How Far Does 2b2t's Northern Highway Go?

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how far does the northern highway on the oldest anarchy server in minecraft actually go it was started more than 10 years ago and has been traveled by hundreds of thousands of players over the years the reason i ask is that it's different from the other roadways that we've explored in the past while the server's western highway is the least traveled road and the eastern is the most traveled the northern highway is rumored to be the longest out of all of them which is why i'm so curious to see where it actually ends the highway is also special to me because it was one of the first roads i ever traveled on when i joined the server many years ago so i finally decided to take the journey to the far north join me today as we explore the northern highway on 2b2t and encounter the ruins of the various towns settlements and works of art that litter this apocalyptic roadway we'll also find clues left behind by the countless travelers that have walked this road in the past once we start getting pretty far out i have no idea what to expect before we get started today i'd like to thank honey for sponsoring today's video online shopping is meant to be easy so why is finding coupon codes that actually work so hard with honey it doesn't have to be honey is the free online shopping tool that helps you find promo codes and applies them to your shopping cart automatically when you're checking out on websites such as target walmart and other online retailers a little box will drop down click apply coupons and it scans the internet for promo codes and boom you just saved money online shopping is at record highs recently so it's a great time to look for deals honey supports over thirty thousand stores online if you don't wanna waste money make sure to get honey it doesn't cost anything finds coupons with a click and also works with paypal and venmo it's legit get honey for free at fitmc that's fitmc thanks again to honey for sponsoring today's video here we are about to start our long journey but you might be wondering why are we not on the actual highway right now well we're very close to it but i had to make a stop here first thousands of players have walked past these ruins having no idea that this is where my first house once stood i built it eight years ago just off the north highway it was just a simple cobblestone castle but it provided a small bit of comfort in this apocalyptic wasteland over the years i've stopped by here from time to time only to see it crumble more and more i built it when i was 23 years old and i'm 31 now nothing on this server lasts forever but it's still wild to see the remnants of something i built almost a decade ago still here it even looks like others have attempted to build nearby but their creations have suffered the same fate despite this server being a toxic cesspool moments like these are why 2b2t is such a special place to me but enough nostalgia it's time for us to hit the road and see how far the northern highway actually goes made it to the highway got a full tank of gas my horse has the golden drip let's see if the rumors are true about the northern highway being the longest now we have to be extra careful because live horses like this one make withers very aggressive unlike skeleton horses which don't get targeted due to their undead status coming up on the 7 000 block milestone the majority of the highway this close to spawn has really good infrastructure i mean the majority of the road is just straight obsidian with guardrails so i don't expect this infrastructure to last very long i get the feeling we're going to see a lot of obsidian builds like this one on the highway since they do tend to last a bit longer than more traditional builds like regular houses and farms whoa check it out our first crystal trap of the journey if you don't know what this is because anarchy servers allow cheating many players use a hack called auto crystal to automatically destroy them since it's a combat hack if you leave it on by mistake you can accidentally blow yourself up walking past one so let's be extra careful around them what did i tell you but anyway we're at the 10k milestone right now it is pretty destroyed which i guess makes sense since we're still close to spawn but as we get farther out hopefully things will be more intact we'll see we got the ruins of a farm here and this is a prime example of what happens when you have a resource this close to the highway everyone is going to take from it at 12 000 it seems that a settlement used to be here and we're getting out far enough where some of these ruins are actually still recognizable they're not just giant holes in the ground oh my god yep i can't show that in the video oh man yeah the north highway something else hey slippy you left your dog on the highway let's see are they online right now no they're not there used to be a coordinate exploit where if you found someone's dog sitting like this and they were online you would submerge it in water and they would teleport to their owner and you can see what direction they're in get a load of this obsidian monstrosity oh yeah we definitely need to check this out look at this thing from above it's just a giant mess of obsidian it's like if someone asked the builder what are you gonna use that obby for they just said yes there's no rhyme or reason to any of this but i mean i guess it makes it kind of look cool you know especially from down here too and a lot of mobs are spawning in here it's just a crazy build the infrastructure's starting to get worse instead of obsidian highways it's all stone right now so ow that skeleton just shot my horse that was rude what do these signs say almost died to a skelly i'm at one hp no food i'm gonna die what if it's that same skeleton that attacked my horse wouldn't that be funny check it out it's the 20k milestone alright we're making good progress today another ruined settlement off the highway i mean this one's in better shape than the last one we saw so hey we're making progress i guess this is bizarre someone has raised the levels of the water right next to the highway here i don't know why you would do something like this but then again it's an anarchy server so i guess you can do anything you want to right yeah let's just not ask questions let's continue on the journey oh check this out it's a little rest area so hey the towns may all be destroyed but this bench isn't so if you want to take a breather this is the perfect spot to do it ah another beautiful evening in this toxic post-apocalyptic wasteland let's stop and smell the ocean breeze oh that's not good all right let's turn on the jesus hacks we're getting out of here yep that withers being super aggressive just like i thought it was going to be is that the kind of road that oh my god another one oh yeah we need to keep moving i have not seen this many withers on a highway in a long time imagine if you were a new player walking this highway you would be absolutely demolished by all these withers this is insanity if our horse gets hit by one of those wither skulls it's over it takes a ton of damage and for some reason the ai in minecraft for horses makes them run towards the wither when they've been attacked so we really need to watch out this seems like an okay place to take some shelter this settlement on the ocean isn't completely destroyed but you have to remember that when it's surrounded by withers we can't exactly expect it to look pretty getting close to these withers i actually do worry about lag spikes all it takes is one whoa yeah if the withers don't kill this horse mother nature just might these withers just seem to be a big fan of this horse man let me tell you it's got to be the drip armor i guarantee it all right there we go all right we're 40 000 block milestone that's a sight for sore eyes all right any withers around it looks like there's been oh yeah they're underground though okay so we should be all right for now we need to stay on our toes but look at this wow this milestone actually looks amazing look at all the foliage and that is a giant cathedral up there wow all right we need to take a look around this looks pretty sweet finally some actual intact civilization on the northern highway finally it only took 40 000 blocks yeah they got stained glass this place looks fancy this is a pinky up kind of set of ruins you know what i'm saying wow look at it this alone was worth the trip and we're only 40 000 blocks in i wonder who built this i'm glad we were able to document this place but it's still a long journey ahead so our rest period is over let's hit the road found this rest stop with crops growing i actually have some seeds in my inventory right now so you know what we're gonna do the responsible thing we're gonna replant some of this so hopefully if people come on this highway in the future they might be able to eat some of this bread to stay alive i mean we've seen a lot of signs saying r.i.p so far so hopefully that'll help out someone at some point 50 000 blocks you love to see it oh and there's a wither so we can't even stop to smell the roses we got to keep going uh just my luck you know but hey it's to be expected on this godforsaken highway this rest stop is grief but they actually built some sort of wall on this chunk border here that's kind of cool i mean it didn't protect the rest stop but it looks cool check it out it's a horse oh it's a skeleton horse you know skeleton horses would make it easier for us to get by withers but you know what we've brought this live horse this far i don't want to abandon it right now you know what i'm going to keep the skeleton horse here someone else can take it we're going to continue with the horse we've been using you know what if we start something we're going to finish it this house suffered the same fate as my original house you build close to the highway it's going to get grieved such is the cycle of life on 2b well that's a lot of signs okay what is this the entire book of revelation of john written by hdpvp are you serious it says written on 1 191 signs 22 chapters 404 verses and look at the coordinates negative 666 oh my god this is real someone actually did this i am both impressed and confused at the same time but that happens a lot on this server doesn't it yeah they actually did it the mad lad actually went through with it and put it on all these signs here's the start of it yup just as i thought it's all a 100 legitimate they actually took the time to place down every single sign and write it down chapter by chapter that's insanity he's not online right now but hd pvp you have my respect for putting so much time and effort into something so ridiculous got some signs in the jungle here let's take a look oh that's kind of cool they're all thanking the builder for making this bridge that's surprisingly wholesome for a server like 2b oh we got another settlement let's take a look it says welcome to hotel roadsters and then rip roadsters hotel right next to it yeah that makes sense they built it smack dab in the middle of the highway but you know what we're so far out now that even though they built it right on the road it's still recognizable that's actually kind of cool we've been on ocean for a few thousand blocks now i think this right here might be one of the big oceans that was generated in the older versions of minecraft that can span for tens of thousands of blocks i guess we'll see we made it to a hundred thousand in one piece all right we're making good progress today i mean the milestone looks exactly like i expected it to i mean it's just random cobblestone and signs not too much fanfare but hey i'll take it if the rumors about this highway are true and it actually is the longest our journey is far from over we might be going potentially hundreds of thousands of blocks still so we have to be ready considering i've had a stare at nothing but ocean for tens of thousands of blocks if you hit both the like and subscribe button right now you're a legend it's good to have you on this journey with me but hopefully we find some land soon it's been 20 000 blocks since the milestone and this is the first interesting thing we've really come across since then it appears to be a forest highway but all the trees have burned down man all it takes is one flint and steel to ruin all this hard work but hey that's life wait a minute is this what i think it is no way after going almost 50 000 blocks we have finally found land again i hope it's not just a giant island i mean it's extreme hills i think this is legitimate let's look around oh yeah finally land ho as we get farther from spawn the roads have been getting less and less sophisticated i mean what started out as obsidian with guard rails has turned into basic bridges and dirt pathways you know if this trend continues there's going to be nothing left by the end of the road turns out if you want to see an intact building right on the road itself you have to go 141 000 blocks away from spawn so enjoy the walk i'm kind of surprised but there's actually a milestone here at 150k the reason i'm surprised is because as we're getting farther out the frequency of just finding things has been going way down so as we get closer to around 200 000 i would not be surprised if there's just no milestones the roadway has become so basic that it's just a single path of dirt and wood planks at this point so we must really be getting down to the wire here there's no way the highway can go that much farther this single pathway is the only sign of civilization out here so we have to be getting close to the end of the highway right right [Music] negative 762. i bit off a little more than i can chew but for real you guys have not missed anything in the past 600 000 blocks other than the occasional vibrant farm there hasn't been a whole lot going on now i did some more research and it turns out that this overworld highway was single-handedly brought to over seven hundred thousand by a player named swerven777 but since we have this information i've been sticking to this road for some of the more major milestones and the more boring parts of the path we have been able to use the nether from time to time so it hasn't been horrible this sign is the last recorded spot of where the highway was supposed to end in june of 2020 it's been almost a year since then so the entire road beyond this point has not been documented which means as of now we are traveling into the unknown to answer our original question we have to stick to this path until the very end a horse down in a ravine hey may so you know they're not online right now but you abandoned your horse instead of trying to save it you just left it there come on man the highway's gotten so simple that it's just torches whenever we go over desert so we must be getting close to the end but then again how many times have i said that so far in our journey and it's another 100 000 blocks so you know what at this point i'm done speculating let's just get to the end of this road we've got some clues here this is where the highway ended a few months ago but smiley lich has been continuing the road all by himself okay this is finally a good sign that we might be nearing the end oh wow we got something up here that's a lot of chests what is this oh it's like a little town that's kind of cool let's check it out oh it's a fishing village that's kind of cool i mean if we weren't on our way to the end of this highway i'd stick around and catch some fish but uh we've got work to do more signs let's see up smiley litch january 17th okay that was less than two months ago so we have to be getting close to the end now we have an old school desert temple and a massive cactus right here wow and there's even an intact beacon nearby that's pretty wild this is definitely one of the more interesting things we've seen on the journey and there's even some signs here too all right all right i see melons i see a lot of melons wow this is actually one of the more pristine farms we've found which makes sense because we're so far on the highway now oh smiley lich built this wow so this is his actual melon farm that's pretty wild with all these clues left behind i get a feeling that we're getting close oh god not again don't make me say it oh we got a horse no way no way silver crown king's horse silver was a basemate of mine seven years ago i helped him construct one of the largest gold farms on the entire server back in the day he was a good friend of mine i can't believe we just found his horse we've seen a lot of things on this highway but finding this is the last thing i would have expected all right that's pretty cool that's pretty cool i was afk for like 30 seconds with auto walk on and i got disconnected i come back and we've got this well rest in peace buddy you were a good horse maybe even the best but hey at least i got the drip armor still at least we got the drip that's the important part all right i guess we're hoofing it ourselves from here oh look at that texacan you left your horse here i mean i'm assuming he's not using it anymore so we might as well take it i mean horse theft it's not a felony it's a misdemeanor so we'll be all right yep you'll do just fine all right let's continue our journey wait a minute hold up there's no path is this it this right here is this the end of the highway i don't see anything else hold on let me get a look in free cam real quick that is that actually the end oh my goodness oh my goodness we have finally done it the north highway extends 863 000 blocks well you know what we've made it this far it's time for us to contribute a little bit i'm gonna dig a few path blocks just to say that i was here and i helped extend it a little bit all right here we go let's break some ground i'm glad you could be here to see this texan's horse perfect our original question has been answered the north highway goes over 863 000 blocks on the overworld so the rumors were true it actually is the longest of the overworld highways i would not be surprised if someone brings it to 1 million at some point i mean i think it's inevitable but anyway if you enjoyed this video today make sure you hit that like and subscribe button also make sure to follow me on my socials but that's it take it easy fit fam and stay alive out there on your journeys
Channel: FitMC
Views: 1,644,611
Rating: 4.9667439 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, history, update, mobs, creeper, raid, nether, sea, monster, dragon, red, 2b2t, anarchy, server, fitmc, fit, oldest, builds, tour, battle, spawn, grief, hack, client, incursion, tutorial, dream, herobrine, hacked, exploit, glitch, mojang, flying, redstone, technoblade, smp, live, campfire, blast, furnace, parody, song, memes, house, piglin, hoglin, forest, compost, composter, 1.17, bastion, respawn, anchor, pvp, popbob, remnant, chests, chest, animation, speedrun, duplication, bed, minecon, mc, unsolved, mystery, end, caves, cliffs, warden, beast, mrbeast
Id: vWUwNIOolA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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