3 Creepy True Halloween Horror Stories

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on Halloween some big abandoned mental hospital in our town has always infested with rowdy teenagers drinking graffitiing and making a mess with silly string eventually the town caught wind of it and one particular Halloween when my friends Rui Carl and I wanted to go exploring apparently the town barred off every window on the first floor of the building security of the perimeter was also ramped up drastically we found out the hard way after cutting through the woods and seeing security telling him out of teens to go home we didn't give up there though we snuck around the perimeter through the woods to another side with no people then we hopped the fence and started looking for a way in that's when we found out that all the windows had been barricaded with carbon steel bars we heard commotion all around us but managed to stay under the radar we didn't want to give up though and through our determination to find a way in rui spotted one window that wasn't boarded up with steel but rather wood planks we all had boots on so kicking the plank in seemed plausible however the window was simply too high to kick up that so Carl and I lifted Rui and actually used him and his boots as a sort of battering ram the wood was wet and apparently rotted so it actually snapped rather easily after that we simply ripped off the remainder of wood and boom we had her way in we had to hurry though before security might see we gave her a boost up since he's the shortest then Karl and I leaped up to the ledge and squeezed in there was junk and debris everywhere so I took some long flat piece of wood and covered the window with it to hide our way of entry after that we were all alone in a giant abandoned psych ward to explore on Halloween Karl brought a few cans of spray pain in his backpack that we plan to use first we had to find a good spot to use them Karl also brought three flashlights for us since of course it was pitch black in there it was also weird stepping out from the cold windy outside with the commotion and yelling going on to the scaly dead silent interior we planned on going to the top to possibly get to the roof so we looked around for the stairs going through the dead silent hallways it really seemed like we were the only ones who found a way inside we eventually found the stairs and climbed like 10 1/2 flights of stairs to I guess the sixth floor however there was one more floor the roof level but the stairs in the hall we were in didn't lead up there so we had to begin our search for the separate stairs to the roof level as we were in a long creepy corridor there was suddenly a huge bang down the hall we all aimed our flashlights down there but the hallway was too long to truly see anything all the way down there apparently we weren't the only ones in this building we tried to stay clear just in case it was security so we went the opposite direction we checked the whole hallway then turned down some intersecting hallway area I was in the back so I would occasionally just glance behind me just because it was a dark abandoned building a little after turning a corner there was a crack in a piece of wood behind me I turned since I was the only one to seem to notice it and right there was someone peeking their head from around the corner looking at us but when I noticed them they disappeared down the other hall I called out yo I'm not really sure if it was directed to my friends to the person I just saw or both my friend stopped and looked back we went back to the corner where the halls intersected to look down that other hallway but the guy I saw it wasn't there my friends didn't know whether I was joking or not but at least now I knew we weren't alone in there eventually we came to a part of the hall where 90% of the floor was missing - a very small strip still left intact RIE insisted we were going over that and volunteered to go first after looking down the hall when realizing it wasn't that much of a drop I was ok with it it dropped into what appeared to be a bathroom or at least what once was a bathroom to cross we pressed up the front of our shoes to the wall and grabbed onto a pipe that ran up the upper wall as support I crossed last and my two friends apparently didn't wait for me because they disappeared down the hall as I called for them to wait I then slowly started to cross the extremely narrow bridge between the two sides of the hole and suddenly I felt something grabbed the back of my shoe at first I thought it was one of my friends messing with me but that didn't make sense they couldn't have gotten down there so quickly I had no free hands to be holding my flashlight though my friends were already gone down the hall so I was almost in complete darkness and couldn't see who or what was trying to pull me down into that hole I screamed for my life so loud it could probably be heard throughout the building my friends came rushing back and has light once again poured into the hole the grip on my leg was released and then there was a sound of running from down below we didn't try to go down there and fight the guy we didn't even look down there to see how he could have reached me or if he was even still there I just forced my friends to come with me all the way down the stairs back to the first floor but now we had another problem we forgot how he got in there was only that one window which wasn't part up with steel and we blocks it with wood we were looking around in a hurry because of what happened nobody would play a joke like that it felt like we were navigating a maze down there on the first floor looking for that stupid window every corner we turned I was afraid we were going to see that face peering from another corner and it happened since I was now the one leading the three of us I was the first to see it at the end of the hall we were running down there was that person hiding half his body behind the wall this time as opposed to last time however I could actually see that he was wearing a mask is it the same person who tried grabbing me through that hole I don't know I still don't doubt it we turned the other way and ran we didn't stop running until we finally found that window we entered through climbing out was easier than climbing in by the time we got outside it seemed most of the commotion going on outside was gone security seemed to have kicked most of the people off the premises we could have found a security guard and warned them of a potential psychopath in the building but that would risk us getting busted so instead we ran back through the woods to the car the rest of the night we hung out in a parking lot and that was our 2016 Halloween when I was nine years old my parents let me go trick-or-treating without them for the first time ever I went with my best friend at the time Mikey was also nine we were to be back home by 9 o'clock the latest though I think it was getting close to that point when we were still out trick-or-treating trick-or-treating was a little worse than our town because properties were so big so it meant more walking for Less candy we came to one house which sat on a corner and was isolated by a set of tall bushes we rang the bell as usual I still remember it all so clearly you're about to find out just why that is though an older man opens the door probably in his mid-50s thin grayish hair and a mustache he asks what our costumes are and talks down to us like we're six instead of mine he asked us if we were with anyone else it seems surprised that our parents weren't with us then he opened the door completely to reveal some kind of obstacle course tunnel he'd set up in his living room it was made of cardboard boxes and Halloween decorations admittedly it looked cool and when he said in order to get our candy we'd have to make it through the obstacle course it was very tempting Mikey and I looked at one another and said okay man told us to come in but he didn't look at us as he said it instead he looked outside as he slowly shut the door I crawled into that tunnel made out of boxes first and Mikey followed after me it was really dark inside of his tunnel since the man had only some dim orange Halloween lights on in the room there were fake spiderwebs another Halloween toys scattered throughout the box tunnel it was actually really big and well put together because we struggled to find the way to the other end but when we did led to a small room also lit up by orange Halloween lights there was a note in this room pointing to adorn saying candy down there like he went to open the door revealing stairs to the basement there was more orange light down there the man was nowhere to be seen though me and Mikey started making our way down the stairs when we got to the bottom we saw nothing but a big empty basement that the door above a slam shut we went back up the stairs to try and open it but it was locked we didn't know what to do other than cry for help but we stopped when we heard the doorbell ring upstairs it rain repeatedly actually we listened by the basement door to hear anything and we heard what sounded like the front door opening so we started screaming at the top of our lungs then there was a commotion outside the basement like two men yelling at each other before the door in front of us unlocked and opened and a man and woman came up to us the woman hugged us and told us to follow them out of the house we followed the couple through the living room passing the man in the corner of his room standing over his freakish creation the husband called the man a sick freak as we left the house the couple took us to their house where the husband called the cops and the wife stayed with us asking questions like what the man said to get us inside of his house apparently they had seen us go into the man's house because they live across the street the cops arrived and there was an overwhelming amount of evidence for him to be arrested and tried of course at the age of nine we didn't understand the depth of the situation but looking back now we're all happy that those neighbors came to our rescue and justice was served that night Halloween has been my least favorite holiday ever since I graduated college and got my own place I hated the idea of strangers coming up to my house with their kids and asking for candy all day but I dealt with it with a smile on my face my property is big but it doesn't have any fences and times in the past I had seen kids fight each other with silly string in my yard hell I've even had kids tepee and silly string my house one year though late at night past the hours where the bulk of trick-or-treaters were out I got another ring from the doorbell and my dog mica started going crazy barking as she had been doing all day I opened the door to a person in a full body gorilla costume only the face of the gorilla was freaky looking it was a costume made to look scary he didn't say trick-or-treat he just held up a small plastic bag that was filled with some candies not a lot since it was close to the end of the night and I had a lot of candy left I dumped a lot of it into his bag and waved goodbye he didn't speak any words to me though as he just stood on my stoop slowly going through the bag looking at the candies I just gave him as I shut the door halfway I stopped and continued to watch him as he looked up to me but didn't say anything I asked if he wanted more but he didn't shake his head or respond or anything he kept looking at me weirdly so I just shut the door and locked it I wasn't in the mood to be playing games plus what he was doing was extremely unsettling I went back downstairs to my den to continue watching the movie that I had on that's when I heard something fall outside the back door was right next to my couch so I got back up and took like five steps to look outside with the back patio light on I could see a rake that had been leaning on a pole had fallen given how I left it sitting it was weird for it to have fallen on its own being Halloween I did feel the need to go out and investigate I threw on my slides and went outside to pick up the rake first of all it was not windy out at all so it shouldn't have fallen on its own then I noticed the door to my shed was cracked open I have a huge shed in my back yard that I store all of my outdoor equipment in I went over to take a look inside as big as the shed is the lights haven't worked in there for years so I had to use the light from my phone screen on full brightness as a flashlight of sorts I didn't know what I was expecting to find but I certainly wasn't expecting to find a gorilla mask sitting on a big box I knew right away the light from the phone screen only traveled so far but I still dared walk further into the shed until I saw him in the corner there was the person in the gorilla suit only now he had his mask off I stepped a little closer realized he was facing the wall just standing motionless he was also not a kid are there some old terrifying looking man I didn't know if he heard or saw me yet so I started backing away slowly but even though I didn't make a sound his head suddenly turned to face me it really made me [ __ ] myself or have a heart attack I ran back outside and slammed the shed door shut behind me I then ran back to my back house door and heard the door to the shed open with a lot of force I didn't look back I just went inside and locked the door then of course I called the police to report a trespasser on my property it figures however by the time the cops arrived the guy in the gorilla suit was gone mask and all all they could do was assure me they'd be on the lookout for someone in a gorilla suit then they went on their way after that I didn't have much interest in finishing the movie so I went upstairs and called it a night that night in bed I did wake up Tameka barking downstairs though so I left my room to see where she was she was in the den by the backdoor barking ferociously I took a quick look outside without letting me go out with me but I didn't see anyone and the shed door was still shut still I felt creeped out being out in that yard that night so I hurried back in and brought me up to sleep in my room with me I fell asleep without hearing mica growling slightly occasionally which freaked me out a lot the next morning and ever since life has been completely normal and that was by far the scariest Halloween I've ever had [Music]
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 2,203,019
Rating: 4.9449434 out of 5
Keywords: halloween horror stories, halloween, horror stories, halloween stories, scary halloween stories, scary halloween, scary stories, scary true stories, true scary stories, creepy stories, true halloween horror stories, true stories, stories, scary, creepy, horror, creep, true, mr. nightmare, mrnightmare, mr nightmare, nightmare
Id: K9HmYzazDE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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