Smoke bbq ribs - Z Grills - How To smoke Ribs on pellet grills - Beginners Bbq outdoors

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guys to another video of beginners barbecue outdoors today we're going to be doing some some pork baby back ribs on the z grill my name is rj and this is beginner's barbecue outdoors all right so here we have it two racks of baby back ribs so first thing you got to do when you get your baby back ribs is take off this membrane so let's go ahead and get into this we have a little butter knife go ahead and use that to take off the membrane now some of you don't like to take off the member that's fine but i do so let's go ahead and do it nicely make sure you have a nice paper towel to get a nice grip on it and do the same thing on the other one and we'll be back all right guys so next step we're going to be using this we're going to put a binder on it and i'm using mustard and i know a lot of you don't like mustard you can use anything else you guys like but i'm going to use mustard and if you're wondering if this gives a mustard taste and no it doesn't it does not give no mustard taste so you don't have to worry about that so just one quick that's it the rub that we're going to be using on these bad boys is going to be the signature from lanes i had a little bit of this already and it tasted really good and i figured it'll be a perfect pair for these ribs and like they said let's go ahead and make a ring with a little bit of lanes i like the color though i like it gives a nice reddish color now let's go turn this around to the same step the pellets that we'll be using for this cook is going to be the competition blend from z grills so now that we have these all nice with our rub and everything's ready to go how are we going to cook this normally i do the three two one and i always do my 225 degrees well i really want to add more of that smoked flavor into these ribs what i'm going to do is i'm still doing the 3-2-1 but i'm gonna change i'll be changing the temps every stage so what i'm gonna do now is stage one is i'm gonna put these ribs 180 degrees because i really want that smoke flavor incorporated in these ribs and i'm leaving there for three hours and after that we're gonna take them out wrap them and i'm gonna raise the temp a little bit but for now let's go ahead and do our first step let's go ahead and fire up our z grill uh so i had left it at 180. so let's go ahead and add these ribs in here [Music] all right we'll be back about three hours all right guys so it's been there for three hours look at that nice smoke that has been producing got some nice color going on then this we'll be back all right so we are back they've been in there for 180 degrees for three hours i didn't do anything just set it and forget it for a full three hours and they look amazing so far now for our second step is we're going to wrap these we're going to add some butter and some dr pepper on them go ahead and add some butter in here and we're going to put them upside down looking at a little bit of and i'm double wrapping them there we go we'll do the same thing on the other one we'll be back all right now that we have these ready we have our z grill now up to 225 now and that's how we're going to keep it for the remainder of the cook so on this stage now we're doing for tenderness on this our internal temp that we're going by is 200 degrees so it should be taking about two hours but i'll check this within an hour to an hour and a half to just to make sure i'm in the right spot let's go ahead and take these back he grills up to 225 now we're gonna add these here we're gonna be back within an hour to an hour and a half to check on them all right it's been two hours let's see where we're at 202 let's get them out we'll be back all right guys so here we have it it's been two hours internal temp hit 200 degrees so ready to do the next stage is to take these out and add some sauce today we got lane's barbecues kind of sweet barbecue sauce for these ribs turn around same all right so now that we have this we're going to put this back in there for another half hour let's go ahead and put these back on the grill we'll be back in a half hour all right a half hour has passed and they are ready to come out look at that all right before we get into this let's have a quick recap of what we did today [Music] all right let's go ahead and get cutting to this and you guys want to see this so we turn it around now we can see where the bones are at there you have it looks pretty good if you say if i say so myself here you guys let's go ahead and try it man that's good it's really damn good that uh signature rub from lanes i think it's perfect for this and i really like that rub too it's tie it's tied with spellbound i mean this is really good and i know they have another one that's called the sweet heat rub oh man that was also good so make sure you guys hit that like hit that subscribe and i will see you guys next time
Channel: Beginners BBQ Outdoors
Views: 89,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3-2-1 Ribs, Beginners Bbq outdoors, Best smoke ribs, Easy smoke ribs recipe, How To smoke Ribs on pellet grills, How to cook bbq ribs, How to use a pellet grills, Pellet grills, Smoke Ribs, Smoke baby back ribs, Smoke bbq ribs, Smoke ribs recipe, Traeger grills, Z Grills, baby back ribs recipe, bbq ribs recipe, pork ribs, ribs, smoked ribs, smoked ribs recipe, wood pellet grills, smoke ribs on smoker, smoke ribs 3 2 1 method, smoke ribs on pellet grill, smoke ribs recipe
Id: 35icEdYaBIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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