Singapore’s Most DELICIOUS Street Food (BEST Hawker Centre) 🇸🇬

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today we are stood right outside Maxwell Food Center here in Singapore 10 out 10 which is arguably one of the best Hawker centers in the city look at that the reason that we're here today aside from eating a lot of food is because we've had such bad jet lag so we're making up for all of the lost time of all the breakfast and all the lunches that we've missed and we're going to try to eat as much as we can today and drink we got a lot of catching up to do I'm super hungry let's go this Haw Center is so big and so packed as well full of locals full of tourists but also full of smells and what looks like really good food wo this place has got a line yeah you know it's good if it's got a line we try the other side it just keeps going good thing we're hungry this par Center has three lanes we just walked through the middle and we're walking through the right hand side now there just food everywhere everywhere that one's got a queue all around it you're joking well I guess we've waited until now we can wait a little bit longer so this one is one of the only ones that had a big queue but it was on our list so we have to try it well I'm trying it you're trying it cuz it is chicken rice I don't eat meat but that is the national dish of Singapore I think so yeah and it looks super simple but super delicious here they sell chicken rice full chickens half chickens a few other things I think we're going to go for this the chicken rice medium uh one chicken rice medium thank you should we go outside yeah wow that's a very big portion I mean I went for medium because the top one said roasted and I didn't want to go for that one just in case I got something different but look at that I've never had it with this gravy on top before not sure if that's a a new thing that they're doing probably not maybe it's just different for every different stand you go to but it comes with this very spicy sauce so this dish is the henes chicken rice which is the national dish of Singapore and it was six Singaporean dollars now I'm going to pour some of this sauce [Music] over cuz for me what's a dish without some spice you know oh that's good the rice that comes with this dish is sort of oily so it's not a dry rice and the chicken is boiled rather than fried which means it's it's just juicy and moist this one is a delicious dish and it's so simple literally chicken rice nice bit of sauce good dish to start on okay time to find something for you so I know what I want to try I want to try something that I've never tried ever before which is a beun soup it's like a fish seafoody dish so which one should I go for sliced fish soup sliced fish behon no sliced fish could be good sliced fish behon small $5 hello can I please have one sliced fish be small you want with milk sorry you want with milk um yes yes please yeah he's having it so must be the good choice oh yeah getting some of that sauce I am just going to do exactly what everyone else did do what the locals do yeah thank you oh that looks good yeah it looks really good thank you very much everyone else put that on so I'm putting white pepper on there too back to the same table okay so this beautiful dish is a sliced fish behun soup which is a noodle soup with fish as you can imagine now it looks and smells really fragrant the lady asked if I wanted a milk-based soup or without a milk base and I said yes cuz everyone else seemed to be getting the milk base and I think I made the right choice cuz it's she said oh it's crey beun actually means rice noodles and then the rest is a Milky very fragrant smelling soup I can see a slice of Ginger and I can smell the ginger I've also got some dried onions on top this looks so yummy and I'm not sure what type of fish this is let me try soup oh that's nice it's actually it's it's mild in terms of spice but it's not mild in terms of flavor there's a lot happening in there and it is gingery and milky and creamy reminds me a little bit of a Ramen that I had in Japan which was like a milkier saltier base Ramen super delicious really really nice let me have a little bit of everything on here that's really nice this is not normally the type of dish that I would go for because soupy things I tend to stay away from but this super delicious would have again 100% so while ad is going to finish this dish I'm going to head in and grab two drinks for us because it is super duper hot bye here's a drink stand do you have t halia yeah one you want H you want ice uh hot please and one here here yeah and and one uh three colors please G for one to halia and one three color saw a guy ordering it in front of me so I was like let's try it it looks like [Music] [Music] that thank you thank you very much what did you get okay so this is tar oh no Talia oh Talia Talia tar I'm not sure what the difference is this telia I know that for sure okay and then I saw someone in front of me order a thing called three colors it looked quite interesting do you know what it is I think well I'm going to guess now cuz I don't know I don't know for sure but I think there tea condensed milk and coffee I hope this lid is safe because I'm going to flip this upside down now who a couple more times yeah let give this a go it's definitely tea definitely milk there might be a smidge of coffee in there can I try it it's really good I'm not a huge lover of tea but I would drink this yeah tastes a little bit like you know bubble tea you know like that try it well since you're saying it tastes a little bit like bubble tea I'm thinking the bottom layer could have been like a syrup like brown sugar like a brown sugar syrup wow it does taste exactly like bubble tea maybe it is not coffee then maybe that bottom bit was uh like caramel brown SU I feel like it would have been tea milk and condensed milk and then brown sugar syrup maybe cuz this is absolutely fantastic and I don't taste any coffee in there and it tastes like I'm expecting little bubbles to come into my mouth this one the Talia I can taste ginger in there you know this one's actually so delicious it tastes a little bit like Christmas it's really hot outside I'm melting from the food that ended up being a little bit spicy because I put the chilies on there delicious though and hot but a hot drink is always a winner even when I'm pouring in sweat I love it this or this this tastes like it heals my soul and this tastes like it heals my heart bringing me back to line yes I'm now going to go and join one of the other big quees because it was again another place that we uh found online and there's a lot of locals in the queue so it's going to be good hello hello uh chashu rice one please one chashu rice okay where you from uh UK UK hello hello she's from Sweden Sweden oh nice to meet you look at these meats you have like chash to Pork there some other form of pork and then some duck there [Music] wow looks [Music] amazing what is the sauce sauce what soy sauce oh okay oh wa hello welcome thank you some Ro St for you oh wow thank you so much yeah okay wow yeah yeah okay sh sh it thank you thank you byebye byebye this looks right up my street oh this looks incredible oh my God you know I always say I like Sweet Sticky neat dishes this is literally right up there oh my God for $4 I've got chashu pork with rice but he also toed up me with some uh Duck for free cuz I was filming but you know I won't complain for free but the place is called fi shaan there's no English sign on the actual stall but that's what Google said so that's what I'm going with and the guy working there was super duper nice and uh yeah if you're coming to Singapore go to his stall and you can see there's still a massive queue uh over there but it wasn't that long 10 minutes maybe or something like that so yeah here I have chachu pork which is this pork with this sort of barbecue glaze on it you can see that and then if I dip that like this Sal SAU here which he said was sort of a soy sauce it's so thick it doesn't even drip that that's sweet the pork tastes so good oh my God that is that is that is amazing let me just try the duck as well while I'm here get a bit of that sauce [Music] again wow both of those pieces of meats tastes amazing this is definitely worth the wait and I can understand why there's all the high ratings and just just look at the portion for $4 well even if you were getting the mixed one it would have been $450 so for $450 Singapore wow this is such good value for money this is one of my favorite dishes definitely 10 out of 10 it's no time to look for a snack maybe and or a dessert I'm pretty full already like I said oh it's like a crack but is it Savory or well that one's butter and brown sugar upam that could be interesting this one yeah I've never heard of that before I've never heard of that before I wonder if it's like it's small it goes in that tray there okay yeah okay hello H can I please have a butter and brown sugar aam thank you so I'm just reading one of the many newspaper articles that are on here on the Hawker stall and it said that it's an Indian dish but that it's made by a Vietnamese Hawker stall a mix of cultures yeah mix of cultures which is like Singapore down to a tea right oh oh [Music] oh wow that looks really [Music] hot is that the brown sugar yeah oh c that thank you that looks good oh smells so good here wow oh I can smell it brown sugar just smells amazing brown sugar is just like M and she gave us a little bit of shredded coconut on the side now this was called aam and for some reason aam rings a bell did we have something called a balic somewhere yeah that was the um in Malaysia that was the the pancake flipped over that was good yeah so maybe it just means like pancakey something not sure I correcting me if I'm wrong to be honest I don't know if there's a correct and a wrong way to eat this technically there's not a correct or a wrong way to eat anything as long as it goes into your mouth you're doing it the right way but I've got a fork and a spoon I don't know if I need them do I break I don't oh it's soft oh not soft brittle it's brittle yeah wo the center is thick yeah so the center is almost like a raised pancake style but the inside looks a little bit like white almost like they've used rice flour yeah m o it's basically tastes like it would be really good Savory but we've gone for the sweet option so the actual aam I would guess is Savory like this fully Savory then the center because it's covered in brown sugar look at that it's sweet but not too sweet either I almost like a little bit sour this is one of those understated not too sweet kind of desserts yeah that's interesting it's like really s sour and like Savory but also sweet at the same time it's confusing my mouth a little bit and my brain I think is still asleep so I don't know what's going on there but let me try it interesting to try I know what it tastes like like a healthy dessert you know it's like it's not super duper sweet and it feels quite natural and especially with the coconut flakes on top it's not overloaded with sugar you know M but when you get the crispy brown sugar on there m that's [Music] perfect yeah I approve that didn't know what to expect but that's what today is all about trying some new things so H very good it's gotten so quiet here now I know it is almost 4:00 it's the it's the time difference that's really like messing with our brains but there are still people here eating so we're not like crazy or anything but I think like one more dessert yeah would really suit the situation let's get that bean Cur thing this one yeah like a small one yeah $2 for a small one hello can I have a a small original pink pink C please W thank [Music] you oh it's like uh moving around a little bit in there should we sit down here it's nice coming a little bit later in the day I have to say although a lot of the places have closed now coming at the end of lunchtime we managed to have all the hot meals that we were kind of looking for and now there's all the seats you could want to just pop down wherever you want and since you're having dessert last those stalls seem to be open still because they're not necessarily cooking anything right now now this is Lao buan soya bean which is essentially tofu soft tofu I would assume this is let me try to open this oh wao it's so wobbly yeah talk about soft it's definitely oh actually oh that smells really nice you know that sort of Milky nutty smell from soy milk ah smells really good actually I'm so curious about this oh oh that is soft wow look at that oh that just fell apart and like disintegrated in my mouth I do not need any any teeth for this dish and it's it's actually really tasty I really like soy milk and I know that when we were traveling around Asia last time time whenever they had a place that just sold soy milk as a drink delicious so this is kind of like that except slightly firmer and you can eat it with a spoon they did also sell drinks in there that is so like silky silky silky smooth it is sweet but not punch in the face sweet oh oh I really like that I really like that you want to try it yeah W it just transforms into a drink in your mouth that cool it's like a jelly then as soon as you sort of warm it up in your mouth it's just like a sweet soy milk W that's really nice La ban soya bean Cur and a expectedly really tasty and a refreshing way sort of finish our Foods who are here something a little bit light little bit cool and kind of like a drink as well wow that would be good I think that's uh filled up our appetite yeah for the past few days and today I am now super satisfied I'm so glad that we didn't end up missing out on all of those meals and we could just have them all sort of staggered up together yeah it was amazing and we'll see you guys in the next video when we're going to be leaving Singapore and heading to Sydney Australia Australia here we come bye bye
Channel: 2Passports 1Dream
Views: 66,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Singapore, Singapore’s, Singapore’s Most DELICIOUS Street Food, singapore food, singapore street food, singapore, street food, BEST Hawker Centre, food, singapore 2023, singapore vlog, singapore vlog 2023, hainanese chicken rice, bee hoon soup, visit singapore, singapore travel guide, singapore travel, 2passports1dream, $5
Id: 8vPJkUlKubc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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