How To Be Calm And Focus | STOICISM

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do you find yourself caught in the chaos of Modern Life yearning for a Timeless approach that can guide you through your profession and life in the era of social media where everyone flaunts their Poss money and outer appearance it has become evident that grounding ourselves and gaining Clarity and what truly matters to us is more important than ever moreover with news bombarding us daily negative emotions such as anger sadness and fear can occur quickly I have been there myself so look no longer the challenge of building resilience avoiding the addiction to external validation and sharpening our Focus actually has been an ancient struggle and it is a Tale As Old As Time personally I found a lot of comfort in applying ancient wisdom from stoicism a Greek philosophy coined by renowned figures such as the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius or philosophers like senica or epicus so today I'll be sharing with you a stoic principles to avoid getting sucked into the black hole of anxiety jealousy and disad action to help you cultivate calmness and fism encourages you to fully engage with and accept the Present Moment by embracing the present stoics aim to avoid dwelling on the past or worrying excessively about the future cultivating a mindset that values the current experience senica put it this way new happiness is to enjoy the present without anxious dependence upon the future what has helped me enjoying the present of the little things in life for example appreciating my coconut latte in the morning and the smell of my most favorite diffusing sticks in the apartment or when hanging out with friends I turn off notifications or try to leave my phone in my bag if possible to give full attention to the experience of spending time with loved ones even during calls with my friends I make sure to give them the full attention they deserve by for once not focusing on efficiency yes I am a sacker for productivity efficiency and working harder not smarter but healthy boundaries are crucial and balance is the key it may be tempting to check a few items off your to-do list while on a call however being actually present not only shows appreciation for the valuable time this person is giving me but also allows me to savor the moment fully enjoying the time we spend together virtually or in person to maximize our happiness push away any thoughts or worries about needing to get things done you can still work on that to-do list tomorrow there's a time and space for everything very little is needed to make a happy life it is all within yourself in your way of thinking is what Marcus aelius said in his meditations meditations is a series of reflection and philosophical thoughts that Marcus aelius wrote for his own guidance and self-improvement stoics acknowledge the role of fate and external events that are Beyond human control acceptance of Fate involves the understanding that certain aspects of Life are predetermined therefore resisting and dwelling on uncontrollable outcomes is counterproductive instead the concept encourages a mindset of resilience and adaptability emphasizing the importance of focusing on your own actions thoughts and choices in navigating the unpredictable nature of life in ep's words some things are within our power While others are not within our power our opinion motivation desire aversion and in a word whatever is of our own doing not within our power are our body reputation office and in a word whatever is not of our own doing to provide one personal example I have applied this principle in my Fashion retail career I was responsible for the sales numbers of a fashion store located in a shopping mall every time the weather was good the fashion store on the shopping street outperformed Us in sales as people naturally tended to be outside enjoying the sun rather than inside a shopping mall instead of focusing on the weather over which I had zero control I turned my attention to the things within my power my sales and marketing skills were within my power so together with my team we printed flyers and set up a special promotion to attract customers to our story within the shopping mall this initiative resulted in an increased number of customers and higher sales during sunny summer days if I had focused on what I couldn't control the weather I would have been stuck in a negative mindset by consolidating my time and energy into things I could control I found Creative Solutions and adapted a solution oriented mindset and yes you can laugh that was about 10 years ago we didn't have Instagram and Co for promotion purposes but it was very very effective next I'm going to introduce to you a story principle that was personally one of the most challenging for me to master so listen carefully as this principle literally changed everything for me and paved the way for successful relationships in my adult life as humans we interact and communicate daily with various people clients colleagues children Partners friends and the list goes on now Envision experiencing a conflict in one of your relationships leading to intense feelings such as anger hurt and rejection or any other negative emotion instead of reacting impulsively and harboring resentment take a moment to breathe and pause for 3 seconds then choose a stoic response engage in open communication seek understanding and focus on your own reactions and behavior by consciously aligning your response with stoic principles you can transform a potentially stressful situation into an opportunity for personal growth and emotional well-being the stoic philosophy acknowledges the inevitability of change in life life is always evolving and nothing ever Remains the Same this concept extends to every aspect of life including nature society and personal growth seasons change animals adapt to environments and Landscapes undergo Transformations due to Natural Forces even the moon follows its monthly phases our bodies adhere to biological Cycles such as sleep and digestion now consider our personal lives as we grow and evolve our tastes preferences and attitudes undergo transformation we might change jobs move to different cities start families and experience a multitude of other life-changing events reflecting on the past decade of my own life I have lived in four different countries worked for at least five employers across different Industries and have experienced change Within These companies and industries throughout this period there have been numerous ups and downs each providing invaluable lessons that have equipped me to navigate life's roller coaster with greater acceptance and serenity fostering a more balanced perspective in the long run so it all goes to show that these natural cycles serve as a reminder that change is an inherent part of life everything is in a constant state of transformation and evolution recognizing and understanding these natural cycles instead of resisting them and help us Embrace change as a natural part of existence leading to Greater emotional intelligence we've probably all experienced this profound sense of lack when scrolling through social media or speaking to friends Finding ourselves negging about what we don't have why did I only score average on my math exam why does it seem like everyone around me has a Louis vuong bag why is he so shredded and I'm not why can I afford a big house in the H with an ocean view despite me working hard stoicism however offers an alternative perspective it teaches the cultivation of inner virtues such as wisdom courage and Justice emphasizing these over external positions recognition or circumstances by developing a mindset of contentment and gratitude for what we already have stoicism suggests that true richness comes from the quality of character rather than material wealth your actions define you not your circumstances understanding and managing your desires allow you to align them with your core values leading to a more purposeful and meaningful life where your actions resonate with what truly matters to you this doesn't mean you cannot have life goals they are important just ensure you maintain a balanced approach between introspection and action the next principle is deeply connected to the one that we discussed earlier however I wanted to emphasize individually as I think in this day and age internalizing it is more crucial than ever stoicism discourages seeking external validation for your worth and happiness instead stoics focus on cultivating internal virtues and relying on your own judgment allowing you to detach from opinions and judgments of others for instance rather than depending solely on external recognition for your professional accomplishments pray yourself from a constant need for praise find fulfillment in the intrinsic value of your work honing in on personal growth and aligning your efforts with your values and standards also rather than seeking validations through comments and likes from social media detach from external opinions focus on sharing content that aligns with your values and interests finding satisfaction and self-expression and stop relying on approval for sense of worth prioritize the development of your virtuous character over external circumstances as Marcus aelio wisely said everything we hear is an opinion not a fact everything we see is a perspective not the truth by placing importance on your moral growth you can care less about judgments and outcomes as you will be in tune with your own core values stoicism promotes the idea of contributing to the well-being of others by helping and supporting others you will find a deeper sense of fulfillment and purpose and overcome self-centered concerns consider a scenario where one of your colleagues is struggling with a heavy workload and you notice their stress increases in line with the stoic principles of helping others and providing support you decide to offer assistance you take on some of their tasks eing their burden and fostering a sense of camaraderie in the workplace this not only leads to a more positive and supportive environment but also reflects the stoic belief in intrinsic value of kindness by extending a helping hand you can contribute to a harmonious Society cultivate your own virtuous character and as senica's quote suggests wherever there is a human being there is an opportunity for kindness instead of judging challenges and adversity as something bad shift your mindset to seeing them as opportunities for personal growth STS believe that facing challenges with resilience and learning from them contributes to continuous Improvement and wisdom I know we see us easily go down the rabbit hole and constantly forming negative thoughts when being faced with hardship the trick is not to have no negative thoughts at all they are as much a part of life as the air we breathe instead make room for self-reflection and mindfulness which will help you assess your thoughts behaviors and responses to events reflection is an integral part of learning and growing your aim is to learn from experiences and continually refine your understanding of virtue and wisdom these principles collectively contribute to the stoic philosophy's goals of achieving inner peace resilience and a virtuous way of life and remember a resilient mindset is not a luxury but a strategic necessity in a fast-paced world of work and life which is a lifelong journey I will be making more videos about selfimprovement to support you in your growth to become your authentic self so if you found this video helpful give it a thumbs up hit the notification Bell as well as the subscription button and join the community as it grows see you next time bye
Channel: Taje Bonrath
Views: 1,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to be happy, how to be confident, how to be careless, how to be unbothered, how to be calm, how to be more calm, be calmer, i want to be more calm, being calm, how to stop caring what other people think, how to stop caring, how to care less, how to become strong, how to be stronger, how to calm, calm from anxiety, how to calm down, how to relax, stop being stressed, stress, self development, focus, how to focus on yourself, stoicism, stop caring what people think, powerful
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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