3 Days Solo Camping by Winter River

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foreign [Applause] all right foreign [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] thank you foreign [Applause] [Applause] so it's about 20 minutes till sunset Camp is great I just need to get some more wood because uh it's kind of hard to find standing dead wood in the dark so I think that's a priority then we're gonna cook some dinner I got a good one planned for tonight it's gonna be here [Applause] all right we have this piece of hardwood right here it's short and stubby but it's hardwood so it's nice and this piece of pine except the snow is up to my knees here so I'm gonna cut this down haul those back come back with my snowshoes [Applause] oh foreign [Applause] brought the reflector oven out today we're just going to be using it well as it's intended I guess but not to bake anything just to uh kind of melt some stuff yeah let's call it that [Music] foreign so these are just beef burger patties I made at home but I'm not using them as burgers I'm just gonna use the ground beef from them they're already seasoned but I'm gonna season them some more beef some beans a bunch of seasoning cumin paprika chili powder and maybe Cayenne I don't remember salt I forgot half the ingredients that I brought out here I got avocado cilantro pickled jalapenos onion onion sour cream and lime oh shoot chips cheese chips layer chips layer of cheese cheese on top cilantro pickled jalapenos some more onions avocado lime juice [Applause] I think we'll call that done we just got a little bit of sour cream yo I'm happy really good [Music] most excellent um every bite's a new adventure on my last trip on the tamagami trip I lost seven pounds seven pounds crazy I love the jalapenos and delicious oh almost done I almost used the whole bag 320 grams and there's 110 calories per 30 grams so that means that I ate almost a thousand calories of cheese just now oh Lord I mean I have to admit I did a pretty good job of cutting cheese on everything done oh [Applause] good day I'm absolutely stuffed from those nachos yeah I got nothing I'm going to bed I love every single one of you guys every single one of you guys see you in the morning good night Lord I slept in and it felt wonderful fire still smoldering oh hello world foreign pretty stoked to be here look at this fun little otter slide it's like they start all the way up here and they slide all the way down there I could be any animal I'd probably be an otter so fun and playful like me all right I'll shut up look at all the fleas all that Darkness down there is snow fleas wow pancake mix and the waffle iron can you guys guess what I'm making waffles pretty obvious yo today's good I'm so happy to be here I don't know what it is but um I've been like a little bit huffing and puffing to come out I know that every single time I come out I enjoy myself but it's a lot of work and you never really know how it's gonna turn out especially when you give yourself distance from something like do I even like it do I really even enjoy it and I often like just force myself to go out because I know I'm gonna enjoy it even though in the moment I'm like do I really enjoy it then I'm out here I'm like this is literally the best thing ever chilling by my campfire and my Hut by this waterfall about to cook some waffles looks good Life's good pancake mix lovely what a lovely consistency yo that's cool [Music] we now interrupt this very peaceful broadcast to bring you an exceptionally stupid moment [Music] so my drone just flew into the other side of the river and I gotta go find it if I can get across this without getting my feet wet my drum [Applause] I thought I'd just fly it nice and slow through this Valley here the issue is I probably crashed the thing so many times that it just has a drip to it so even when I let go of the controls it just drifts to one side and that's what happened I just like all the controls it just drifted me right onto the other side of the river I shouldn't be flying it like this anyways Surefire way of losing it when I was getting it there was an area of crusty ice over top of the water broke through my right foot is a little wet I'll have to drive my boot out tonight because uh otherwise I won't be able to get my boots back on in the morning when it's negative 17 yikes anyways let's just pack up and find a new camp because uh take a few hours then I got a big dinner to cook tonight and I also gotta prep for this deep cold we're gonna experience there's a small little Lake right here that I was hoping to get to sure enough we're here let's just find a place to Camp I'm gonna leave my gear right here and uh see if there's anything there yeah something over there oh it's an otter yes that's so cool I haven't seen otters in a while such happy creatures and there seems to be a pair of them just coming in and out of the water he smells me he smells every time they went in the water I tried to get a little bit closer but then I screwed up because the wind was at my back and I was directly between where the wind was coming from and the Otters so that's how I'm poke his head up and he started sniffing I mean see he got a cuddle whip of me and I think they're gone now I'm gonna take a peek around the corner but it's pretty cool as much as I'd love to camp out there I think it's probably smarter to camp in here where it's protected should we find right here foreign foreign nothing else Compares it's just it's home now like up until this point it was just a forest but now this is Camp biggest problem with cold camping is drying out your stuff when you're in a hot tent you can just hang it up in the rafters and leave the fire going overnight or soak the fire through the night and by the time you wake up in the morning stuff is pretty much dry most of it is problem right now I'm having is both my boot liners my socks soak through that one seems not so bad but my feet are definitely damp because of uh this moist snow and me also dunking my foot in the water retrieving my drone earlier oh unfortunately I have a extra pair of socks and some booties that I can wear while I attempt to dry out my wet boot liners over the fire as you can see this is the result of drying out my boot liners by the fire in the past I mean if it wasn't going down to negative 17th night I wouldn't really have I wouldn't really care so much but I want to be able to put these boots on in the morning and if I leave these like this overnight they'll uh they'll freeze up and they'll be Rock Solid I won't be able to get my feet in So the plan is to dry the boot liners out to the best of my ability and then I'll be able to slip them back into my boots overnight and Hike out of here because yeah I guess the goal in the end is to get home you know might as well start cooking dinner get some water on too so I've cooked this one before but I haven't cooked it in about a year which is crazy because time flies oh my God I'm making a calzone I've made one in a while I rolled out the dough at home because every time I try to roll it out here it's a bit of a chaotic mess see how it turned out but not super good a little holy maybe I'll just roll it out again what have I done good thing I brought it back up this dope seems a lot more usable than that other dough that I have all right good thing I brought it back up because this one is working pizza sauce mozzarella mozzarella a bit of onions from yesterday I really like onions so wrap it in there foreign buddy missed you foreign [Music] because uh just two days ago I was at the Toronto Zoo and of all the animals there the Otters were my favorite I just thought they were so cool swimming around there's two of them being all playful with one another chilling out they seem to be having such a fun time and I said it out loud that otters are my new favorite animal and it's kind of funny that two days later here on my camping trip there's uh these two otters by my Camp what does it mean maybe nothing but it's kind of serendipitous in a way anyways I'm kind of hungry so hopefully this dinner hurries itself up so I can uh put that grub in my tummy tum yo we did it look at this what's the sound you want to hear that will do all right I also got this Chipotle mayo that I made at home people ask about this all the time honestly it's just I it's what is it I think Chipotles in Adobo sauce you can buy a can of it and then I just blend it with mayo it's really good it's like Frozen but oh I have a great idea for a dessert tonight it's like nothing special but it's kind of we'll see we'll see you know what I might have just made an appropriately portioned meal I'm like getting full and I'm almost done I don't have half of the meal remaining that was really really good hot chocolate Cedar tea hot chocolate I mean it was literally just boiling but chocolate and I can't wait okay yo that's actually pretty good you can you can taste the cedar so fancy cheers oh my God oh my God there's so many snow fleas in here there's there's about a thousand snow fleas in here all the little black things in there are snow fleas those are all snow fleas well Bottoms Up snow flea Cedar hot chocolate who would have thunk foreign maybe just put up the tarp as like a wall to prevent the wind from getting at me the breeze the slight little breeze that's happening but more or less just gonna Cowboy Camp I got enough firewood to get through the night and all honestly I don't need this much firewood it's just kind of nice to keep the fire going but yeah it's definitely gotten colder all right that's it it's around 9 30. I got my negative 10 sleeping bag with a synthetic top quilt just gonna try these two tonight it's currently right around negative 10. okay it's cold I'm gonna get up and start moving around I think the sun's about to come up currently about negative 16. early this morning I woke up at one point and it was around negative 17 or 18. it was cold by negative 10 sleeping bag plus the top quilt did pretty well it's mostly cold around like my upper chest and my face but it was not too bad not too bad at all good old oatmeal whatever might be done before fun little trip beautiful locations turned out to be a lot more enjoyable than I had anticipated I honestly had low expectations for this trip and I guess the moral is kind of don't have any expectations just put yourself out there and who knows what will happen because uh this trip was a wonderful one really enjoyed this one forgot how much I loved tarp camping too being right by the Open Fire getting all smoked out and covered in Sparks burning holes and everything it's my favorite anyways it's cold as heck so uh I'm gonna head on out hope you guys enjoy them as much as I did thanks for watching have a great day
Channel: Xander Budnick
Views: 640,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2mkDTQgaVa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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