Winter Camping in Raised Bushcraft Shelter - Level 100 Campfire Cooking

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Luke here at the outdoor Boys YouTube channel and I'm here in the woods of Alaska and I'm building survival shelters from scratch I'm cooking amazing food and we're doing some extreme camping it's going to be a great time come along with me you're gonna enjoy this video [Music] okay foreign that's a footprint of a snowshoe hair right there those are Snowshoe hair poops and sure enough there's a rabbit right over there as long as I pretend like I can't see him he is just gonna sit right there there he is just stopped to look back at me see if I'm chasing him if you ever scarif a rabbit just be cool and they'll usually stop right before they get out of sight to look back at you all right we got plenty of dead wood for our shelter and for a fire I think this looks like a pretty good spot right here I'm gonna build my shelter between these three dead trees but I'm going to need to chop down at least 12 15 dead trees thank you I need a little snack break because I got a very Alaskan lunch here okay if you haven't spent a lot of time in the Alaskan Bush you might not be familiar with pilot bread it's a shelf stable cracker kind of like a Saltine with less salt and it's one of the four basic food groups in the bush here in Alaska now pilot bread is a little bit dry so you need something to wash it down with and for that I like powdered Tang and if you go out in the bush and someone offers you orange juice and bread there's a good chance you're gonna get this got some smoked wild caught sockeye salmon to go with it um all right got a good pile of trees going here I need to take all the limbs off them to do that I'm going to use a Japanese NATA this is like a hatchet with a chisel Edge bought this thing in downtown Kyoto Japan with Tommy a couple years back foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign so this is my sleeping platform and I've got to be really thorough and go through and take out every little knot and stick because I don't want anything putting a hole in my sleeping bag and I don't want to have anything stabbing me in the back while I'm sleeping so this is one of those jobs that you really want to take your time and do it right you also want to get the edges of the front and back log as well because if your tarp goes up the back or you dangle your legs off the side you don't want ripping any material foreign I've only been here for three hours and the sun's already steady oh it gets dark so quick up here all right guys here's my bag of lamps about five pounds of just lights we have 18 hours of Darkness here so you got to bring a lot of lights and a lot of batteries and this right here is my box of batteries so I've got 16 GoPro batteries and a backup battery for my cell phone and for my GPS that weighs another five pounds so between camera batteries and camera lights I've got about 10 pounds of gear I bring with me at a minimum on every one of these trips foreign I'm sure I'll find those in the spring foreign but the sun has sat and I'm running on Twilight so I need to hurry up and get some firewood and gather up everything around the camp because it's going to get really dark real quick I brought along a couple Caribou hides I'm gonna lay them down on the wood to help protect my sleeping bag and to give me some insulation this Caribou hide is a really good insulator all right the hairs of a caribou are Hollow so they make really good insulators despite the shedding these Caribou hides hold up pretty well I've been camping on these for three years and they're still doing great all right I'm getting hungry I need to cook some dinner oh that dry dead Pine goes up like gasoline oh the temperature's dropped I'm gonna bundle myself up a little bit oh we're gonna have some hot Tang you know cold tank is okay but when you heat it up it's like wassail or spiced oranges it's actually really good all right guys it's time for dinner I'm gonna be making something special I'm roasting lamb shank oh I love lamb all right got that bone exposed got a touch of olive oil here just want it oily so that all the herbs will stick to it all right we got some coarse salt some black pepper we're gonna set it over this fire and just sear the outside oh yeah nice sear on that now we're gonna roast it Slow and Low I'm just going to go ahead and add some rosemary thyme and parsley to the roast oh my goodness this smells amazing and it sounds amazing I don't know what it is about shelling peanuts but they taste so much better when you shell them yourself I think it's a metaphor for life you just enjoy things a lot more when you have to work for them all right I got a little Indian butter curry and some instant rice to go with my lamb here we're gonna start boiling that up [Applause] oh are you gonna pull this lamb shake out just let it rest here by the fire for a little bit oh yeah let's take a peek oh thank you oh my goodness oh that is so beautiful I also brought along a couple pieces of naan too because you know why not oh that's perfect there we go guys roasted lamb shank butter curry and naan that is oh it smells amazing all right we're gonna try out this lamb shank that is so good I don't need lamb enough oh just salt and Pepper's so good uh Curry's good too oh I am stuffed all right I need to do some dishes all right let's get started to get ready for bed foreign I was getting into bed and I knocked my pillow Into the Fire and I jumped down and grabbed it but the damage was done now it's got a little hole in it I've got a little stuff sack my tarp came in I'm gonna put my down jacket inside and we're gonna do a little DIY pillow ah there we go it's not too bad of a solution gotta be careful wanna make sure I don't drop anything else in the fire including myself luckily I don't roll around much I think I should be okay I'm gonna put up this camera I'm gonna see you guys in the morning oh good morning oh man I slept really well last night I'm so warm in this bag when the fire was still going it was heating the platform from underneath and it would just be this nice gentle warming feeling coming up through the mat but even with the fire out I'm still a lot warmer than sleeping on the ground I mean the ground just sucks the heat out of you being off the ground makes a big difference but I think it's time for me to get up and build the fire and make some breakfast boots are nice and Frozen oh I feel like ski boots well this shelter worked pretty well but there's actually a feature that's really cool about it I didn't get to use last night you know that's not a bad shelter that heat of the fire goes up and out so when you elevate the bed you capture more of the heat from the fire as opposed to sitting on the ground next to the fire plus here in the winter time you never quite know what the ground situation is having an elevated bed just avoids all that problem I actually had a lot of other plans for this shelter I was going to put a wall up there and there but I ran out of time but I'm thinking I might come back here and keep working on this project and turn it into a proper long-term survival shelter but I'm hungry I'm gonna make some food now foreign [Music] all right got a pancake with fresh blueberries in it not too shabby blueberry pancake it's a maple syrup all right fried spam and pancakes good combination it is hard to beat blueberry pancakes with maple syrup all right time for seconds here oh when I was a kid me and my family would go camping here in Alaska and then we would go berry picking and pick wild blueberries and Mom would make blueberry pancakes every morning brings back a lot of fun memories all right I think it's time to start cleaning this party up [Applause] foreign [Applause] s on that thing maybe a roof I'm going to seal it up all really nice and get it super toasty but that's going to be another video if you guys want to see that video make sure to click subscribe to the outdoor Boys YouTube channel we put out new videos every Saturday morning all right guys I'll see you next Saturday if you like this video don't forget to check out the outdoor Boys YouTube channel where we have hundreds of videos just like this and don't forget to click subscribe so you can see other great videos every Saturday morning hit that Bell button you'll get notifications thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Outdoor Boys
Views: 5,010,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, cold weather camping, bushcraft, bushcraft camping, survival camping, survival shelter, bushcraft shelter, campfire cooking, Alaska, Camping in Alaska, camping in snow, bushcraft project, bushcraft log cabinn, camping in survival shelter, winter camping not tent, not tent camping, extreme camping
Id: Zz7os_kWwnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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