3 Madly Scary Horror Stories Animated

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for the longest time I was a tombstone caretaker for a cemetery in rural Georgia it was only a summertime job for a 16 year old nothing too crazy just cleaning off the grime and build-up dirt from off of the tombstones and stuff now to kind of set the scene a little the cemetery included one building that housed bathrooms for the five caretakers employed by the cemetery in addition to one small simple mausoleum other than that it was all just flat earth with tombstones littering the entire site the whole place felt pretty cut off too as surrounding the place where some of the densest forests in the entire state of Georgia naturally because the eerie surroundings I was always a little bit more paranoid than maybe I should have been that and I watch a ton of horror movies and such which I get as a terrible combo for someone working in a cemetery so one night some doing my rounds when I have to go into the small masa Liam we had some of the wealthier families in the area and tuned within and it was my job to go in make sure all was neat and clean making sure it met the standards of these uppity folks I'm walking over to it and right off the bat I feel like something is off I couldn't quite put my finger on it at first just this general sense that wasn't alone and that's about the time that I noticed candle lights coming from the small Massa Liam I was also pretty certain that I could hear voices coming from inside to like younger voices kids my age at the time they were giggling and laughing and it didn't sound particularly wholesome now I hadn't seen anyone enter or leave the cemetery but I also wasn't about to potentially take on a bunch of drunk teenagers on my own as I definitely would have done my butt looked so I called the lone security officer on duty the dude that does a few rounds on the lot he was an older retired cop but he was definitely tough and I knew he jumped at the chance to help me out when the ex-cop finally turns up we both go inside it was empty which made absolutely no sense as I'd literally just heard voices and stuff inside and there were indeed lit candles inside burning around one of the tombs a tomb that had been opened up to reveal the remains of a child-size skeleton nothing other than that was disturbed but that was bad enough mainly because the open tomb contained a rotten old child's doll like the knitted kind it was seriously disturbing to see that old thing smiling away whilst lying hand-in-hand with an actual kid skeleton me and the security guard quickly got out of there doing a lightning sweep of the grounds to try to at least get eyes on these sick idiots that desecrated that girl's final resting place neither of us saw soul which was more frustrating than it was scary and after about a quarter of an hour we met back at the mausoleum to set the girl's grave an order by sliding the stone tablet back on top of the tomb and we stepped inside the doll that was previously hand-in-hand with the dead girl was sitting on the other side of the mausoleum like just sat there upright but that same uneven smile stitched across her face whoever was messing with us had actually gone back to move that doll to taunt us I quit the next day and never went back not even to visit [Music] okay so years ago my dad purchased the cemetery when I was in Middle School and I worked for him through high school graduation I did yard work mowing weeding intended to flower beds etc and aside from the occasional shadows seen out of the corner of my eye or hearing strange sounds the cemetery was actually quite a peaceful little place but the strangest is when you have a burial in the crypts basically you dig down about five or six feet to expose a giant pair of stone slab doors he pulled the stone doors off and then dropped down into a tiny cold dark room these rooms can either fit two full-size coffins for children's coffins by far the hardest to deal with or years and years worth of cremated remains so back in the 50s and 60s families would purchase one crypt and the entire family tree would be cremated and interred inside it some just put the cremated remains in it and close it off but others lit candles and leave mementos flowers and souvenirs pictures and stuff like that it's really creepy opening up one of those things after like 50 plus years and finding all kinds of melted candles and old pictures of the deceased people inside not only that but when you hop down in there enough times eventually you have a weird realization that you were at the same level and completely surrounded by bodies and that one day inevitably you're going to be joining them another time my best friend and I were earning a little money over summer at the cemetery working as grounds keepers when we were juniors and seniors it was easy money we got paid five bucks an hour mostly for edging or trimming and generally keeping the whole place nice and tidy we waked a lot of leaves and dug a lot of holes that summer but we also got to tear around the grounds and what was basically a souped-up golf cart with our tools in the back there was a lot of dead flowers to dig up not to mention a lot of empty liquor bottles beer cans and unfortunately on occasion even some use condoms there was a widow who left scribbled notes on her husband's brave almost all of them completely illegible also a lot of sodden stuffed animals left on the graves of children it felt so wrong throwing that stuff in the trash and take my word on it that it sucked even harder than digging holes it was annoying to work in the rain and it rained often but it was truly a gravy job no puns intended the creepiest thing I saw was one of the old style baby dolls that have been left on a graveyard not inherently spooky I know but will creeped us out was the fact that it was badly burned almost like someone had gone over it with a blowtorch or something not just that either it had what we discovered to be these big iron nails that had been driven into the spaces its eyes should have been probably just some local college kids playing a prank or something heck it could have been my buddy but he never admitted to it it just really creeped me out to see that thing one early morning when there wasn't another soul in sight having said that there was something far far worse I encountered while doing that job it was the naked corpse of a young woman my age left neatly with her arms at her sides one foggy Saturday morning she had been strangled right there whoever murdered her had also bludgeoned her horribly she was identified quickly and it turned out that she was a student at a neighboring high school but her clothes were never found into my knowledge her murder was never ever solved my friend and I were grilled by police on two separate occasions and honestly I think that was the scariest part knowing we were actually implicated in the murder but we didn't know a thing and each had alibis so thankfully we were eventually rolled out and thankfully the cops never bothered us any more I just pray that she's resting in peace [Music] former funeral director here a bit of a setup first a cemetery run is real old liked by a good few hundred years at least it must be since the church next to it was constructed during the 17th century considering the fact that it is a pretty rural place as well most people back in the day were buried with only wooden crosses and such no stone or marble so as time goes on crosses rot and wither away new people get buried etc nowadays due to less people living out here in the sticks which means our budget is increasingly limited the cemetery is really rundown and overgrown it is a really pretty place and it's honestly pretty depressing so that's something you can imagine when you keep burying bodies in the same small patch of dirt for that many centuries eventually the soil has been worked over dozens and dozens of times so in the end it consists of mainly bone meal you can't even rake over the flowerbeds there without accidentally uncovering some teeth or finger bones or something equally grim it's nothing but fragmented skeletons all the way down through the thin turf the soil sort of resembles the kind of dirt you see near sandy beaches except on closer examination all the light-colored parts are just bone fragments rather than crushed seashells not really scary or unexpected just super eerie until you eventually get used to it you learn to treat anything recognizable as human remains with respect and just tuck it away out of sight under the plant or whatever else who were putting there anyway so someone was taking care of their relatives grave and decided to expand the area around the grave for some reason the people around her are not particularly fond of grass rather preferring a well leveled ground with Zen garden lines made with a rake the person removed the grass and was sprucing up the place with a rake when they pulled up a bunch of snow-white hair from the dirt they must have just freaked out and ran out of there leaving the cemetery attendant to stumble across what was essentially hair coming out of the ground she reported it to the church and supposedly they reburied the remains even with all my years as an undertaker I'm not entirely sure how there could have been a body so close to the surface but there's another incident that sticks with me even more than that one my business partner and I had just gotten back to the funeral home from a call for a 27 year old woman who tragically passed away due to terminal cancer as we were moving her body from the cot to an embalming table we heard an audible click and the radio across the room turned on full volume of static it's one of those old radios who turned the volume dial until it clicks to turn it on we both looked at each other pale as ghosts he happened to be extremely religious and this event visibly shook him they found an excuse to leave early not long after the incident so I shut the radio off as I typically used my iphone to listen to music while doing embalming work when I finished the procedure and was attempting to move her from the embalming table to a dressing table I heard that click from the rolled radio and it turned on full volume yet again at this point that was fairly freaked out and got out of there not long after my partner and I never spoke of it again and nothing like that had ever occurred to my knowledge before or after
Channel: Mort
Views: 233,812
Rating: 4.9035611 out of 5
Keywords: mcdonald's horror, creepy mcdonald, horror story, reddit stories animated, true horror story animated, ron mcdonalds horror, scary clown, mcdonalds clown horror story, animated horror compilation, deep web horror story, deep web animated, kfc animated horror story, school lockdown, school horror story, school lockdown horror animated, zombie stories, zombie animation, ghost horror stories, animated horror stories, horror animations
Id: z8fFEtrZe34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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