Surviving 50 Hours Under a Rock with No Food - Catch and Cook

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foreign the water at 9am it's just after 11 now I'm Gonna Leave the canoe here I have my stick bow I have a fishing rod a couple tools a bit of extra warm clothing in my sleeping gear but what I don't have is any kind of shelter or any kind of food my plan is to spend 50 hours out here total forging fishing and collecting whatever food I can find in these woods but I feel like that's going to be quite difficult because we're in the middle of November and it feels extremely sparse out here that being said it's about zero degrees Celsius so it's kind of cold so I want to head on out 48 Hours remaining foreign so happy I went with the rain boots on this trip even though it's dry and there's no rain in the forecast there's still puddles here and there's nothing worse than having especially when it's hovering around zero degrees that's a chantrell look at that I don't think they'd be out here right now it's an older one but that's still edible so here's the thing even though I'm like 99 certain this is a chanterelle it's not worth it for me to even try this there's so few calories in it and there's a small chance that might make me sick that it's not worth it say there were hundreds of these things around I could then maybe sample part of one see if that makes me slightly sick and if it doesn't then I have all those calories that I can go after but in this case because there's just one it's not worth the right time so this is the lake that I'm going to stay at the plan is I'm just going to fish from the shore and work my way around until I find a nice place to camp and hopefully by then I have a fish we'll see right all right so bad news my fishing Rod's broken right here right here I might have tape it's a bummer oh I have for tape are these gear raid patches for like preparing Gore-Tex this is not ideal I'm gonna tape it and I'm gonna splint it what is not gonna hold what do I have this is not good I'll use one of the arrows all right I splinted it with one of my arrows this thing is a little bit in the way but a little bit tape here and then uh here it still gives enough Bend at the end should be good should be use a little map spinner well oh she casts like a beauty I almost I almost slipped on this log and got my foot completely soaked but I held on no wet feet for me yet knock on wood all right let's keep going [Applause] Wintergreen foreign that's bad mmm still a little tasty though it's nice nice flavor those wintergreens have no no no no no no no no no no no no no dang we went over oh I was trying to avoid that well I deserve it I deserve it ah I got wet feet for the rest of the trip pretty bummed out about my boot I just got the one yeah it's completely soaked but that was just me being stupid so I deserve it things take forever to dry out too so here's some more Chantels I guess I could take these and take them might as well take a couple of them there you go there's got to be more around a handful of Sean trails a few calories an old Sun missed you no come on that's a gun great a socket hook too there's no way I was getting that out things are not going very well right now let's hope they don't get worse before they get better knock on wood and try the spoon where the fish are at they might be deep you know is it oh yeah that's one that's a fish okay all right oh my that's a fish [Applause] oh holy crap that was like the biggest brook trout I've ever seen and it got away damn oh that's the problem with barbless hooks and I was trying to shore it because I don't have a net dang I got so excited because I'm actually pretty hungry that would have been food for two days yeah so the reason why I'm wearing all this orange if anybody was wondering it's open season for deer right now so people are out hunting in the woods with guns and even though I'm not hunting with a gun and I'm not hunting big game I'm only hunting small game still required to wear hunter's orange because I'm out hunting small game all right let's keep going I just saw one swim by and I tried to cast out as quickly as possible I think I honestly think it's a numbers game like I saw that fish swim by and made me think that maybe the fish are just circling the shoreline looking for food and so with Enough cast they'll uh they'll bite so it's probably most ideal for me to get into a position where I can Shore the fish so I can actually bring it all the way in and uh keep it as opposed to losing it on the retrieval I lost one of my arrows I must have got pulled off by a branch unfortunate I couldn't find it please no the whole shaft just completely broke and I'm going to lose that lure so it wants to come out done so the whole whole thing is broken now I was being an idiot wasn't I that's all that's all my fault I'm such a brute when it comes to some of these things this is not good it's like my source for food is uh trash this is uh not good let's go make camp foreign I mean if I can fit it's not bad a little less Headroom but it's gonna play I think I have to sleep here to be honest it's too cool I should probably get rid of this Widowmaker foreign pit right in front of my shelter call it a day so I'm 100 sleeping in here so when you're looking to sleep in a cave you want to make sure that there's no poo anywhere especially like little well poo of any sort porcupines tend to like areas like this so there's like crawl their way in and uh there'll be a lot of poo on the outside and that's a great indicator to know if uh any wildlifes living there but quite lucky there's nothing here so we're gonna call this home also looking for a couple boot sized rocks so I can dry my feet later I'm gonna get the fire pit set up maybe got a little bit of wood actually you know what I'm gonna get enough rocks for a fire pit I have enough wood for a fire and I'm just gonna go back out and go fishing foreign foreign there's a potential that this fire is going to smoke me out this will just have to wait and see but I'm gonna go catch fish it's gonna happen so this looks good enough for now let me get my headlamp I'm gonna get my headlamp just my fishing gear and we're just gonna go see if we can catch a fish actually seems like a pretty good spot all right let's see how the rod holds up having no luck lost another lure I'm having uh I wouldn't call it luck because it's definitely my fault but having trouble unhooking these these stuck lures another map spinner can't afford to get any more stuck because not only do I not have many it's a waste of time Let's uh try a different spot I'm starting to wish I didn't de-barb all these hooks this is the most pathetic fishing rod I've ever seen all right let's move on 45 minutes of sunlight left some more chanterels here I can pick them but I'm not going to touch them I really don't feel like eating those on an empty stomach wow holy look at the gills on this thing they're like icicles I think I've seen this in one of my books I don't quite know what it is obviously I'm not going to eat it but man is that ever cool so this isn't going at all as planned the plan was to catch a huge fish then shoot a moose and then crop inside the Moose as my shelter but none of that's worked out so far we're on Plan B we got to sleep underneath the Rock tonight no fish dinner Sun's about to set so fishing is almost over for the day I'm gonna try a couple more casts and then go back to Camp make a fire make some tea all right last cast oh no luck today [Applause] foreign trails but there's so few it's not worth it for me to eat these right now on an empty stomach I'll put them by the fire maybe they'll dry out and uh I can maybe eat them later I don't know a bit of an experiment could be a bad idea but I'm definitely not gonna eat them right now to my wet boots foreign nice I guess I'll leave my shoes off for now what a lovely scent come on once the rock cools down a bit I'm going to throw it in my right boot the one that I got a Soaker with and uh hopefully that'll help dry it out a bit too hot right now we start far away and then we bring it closer it's a bit hot to the touch but let's get her in there I can see the steam coming out already smells disgusting all right let's keep it up oh yeah some boiling water a little Cedar thank you Mr cedar tree dinner [Applause] um definitely feel my stomach kind of hungry I haven't eaten in 12 hours like my last meal was around 7 30 this morning it's now probably about 7 30. it being only 12 hours in and I have 50 hours total I just hope that I can catch a fish tomorrow that would be nice at least I got me some tea ah oh it tastes good yeah the tea is really good I like to think that I would have to go through all this difficulty today I know breaking my rod getting water in my boot these are trivial things when it comes down to it but discomforts and difficulties so I like to think that I'm going to be rewarded in the future for my efforts but who knows maybe the reward it doesn't come in the form of a fish tomorrow maybe it comes in the form of some valuable Lessons Learned who knows right all I can say is I'm pretty pumped to be here and still have 38 hours remaining maybe even more there's a rock right underneath my back but I'm like an inch away from the ceiling yeah yeah there's a lot of dirt here I'm gonna take all this pack it in over there so I can sleep the opposite way because uh I want to be able to have some Headroom in there [Applause] if a bear comes he can just like grab my head and pull me out of my cave easier I'll have less of a fight but that being said clumpier I know some people are wondering what if it what if it falls well this Rock's probably been in the same position for the last 10 20 000 years since the last ice age so the chances of it moving in the next two nights probably pretty slim it's just after eight o'clock which means it hasn't even been in 12 hours yet anyways I'm gonna get some sleep maybe at least lay here and watch the fire so see you guys in the morning foreign I slept really well last night something's coming up it's Julia oh foreign small fire boil some water leave most of my stuff here take a small bag with fishing equipment and my bow and I'm gonna Circle the lake a bunch see if I can catch a fish see if I can see a grouse or anything really yeah I really hope to catch a fish today like negative three right now about 26 degrees Fahrenheit so I got my boots relatively dry just a tiny bit at the heel believe it or not is a little wet damp super bearable way better than they were before I probably put that hot rock in there six times it definitely helped the issue now is I got a little bit of a puncture here through the side it's not all the way through but I tested it and water does get in so gotta be very careful but I don't have completely wet feet today [Music] so I did bring a little luxury a little bit of insta coffee is it cheating I don't know is it food is it food I don't know I do ingest it oh here's one of the mushrooms from last night it's all the other ones are gone that one's completely dry though I'm not gonna eat it not enough calories some army guy told me that if I make my bed bright and early in the morning even if I have a bad day I still come back to a nice fully made bed and it makes the day all good that sun is wonderful these would have been great puffballs a couple weeks months ago edible but not anymore obviously more Chantels this is chatting with a friend the other day and they said that every morning they write down three things are great for four and three things that they wish to accomplish during the day as well as one affirmation and I just thought that was really cool and I wanted to wake up and do it this morning but I totally forgot so I'm gonna do it now I'm grateful that my boots are dry I'm grateful that I still have somewhat of a fishing rod I'm grateful to be out here three things that I wish to accomplish today are I hope to walk around this whole lake I hope to get another chance at a fish and I hope to make it through today with a positive attitude and then the affirmation you got this I thought that was pretty cool so I just want to participate anyways we're like a 16th of the way around the lake I've been kind of Meandering in and out stopping every once in a while trying to hear if I can hear some Wildlife not getting anything not even not even a chipmunk or a squirrel someone said he's the name of the game definitely kill my tummy grumbling it's been over 24 hours now since my last meal I like the challenge though this has been a lot of fun I'm gonna fish here this looks like a great spot there's a fire pit here I don't know how old it is but I'm guessing this is a good spot to fish so I'm gonna spend a little bit of time here [Applause] ever since I quit drugs and alcohol food has been such a dope meat hit for me I have a pretty decent metabolism so I don't gain weight very easily but when I go like looking for like a little bit of something extra I uh I eat a bit of food you know junk food I like terrible but burgers and chicken burgers and fries and whatever so like right now when I'm just feeling a little bit lethargic bored de-stimulated I go to like thoughts of food but it's good for me to be away from that you know I mean not have that option right now I'm just thinking about that chocolate bar that's sitting on the dashboard of my car what a tease I have about uh 25 hours remaining so we're officially halfway through I feel like we're just getting started though you know all right a few more casts that I'm going to keep moving around the lake I don't feel like this is the spot it felt like the spot it's not the spot it doesn't feel like the spot anymore I'm done with this spot let's move on nice out when it comes to Survival equipment you have to have gear that's reliable and durable and this fishing rod was uh neither it broke far too easily twice my tummy's yelling at me this might be the longest I've ever gone without food as soon as I said food my stomach started rumbling I think I'm gonna get another bite today will I be able to land it that's another story better rod and a fishing net would go a long way here the bow doesn't seem to be doing me much help some Wintergreen pretty good more of just like a tease than anything it's like like no calories in this not literally no calories but it feels as if there's no calories might as well be zero calories that's what I'm saying it's quite nice all right let's keep going foreign just scaring the fish I don't know I have a feeling that the fish are getting spooked by my my orange so I just really like this spot because it'll be easy to land the fish oh my God okay okay oh my God dude what the heck is this thing that is the biggest fish I've ever seen in my life okay oh my God what the heck did I just catch [Laughter] yes thank you this thing is a monster holy crap that is the biggest book that I've ever seen in my life what the heck is this thing oh my God yes that is such that's like like what the heck is this thing this thing is a monster my God I just like that is a good amount of food right there all right we are feasting tonight we are having a feast tonight we're basically exactly on the opposite side of the lake from our campsite I'm gonna continue and I'm gonna finish the walk around maybe I'll find my arrow because it's uh should be over there somewhere on the long night Shore but uh yeah my goodness and for anybody wondering uh this this lake is open all year round for brook trout so some people might be confused why I'm catching a brook trout in November I'm like what the heck it's like as long as my freaking boot it's bigger than my boot now my boot smells like fish but at least you can see how big this fish is [Applause] just over two years ago is the first time I started fishing and uh gutting fish was a little squeamish now it's like not an issue and now I'm out here catching fish with my Broken Arrow rod part of me does feel a little bit bad taking this entire fish for myself but I will eat every little bit of it I've not eaten and 20 seven hours now a little hurt here's what you can eat raw from these fish I hear that you're not supposed to eat any part of a freshwater fish Raw looks pretty good time to bring her home but I don't know if this is a good idea believe it or not that's the first squirrel I've seen I wouldn't want to shoot that though too cute and we found it great perfect it's a good feeling all five arrows home sweet home so one thing I've been learning about survival is there's quite a misconception that a trained professional can just go out into the woods and survive up nuts and berries and Thrive off the land that's not really the case especially when it comes to mixed the mixed deciduous forest where I'm at or the Boreal forest which I also frequent it's just quite sparse there food is infrequent it's seasonal picking mushrooms and berries is not going to sustain you the thing is you really need big game and fish those are the two biggest Staples for long-term survival out in these types of woods and that's part of the reason why I'd like to get into hunting a little bit or at least understand it part of my journey is becoming a better Outdoorsman part of that is really being able to maintain myself and sustain myself out here I'm trying to get the fishing down getting better at it but the next component is definitely being able to Harvest Bland creatures I know some people have a little bit of a discomfort with that and that's okay it's it's it might not be for everybody but um it's a it's a journey that I would like to go down because ultimately I would love to learn as much as I can about wilderness survival and the outdoors in general I need to find a plate for this thing it's so big that one you can also use that as a frying pan so I also brought some salmon seasoning just because you don't want to see me suffer you guys want to see me Thrive out here and I know that you can taste this through the screen and I know you want this covered in seasoning salt I've never cooked a fish this large this way before so let's see how it turns out um wow yep yeah quite a bit of Ash on it but that's great meeting tons of charcoal but that's all good it's so good this is pretty cool um hot hey that looks a little traumatizing I flipped it over here's part of its jaw we're gonna get rid of that see all of its jaws gone but there's its eyeball they are not bad I think the grossest part is the texture and thought of it but other than that it's like an oyster no it's not problem with this method is every once in a while I bite into a piece of charcoal if I hear charcoal is good for cleaning your teeth so I guess it's not a problem it's a solution I ain't going hungry tonight put some of that seasoning on there this fish I'm eating this fish yum I got fish all over me you better think about me tonight oh I was so hungry this morning but now I am the opposite that is as good as it's gonna get this is some of the skin I'm not gonna eat that it's kind of burnt and then this is what I have remaining never thought I would do a mukbang on a survival challenge that was an excessive amount of fish maybe you can see in the video when I was gonna smack the fish I was like about to put it out I hesitated I'm like this is a big fish that is a big commitment I has a big responsibility but it was either that or nothing and I feel pretty grateful to have a meal as full as I am now yeah it cooked pretty well a bear is probably going to come by here later he's gonna smell the smell of fish come by and realize that like I picked an awesome spot to hibernate you're just gonna Maul me he's gonna take over my My Little Rock fort man yeah I'm covered in fish now I'm nice to have a full belly well admit I feel like I didn't suffer enough maybe next time I go for longer foreign I like my house foreign foreign good morning it's quite warm I like War but it's a that cool so yesterday I really enjoyed doing that three things I was grateful for as well as those three things I hope to accomplish which by the way I did accomplish all those things hiked around the lake had another chance at a fish and kept a positive attitude for today the things I'm grateful for are my rock Hut at fish that now resides in my belly and my warm bed tonight and the three things that I hope to accomplish today are I hope to clean up really well around here I hope to hike out of here and I hope to muck that entire chocolate bar that's in my car which I'm sure won't be a problem anyways things really turned around on this trip and uh it's a quite a memorable one they start packing up I got a couple hours left which should get me to my car and uh that'll be about 50 hours so I was just walking back and I spooked to Grouse and it flew up this way hard to tell how far it went but chances are it's gone but I'm going to take a look anyways because would be some tasty eating [Applause] if I try to Grouse I'd eat it right now I'd make a fire and cook it up 100 percent I don't think it's happening today it's kind of funny because I spent the last two days hiking around 15 kilometers and didn't see a grouse until the very last hour 50 feet for my canoe so funny got away though it's all good another day so it's well past 11 A.M which means we have completed the 50 hours out here that's a lot of fun maybe I'll have to do 100 hours next time maybe I'll have to wait though because Winter's fast approaching so don't know if I can do it this year in any case that was an awesome trip and I hope you guys enjoyed that one as much as I did thanks for watching have a great day [Applause]
Channel: Xander Budnick
Views: 1,333,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survival, outdoors, camping, cold, fishing, brook trout, survial challenge, no food challenge, bushcraft, canada
Id: f-AybHloZbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 47sec (2927 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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