26 Youtubers TROLLED In Video Games

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Cory kensin was playing death trips an insanely creepy game made worse what he realized the psycho was stalking him uh-oh okay well I'm an inspector right so that means I should have a weapon at this point he has no idea the guy's still in the building so Cory tries to escape using the elevator terrified of what's about to happen there are no buttons in this elevator what the freak oh wow into the void hello woo what the freak and he wasn't the only Creator to get absolutely trolled by The devs Summit oneg was streaming daisy as usual nothing too out of the ordinary for him except this time would be very different Summit decides to take a little break just as the developers Frank him in the most creative way a few moments later wait am I getting trolled right now I should have seen it right there what the Christmas trees fell out of the sky with 1G ornaments did you see that I'm getting trolled sure that was out of nowhere but some trolls make total sense Apex Legends decided to celebrate April fools in an incredible way this year by making every gun in the game have ridiculous knockback now on the surface it doesn't feel like a crazy prank until someone told macro you could shoot at the floor feaser I don't believe a word you're saying you you were a liar and a thief he wasn't lying I'm in the air oh my God I'm sorry I doubted you this didn't take him that high off the ground with a regular weapon but macro kept searching he wanted to know exactly how far he could take this joke so we waited all the way for his ultimate to charge giving him a minigun with unlimited ammo oh holy crap oh oh my help help oh I'm so high up oh my God I'm on the clowns and if you thought that was creative it's nothing compared to the most terrifying troll in sakiro this game is made by the Dark Souls creators so it has a lot of similarities when it comes to the bosses now most big fights have multiple stages but when YouTubers encountered the guardian ape he was so tough we knew it was a oneand done you eventually Beat It by chopping off the guardian's head and getting the shobi execution screen confirming it's over after hours of attempts you've finally done it or so we thought I see you beat the ball I haven't beaten the boss there's got to be some kind of stage two yeah oh maybe there isn't is there really not Jesus Christ that you literally could catch up now yeah I L think I could wow wow now he's got a sword and if you thought Sideshow was terrified valky Soul straight up up left her body oh I'm sorry I just know the devs were having a blast while coming up with this one but sometimes they're literally watching you and you might not even realize in MMOs devs will sometimes act as a game master letting them moderate servers and provide support this also means they could drop in on their favorite streamers and absolutely troll them Asen go was chilling in Black Desert online when a game master appeared next to him playing a beautiful song on the piano have to reach level 20 what the what the can you do this in the game he was speechless and got ready to sit there and listen to The Cinematic performance only to realize what the song actually [Music] was oh this has got to be the most elaborate Rick roll out there and it's not just the developers that can embarrass a streamer mkf was trying to speedrun Super Mario 64 but it's Arch enem be appear to this set of stairs yeah he was struggling real bad to get the speedrunning trick right telling everyone in chat how difficult it was to pull off that's when he handed the controller to emiru where no one could have predicted just how badly she'd humiliate him why are your settings like this these aren't even the default settings emotional Dam now jinxy is mostly known for playing Rainbow Six so when he decided to try something new it was only a matter of time before it blew up in his face he loaded up fortnite not realizing how eager his viewers were to troll him as he dropped from the battle bus the entire Lobby welcomed him to the island Who's Laughing is that is that Peter gri Kanye West God Kanye West just no I'm not going to lie when it comes to only up I feel so bad for I show speed you have to spend hours climbing into the sky and there are no checkpoints so if you fall it's game over speed was ridiculously high up when he jumped onto this pizza box not realizing that the dev's place to here is the most evil troll in gaming history what the [Music] a few minutes later and the last place you'd probably expect the devs to troll you is inside of Roblox I mean anyone out there can make a game so I doubt little Tibby is programming the greatest prank of all time but then again something comes along like doors a super professional well-made horror game that everyone starts playing massive YouTubers like Creek craft spend hours on it and he's getting so popular the devs take notice and decide to have a little [Music] fun I can almost guarantee you didn't catch that this happened so fast even Creek had to watch the replay to figure it out that's me I just died from me okay getting wiped out by yourself is one thing but a bald version of you that's a whole another level it's rolling but sometimes you just play yourself and while speedrunning Vice City pgsd had to escort a woman to the objective only problem is he was on a motorbike and if anyone's played GTA you know exactly how this ends somehow she miraculously survives this insane crash and PG is thrilled to continue his speedrun just what he thinks all is safe things kind of take a devastating twist and just like that he has to start the entire game over he's not the only one who undid all their progress and Roblox there's a game called Expedition Antarctica and it basically challenges you to climb a mountain and get to the top of the summit now this is pretty difficult for regular players but when you combine it with queso's inability to climb a ladder it doesn't end too well and we got this part I love this part this part's just a great thing right here I love this part man I'm so happy that this part exists now I got to see here for 10 straight minutes and try to climb this ladder thank you so much for putting this part in the game I really appreciate it and he was not exaggerating it takes him a while just to connect to the ladder but what about when he finally latches on I don't think I've ever had this much trouble with it I was I was up there again oh man oh man okay so after like five more minutes case gets past the ladder and is able to move on with the rest of the game except half an hour later he dies on the Run causing him to restart and come face to face with it again and this part again man I love this part this is my favorite part of the run right here I love this part this my favorite who knew a simple jump was enough to cause a meltdown I get it though it is super annoying to lose progress and in Lego fortnite ninja spend hours Gathering resources to build a nice Suburban Bungalow here we go well this Joy would only last about 10 seconds cuz Cypher was about to completely ruin his day let's go Timmy good job Bo oh my God what did you just do son just blew up the house you're actually trolling me you're actually trolling you're actually trolling right bro all the work there is no shot wait scyth you blew up the house okay okay okay listen listen listen oh my God it's gone I can't it's gone it's gone it what do you mean it's gone it's gone I can't rebuild it guys it was for 100 gifted you're the biggest salout I've ever I've ever met in my entire life dude I'm out and while he probably forgave Cypher for that do disrespect was not in a forgiving move when a stream sniper trolled him endlessly now this wasn't a one-off occasion doc found himself loading into fortnite matches over and over only to be eliminated by a guy with this name hey I made it I did it again I did it again I did it again screenshot it dude screenshot it God and if you didn't know the cheating was a real thing that happened and it was so such a huge Scandal that this stream sniper made sure we never forget oh wow are you kidding me huh and the one place you'd never expect to get messed with is inside of a single player game as xqc booted up welcome to the game he should have known that the dev is notorious for pranking streamers nothing suspicious happens for over 40 minutes until he enters this stairwell this is a floor three inste of Flor what's happening where's that playing from guys where is that playing from oh the de wait is this game not even online is it if that sounds familiar it's actually Dr disrespect's theme song and it literally never ends it keeps looping over and over and xqc could have do a single thing about it now this continues for quite a while until he goes back to the PC finally discovering how the devs pulled it off yeah he did it dude how that's crazy how how can he do that dude that is that is nuts holy dude another 10 minutes pass and xqc lets his guard down assuming the joke's over but then he returns to the PC noticing a strange file on the desktop oh good one dude good one I forgot how to play the game I need a warm up what is wrong with this guy Not only was the developer trolling him for sucking he was about to make things 10 times worse and while that was humiliating it doesn't compare to the worst speedrunning fail of all time hu was about to beat Mario 64 in record time and he only had one more minute if he wanted to break the previous run the stress was definitely on and as he defeated Bowser he celebrated with pure [Music] joy yeah I'd probably retire from gaming after that one but if there's one challenge out there that makes everyone lose their mind it's getting over it this game took over the internet in 2017 because it was just so difficult and of course it found its way into the hands of PewDiePie there's a ridiculous amount of sections that are purely designed to make you fall and start all the way back from the beginning this would delete hours of progress and let's just say Felix has some crazy patience oh good good oh good oh good you're here now oh good that's good that's great what are you doing oh oh what do you think I care do you think oh God oh God not no stop falling down you you thought I was going to quit did you huh oh okay okay okay okay everybody okay H you think this is funny I am so tired of redoing this in what what might be the greatest troll in gaming history atro was playing the dark wild when someone suggested speedrun mode they told him exactly how to do it but instead of menu appeared asking him if he wanted to open up the cheater menu now all he had to do was say no and play the game like any other normal person but of course curiosity got the best of him I'm just I'm just showing you oh you naive fool you fallen right into my trap you see when I asked you to enable speedrun mode I knew the cheater menu button would be right above it I knew you would see it all right I'm done all you got to do is hit the right back slash key twice and you'll go back to the game you think that's it you think I'm just going to let you ghost got free oh no that's when the game developer tells atro he has a secret message for him a video from his own dad son you cheated on Steven's game unbelievable [Laughter] while that guy definitely played himself when it comes to jinxy this guy could be trolled from anywhere I mean he's just not safe all he wanted to do was relax on stream and check out some cool viewer submitted Clips only to instantly regret it we're never doing Clips again what is happening after learning his lesson he decides to check out viewers Clash of Clans bases instead I mean that is so innocent what could possibly go wrong bro all right man I have a job no that's it get this kid out stop ring get out get out get out you're out you're out you're out get him out ball take this serious dude it is a Clash of Clan base revealed and you guys are saying bald and when Tim the top man decided to play Rainbow Six Siege I'm pretty sure the last thing he was expecting was for the devs to stock him his account was brand new yet he logged in to find a bonus reward Rainbow 6 credit pack you've gained an additional 600 credits this is just a little extra to thank you for supporting our game from the start pretty weird but Tim Shrugged it off continuing the stream as usual except the pop-ups were't quite done with him what is this this weapon has been added to your inventory what hello devs they're just they're just giving they're just giving me they're like who's this idiot playing this game I don't know man he has over 10,000 people watch him give him all the SKS are are you serious I got to admit this troll was totally worth the suffering sure all those notifications were super annoying but at the end of the day he got a ton of exclusives for free not everyone's as lucky though soda popping was checking out a Parkour game called cluster truck when things went horribly wrong this was a classic that every streamer was playing back in 2016 but despite the thousands of creators no one realized the devs had a secret feature they programmed a way to mess with streamers in the most chaotic way and unfortunately for soda Poppin he was about to become their test subject what hello no I was going wait Dam it's right there dude do you want black hole trucks or God trucks what about what I want we don't care care about what you want soda wow wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait stop where I don't know where I am how what am I no and recently xqc was trying to play some da Z with Greek god and they found a private server that could host their Antics right as Felix joined and prepared his character he was then mysterious iously blasted into the main menu um possibly there is I'm not your one bro bro bro kick by admin B thanks but no thanks what did I do this admin clearly didn't want to put up with xqc's viewers trying to raid and stream snipe the server but hey at least they were nice about it Noah J has been playing COD zombies for over a decade now and in that time he's had plenty of good fails but by far the most humiliating was in Black Ops 3 Zombies would have you were send him a link to an insane new Easter egg let me check this out super Swagger I was reading super Swagger's message [Music] Dr oh my super Swagger you literally killed me twice for a freaking Rick Roll But what happens when a streamer is also the developer well cardo used to work on H1Z1 and investigative reports live on stream and let me tell you these were super enter a aing in one of these reports he decides to mess with a hacker he doesn't have any evidence yet so he decides to help him out a little I don't know if he can see this or not there for the love of God dude find the car and just like go drive and get somebody oh look a car where'd that come from there you go go find somebody there's a dude right there he'd been watching this guy for way too long and hopefully this would speed up the process all that was left now was to watch the gunfight all that at least we got him chat taking it over to war zone dead silence is a terrifying perk if you know how to use it anyone with this equip can hide their footsteps making it super easy to sneak up on people like well Dr disrespect what the oh Dead Silence on J good job good one Jay did you not want to fight at all huh Jays you want to sit there in your little in your little room and then Dead Silence to the action good job Jays all my best friends call me jams almost as embarrassing as when forson loaded up totally accurate battle simulator he was just minding his own business reading the welcome message when the devs decided to prank him out of nowhere yeah okay nice very nice good you miss news I paid for this you can't do this and during a competitive round of Cs go xqc's teammates were super confused when it seemed like the enemy knew exactly where they were well little did they know the problem was coming from inside their own team I think there's one in Z care care care I'm sitting in the smoke I'm going I'm going to Molly him then okay I just got molly I think they moled me where dides your Molly hit I didn't throw it yet let me throw it yeah throwing a flash okay I'm blind they just perfect flash at me these guys like know right where I'm at and those were the biggest YouTuber trolls and video games it's been Sammy keep it here on t5g
Channel: T5G
Views: 1,176,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video games, 26 Youtubers TROLLED In Video Games, video game easter eggs, video game secrets, gaming easter eggs, gaming secrets, best games, best video games, youtubers trolled in video games, games that trolled youtubers, new video games, new gaming, gaming new, new gaming secrets, new gaming easter eggs, new games, best game, best new video game, video games new, gaming secret, secrets, easter eggs, gaming, games, new, update, video
Id: seA6Vd-yaxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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