28 SECRET Easter Egg Weapons In Video Games

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so personally I think that all video game Easter eggs are cool but an Easter egg can be made even better if it's actually useful and that's what today's video is all about today we're going to take a look at 28 secret Easter egg weapons found in video games now unlike my other videos because we have so many Easter eggs to get through I won't spend too long explaining each one if you enjoy this video a like is really appreciated every single Easter egg that you see in this video I personally recorded myself which takes a lot of time and in some cases a whole lot of patience as always leave your suggestions for Easter eggs you think would have been perfect for this video in the comments down below and without further delay let's get started now Apex Legends has always had a strange obsession with Loch Ness plushies and the first of today's secret weapons takes that Obsession to a whole new level during an in-game April Falls Event a weapon called Old Nessie could be found [Music] so the old Nessie gun fires Nessie plushies because of course it does so for those of you that don't know mow is a multiplayer medieval hacken slash game that was released in 2019 now when I say hack and slash you're probably thinking of sharp swords and deadly daggers with the humble carrot being one of the last things that comes to mind well on the crossroads map you can find this so you can ditch your sword for a carrot which deals a whopping two to three points of damage per attack oh and if you did want to find this deadly vegetable for yourself you might want to turn down the foliage density because if you don't the carrot is near impossible to spot so from one tiny secret weapon to a ridiculously big one now in old person simulator just already you can find a gun shop with a giant prop revolver on display well what if I told you that this revolver wasn't a prop with a bit of good oldfashioned platforming you can reach the gun and use it to cause Mayhem old people [Music] style [Music] now so far the weapons that we found have all been somewhat useful I mean even the M how carrot could save your life in a pinch however this next Easter egg actually serves no purpose whatsoever at this location on the map in just course 2 you can find the happy Bubble Blaster which is as deadly as it sounds that'll come in handy now I don't want you thinking that the happy Bubble Blaster is bad just because it's small after all it's not the size of the dog in the fight it's the size of the fight in the dog for proof of this look no further than the tiny pistol in Saints Row 4 so this minuscule gun is far more deadly than its name suggests with recoil so big that it knocks your character off their feet this pistol is of course a reference to the noisy Cricut gun seen in Men In Black which had a similar effect so if you've ever played a Gears of War game then you'll know that there is never a shortage of weapons to use however there is one weapon in Gears 5 that is unique during the game's first mission if you shoot the valves that I do this will happen Easter Egg [Music] Baby that so your reward for your valve shooting skills is a fish fish on a stick which is a lot more deadly than it sounds now in a video about secret video game weapons I have to give a mention to Call of Duty World at War during the Little Resistance Mission if you step in the puddles on the beach this will happen so we've already seen what happens if you put a fish on a sticking years of War 5 so let's see what happens if you put a chicken on a stick in Dying Light if you use explosives on this ditch a blueprint for something called The Mysterious blueprint can be found crafting this mysterious blueprint reveals it to be an extraterrestrial chicken on a stick which is exactly what it sounds like [Music] I mean considering it's just a cardboard chicken stuck to a stick this little guy packs quite a punch now the thing about secret video game weapons is that not all of them are as fancy as a ray gun or as laughably bad as a bubble gun in fact some of the weapons are special because they aren't special if that makes sense in crisis 2 you can find a group of enemies having a chat now given that you're wearing an allseeing all doing superp Su you can take the guys down any way you like or you could go old school and use a cannon instead so you can throw tactics and stealth out of the window and just fire a cannon at the enemies which is very cool now for this next Easter egg I won't bore you with all the steps necessary to unlock what is admittedly a brilliant secret weapon but just know that I was so desperate to record this Easter egg all the way back in 2016 that I resorted to messaging random Battlefield players to Aid my cours anyway after completing the various different steps in the excellent Battlefield Hardline you'll be given the option to feed Chompy which will reward you with this deadly weapon got this ain't nothing but big dogs around here now one of the major selling points of the Borderland series is the sheer amount of weapons that you can find and use in game one of these weapons is the Bane and on the surface of things it's a normal gun however if we turn off the in-game sounds and fire the Bane you will realize that this gun is anything but normal now the ray gun in World at War was and is an iconic secret weapon in the Call of Duty series but it's not the only one on the numbers mission in Black Ops 1 after the interrogation you'll need to destroy the Nova 6 gas canisters and then grab this tape after that continue through the level until you access the secret stash and insert the tape into the tape deck at which point this will [Music] [Applause] happen 5 7 19 3 22 okay on me hon I left on like I said along with the ray gun the Call of Duty series is home to two of the most iconic secret weapon Easter eggs in video games speaking of iconic Easter eggs in video games I'm guessing that this next secret weapon is something that many of you will know already in Red Faction Armageddon you can use a unicorn to Fire Rainbows at [Music] enemies [Music] now back in the day when cheat codes were common in games a popular cheat was big head mode which does exactly what you think it does but now that cheat codes are far less common developers have to think of different ways to inflate MPC heads and that's where just course 3 comes in at this location on the map you can find a pistol that does this another tool of the trade now the Gears of War boom shot is a very powerful weapon but you know what would make it even better well if you answered exploding chickens then boy do I have some good news for you during act four if you manage to avoid walking into any of the burnt bodies during the opening section you'll be granted access to Griffin stash now if you're playing on insane difficulty a pirate hat will spawn on the right which you will need to interact with then in Chapter 2 you can find an ammo box on a car if you walk towards the car the box and the car will fall off the ledge later on you can find another ammo box at the end of a broken track and again walking towards it sees it dropping off the ledge finally at the beginning of chapter 3 after clearing out the first group of enemies kicking this ammo box off the edge will reward you with the cluck shot ah come on get up here air support is a go incoming air drop now when Halo infinite released curious players found a giant sandwich hidden pretty out of the way during the game's campaign there was never any explanation given for the sandwich and it turns out that it's not the only sandwich that you can find in Halo infinite in fact you can even use one as as a weapon if you hit these markings in the correct order on the Forbidden multiplayer map a secret room will open revealing a golden [Music] sandwich now when Dying Light 2 released it did so with no guns well almost no guns you see after entering the secret developer room after the broadcast Mission you can find a blueprint for the left finger of Glover and if you craft it you can finger bang zombies to death so to complete our Trio of completely useless just cause guns let's take a look at the Cow gun in Just Cause 4 now given the name of this weapon I'm sure that you can already guess what it does but if you're unsure allow me to demonstrate [Music] okay so it turns people into cows but what if we shoot a cow with the cow gun well this happens instead so combat Master's main selling point is its Ultra fast movement and general gameplay which you may think would suit those who prefer to play on keyboard and mouse whilst that might be true if you play the gunm mode there is a chance that the final weapon you need to get a kill with is this yep your character will whip out the Dual sense controller and bonk someone on the head with it it's brilliant so despite being a lot more wacky when compared to the First Watch Dog game Watch Dogs 2 is still grounded in reality most of the time you see scattered around San Francisco you can find these strange symbols and taking a selfie in front of them will cause a spooky message to play oh Jesus Benny just got pulled into the wall he just Benny where did all his blood go it got absorbed into the CEST it sucked him right in I don't think I can run from it anymore I think it's inside me it's going to pull me in two I can feel it tugging now there are four of these symbols to find and they are different for everybody so take note of the ones that appear in your game after finding all four check the note above Josh's desk and match your symbols with the ones on the paper if done correctly you should be left with four numbers which are actually a time so my numbers were 1643 which means that my time was 4:43 p.m. with that information head to the final location and wait for the clock to strike the time that your symbol said at which point this will happen am I hearing things no no it's impossible 5 more 8 13 stop 20 more stop no it wasn't real it couldn't be so after that sequence head back to the HQ and equip all of the shuffler clothing items and then try to stealthily take down an enemy starting a sweet you must so Marcus will now have the power to levitate enemies and break their bones at will it's brutal so to complete our Trio of secret Call of Duty weapons let's head over to Call of Duty ghosts on the Unearthed multiplayer map you need to destroy the three supports on the crane which will cause the container at the end to drop heading to the container we'll reward you with the venom X a weapon that shoots puddles of acid and can actually be used in a multiplayer game the final Gears of War secret weapon for this video can be found in Gears of War 4 if you play The Game's prologue on the insane difficulty a set of doors on the right side of this area will open for a brief moment before closing however if you're quick enough you can beat the doors and grab the Despicable youu which lets you freeze enemies get on theet they're coming in on the right side Hold Your Position now I'm guessing that you don't need me to spell this out for you but the Despicable U is a reference to the freeze ray from Despicable Me so we've already seen how powerful a finger bang can be in Dying Light two but just how powerful is a foam finger bang well in Dead Space 3 we can get an answer to that question if you beat the game on New Game Plus you will unlock the devil horns which are just as cool as they [Music] sound the final Easter egg weapon for this video proves that the profit is Worthy on the safeties off mission in Crisis 3 you can find [Music] this for I got you cover lost man somebody back need support I'm all alone here yes that is Thor's hammer and yes it is really fun to use so that's it if you enjoyed this video then a like is really appreciated if you are a fan of Easter eggs and secrets in games then perhaps consider subscribing as that's what this channel is all about thank you all for watching and I'll speak to you all soon
Channel: Captain Eggcellent
Views: 137,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Easter, eggs, captain eggcellent, easter eggs, details, attention to detail, video game easter eggs, video game details, gaming easter eggs, all easter eggs, video games, new video games, video game secrets, gaming secrets, secrets gaming, easter eggs gaming, best new video games, best games, best video games, best video game easter eggs, new video game easter eggs, video game rewards, secrets, new, gaming, update, video, easter egg weapons, easter egg gun, secret gun
Id: RuC6E8nNu6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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