#265 Last Visit to Mega Monster Mine Chapter 16

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hi everyone uh my name is frank uh welcome back to the monster make of mine we've been going in here for about six months we're not disclosing a location that's mine for various reasons so um but if you looked at seeing some of our previous shows we've been down here i think it's a 16th uh episode down here it's a huge mine it's actually four mines that are all kind of uh put together so it's a complex of mines there's 97 kilometers of tunnels so uh we're going to go down this great where there's uh about 600 feet below 400 feet below where we are now 600 feet below the surface uh we've intersected a huge shaft the incline shaft goes down 85 degrees we went down 100 feet down it got into a new level and now we're going to continue on we uh if you looked at our last video we threw some boards and stuff down there and it goes a long ways down yet from there so we're just going to continue going down this huge shaft and you know this is a really exciting explorer we're not showing you anything that we've seen before you can see the rest of the videos and um we'll we'll keep going down there and uh and you know like this is the most exciting mine that we've ever been into and and nobody else has ever been in here since uh since it was all closed up a long time ago so um yeah so we'll play the intro and uh we're going to see you at the at that big incline shaft and we'll uh we'll go from there most of it's probably mental you don't like dark places that are wet and uh you're claustrophobic you have a bunch of phobias and stuff but it's not gonna be the place for you [Music] good [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] all right so we're at the top of this shaft um this is where we went down the last time the 700 foot shaft so we're going to go down another way we've decided we're going to go down this way where the orb pass was it's not quite as steep so it should make a lot easier coming back up so i'm going to go down and i'll radio sharon when i get to the bottom we're getting uh pretty close to our limits so we don't know how much further we're going to be able to go in this mine it's getting uh scarier and riskier i guess hopefully we're we are right and we know where we are yeah [Applause] well that's good glad the water is running over on that side and not this side baby so i'm trying to get over these two big boards it's just a little tricky on two boards sir oh going through a little bit of a wet spot there you go it's kind of interesting looking to goes way up there big steep warp house up there we can't get up there obviously another room of square set here you can see all the way it's time to give a little shout out to the folks here at uh they give us all this free stuff so this is a through knight tc20 we've used them lots over the years so you can get one of these for uh less than 100 bucks on amazon quite a bit of light here and a small compact light and then the advantage of these is they're usb rechargeable right so you don't have to buy batteries for them they're not good as a primary light source but great for lighting up source stops like this because they don't last a real long time on the on a 3800 lumen setting but as you can see you know fairly compact lighting let me show you around this stove way way up there yeah can't get up there obviously so they use square set here to mine this out yeah okay seemed like they were transferring a lot of um material you know that they in this uh in this section here they they uh mined an area out and then uh transferred on the rail and put it down somewhere else it moved quite a few times but i guess they just keep finding more as you can see the strike here at the at the angle of the strike sharon's to hang out here for a minute and uh we're just checking out some of this other stuff on this level now there's a huge false floor here i'm going to be on rope here because all of a sudden fell through this false floor it'll be very good now we'll see if there's another level just below us there might be ooh that is not very good don't trust that [Applause] that looks better already now that the rock's gone this stuff is ready to fall here hmm wow this would be nice if it fell i don't know if i should be doing this it's only a couple of just a little ways down there and i'd be okay you know but this soul fell what would happen [Applause] they wouldn't have anywhere to stand them you want your rotten boards and stuff there [Applause] oh yeah i know i'd be all right it's okay huh i thought the stall i was on broke but didn't yeah so i dropped down about three or four feet but that's okay yeah that's good no problem here at all yeah you don't know when you first start down these sometimes what you're gonna find i'm gonna get off the rope here's sharon and i'm gonna hike down here see what we can find so oh wow it looks cool this ladder here really neat there's some kind of a shop going down let's throw some of the stuff down get out of the way wow looks really cool it goes down but it's kind of steep and not too bad there's a neat little level here a whole bunch of ore shoots yeah i'm underneath you wow yeah there's a neat level down here that doesn't go very far but this big row of war shoots in a room and then it went further down but there's no tunnels that go from here but it looks really cool there's so many of these little cubby holes and nooks that you could explore seemingly forever in this mine you know even if i do i didn't want to go straight down shops and get wave deeper there's all kinds of cool little things here it just takes a long time to explore them yeah hmm so all this ore came to here and then they dropped down on an overshoot now this could be a good overpass to go down to yeah huh there's a couple interesting ore passes see this one here [Applause] not too far down we may uh call it uh an adventure for today and uh we're finding it's getting like to go further down in this mine but the issue is that sharon is kind of matter limit and uh she doesn't want me to go down by myself so she comes down but she probably shouldn't so one day we're going to come down with the ropes and head down that our pass looks really cool and that looks like a good way to get down further into this mine here yeah over the top of the stove here something to see a little bit of interesting over here here and there stuff they wouldn't mind a little quartz here and there some heavy sulphides right all the way up here we didn't go anymore which is the case in these stops lots of times well the type of war that would have went to the mill i'm sure where do you stop though right [Applause] okay so we're going to head our way back up sharon's gonna be first so she's just heading up this horseshoe which uh is easier than going up the orpas we found anyway so uh not as steep um so this is this is what happened all this or come out of this big tunnel and i'll come down this big or shoot and we'll show you i'll show you what we found here so it intersects that um the big shaft incline shaft that's really steep that we roped down last week and going down the shaft is psychologically difficult um i don't know there's something about that like you say a lot of this is mental it makes sense to go down the shaft because secure you know and you don't have a bunch of stuff there but tell your stomach that right you look down this black hole straight up and down and it's all slimy and everything too so not the best deal all right so now okay so all this ore came down the floor pass here so you see this there's some square set here and uh there's an overpass right beside us we'll show you the door came down here and right underneath us there's an overpass going down actually the work came more this way on that side and there's a big overpass going down down down this is all collapsed and filled in and then it goes down here to look through here i can show you be careful here because you won't fall down there there's overpass it goes down that way and then it intercepts the shaft so that's how this stuff got loaded onto the train we thought maybe there was a bin or something but this is kind of like a bin it's a big hollow spot here and then um my tight rope on i went further down the shaft i went down about we went down this way about another 30 feet and there's just an orb in there so what happened was this skip just came down and it stopped at this level about 30 feet below us and just stopped here and there was just like an ore chute and then just loaded into it so there's nothing fancy about us this is just like a big orb in under here didn't see any any other levels close by so rather than go down the shaft we're going to go down a different way we just don't want to go down that shaft i don't know it's pretty steep and it's wet and scary so um so sharon's been just great helping me out with all this kind of stuff but she's not comfortable here anymore and the only reason she's coming this time was because i said well it's no problem stay home i'll go by myself and she wouldn't let me go myself so i promised her i wouldn't come down here by myself and i wasn't gonna bring her down here anymore either so um yeah that's gonna be it for now we're not gonna we have no more adventures down here planned um but we um i could possibly come back here with one of my uh other partners that are maybe wanting to do that i don't know if i can find anyone that will come down with me um it's definitely too dangerous go down by yourself um just a minor thing down here and nobody could ever find you so um you definitely i don't think it's you know what i have to agree with sharon i don't think it's safe to go down by myself so i'm not going to um so that'll be it for now so the other thing what we wanted to do is we wanted to show you guys their sharing there we want to show you just how tough it is to get down to this level so right now we are about 700 feet down we're gonna film just real quick all the highlights of this going back up and and show you just how much how difficult it is to get up here it takes about two and a half hours to get to the surface from here so right now we're 700 feet below the surface on this incline shaft so we've got a rope here and uh we're going up the ore pass so it's just easier as you can see it's not straight up and down that's a fair bit easier than going down the shaft so um we're going to go up there we'll film this for you toss the square set and then we'll be at 600 feet underground and then we'll show you all the other obstacles and things that we've got to do to get out of here yeah i thought so too especially coming down but uh maybe it's part psychological but yeah it would seem to be pretty easy over a little slimy not too bad i think we only got a little bit of straight vertical to do [Applause] yeah get past the slimy stuff all right good job yeah okay yeah sharon seemed to enjoy this better than the chef a little bit gunky wall here look at this interesting elsa they line this bin with railway tracks interesting huh well why they're not really sure if you did that but i guess all the work i'm screaming down here now look down that orbit but it looks like it was a manly maybe later i don't know i might have changed it yeah i wouldn't have trouble with that but the work came down at one time obviously a ways you can go up the shaft i mean we didn't really have to do much climbing so far yeah now we just got a little bit of steep stuff here too bad um [Applause] hmm let's get now the crawls at a bad angle so it's not sliding through like it should catch him now oh sharon making good progress now all right so this is the 600 level and if you see in our other video we went down there to the level we just came from so all right so from here getting back to the surface we're just going to leave this rope right here because i don't know it's just a lot of work pulling stuff in out of here and um you know if we need to if we're going to come down here we can't hold all that rope down here so we don't want to it's a lot of work all right so from here we're not going to film this whole thing it's kind of a little boring it's just a long series of tunnels fairly straight tunnels a little bit of water a little muddy but that's fairly easy suction we're gonna head out and then uh we're gonna show you all the kind of obstacles we have to get out so what this stuff is but sure doesn't look very good eh looks like caustic soda or something i wouldn't wash my face in it it's a bit of a collapsed area through this stop that you have to travel through and then a little bit of water here not too bad and so we tried to mark this off fairly easily with paint and ribbon so we don't waste our time traveling around the circles we learned that the hard way this is called the rock and rock so you step on this rock and it rocks don't go anywhere the rock and rock this was a level higher up that's the horseshoe's collapsed or whatever so we uh felt a little bit air coming through here so we'd dug all this material out now you got to go through there on your back and squeeze through it so i'm gonna try not to touch anything above me because you can see a bunch of i got knocked down barely holding up there yeah we're just going to leave those waders down here because it's so hard to pack anything in here hold the noise no not much room between your face and back [Music] there that wasn't too bad if you're close to probe you can't enjoy that apparently i'm not thank you so we're at the 600 foot station and we have a rope going up here it's an overpass and it's only about 100 feet up there fairly steep but not crazy so one of our viewers suggested that we take some glow strips and uh throw them down so that's what we're going to try this is a pretty deep shaft [Music] can't say nothing no it didn't you threw it it just landed down got trapped somewhere my turn let's see oh i stopped right there i can see it ah there it goes okay so there we go we got this big huge drill pretty cool i don't know why they locked it here very large drill and it looked like it was just for breaking maybe big chunks of rock or something that were too big to go on an overshoot okay so sharon's gonna get on the ropes and uh we're getting headed up to the 500 levels this rope will be staying down here also this is kind of what we've been doing with our old rope that i don't use for climbing too much anymore some of them shorter lengths a little bit of tension on the rope before it makes it leisure for the crawl all right so sharon's going gonna head up this section and i'll just get out of the way here so no big rocks all in my head and uh i'll get you at the top so that's it for the 600 level there we go ending up this or getting back up to the 500 level yeah this part's not bad at all so i'm going to do this one problem with two people you have to uh give each other room so i usually try to let sharon go ahead of me because uh she's just little ways ahead of me then these loose rocks be falling on me so we'll try to just give her a big head start so she doesn't knock rock son she knows where she's going so it's fine it's kind of a problem if you have too many people underground it takes a long time waiting for each other to get up the passes and get clear for the next person to come out so basically i have two people is nice more slows things down doesn't make it any better [Applause] a piece of drill still the newer ones they're replaceable they just spin them out put a new bid on the older ones like this they had to take the blacksmith and get them sharpened when we get up the top of this we're going to be the 400 level then we've got a huge boulder field to cross it's really steep these are all steep stops here too up we go see there we go it says or pass that's the one we get down to that main hall level got a little ledge here cut across here one time sharon slipped off to here fell into that track luckily she wasn't hurt hopefully we'll hook up catch up and share here right away and uh show me the hand to get down this next part here so we're calling this probably the 400 level 400 feet below the surface uh all right so i'll be the step here the missing step or something like that okay jump there we go there we go you know i'm going up and down here so many times we just moved all these pieces of wood and rock and everything out of the way and just kind of got easier every time you go here to get through here there's also a number of short little sections that are steep so we just had short little chunks of rope that we left here to help us looks a little easier so i climbed up here without a rope once but it's not that easy it's way easier for everyone skinner hubble or a little anything so you can do it this way it works all right all right you know the way home you know pulled away for some reason lots of uh arrows here we got lost here on at least one occasion so we made a point to make sure there's lots of arrows it doesn't matter what color of arrow you fall if it's blue or yellow or red it's all the same all goes up to the surface yeah it'd be kind of nice to get this my little rest you know some other mines that we've had our eyes on some of the easy ones that the other mighty supporters get to do i know we get to do the easy ones so maybe we should have a video some cats or long diatribe now now we'll try to avoid that uh okay i don't like cats anyways um there we go so maybe one day we might try to get up some of this some of these me bring a little ladder in here another 200 station and it says frank that way which is wrong actually because frank's going to be that way but so yeah how do you feel so this may be going to be our last time down here are you going to miss this place certainly a challenge isn't it but yeah it's getting tougher and tougher as we get further down and yeah so i'm going to get ahead of you a little bit and we'll show you guys the kind of the toughest place is the first drop in here that's kind of the toughest the first part is fairly easy to get up it uh it's just a little steep only a roping part you can climb up here and we'll get to the part that's pretty much vertical pick your battles this is my kind of hiding spot because i can sit here and then if a rock comes down from the top i just duck behind this little wall and let me see she's got a ways to climb up here yet before she can get on the main rope and start climbing up the steep part so this is a 200 foot rope and as you can see right on the end of the 200 there and that's looking down where we came from the 200 level and you see all the stuff all the different levels and stuff all right here goes the the climber so she likes to use our foot strap the whole way i'm actually more of a fan of using my feet as much as possible owning the foot strap when i have to let's see you can make pretty good progress going up it's not bad eh yeah once you get the hang of it as long as you don't look up or down too many times you're all right your mind can start playing tricks on you if you're not careful see i go along this ridge to the right as far as i can then zigzag up go straight up a uh well i don't use my foot strap like that all the way it's not straight up and down see fairly steep i wouldn't say not too steep i'd say fairly steep okay have a good trip can you see the sunlight yet are you happy oh yeah i guess we're ready to start up and down and uh look it up pretty steep looking see all right so looking down into the abyss there and we're heading back up so this is fairly steep as you can see and this is why you don't see any other mine explorers except for this old man and the old lady in this area people that explore mines don't do this kind of stuff usually except for me i guess all right so we're looking forward to doing some easy minds now maybe like other people do so that's it that's one we're about only about a third of the way up and i'm gonna go the rest of the way so like i said she's fairly steep not quite straight up and down but you know damn close don't you want sure there you go maybe halfway this is the part where you don't look down this at where it goes straight down from here so yeah some big rocks a bit of a hazard for sure if some of these fall on you that's why we try to stand away while somebody's on the rope right but we kind of like this once you get to here you kind of breathe a bit of a sigh of relief because if you're following probably not going to die all right so uh you know thanks everyone for supporting us and watching this uh this series really enjoyed doing it for you guys and who knows maybe sometime you might come back but for now that's all we're going to do um you know 16 shows a lot of hours of exploring in this mine that's really cool mine it's going to be tough to top this but i've got lots of other interesting minds that people would like to see and we can tell you what they're called all right so come visit our museum and the other thing we're busy with we just bought a gold mine and and we're setting all up for visitors to to see yeah if you guys want to do some exploring on your own we're gonna have all these artifacts and cool underground museum and you guys can explore that and and it's a lot safer in what we're doing so all right see you next week hi everyone thanks for joining us this week we have a show every week so we'll see you next week uh check out our new merch page don't forget to like and subscribe music is by the audits [Music] you
Channel: Exploring Abandoned Mines
Views: 11,568
Rating: 4.973856 out of 5
Keywords: mine carts, antique, exploring abandoned mines, exploring abandoned mines in bc, frank schlichting, dangerous mines, abandoned mines, bc mines, gold, machines, explore, adventure, exciting, gold mining, #gold, gold mine, gold mines, # exploring abandoned mines, exploring mines, mine shaft, minecraft, mine exploration, abandoned gold mine, abandoned and forgoton places, underground, mining, hard rock mines, climbing, mining equipment, cerro gordo, Ghost Town Living, mega, monster, rossland
Id: 8lx5B632PQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 41sec (2261 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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