3 Harsh Truths About Purpose ( and how to find it)

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discovering your purpose is something that is unique to each and every one of us and can be really really tough I've been exploring this topic for quite some time now and I've learned a few things that I wish I knew sooner so today I will be sharing three harsh truths with you and evaluate the question is it even possible to find your purpose hi everyone and welcome back to my channel my name is T and I make videos to help people become their authentic self live intentionally and experience true wealth if that sounds interesting to you stick around so let's get started as you go through different Decades of your life your priorities and your interests will change what was important to you in your 20s is most likely different to what is important to you in your 30s 40s and so on this Evolution often can lead to a reassessment of your purpose and therefore the direction of your life even if you don't change for whatever reason the world around you will technology advancement the financial market and nature just to name a few and to be honest to me person this is the pure beauty of life when I was a teen I also bought into the idea I will find my purpose which will give me maximum stability and once found I will be the happiest person on earth a million years later or 15 I found this to be wrong instead I did something else which you will learn about later on in this video so stay tuned so ultimately you don't find your purpose like finding The Last Unicorn and then that's it for the rest of your life throughout my life my purpose changed multiple times and my identity with it so did my values so for example in my 20s I love going to clubs buy as many clothes as I could go to as many R festivals as possible travel as much as possible and meet as many many new people as possible so technically I was out and about until late at night only came home to sleep basically often only 6 hours and only to repeat it the next day now I still love going to festivals and also I love to travel still but I value quality over quantity and my mom I know you're watching this so you would be proud of me saying this because I remember when I was young she would tell me very very often to Value quality over quantity but back then I couldn't see it so thank you Mom and also I see comfort in in Balance rather than extremes I value being in nature my 8 hours of sleep intentional spending and saving balancing social time with alone time to cultivate the relationship also with myself and made my apartment My Sanctuary with an attention to detail on what how and where things are placed purpose actually comes from various areas of your life that ultimately create fulfillment it can be hanging out with your friends or playing with your children or finding purpose and work or pursuing a hobby as you feel extremely good about doing these things it is very individual and and subjective to each and every one of us let's assume you put all your acts in one basket and you really only have one single purpose in life for example your relationship with your partner if this changes one day you will feel like your life is meaningless and you will experience an existential crisis therefore it is only healthy to get meaning from multiple areas of your life to provide one example I learned this the hard way after the break up with my ex fiance at the age of 19 being that young I fully identify with being a fiance and my whole life purpose was finding a husband and spending the rest of my life with him it was a really tough experience but I came out so much stronger and wiser now I look back on it with a lot of gratitude for the experience and almost awe at having mastered this challenge it taught me that when you diversify your purpose similar to an investment you can fall back on different sources of meaning once certain people or things are gone in life even if you have your dream life there will be some moments where you will hate some aspects of your life once in a while and that is completely normal yes meaning and purpose can drive you and they definitely give you perspective for overcoming challenges and problems that arise however having found your purpose doesn't equal that you will live happily ever after don't mistake purpose for some calling that you will wake up in the middle of the night and you know exactly what you're supposed to do or what you're meant to do obviously you will will always find an exception to the rule where people have found their purpose early on and stuck with it for the rest of their life however I think the majority of people will go through different phases of Life experiencing plenty of changes when it comes to purpose so purpose won't be the Silver Bullet that will solve all of your problems and hardships you might ask yourself now can I even find purpose and to me personally the answer is yes with a little butt my personal definition of purpose is living life intentionally while turning your challenges into opportunities so understanding yourself including strengths weaknesses values passion core skill set and interests is crucial and I hate to break it to you but it's like everything in nature a process flowing and always changing what has given me a lot of inspiration on this topic is actually the book from Ashley star called U-turn I really really enjoyed reading it and I canot recommend it enough she suggests that everyone has a core skill set as well as core values and identifying them can help you create purpose however I really have problems to determine my core skill set to be quite honest especially thinking about if you don't have that much life experience yet and people who maybe are in their early 20s will even have less work experience or life experience than I have and if I have already struggled with it how will it be for you if you're watching this and you're in your early 20s so I came to the conclusion that sometimes you need need to experience things in order to draw wisdom and learnings from it what has helped me and is still helping me until this very day is the following be brave and start to experiment value practical experience over theoretical knowledge as this will bring you closer to your authentic self only through personal experience the good and the bad you will actually figure out what you value what you like and what you don't like what you're good at and what you're not good at there is no shortcut as I have pointed out earlier values and interests are in constant flow so what I started doing is I do a self assessment at least every 2 years and go through the things that I like or don't like the things I'm good at or not good at and things I want to achieve also while doing this I will determine if I will operate of a fear or inspiration in various aspects of my life and lastly use cues of life for me it is often feelings bad it can be something completely different for you for example negative feelings they are actually not per se bad but can be if used wisely a guide to lead you to a more meaningful and fulfilled life embracing the fact that purpose is connected to Reinventing yourself and true meaning comes from being your authentic self rather than trying to meet external standards or expectations has not only given me more peace but also clear Direction in life finding your purpose is a journey and it can be a quite exciting one I will be making more videos about how you can become your authentic self and live intentionally to support you in your growth so I hope you found this video helpful and it would mean the world to me if you would give it a thumbs up hit the notification Bell as well as the Subscribe button and join the community as it grows so see you next time bye
Channel: Taje Bonrath
Views: 672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational video, self improvement, life lessons, personal development, harsh truths about life, purpose, find your purpose, meaning, become your authentic self, inspirational video, how to become your most authentic self, be authentic be yourself, live a fulfilled life, be authentic, motivational videos for success in life, change your life motivation, personal development motivation, self help, harsh truths you need to accept, change your life, 3 Harsh Truths About Purpose
Id: nQMFZ02jkBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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