3 Hysterical Trigger Scenes | Only Fools And Horses | BBC Comedy Greats

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[Music] you doing here well i'm always here i'm a regular in there yeah uh john get my mind to point out lager will you i'm afraid we don't serve beers ah um yeah no that's right yeah i remember now yeah yeah there was no call for it so they knocked it on the edge do you fancy a spitzer uh yeah i'll give it a try yeah anyway what are you doing down here trick i thought you'd be in the old uh next head yeah i was but mike's just barred me barger before he accused me of stealing one of his pork pies oh i want his rotten pork pies for i don't even like pore pies oh he's getting right out of order that bloke he really is i'm thinking of suing him for deep definite [Music] slander yeah i wouldn't worry about it trigger wouldn't worry he's done you a favor actually no he really has i mean you look round here this place is full of yuppie swords yeah we can't go wrong here what we've got to do is learn their language why they're foreign then no no no no it's just that they're yuppies they don't speak proper english like what we do i mean i've been here holding them it's all yar super and fab and all that game yeah and they love to talk about money it's their favorite subject i mean you chat about money and you can't fail to impress them yeah yeah god's honest i saw one of them old five pound notes the other day [Music] come here come on trick trick no no no no i don't mean to talk about your bloody coin collection do i i mean you just gotta talk about your wealth you but i ain't got none of that neither of alfred e's they're all living in sin with their flexible friends it just means you've got a chat about it you've got to talk look i'll show you how it's done look watch me watch this it's all good when you're in a high profile business and it goes like really yeah of course i'm in stocks and shares myself yeah i bought a few thousand shares in a little department store this afternoon now i got a phone with laura me accountant that gives you the um done it excuse me sorry how do you spell arids capital a capital a oh i see i see all right beam me up snotty it's all you need in it eh yeah yeah have this i don't want it thanks you see nowadays these modern euro birds they go for the more mature men who've made it in life yeah is that why we're having no luck i haven't started yet just building myself up to it yeah well you better hurry up and be close in time soon all right all right [Music] i think we're on a winner reach rig all right play it nice and cool son nice and cool you know what i mean [Music] straight up trick drink up we're leaving aren't you gonna try for them birds no no you're cramping the style mate all right yeah is it you is it you trigger organized all this i'll turn it up dell boy trigger couldn't organize a prayer in a mosque i got lost on my way here i've been coming to this pub since she was 16. i know i found a pub alright i mean i couldn't find this room i'll be standing in your dancehall for the last hour all the lights are out trick i know been standing in the dark for an hour yeah i thought we was all going to jump out and surprise her but there's no one else in there but i didn't know that did i the lights were out are you going dave all right well i'll send your man up as soon as he arrives in the meantime all enjoy yourselves lads it's a bit of a mystery all this isn't it it's like something out of one of them agatha christie films yeah i used to fancy her i mean what do you think about it just think somebody has arranged for you four to be in this room at the same time you used to fancy here for christine yeah i had a picture of her on my bedroom wall she was an old lady all english country gardens and granny hats yeah she looked a bit like mr kipling's bit on the side well i fancied it i saw her in that film dr zhivago that's julie christopher you yeah well whatever i liked her as i was saying on a cold rainy night in peckham somebody has arranged for u4 to be in this room at the same time and nobody knows who and the most important and frightening aspect of the entire mystery nobody knows why now thank god who would do something like that jeremy beedle jeremy buddy beetle don't be stupid canadian clubs around over there and have one yourself michael cheers uh call it 25 quid for cash okay right okay put it on the slate uh no no i've had a visit from the brewery oh all right okay look there's a five of them and uh oh dear would you adam and eve it i've only gone and left me walla at home i remember now damian was playing with it i was teaching him financial management you know how to avoid expensive pubs i'll sell it to someone else then dell no you can't use a second hand yeah i'll sell them cheap then all right i'll give you a fiver for them now they've brought in this revolutionary new rule from now on customers have to pay for their drinks these new fangled ideas hang about don't go away [Music] i've managed to lay my hands on these radically new designed hair dryers right now normally they retail at 69.99 up in regent street but for you 15 nikka dell look i've only got to stick my head out the window for 10 seconds and it's bone dry you see this is different because this let's see that that has got what they call a volumizer on it you see that goes it gives all your hair so i could end up looking like lily savage go on i'm giving it to you michael and i hey 15 [ __ ] come on me go on then give us it here but you still owe me a tenner yeah yeah yeah all right i'll tell you what you're a bit of a gambling manager i'll tell you what i'll have a little bit with you right double or quits okay now the thing is if i win i give you this fiver for this round of drinks but if you win i owe you a tenner you already owe me a 10. oh you've got nothing to lose then yeah uh just a minute you'll like this trick watch this a little bit we're having here okay then michael i bet if you put your hands out in front of you i can make you turn him over without touching you you can make me turn my hands over without touching me exactly it's called the power of positive thought all right off you go put your hands out in front of you now the other way all right here we go come on help yourselves get it down i have been in the motor trade for many years now and until recently i never thought with the damaged fumes did to our world now let me explain to you my theory all right again please uh just allow me to continue now this is my theory the future holds the key to all our success well you better not tell raquel's dad that he's an antiques dealer now recently i have invested a lot of money in electric cars yeah he bought tyler as ska electric said i'm not talking about model bloody racing cars for gold's sake hey wouldn't it come on get up this year round yeah if it's the same as the last round it'll be 25 quid 25 mike no all right all right dave [Music] i can make you turn your hands over without touching you hey i'll come at you turn your hands over without touching you going older now now the other way see there you go dave [Applause] you
Channel: BBC Comedy Greats
Views: 470,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bbc, bbc comedy greats, bbc comedy, comedy greats, british comedy, stand up, Sitcom, Comedian, Comic, Sketch show, comedy show, comedy video, only fools and horses, only fools, trigger, only fools trigger, only fools and horses trigger, del boy, rodney trotter, roger lloyd-pack, david jason, nicholas lynhurst, roger lloyd pack, 3 HYSTERICAL Trigger Scenes | Only Fools And Horses | BBC Comedy Greats, 3 HYSTERICAL Trigger Scenes
Id: q6nzN_1gc9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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