best interest to distribute disinformation if you want to keep a secret secret the bait over Hanger 18 and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base may never be completely resolved I would say upward of over the 80 percent convinced that it's true there was wreckage there there were bodies brought there research was done here up to maybe 81 or 82 and then they packed everything up and moved it because the security Lakes that's when all the little stories about agreement ceased about that time frame most researchers speculate that any work being done involving UFOs at Wright-Patterson may have been relocated to another top secret base area 51 the mysterious Airfield hidden in the Nevada desert Area 51 developed because of its location away from anything and Wright-Patterson is in Dayton Ohio's in the middle of a major town so I think Area 51 would have been the ideal location [Music] officially the government won't confirm that any actual UFO wreckage exists at all despite the denials there are government documents that indicate that wreckage from Roswell and other mysterious crashes were shipped to Wright-Patterson for purposes of examining the debris government programs existed that show the air base had an interest in gathering any foreign space Vehicles it could locate and there is testimony that the government wants to keep all of this under wraps even from some of its most prominent officials but why what is the truth behind the legend of hangar 18. nobody can conclusively prove without hard evidence that we do have alien bodies it's all just rumor and speculation [Music] so much more romantic to think that we have it is but again no concrete physical evidence has appeared after 60 years of this mystery there really was a Roswell spacecraft and there really were other UFOs that were recovered by forces loyal to the United States it's just that the classic Hangar 18 was more of something that you would see in the movies and it was part of the rumors that circulated the UFO Community for well over 35 years foreign [Music] is that since we've collected flying discs we're not going to throw them away they either exist at Wright-Patterson or they exist in an underground facility somewhere in the U.S West wherever it is they exist in a warehouse under U.S control and they haven't been thrown away a shocking surgery to remove an alien implant caught on tape a flying saucer fragment found UFO landing sites located all the work of a special breed of investigator I've seen an overwhelming amount of physical evidence I'm absolutely convinced that UFOs are real this real-life x-fibers believe the truth is out there and their goal is to discover if science fiction may actually be science fact they are UFO Hunters good the job of a UFO hutter is the Quest for ultimate truth proof that we are not alone in the universe they present evidence that we are being visited by beings from other worlds but does proof of such visits exist and if so would that change people's opinions of UFOs and UFO Hunters in 1985 one man Bob White claimed that he'd found a fragment of a UFO [Music] I was traveling from Denver to Las Vegas with a young lady named Jan and in the high desert if it's a bright clear night the stars are shining which it was you could see forever I was asleep when she woke me up and asked me what this strange light was I didn't know so I stayed awake and we watched it as we got closer to the light it got bigger we stopped the car to look at it [Music] the light was so bright I had to Shield my eyes like this to look at it she turned the headlights on for some reason when she did this thing just shot up in the air that fast and when it got up in the sky it connected to another light and then this object was ejected from it [Laughter] [Music] when I first saw it it was glowing red and it just looked like a glob of something and it was too hot to touch my first thought was what in the world could it possibly be what could this be once the object cooled white placed it in the trunk what you are seeing is the actual object white recovered this is what it looked like after it cooled down the only difference is the end piece on here was rounded and that was cut off for an analysis by Los Alamos the jagged fragment measuring nine inches in length and weighing over a pound and a half was subjected to isotopic ratio and other Elemental composition tests at the U.S government's Los Alamos National Laboratory after several weeks of testing white finally talked to a technician [Music] he was very excited about it he said this is definitely extraterrestrial it's something I've been looking for all my life and I said that's wonderful so I told newspaper columnist Michael Bryan that he called and talked to the same scientists and the same scientist told him that he didn't say that and he said my bosses have instructed me not to talk to anyone about this and that was the end of the conversation Los Alamos would not return phone calls or respond to inquiries for this program regarding the unusual sample white sent the object to eight different Labs including MIT New Mexico Tech and Scripps Laboratories while they all concluded that the complex structure was mostly aluminum white feels that its origin may have been revealed in the results of one of the tests one that I've considered to be the most important was done by a scientists that was on a team of scientists that found a meteorite in Antarctica and they found a meteorite in India and they measured the Isotopes in strontium and determined that they were from Mars well the same people that did the analysis on those things did the analysis on the object that I have and the measurement Falls right in between the two from Mars another anomalous fragment nearly identical to whites was found some 40 years earlier the story was confirmed by Declassified U.S government documents they have an object almost identical to this one that was recovered by the cic the counterintelligence Corps in the 1940s in Denmark and their words not mine their words is it's a piece of a flying saucer in 2004 white passed three separate polygraph tests administered by both law enforcement officers and a certified polygraph examiner to further authenticate his claim but still he found no help getting his story out the journey drained his savings and his spirit I didn't ask for this to happen to me I didn't need this didn't want it didn't want people to call me a UFO nut and I didn't even believe in anything like this but once you see it once it happens to you you have to be a believer Bob White's quest for the truth defines the modern day UFO hutter but what exactly does that mean the term UFO Hunter is a rather peculiar one because it covers an awful lot of ground you can hunt sightings you can hunt people you can hunt documents for me it's a combination of those plus hunting an audience to talk to in the past I've tried to focus on the government cover-up and we'll talk about the FBI the CIA I'm convinced that this whole question of alien visitations is the biggest story of the millennium and Stanton Friedman would know a nuclear physicist from the University of Chicago he has spent more than 40 years in the UFO field Friedman is considered one of the most knowledgeable UFO Hunters a Relentless pursuit of the truth and a passion for answers is the link between the UFO Hunters of today and those of yesterday Are UFOs real was a question frequently asked by the man regarded as the original UFO Hunter Dr J Allen heineck Jay Alan heineck is indeed The Godfather of of UFO research this man had more experience more knowledge and more contacts in the field of UFO research than anyone and I suspect more than anyone ever will have Jay Allen heineck was an astronomer with Northwestern University and early on when Project Blue Book had been set up by the U.S government they had hired Jay Allen heineck as a their scientific consultant Project Blue Book was developed in 1947 by the U.S Air Force to scientifically investigate the UFO riddle heineck was its Chief civilian consultant and he went in as a skeptic this time there's no proof that I will considered a violent scientific proof that we have been visited by spaceships heinek eventually realized that he was not given full access to the data one example of this is the investigation of the 1968 UFO sighting over Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota he was asked by the Air Force to go there and investigate the case and when he arrived in North Dakota he was prevented from talking with the witnesses so it was the fact that some of the cases the very good cases were indeed going somewhere else after 21 years of working with the government heineck's opinion on the reality of UFOs changed with Project Blue Book ending heineck concluded that there was need for further study of the UFO phenomena UFO Hunter John schussler agreed he co-founded the mutual UFO Network or mufon which continues today to investigate UFO sightings the visual UFO Network began because there was no place for people to report UFOs we became a reporting spot schussler and heineck garnered respect in the UFO Community however another UFO Hunter emerged from the University of Arizona's Institute of atmospheric physics who used his credentials as a scientist to revolutionize the way his colleagues viewed UFOs before James McDonald injured our field publicly the scientific Community was completely ignoring the UFO phenomenon McDonald was the first prestigious scientist to openly declare his interest in this phenomenon he startled his colleagues because scientists at that time did not go public with any interest in UFOs it um it was a no-brainer shall we say and ruffle has been investigating UFOs for more than 57 years she has uncovered Dr James mcdonnell's personal journals and has written the only biography of McDonald titled Firestorm he gave hundreds of talks to Scientific groups on UFOs and he he would Express in his journal that he had concentrated on the fact that the UFO phenomenon was a serious scientific problem he was the top Hunter shall we see Jim McDonald because he was so convinced that this was a major subject managed to get a congressman to sponsor hearings back in 1968. six scientists testified in person including McDonald's and heineck and six more of us submitted written submissions only [Music] following the example said by McDonald was UFO Hunter Dr Frank Drake a professor of astronomy at Cornell Drake helped create one of the most recognized names in the study of life in the universe the search for extraterrestrial intelligence or seti program the study program looks at the issue of are there planets around other stars and if so then what is the easiest way for them to communicate with us with radio telescopes worldwide seti searches the skies for radio waves from other intelligent life in the universe Dr Rudy Shield research scientist at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for astrophysics believes that seti has its flaws in my view seti is an approach taken by people who are very smart and think that they understand alien technology well enough to be able to exploit it and to give us direct evidence of alien civilizations whereas UFO Hunters are people who are also smart but doing the obvious thing that we always do when we see something we can't understand we get out our cameras our Geiger counters and whatever we've got and just make observations and I congratulate the UFO Hunters because I think they're going to get there first have UFO Hunters finally found a Smoking Gun proof of alien life here on Earth or even under the sea and later are humans being abducted and tracked by aliens exclusive footage of a surgery to remove alien implants may just change your mind about UFOs these objects contain Metals which are not from this Earth [Music] April 24 1964 Socorro New Mexico police officer Lani Zamora witnesses an oval object on four legs with two humanoids less than 100 feet away in broad daylight the object quickly ascends leaving burnt bushes and four imprints on the ground two days later a nearly identical object has witnessed 150 miles away in La Madeira New Mexico both cases are investigated by the original UFO Hunter J Allen heineck and a student Ted Phillips I did start out as a skeptic and I was kind of a convert after Socorro New Mexico four imprints in the ground where the landing Lakes had gone in and some small what appeared to be footprints and and this this is truly one of the the good cases the very good cases we have looked at the work of Ted Phillips for years we have respected what he's done he's a person that before it was popular went out and started collecting evidence of Landings of UFOs what do you call Landing Trace effects this is physical evidence that something's going on as a UFO Hunter my job really is simply to gather the hard evidence to support UFO sightings over the past 36 years I've been involved with or personally investigated somewhere around 600 cases because of the amount of trace evidence the Socorro New Mexico case was a turning point for many UFO Hunters including Jay Allen heineck Allen talked about this case he told me later that he began to see that something in fact was taking place because this was a daylight sighting by a police officer with other Witnesses and the finding of physical traces at the Landing site so this is why then four years later he suggested to me to specialize in landing cases especially with physical evidence for the simple reason that you can look at a million lights in the sky and it produces really nothing except a million reports of visual observation Dr hanik always suggested that people specialize Ted listened and he did specialize and that's why he became so well known for Trace effect investigations to this day the Socorro Landing is still listed in government files as unexplained Phillips archives are filled with cases that he calls significant significant case would be one in which we have multiple Witnesses good seeing conditions close range plenty of time for the individuals to figure out what they're looking at and resulting physical residue of some kind in other words the object is at that site and it generates physical traces on the plants on the soil tree damage it can go several ways some of the cases he's investigated couldn't have been done in normal ways you couldn't have faked it for instance it had to be something unusual unconventional that fluian landed it actually changed the environment and then it left I believe that we're dealing with constructed devices under some kind of intelligent control and that's based on the data the facts period [Music] while Phillips may lead the way in land investigations other UFO Hunters are looking to the Sea foreign the fact that water covers about 70 percent of our planet a significant part of the UFO research occurs at Sea UFO hunter Paul Stonehill has spent more than a decade examining Declassified Soviet documents that detail such sightings when the Soviet Union started disintegrating I decided to form a so-called Russian UFO Research Center to be a bridge between Soviet ufologists and their American counterparts [Music] knew that there were objects and phenomena that they could not explain grasp or capture so they wanted to study it [Music] some of the most interesting cases took place in 1960s and 70s when a Soviet submarine commanders would encounter gigantic objects chasing them deep Waters huge objects would ascend from the ocean cigar-shaped objects would hover over Soviet ships observed move about at Great speeds Stonehill specializes in what researchers call Uso encounters a Uso is unidentified submersible object a UFO is unidentified flying object the Soviet military intelligence and of specially Naval intelligence had been very much interested in the Usos simply because they wanted to assess the threat presented [Music] they have examples even back in 1982 for example in Lake Baikal when local commanders tried to capture one of the so-called gigantic swimmers the machinery was destroyed people died human beings died while trying to capture the unknown phenomenon and the Soviet High command decided not to lose any more people there was nothing they could do about the so-called Observers study the UFO and Uso phenomena as it pertains to the Soviet Union and Russia secrecy has always been in fashion whether in Russia or the Soviet Union I truly believe that whatever is hidden in the files is fascinating to an extent that when it comes available if it ever does it would change the course of history of our planet but while some scour archives and documents other UFO Hunters explore well beyond the physical environment a lot of people that investigate UFOs eventually broaden their Horizons so to say they get into metaphysics as well I think they do that because they didn't get all the answers they wanted and they feel that there's something bigger out there than the physical science that we've been dealing with one such UFO Hunter is John rixie Moore throughout the 1990s he traveled the globe investigating a phenomenon commonly associated with UFOs crop circles a fresh one definitely is a physiological experience it's it's something that makes your hair stand up foreign it's very interesting to note that normally the center of the vortex that formed it is not necessarily the center of the image of the glyph it's off-centered if you walk with the LIE of the plants you get the feeling that you're walking downhill you can get going too fast that's the sensation you get when you turn around and walk against the LIE of the plants you have the exact the exact opposite sensation you become breathless it feels like you're walking uphill some people react so dramatically to them that they begin to get nauseous as they approach them UFO Hunter Ruben uriarte has also experienced firsthand the physiological effects that Moore has encountered over the years that I've had the opportunity of walking into crop circles I've noticed from a number of other people who are also in the formation sharing their bodily Sensations some of them feeling very dehydrated some feeling nauseated sometimes I have that that has happened to me too where I feel nausea it's a sense though that there's something some sort of sensation that's going on with with you I'm a year 400 because I want to know what's going on I want to know what's going on in this planet I want to know what's how it connects how it affects us and I want to solve the mystery and through that I'll do whatever it takes to get there and that's why it's important for me to continue on this hunt for the truth is this video proof that aliens are inserting implants into humans we looked and certainly there was a foreign body there which appeared to be metallic again this tiny object really be evidence of an alien abduction [Applause] [Music] nightmares [Music] strange recurring images and missing time UFO Hunters say these are signs of alien abductions Skeptics on the other hand argue these experiences can generally be explained by modern science still much of what UFO Hunters know about alleged alien abductions is based on eyewitness accounts in some cases however there is evidence but the abductee has no recollection of how it got there at that point UFO Hunters like certified hypnotherapist Barbara lamb stop looking outside the body and turn their search inward lamb uses hypnotic regression as a technique to help subjects recall and understand their experiences well hypnotic regression is really a very simple thing to achieve it's leading somebody into a nice state of deep relaxation and in that state of deep relaxation with the attention focus entirely on the inside of the person is asked to go back to the source of whatever the subject is that they're interested in [Applause] the use of regressive hypnosis in the induction part of this mystery is a very necessary thing to do it's a useful tool if it's done correctly it's very valuable you have to know more about the human psychics to do that Barbara lamb is one of those people I have regressed 480 different individuals a person typically will come to me for hypnotic regression because they have a strong clue or maybe several clues that something very unusual has happened to them under regression these abductees frequently describe terrifying interactions with aliens there's a tremendous variety of experiences that people have with extraterrestrial beings those beings tend to do medical experiments on people taking tissue samples fluid samples maybe taking hair samples and in many cases they actually insert implants into the person who's having this experience good physical evidence of implants exist inside the human body UFO Hunter Dr Roger Lear takes the leap from the psychological world and studies the physical objects being extracted from the body I am a UFO Hunter and my job is to pursue research in this very tiny slice of a very strange phenomena [Music] I've been a practicing podiatric surgeon for 41 years I have performed research in a number of medical fields and now I've applied my skills in science to the alien abduction physical evidence phenomena and one of the Prime examples of this is the Tim Cohen story May 30th 1978 Tim Cullen and his wife Janet were driving North near Highway 59 in Colorado when they encountered what they believed was a UFO although they only recall staying at the scene for a few minutes the Cullens arrived home an hour later than expected 20 years later a routine x-ray revealed an unexplained piece of metal in Tim's arm Cullen traced it back to that spring night in 1978. first Contact was just telling me who he was and that he thought he might be associated with the abduction phenomena and that he had a metallic object in his arm so we had him send the x-rays and we looked and certainly there was a foreign body there which appeared to be metallic what you are seeing is the actual surgery which took place on February 5th 2000. did you get a hold of it Dr lears supervised the procedure to remove the foreign object from Tim Cullen's arm although there was no original entry scar a six millimeter metallic object was found under the skin [Applause] once the object was removed we find two very surprising things one is that there's absolutely no inflammatory response by the body to the object which is quote unquote impossible and number two we find that there's a large number of nerve cells there that they really don't belong in that particular area and these nerve cells are called proprioceptaries proprioceptors are an active living cluster of nerve endings they're normally located in the hands and feet and respond to touch temperature and pressure according to Dr Lear there is no medical explanation for them to be connected to a foreign piece of metal in the human body when we look at what happens in the body after the object goes in the body does not like foreign things inside so it reacts to it now if it's let's say lead from a pencil or something like that we get an immediate inflammatory reaction but when you look at these things there's nothing zip zero so just from that alone you can say these are drastically different than any kind of a typical foreign body that we get inside I believe that these nerve cells are sort of the plug where this thing is plugged in at and it's using neural energy from the body to operate on one case not Tim's but on another case we fortunately had a piece of equipment which was a radio frequency detector and we actually detected two oscillating frequencies that were being emitted from the object when they are removed they don't do anything so obviously plugging them in somewhere into the body gives them some kind of energy that makes them do whatever it is they do Dr Lear has supervised more than 10 of these operations each surgery has produced strange foreign objects from the body all of which can be found safely locked in his personal archive the evidence collected by Dr Lear seems to defy scientific logic we find that these objects contain Metals which are not from this Earth the Abundant amount of physical evidence available leads me to believe that this planet is being visited by intelligences from somewhere else that is why I'm a UFO Hunter [Music] [Applause] [Music] ultimately validating the hard evidence accumulated by UFO Hunters is just as important as recovering artifacts whether these substantiation comes from science metaphysics documentation or imagery UFO Hunters will not risk their credibility by presenting false data since many UFO sightings are allegedly caught on film and video attempts to verify or validate the images comes down to researchers like Naval Optical physicist Dr Bruce mcabee I'm a UFO Hunter and my job is to separate the wheat from the chaff to for example in the photographic cases to be able to separate the cases which are mistakes or outright hoaxes from the cases which can't be explained [Music] Dr mcabee has authored three dozen technical articles and more than a hundred UFO research papers over the last two and a half decades I've known Bruce for over 30 years I find that he is persistent he is consistent he is scientific and he doesn't let opinions come in so much as science in my opinion Dr Bruce Maccabee is indeed a true UFO Hunter Dr Maccabee uses computer analysis systems to actually feed in and analyze each frame of a video for instance or to feed in a photograph as a result he has done investigations that stand the test of time I have done not only photographic research but also historical research into the subject of UFOs Dr mcabee is convinced that photos alone can't tell the entire story believes that the US government is withholding Vital Information I was one of the first people to try beating down the doors of the government by getting information out about the FBI J Edgar Hoover himself says it is not noun nor was it ever was the role of the FBI to be involved in UFO investigations Dr Bruce McAfee filed the Freedom of Information Act request is back in the 70s got sixteen hundred pages of material when I got it and read through the documents I could see that there was information in the FBI file it was nowhere else including comments by Air Force people that were stored in the FBI file that you can't find an Air Force file UFO Hunter Nick Redfern sifts through thousands of government documents from around the world to seek hidden information about these UFO claims [Music] my background is largely looking at things from an official level trying to determine what has been learned about the subject what has been uncovered by for example the British military the British royal Air Force the ministry of defense and over here the Central Intelligence Agency FBI National Security Agency what drives me to investigate UFOs is basically I think that an official restricted level there are people who know the truth about this particular subject and I feel that if something's so important and potentially mind-blowing and life-changing as visitors From Another World actually coming here I think that all of us have a right to know this based on my research I'm convinced that UFOs are real they're coming from somewhere else and they're visiting us and that's why I became a UFO researcher but are there government officials who will admit to what they are hiding when Nick Pope an employee of the British Ministry of Defense began exposing the ongoing UFO investigations within the British government a crack in their wall of secrecy appeared we got into it in 1950 and on the basis of um the fact that that we were seeing UFO sightings in our country and that there was considerable public and media interest and interest from senior establishment figures pay attention listen up this is going on we believe that the UFO phenomenon is real the significance of an MLD employee actually coming out with a statement that they believe some UFOs are alien spacecraft I think is to really get across to the media and the public but these things are taken seriously at an official level and that there are people investigating these things Dr Robert Wood former aerospace engineer and Associate of J Allen heineck analyzes documentation from the 1950s that alleges the existence of extraterrestrial visitation obviously controversial these papers represent one of the most difficult tasks to UFO Hunters document Authentication when you attempt to determine a question documents validity you approach this in an orderly manner you you if you have an original you do the things you can do like look at the paper if you don't then you look at the shape of the letters and you you go into uh the printing subtleties Dr Woods is one of the leading people in this field and the work he does in the forensic examination of documentation I'd say he's probably the leading person the documents that I've been exposed to include 4 000 pages of mostly unclassified material somebody cleaning out his file drawer who used to work in some intelligence agency but a lot of them maybe 500 or to a thousand of the pages are top secret some of those top secret files detail The Majestic 12 organization a group allegedly established by President Truman to maintain the secrecy on extraterrestrials Dr Wood had the documents analyzed I have taken those to a typewriter expert and have determined that they were typed on Underwood 1940 typewriter so it's consistent based on this analysis of the typewriter model the paper and ink content Dr Wood believes the documents are genuine and may blow the lid off of a UFO cover-up the large number of documents that I've been able to accumulate very clearly show that we have a covert program to keep from the public the recovery of a large number of crashes that include the recovery of extraterrestrials Dr Wood is definitely a UFO Hunter a good UFO Hunter but do you have what it takes to become a UFO Hunter the goal is to get the truth out there whatever it takes to do that you've got to do it though UFO Hunters are gaining visibility around the globe they have a perceived PR problem they're simply not taken seriously establishing credible standards for UFO investigation has fallen upon mufon the mutual UFO network based in Denver Colorado this is the largest scientific research organization on UFOs anywhere in the world they have developed a program to train those interested in the field to do a thorough investigation the job of the investigator is not to express an opinion not to influence the witnesses but basically to keep his mouth shut listen to what they have to tell him and put that together in some kind of meaningful form and you have to have some training to be able to approach the subject in the right way how are you going to go about doing the investigation the mufon field Investigator training program trains members of mufon who wish to volunteer to become field investigators for the organization Kathleen Martin is the director of mufon's field investigation program and oversees the training and progress of over 1 000 UFO Hunters Across the Nation we currently have no formal government sponsored organization that does this kind of work and people feel that there is a real need for this kind of work to be done yeah that's a good point and another Jeremiah is one of the many trainers involved in the mufon program and is skilled at determining who could cut it who is serious-minded and who should be weeded out from the ranks my goal for teaching others to become certified is to try to get a quality investigator out there doing the work I don't want to see True Believers out there that every little thing that happens is a definite UFO I don't want to see that happen again if they follow the investigator's manual and do the research the way they should the unknowns will show up and the other cases will fall by the wayside uh verbal my goal is to keep good quality investigators out in the field you need to use your Bible when you're doing your investigation because this is where all the information is their Bible is the mufon field investigator's manual mufon field investigators treat their UFO cases in the tradition of original UFO Hunters like Dr J Allen heineck and Dr James McDonald the organization has created a package of forms to help facilitate the documentation process and also a field investigators kit with specific tools for the right job the equipment includes a tape recorder Compass maps and a camera move on director John schussler has a vision for the continued advances of mufon when a new investigator enters the field he wants to make sure the level of credibility is maintained we require all field investigators to study that and to take an exam to show they have been through it and they understand the way of doing things this doesn't mean we limit how much they do in the field what it means is we give them some criteria so when we get done everybody's talking the same language and then have them put it in writing after the training is over the UFO Hunters head out into the field basically what happens is you'll get a report first thing I do is call the witness set up a meeting I like to go to their place you know I like to talk to them face to face not so much on the phone I will go out to the field with them just if they have any photographic evidence like get camcorders or or still pictures or any of that we take that under account by the end what our main goal is to produce a summary a report which then goes to the national move-on headquarters every year mufon investigates more than a thousand cases of which 20 percent fall into the category of unexplained we have some 300 consultants and research specialists in every possible field of endeavor that are able to look at this material those are scientists and we go everything from astrophysics to religion back in the days when Dr heineck was doing this he had an invisible College these were people that were scientists that didn't want anybody to know they were doing it but they would help him today we have a visible college that people are saying I don't care I'm going to look into it because I am a Scientist and that's truly what science is all about I was speaking with Anne with information is discussed and debated at annual UFO conventions like the National UFO conference in Los Angeles California I do believe UFO Hunters come to conferences to learn more they're looking for answers to what maybe they've seen maybe they've heard about or maybe they're just curious about so I believe that some of the attendees are UFO Hunters they're seeking out the truth for themselves it's a website symposiums conferences Gatherings are always very important I like to add that it's more the networking that's very important it's important to hear what's the latest from the different researchers that are out there but there's a lot behind the scenes and these conferences provide the Avenue for people to get together and to share notes to share what's going on and believe me I've learned more from behind the scenes many times regardless of their reasons for investigating UFOs these Hunters have one common goal it's definitely my job to tell the truth and what is the truth that is the prime goal to find out what the truth is behind us I think we are mature enough now to take whatever the truth might be the goal is to get the truth out there whatever it takes to do that you've got to do it [Music] as they look to the Stars the Earth or within the human body UFO Hunters feel their case is strong and the evidence irrefutable [Music] as new technology like the Hubble Space Telescope identifies undiscovered earth-like planets one must wonder if the mysteries of the universe have or ever will be solved but one fact remains UFO Hunters feel they are on to something big these people their testimony could send a guide to the electric chair and yet they report a UFO and they're no longer credible and that's a double standard in this country that I simply can't understand when someone says to me there's no physical evidence I look at them dismayed look and would tell them that I'm very very sorry for them and they would say why and I would say because you're so misinformed the evidence is overwhelming in the form of large-scale scientific studies physical Trace cases multiple witness radar visual sightings abduction cases there's an enormous amount of data and what I find is that the people who don't agree with me are people who haven't studied that data I think we have seen through the UFO mystery the glimpse of the future we're seeing devices in our atmosphere that operate in ways that we can't and haven't been able to operate if we could harness any one of these it'll change the future of humanity and that's really why I'm in it that's why I'm a UFO Hunter
Channel: The UnXplained Zone
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Keywords: TOP 3 BIGGEST UFO MYSTERIES, The UnXplained Zone, paranormal, ghosts, haunted, demons, aliens, ufo, paranormal activity, creepy, scary, extra terrestrials, extraterrestrials, ufo video, ufo videos, ufo video clips, ufo footage, alien footage, alien, alien videos, aliens captured on video, ufos captured on video, UFO Files, UFO Files full episodes, UFO Files episodes, UFO Files scenes, UFO Files clips, watch UFO Files, mysterious footage, ufo files marathon, ufo files compilation
Id: QKx1i2wfqgY
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Length: 131min 24sec (7884 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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