28 RATE OF FIRE?! NEW CHARACTER, JOB! | Repentance Mod Spotlights

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hello there everybody welcome back to another binding of isaac repentance mod spotlight today we take a look at job which is a new mod from agent cuckoo we have played a lot of agent cuckoo mods in the past she is an incredible modder um one of the the best in the isaac community job is her latest project uh it's a mod that adds job uh this character right here a little bit of a a more vanilla character which you're gonna see kind of momentarily uh but the mod does also offer over 25 unlocks um there are 17 unlockable items there's unlockable trinkets um there is also tainted job who we're going to try to unlock today and he's he's a little bit wackier apparently but i don't know i don't know a lot about tainted job uh so without further ado let's hop in real quick i just want to show you the encyclopedia mod as well uh this is another mod by agent cuco um and just to kind of show you so the joe mod pack 17 unlockable items trinkets there's there's uh five unlockable job trinkets and then job himself you can see here uh starts with book of despair which i'll show you what it does but the big difference with this character from other standard characters is that he has a 1.4 times tier multiplier um and a 0.75 damage multiplier so what does that mean also here's your seed jg9j jygz they would say that freaking 10 times fast that is one of the the wackier seeds that i've read recently um what what does a tier rate multiplier and a damage multiplier mean because this is something that is not uh actually used by a lot of characters hey we'll take guppy's eye we're we're fine with that um essentially what it means so a multiplier is going to make um your your stuff multiplied by a certain value thank you tyler uh captain obvious up in here um but with a tier rate multiplier it's basically going to mean that like initially our rate of fire is significantly uh better with this character uh than most you can see right now 4.29 as our our tier rate as crazy good uh for a standard start of a run for a character it also means that every you know subsequent tier multiplier to your tier upgrade that we get you know whether it be coat hanger torn photo the screw etc is actually going to give us more tiers than the normal uh upgrade would give us for characters that have you know say a times 1.0 tier multiplier so it's really just um it's a character that focuses a lot more i would love to get all of that dude but unfortunately not possible um as a character that really focuses around tears more than focusing around damage and that that's what makes them so unique um there's not really a character that does that in isaac at all um every character is really everything's focused around the damage that you deal whereas the rate of fire is just kind of that that extra medium that you need to uh get your dps to a reasonable position so it's interesting to see a character that you know kind of flips the script a little bit as to how this normally goes thank you for binky which you can see was a 1.45 times multiplier kind of kind of or addition i suppose kind of crazy um we also our our active item gives us tears in case you didn't realize um so if the character is all about rate of iron man um and we're going to do our best to crank the old rate of fire as much as we can on this run get some wacky tier combinations and chaos going obviously a damage up at some point would be nice um and it's going to you know we'll feel that damage up a lot since our damage is so um so low to start 2.63 very very low so it's an interesting idea right um i i just want to kind of shout out agent cuckoo for the mod because i feel like it's it's almost a risky move making a mod like this right um and i say risky in a way where it sounds like it's a bad thing right and i actually think it's the exact opposite but i also know how the isaac community can get sometimes whenever a modded character releases it it always feels like the modded character is this insane you know brand new mechanic that is completely different from anything you've ever seen before you know take take something like tainted may right um tainted may even even may right um is a character that the way that you play the character is so drastically different from anything else that ever exists in the game man and i i feel like people expect mods to go that direction and if you don't go with the the super wacky and super insane thing then your mod is considered bad and i think that that's a really terrible i don't have a bomb man i think that's a really terrible way to think about mods um i don't know do i want parasitoid it's pretty good so i suppose i will take parasitoid uh i think it's a terrible way to think about mods you know i think there's definitely space for a well-thought-out well-designed you know character and and mod pack and that's what job is is a a mod pack right there there's 17 items in this mod um there's trinkets there's obviously tainted job then brings in you know the more wackier side of uh the modded characters and introduces some new mechanics it's just such a well done mod right such a well done mod and there's still going to be somebody in the comments that goes is just a character with high rate of fire and i'm gonna scream but it it's it's refreshing in my opinion to see a character like this and i'm already having a blast playing with a little bit of a uh a different vibe right with this high rate of fire you know chaos going now it feels super strong but in reality it's not really that strong also why can't i hit him it was completely invincible for a second which is quite strange but we're chilling we're chilling now we do have to make the decision right now to go devil deal or angel deal we also get mom's bottle of pills which is extremely bad why did we get that is that a boss item now i am very confused um i guess i'll go in here we don't want either unfortunately so i i will just go um let's go to the curse room i do want to i'm gonna tell you i mean we're gonna try to do um we're gonna try to do home to unlock tainted job which doesn't mean i gotta leave oh that's exactly what i wanted uh leave a trinket somewhere at some point in time but we also do have to try to make it to boss rush on this run which that's the spicy one because there's an unlock for boss rush so in an ideal world we would be making it to boss rush uh beating boss rush and then you know being able to get ourselves uh down to home to do some shenanigans down at home so i i want to move quickly but i also want to make sure that we're you know kind of doing our due diligence on the run a bit so options is good i would argue it's good um let's do this first and then i'm going you know what let's options is good but i i actually think i value this more right now um we don't we don't need options we don't need options i i do think that the the bomb in the key from the sack is more valuable for me bombing the key from the sack is also my uh like punk band from the early 90s name there's a quite good one i can't deny uh okay looking good so far i like the run high rate of fire you know you're looking for something like a synthol would probably do uh some some big numbers on this run just to give us a little bit of a a boost in the right direction in terms of getting our damage to a point that it's good our rate of fire is in a fantastic spot but our damage is in a little bit of a la poo poo spot it's also important though with a 1.4 times tier multiplier right you're gonna break the tier cap with this character um which means that we we may see some oh god uh some even wackier rate of fire nonsense on this run um and i don't know about you but i freaking love crazy rate of fire um i prefer it more than damage on most runs you know i'm a guy who loves soy milk right so this is this is just like it's soy milk but you don't go down to one damage to do it i'm in right that sounds great to me give me a little magic mush that could get i could get super spicy man if you gave me a little little magic mush action on this run oh baby looking like you know we didn't actually get it so i can't really continue to say oh baby let's do it but who knows we might find it elsewhere epiphora is hilarious to me um yeah i mean you literally have to take it because the concept of having epiphora bring your rate of fire to [Music] are you seeing this man okay it just keeps going though it just keeps going it's kind of nutty this is a crazy rate of fire okay well i like that i can't deny um things i love to see 10.10 rate of fire on this run absolutely absurd i'm telling you we we get a couple of you know good synergy type items for a run like this oh man it's gonna be in uh in an absurdly absurdly good spot for us moving forward so let's take this i will say i'm actually gonna spend one of our um one of our things for that i also by popping the book my rate of fire went down oh my lord dude it just keeps going 12.97 rate of fire i'm a freaking machine gun this this is actually like we're all so good though is so good okay this this run is um kind of cracked out of its mind right now perhaps um it's like really good i'm gonna drop this trinket off in here because i have no reason to carry it i'd rather have the counterfeit penny and then i'm looking at time 9 20. we're going to go down the caves gotta do three floors in 11 minutes that's not that bad i'm gonna tell you that's not that bad um we would like to move through this relatively fast though i mean this is definitely a once you find your boss hope that you found you know the this is great actually very good okay curse room you do have to still go to this is unfortunately a very drawn out floor um a lot of places to go here and and split up to where everywhere we need to go but i have to check curse rooms the the chance at guppy on this one is is too much to pass up so you gotta do it speed down is is really bad that's really bad you do not love to see it that is that is kind of miserable that is kind of miserable but that's okay we're still vibing dude we're still vibing and we got the hp on the run too you know nine lives but you also got seven hearts i mean how am i ever gonna die right it's looking pretty good to me also nine lives does work with the uh the beast fight which is something to keep in mind as we move forward on the run we definitely can still have a good fight in there and it won't be uh completely miserable right which sometimes some of those end game bosses with nine lives can get uh they can get spicy to say the least so crooked penny is interesting um it's just why why take it right why take it when i can instead get to like 800 rate of fire at some point and i don't need a zazel stump are you are you kidding me the last thing i want to do on this run is turn into his easel i'm just going to be honest this is one of those who who gives a damn about his hazel kind of moments and the answer is pretty much nobody and especially not me um angel deal chance goes up we could try to donate and make the angel deal chance even higher there's a golden bomb for sale in here man which if i had something that i cared about having the the golden bomb i would do it but where am i going to use a golden bomb for the rest of the floor i'd rather just save my money this is some horrific damage i'm taking pretty pretty horrible place by me but that's okay hello you're dead hello you're dead very nice and uh now we we crank the the tears up dude look at the damage to big horn though look at him just get absolutely melted though oh my lord guppy item oh my god i'm gonna take dory prince's crown too dude because that's also gross okay um so this one this one is gonna go in a downward spiral real freaking quick um but we have to oh my god uh we have to make sure that we are you seeing this so this is the kind of shenanigans you can get into with job um is couple things related to your rate of fire and then oops your machine gun um feels like real good we do have to still be fast on these floors though uh no thank you i don't need bombs and i don't need money either to be perfectly blunt we're we're good chilling as we are we also keep in mind we did skip an item room on the first floor um so we're we're in the camp for potential planetarium vibes on one of these floors it's just we might be in the position where um we're gonna end up skipping rooms on the floor and thus we're not gonna actually ever see the planetarium so keep that in mind uh we we may get one say on like this floor but it will end up being a little bit of a a wash for us so troll bomb this is a teleport uh sure i should not have done that actually because that it just hurts our uh hurts our dark prince's crown not that i like really care it's dark prince's crown but it's still uh something useful on your run uh dark prince's crown is actually much better in repentance than it was uh before but it's uh the buff was kind of the rate of fire and our rate of fire is already cracked i have standards on runs um not many standards but i do have standards this is this is a not lootable run solely because high rate of fire is fun um taking ludo is also fun and ludo with high rate of fire is also fun um i just think that you know as far as these things go i think the run itself will be more fun if i keep my rate of fire being wacky um instead of taking ludo maybe you disagree maybe you think that this run would have been uh you know disturbingly alarming and fantastic with ludo and i think there's there's a case to be made i do but i also am going to be the judge in this case and i'm going to say uh guess what you're guilty of tax fraud um hang it up brother and i'll see you in prison and i'll do what i want okay there's another tears up um hilarious and we'll take this and then we're back in dark prince's crown territory and then we go down very good okay so we got six minutes on this floor not worried i am not worried let's let's pop in here real quick you could play the uh we have 10 rate of fire without epiphora going do you understand how alarming this is this is with epiphora going now we're at fifth seventeen right of fire what in the hell do the the accuracy on it is just fricked is just like literally fricked um okay i i this is like my favorite run that i've done in repentance jesus criminy i also i'm gonna tell you i i see that self-sacrifice room and i can't deny there's an ounce of intrigue for sure like what what if i use it to sneak into something real nice later let's also take another book oh that's interesting increases tears by 55 if the player has the rosary uh for our our item here otherwise it's a 33 increase that's kind of interesting um good incentive if we we see it to to go for it could be good so pop this empress is two red hearts and a tears up uh but it's temporary so i don't i don't really think that we care at all um in fact it's actually kind of kind of bad for us because it breaks dark prince's crown so i i genuinely prefer not to have it on this one here's our shop probably oh wow it's not what's his face kind of expected it to be greed let's put a bomb down to increase our devil deal chance and then let's get the heck out of here once again i i feel like it's possible that there's a planetarium chilling um on this seed get out of jail free card is interesting um it's actually real dude do you think it can open the door at the start because i i bet you it maybe can and if it can and i can grab the negative and not give it up oh baby that could be good that could be very good but let's make our way back there we we have to backtrack you might be wondering you know tyler you got to get the boss rush my dude we have to backtrack because i got to find the freaking skull which i i clearly missed okay it does not open that door very good to know here's our skull of destiny that i missed earlier and uh yeah i mean we we go right we go gotta do boss rush hoping for some kind of you know crazy transformative items sitting in boss rush to make this run even wackier than what it is but is still pretty good it's still pretty good and and we're going to be able to pop our book the entire time in there too which just means that we're going to get um even more rate of fire and we're going to have the damage from the negative for 4.84 that's kind of crazy too uh let's take a host hat and then we fight and i i genuinely do not expect this to really be that difficult um you can probably tell from the fact that i have 20 rate of fire right now 20. that that's 2-0 by the way 20. like are you are you seeing the barrage it's it's super sexy man this is the sexiest thing i've seen since uh my dinner last night which was really good by the way i made homemade burrito bowls um which is a common occurrence for me but i decided it was treat yourself time a little bit i bought like a a really organic and and like fresh salsa um and do it i i'm gonna tell you i'm i'm fairly confident that salsa is one of like the 10 best things in life um there there's something about fresh tomatoes squashed and combined with you know jalapeno red onion cilantro sometimes corn if you're feeling you know super crazy right um and then you combine that all smash it down maybe a little bit of a hot sauce or something in there it's like all sauce is good and it goes on like everything right mild salsa i'll take it you want to give me a medium salsa a little bit of heat on the back of the tongue i'll take it you want to give me a spicy salsa makes the tongue burn a little bit i'll take it you want to go for no tomatoes maybe you're allergic to tomatoes you want a corn salsa instead with like some some mango chunks or something i'll take it that sounds good where do i want to put it oh you got a taco i'll put it on the taco no no problems whatsoever oh you're making scrambled eggs not a problem for me i'll put the sauce on the scrambled eggs oh you're uh making a burger oh let me just slip like two slices of avocado and a little bit of salsa on the burger oops it's a tex-mex burger it's delicious um like the opportunities are endless it goes on everything it's like the the salt of condiments i i love salsa man if not evident by this conversation but also i bought avocado yesterday uh well i mean i bought it a couple days ago and the trick with avocado man you gotta let that you know whenever you buy them their their heart is a freaking rock um and you don't want to like crunchy avocado is not the move it's not the move buttermilk has appeared in the basement very exciting happy to have it uh we're at we were at 28 rate of fire in that room by the way we will never see that rate of fire ever again on this run um but it was still very satisfying to see so time is now um irrelevant we're living in the the space time of the world um i'm going to try to sneak into a devil deal which chances of that happening let's put it at kind of low right i think kind of low is the good place to put it but if we if we got this and then say it gave us some kind of damage up then a plus right could be could be really really good for us moving forward so i am going to take the time to min max a little bit um this run does not need it i think that's relatively obvious i'm judging by the absolute chaos trip of tears that we have uh but it's always good to just you know try to get yourself a little bit more extra benefit this works in real life too by the way uh you go to buy a car right maybe you're not of age to buy a car maybe you you bought a car recently um and these tips are are going to to hurt you when the guy says you know hey we'll give you a car for a new car for 22 000 right just look him in the eyes and go nah i'm not feeling it okay or or walk in look around and then like walk right out kind of thing there's gonna be one guy that chases after you because he hasn't got his uh commissions done for the month so he's gonna chase after you and he's gonna go come on don't don't you want to buy a car and then you look them in the eyes and you say these words okay are you ready for this you say these words no i'm not really looking to buy a car right now oh my god dude that is going to send him down a freaking spiral pretty soon the you know honda sedan that you were uh interested in and the whole reason why you walked into the damn store to begin with pretty soon that thing's sitting that you know it's in that 18 grand then you tell the guy oh well uh how about we knock it down to 15. he goes oh i'm not sure i can do that um that's pretty cheap and then you go well i don't really need a car oh my god then it's just you know he's he's in the back he's got six calculators he's crunching numbers pretty soon he comes back out he goes i can do it for 14 uh 14 500 and you guys good deal but you know what what other incentives do you got for this uh that's when that's when he goes oh i'll install my very own heated leather seats and he rips him out of his own car and he puts them into your car um and then you go well you know it's kind of gets up to 78 degrees fahrenheit here in in northern minnesota during the summer months what about cooled seats and then he you know pulls out an ice pack he starts fanning you down you get the soul for free you'd love to see that um and pretty soon you know you've got a car for fourteen thousand dollars and it's got heated seats cooled seats um they're the seats that were inside of the guy who sold you the car's own car um which makes it a really interesting uh scenario moving forward where am i going by the way because i do want to play that uh sucker one more time to get us uh the chance at an angel deal item imagine right imagine we get godhead or sacred heart couldn't be me um it's instead redemption which is a soul heart and plus one damage when entering a devil deal and not taking an item pretty low chance that we we ever make that something that we are able to do but regardless we got a lot of benefit out of that um and i'm i'm happy to see it the soul is a good item and very good against uh dogma beast and uh you know all the other people the horsemen the guy who sold you the car like everybody everybody comes in for the final fight it's like you know smash ultimate pretty soon ed's gonna be there he's gonna try to kill you it's it's a mess it's an absolute mess so we still get one more shot we still get one more item room um which is very good right it's very good there's one more you know dual item room for the potential of a little bit of uh you know chaotic tier effect to add to this or something you know what i would love to see dude i'd love to see lead pencil i would not love to see anti-grav believe it or not uh mom's context is pretty good though that's pretty good but lead pencil would have been crazy you know hey we fire out so many shots it would have been lead pencil like every second and i i would have enjoyed it just a disturbing disturbing amount but uh regardless it's a good run we are happy with where we're at we're gonna unlock tainted job for sure which means that this is going to be a little uh mini series on job we're gonna definitely check out tainted job as well i'm not gonna i'm not gonna leave you with a little spoiler and you're gonna have to go download the mod for yourself well you might if you can't wait for the you know episode to come out that will have tainted job in it but maybe you are [Music] maybe you are not alive and well in the repentance world yet and you you don't have repentance on pc you can't download the mods for yourself don't you worry i got you we're going to show off painted job in a future episode so let's just go um i see no time to waste to be honest um no reason not to we did leave a thing behind so before you you know go tyler you didn't do a trinket you're not going to be able to unlock tainted joke we left behind red curse key rusty key that's the one um on the caves one downpour two one of the two um i think it was caves caves two is what it will be we also have one item room that we did not go into something to keep in mind as well so good stuff are coming we go up this strength card is interesting to me by the way because i actually think that it's it's kind of bad for our run uh since we want to be in dark prince's crown territory and if we we take the red heart it's gonna put it at the very front of us which means that we're never gonna have the the stuff we need so i actually have an extraordinarily big brain play with this uh with this strength card which is going to be when we get to beast and we're going to pop the strength card on beast not dogma but i need to get rid of the boneheart before dogma it's big brain okay it's definitely big brain uh and it does hemorrhage our hp a little bit but it's gonna give us a pretty sizable oh no i'm not taking it dude i'm not taking it also just keep pushing me like this i don't need a golden penny freak off with the golden penny what am i using money for tell me besides to buy the car for 14 500 heated seats cooled seats also how did i dodge how did i dodge sometimes you dodge and you just don't know how you dodge okay i love how when your rate of fire gets faster dude your uh freaking accuracy goes in the freaking pooper these shots are flying all over the damn place there is no controlling them also apparently there is a trinket in this room as well which is nice i mean glad that we had a little bit of a backup plan i suppose i could pop a red key room right do we want to get real real freaking crazy like that it's right there let's pop a red key room right here oh baby it's a good one thank god i came in here okay take back your red key and go i love dude i love that modders are putting in tainted characters it's so much more work there's so much more work for them to do it but there is something to be said for the experience of legitimately playing a mod and unlocking them the same way as the other characters right like it's it's super well done i i again i just can't help but praise the isaac notters um i swear to god there's some of and i i say this and people are going to probably you know isaac matters are gonna hear and they're gonna laugh their ass off but i feel like isaac modding is one of the better modding communities out there um there's a lot of trash on the workshop right but the the stuff that isn't trash it's insanely insanely well done um and i've met some really really incredible modders out there uh and um i'm happy to have gotten to know a lot of them over the years just by being a creator in this space so we did lose our red heart for dark prince's crown something very important to keep in mind i i will take it back right now but you also do want to forcibly remove this red heart from your body when we get to dogma like just just let him hit you i mean you could also oh no wait a minute i got to carry the freaking red key no we don't want to lose this at all i'm going completely back on my word um we don't want to lose this at all because we're not carrying the damn strength card i'm carrying crack key i'm i'm kind of kind of stupid like that sometimes yeah cool time for small rock but unfortunately the game was not feeling it um this is an item lusty blood is like kind of cracked right i mean that's gonna dude that's gonna give us a huge damage up on beast right like there's a lot of ads in that fight whether it be flies or you know other nonsense that's a lot of ads in that fight so that's gonna be kinda insane that's gonna be kind of insane you know paired with the rate of fire that we have rusty blood i swear to god it ignores maybe it doesn't does lusty blood ignore um damage multipliers because there's a part of me that thinks it does but i also i feel like our damage would be going up way more in some of these fights by the way uh will we bomb the carpet here take this uh that counts as having a red heart fair enough i suppose that's fair with dark prince's crown pill verb into a range downgrade i'm gonna go with perhaps we don't do that and then let's grab tainted job oh he's he's he's dark lad he's got like a hole missing in his head you unlock job the unwavering oh there's also you know custom challenges in the mod as well um which is even more insane oh look it's red key i could have done all of this for not love to see it there there's no nothing you can uh do anywhere else i didn't think so but it's always worth checking right it doesn't hurt to check so we we do our due diligence um let's i am going to pop our book here but again i'm i'm not necessarily committed to anything on this one i don't know what i'm talking about dude this fight scares me i've died on this fight so many times that i i like to try to keep myself in a a stable state we will be completely fine here though we'll be completely fine this wave is the one that i take a lot of unnecessary hits in this uh phase and it's this attack to be honest is the one that sucks because he goes for like five years of doing this i'm also i think i'm mom's contact freezing this guy he sucks man he sucks okay goodbye just get destroyed i got millions of flies just get destroyed and good night okay good stuff good stuff now we move on to send your beastie boys my favorite 90s band and uh oh dude all of our spiders ain't gonna do crap although he also spawns fighters that then just join my freaking fray so that's cool i'm waiting for some some fly ads though from the one guy i admit they might turn into flies for me i don't know i hope they don't because i would really like to uh i would really like to be able to uh kill them to get lusty blood stats i i would assume that we just got lusty blood stats right um oh my god dude the amount of freaking stuff we get okay this is where we are extremely hyped because he's got all those tiny little flies and every single one of them is the damage up for me oh he got completely destroyed man this is potentially our strongest uh beast fight that we have ever had i mean it's it's pretty uh chaosy very very chaosy um we're also keep in mind we're gonna be able to gonna be able to do one more charge on our thing as well once that opportunity presents itself dude i'm i'm stronger i'm a stronger i don't know why i'm sounding like shrek in shrek 2. good night okay pop it no my and then get destroyed this is possibly the worst one to be honest i hate death that death is a real son of a gun actually he's not that bad dude i think famine is the worst one i think the first one's the worst one he's a real righteous pain in the rear so we did lose our dark prince's crown benefit oh my god i wiped him before he did his second phase man even better now unfortunately all of these spiders do not hit beast um i wish they did because it it would make our life so much easier but they uh they don't and that's okay you know sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do i have a feeling we're gonna get this guy in the phase two um extraordinarily fast we also do we freeze him so much i feel like we will be in phase two as soon as he wraps up his fire breathing brigade are you done yet brother okay oh my god he didn't even do his brimstone oh my lord okay um easy run pretty much had no fear from the first floor of this one um that's a that's a good b skill that's a good b skill tainted job unlocked prosperity has appeared in the basement i i want to see all of the new items right i want to see all the new items massive success um what can i say i'm a happy boy tainted job oh my oh he's he's got some interesting vibes huh he's got some real interesting vibes hey that's gonna do it for this episode though if you enjoyed as always liking the video much appreciated i will see you in the next one for a little tainted job action appreciate all your love and support i'll see you guys in the next one have a good rest of your day [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Olexa
Views: 54,386
Rating: 4.944056 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, olexa, games, roguelite, roguelike, the binding of isaac repentance, the binding of isaac, binding of isaac repentance, binding of isaac, isaac repentance, binding of isaac rebirth, binding of isaac repentance gameplay, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance gameplay, lets play binding of isaac, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, isaac, new binding of isaac, new isaac content, final boss repentance, antibirth isaac, job, job mod, job character mod, job character
Id: z761mRg1GxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 36sec (2436 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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