2500hp GTR vs 600hp Busa (SuperRowl 2021)

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[Music] all right guys we're about to get going with the most exciting part of this event we've been looking forward to this for a while it's the super roll it's basically a roll race case they're doing here at the kansas air strip attack like i said we've never done something like this it should be pretty awesome all of us are going to get into cars we're the ones calling the race we're doing one two three just like we would do on the street and uh should be pretty epic this video is presented by 1320 street shine a line of professional grade car care products developed by enthusiasts or enthusiasts for more information and to purchase your own go 1320streetshine.com so we've got a few buys for the first round here the super bowl race and they just decided that terence's car here the t1 race car and the blood truck the white viper are going to race next to each other in both bodies just so you can get practice for second round so first round we're only gonna have like three or four races because there's a few cars that broke before the race and today but hang with us second round's gonna be some nice matchups hey you don't need this we'll take this little babies right here let me get you guys this is like a bromance now isn't it my buddy hey you got you guys are buddies now a heavyweight match you got you guys talking so much i remember people very first started kind of tagging me and then all of a sudden like everyone's tagging us and it's like it's like you wouldn't be doing it miami and colorado denver yeah yeah denver yeah this is a race the internet has wanted to see for how long man more than it's all about you know having fun we'll keep it safe and uh try to give you know people some entertainment this is probably the best place you could do this race because there will be so many angles there's gonna be like if we were talking about doing it on the street but like the problem is there's so many people following it and like and you know the video's gonna probably gonna blow up and like i think we'll both get in trouble yeah you're a little shocked [Music] you gotta wear a thumb on my boat is that what it is yes that's the rule you gotta go down to miami and wear a thong on his boat yeah [Music] [Applause] most importantly this is the race everybody's want to see for a while and finally get to see it yeah in a place where you guys can't get in trouble or nothing like that we make 1788 it's only it's not here 1788 on low boost he can turn it up he can turn it up but we don't know how much it makes you know like no [ __ ] i mean it can make twenty five hundred i'm gonna agree but we have we haven't passed this setup 1788 we're going to turn it off i need to do a test hit [Music] so [Music] what happened oh no [Music] i tried my best we we're still gonna race as soon as i get my car together you mean i can't embrace you this is not gonna stop mean i tried my best we appreciate you getting the car together for the race man i know it was uh i know you had to work your ass off to get it here three weeks without sleeping bro like crazy and then drive 30 hours to get to kansas we got to see that i'm having in a week all right and then let's see what we do how can we meet ryan again and then racing all right so we got the pairing with vlad's rs3 tell me about this vtr what we working with here so my name is oscar by the way this is a 2012 making about 15 36 on on spray 1300 on motor yeah you got about 300 horsepower more than the rs3 right he's got a few hundred pounds less i think he said he's like 3 800 right so it's not super light but it should be a good pairing oh the underdog is here yeah oh ho boy we're gonna give it our best nice power go all out in this pass so that should be a pass like 195 my guess is how much power is that it's twelve twelve hundred and eleven fifty in the family sedan yeah that's how i like it [Music] oh all right that was a little crazy that was man we're good we didn't go too far off into the grass all right good thing we got all wheel drive huh yeah wow you're good at least you weren't going too fast i think we were going like 188 when we let off so you're probably going i went at 195 or something yeah yeah there's not enough shutdown for you okay but it came up too quick and then i noticed i wasn't going to stop so i didn't want to lock him completely and then do yeah go ahead and give me a rundown on the car so uh so it's basically the same build as texas 2k it's a billet block 4.3 built by t1 um on methanol um it's got uh 76.85 turbos on it precision the ams 2360 at 60 pounds of boost and we're making about 68 pounds out there down the track and we're calculating around 2500 or so all right next pair we got mud truck versus the lambo assassin this thing is a monster this is specifically built for roll racing [Music] goddamn okay yeah that was ridiculous one to 150. so we did two seven two seven 60 to 130. i have never done that in my life it's [Music] you need to crazy the camera on your face am i smiling a little bit see your spot yeah they need am i smiling a little bit oh my god thank you very much i'm glad i could give you a ride oh my god that was my first two nice really absolutely oh wow that was my first the first two 60 to 130. that's funny jesus i'm about to i'm about to text tony i'm about to go i'm about to go tell everybody this thing's a [ __ ] monster hey congrats thank you thank you so much so fun i don't even care that you and matt got all the other races my ranking for cars i've ridden in that one just went was that billy's car the t1 car oh wow that thing just went to there you just took the number one spot what's done with this thing what package is this um pretty much uh you know texas taylor's old turbo kit yeah i have his old turbo kit new turbos um my upgraded engine fillet uh crank billy girdle still 3.8 12 injector boost logic intake that's it that's about it simple package nitrous small shot all the good stuff that's it all right so next up we got a assisio performance car yep what do we got here how much power oh it's got a little over 2000 horsepower it's a 4-3 billet motor have you had a good uh drag race pass on this not not drag race i built it as a roll race it's got some big turbos in them yeah what size are there 76 82's so [Music] it spotted twice i don't know why it sounded like a ship but it was more like a misfire i don't know why it did that first time it did that and we still beat him right he let off i don't know if that was 180 happy i thought the finish line no they go to 180. oh so we might have lost i think so you're just kind of money let out that was my slowest pass of the day damn he's looking at it the other guy let off at 180. he went by him but i think he beat us to 180. i don't know we went by him but it's buttered my slow is 61.30 i mean uh uh 100 to 150 we did it two five one in that it was a close race that was yeah that was a good goal for sure was it close at 180. i don't know i was coming on your topic he jumped out and then we were we were pulling slowly and we were probably about a half car right there the whole entire time what about a half car when you let out that was my second i never pulled finally get to ride with the infamous nathan sisio hopefully it's a decent run yeah how much hopefully other than texas 2k yeah i've never side side-by-side race before really well not since i was like 19. when i started the business i was like there's too much risk and not enough more you know understandable so this is fun though how much power is this car uh it makes about 2 200 but we've got it turned down a good bit um i think we fried the front wheel drive clutch in texas and didn't know it you're not going to put all the power down on this truck yeah it was 62 pounds in texas and we're running 52 okay so still some good powers down [Applause] um i don't know i [Music] she was she was screwing around too that wasn't the closest race yet i don't know why that cut yeah i don't know did he turn it up was it we were neck and neck when that happened like that was awesome yeah yeah we're very pleased with that it was fun it was a lot of fun good running if [Music] so originally i was going to go for a ride in billy's car with terrance but i don't fit along with ben he tried fitting in there yesterday too they've got some really high seats in their mat is going to strap into that thing and go along for one hell of a ride i'm going to be riding this gray car we're going to see what we can do against this bike [Music] now you went online we'll go back around all right take two we're gonna do this again [Music] he was too far back he doesn't want to land up he's 60. and he's back you're trying to get to you to 60 you're thinking that you went faster so i tried catching up well that's because you had gone faster than i did the first time so i expected you to just stage a little faster i was trying to come back yeah so that's why i was like come on because i was holding 60 right there on the gps and then you went by me and i was like it's never perfect for the rolling stones yeah yeah it's just when you got 20 mile an hour on me you know i was like wow yeah we'll get it right this time man you guys need some time or are you ready to go i mean we can go you're both just warm neither if you hit it right i mean i'm [Music] good [Music] damn dude you almost [ __ ] had him that's a bad [ __ ] oh yeah hey you had me worried [Laughter] oh man that was worth all that that was weird thanks a lot that was awesome yeah wow they were actually able to get a little yeah we were able to get lined up that was a sick race you got him a little bit out of the hole and then you just slowly pulled the hole stuck tighter tucked tighter yeah yeah i was just hoping for traction man nice run thanks man how much power does that thing put down uh right now we're probably putting down about 400 because only because the asphalt it usually makes a lot more so yeah it's it's honestly it's a fully stp i built uh motor chassis everything it's a land speed bike originally what is the turbo in here uh it's a zona rotor 54 okay that's pretty terrible for a bike are the hot sides pretty small on these uh this this this one's like a custom build i call the weight the weight the way we have it set up we have a quick spool so it's actually kind of it smells like a spool it's pretty quick yeah so you have 3000 rpm so i got boost really yeah and you rip it to what oh 11 5. that's so sick man it's fun oh [ __ ] it blew it blew the hose right off of the radiator hose the engine's not blown so that's a good sign so we went second round got lined up and just made the hit car felt good went a little bit quicker than it did yesterday in my uh in my one to 150 so i'm pretty happy but it's still the same map you know we're just getting a little bit more track temp so perfect yeah the sun's been out all day it's great yeah so well you're going to be reaching the bike in the semis yes yeah yeah yeah that that bike's going to be hard freight train you know it's going to be it's going to be building up speed quick absolutely all right good luck thank you so much next up for the super roll round two we got viper on viper crime we got mick ribbons and we got the mud truck the griffins or the mud truck calvo motorsports and moto take your pick [Music] the camera with out of focus from the force [Applause] [Music] between gears yeah i was telling them i chipped the third gear um two weeks ago trying a little big power hit and it was making a little noise i knew it was kind of on borrow something a little hurt that's why i didn't make any test passes on full power but for the racing yeah you gotta send it gotta send it and uh she didn't like it all right so here we are the semifinals for the super roll race at the kansas airstrip attack now it's gonna be mud truck versus sicio performance and mud trucks i think about 1800 horsepower systeo's putting down about 2 200 but he's got it turned down because of the asphalt surface and then we have terrance against the bike now that is the race that i was thinking would be in the final if the bike gets a jump i think it's the bike but if it's an even start i think terence has the power to pull past him on the top end for sure i'm thinking right lane yeah i'm gonna go left lane perfect slow right lane better okay i think i could see the with my hands definitely [Music] back in the mud truck the safety equipment yes yeah a little different last time i rode this car was uh on the texas streets a few years ago how much more power does it have now uh about the same just a different transmission oh we uh we switched from uh ppg dog box because i just got tired of having issues with it and uh went to ati four-speed automatic uh it's an automatic with the manual shifter yep so i'll be roll racing and drag racing this year uh because where i live mississippi rural race is not a big thing yeah and i can eighth small grudge race it every weekend [Music] [Applause] i need to get the room out like juggernaut uh on the one two it drove i drove into the limiter and it just shut the car off um do you i mean if you don't want to re-run i get it but i'm like running okay i don't need i mean i'm good like i don't know if you need to cool down or i don't need to do another burnout or anything no we can just run it gonna be sick let's go have some fun hell yeah that's what we're here for right hello we're here for good footage and good fun and that wasn't that wasn't either one of those i think the tires are done can turn off here if you want sorry man oh it's good i'm just glad to be able to race guys like cco there's no drama there's no like just trying to i guess cloud chase for social media like it's just guys that enjoy cars racing so [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah so what's that did right i was destroying the tire right next to you okay i was like oh i had to double shift third oh that was nasty dude yeah that was a really good race yeah yeah so what mile per hour are we at right there up top you know uh like 170 you came right past me yeah 175 something like that that's what i thought it was right around there solid race man that was a sick race dude yeah dude that was awesome awesome yeah thanks man yeah yeah good good race man good race yeah what what happened exactly a coupler blew up on the on the turbo outlet of it gotcha yeah do you have any idea when or where no clue where where uh what the ass steward yeah it broke either on the burnout or something like that at some point so uh we're gonna see if we can't find a copper and maybe once we run it yeah we're down over a thousand horsepower so yeah and i mean we had for a good run pretty happy yeah all right we got the super roll final we have the one i think it's 400 horsepower bike crazy bike versus the sicio shop car i believe the owner nathan cicio's gonna be driving it crazy fast gtr so we got sissio versus the bike take your bets right now see who's going to win that bike's quick but ckr's pretty quick too cool yeah is did he take the hitter tonight no i when i count it's when i counted i did one two three you went right on three so did i we both did didn't we yep good good hit good run hey that thing looked pretty good for rear-wheel drive huh it does yeah yeah if it was all-wheel drive you'd have been the f-word i could kind of see you and hear you in my peripheral yeah it was a great race though yeah that was awesome the start was perfect yeah it wasn't free i mean yeah no yeah that was the best start i've had all day yeah good for sure i was like i was like oh thank god yeah i was like sometimes i'm too much of a gentleman racer i'm like oh three and a half we'll just let him go i'm not good at it yeah no that's no that was badass that was a good race thanks man i appreciate it yeah absolutely thanks man yeah glad you came out thanks for risking your life yeah thank you thank you for letting us be around yeah man absolutely oh yeah all right so the bike won the super roll but he did agree to a grudge race yes with the big boy car yeah bobby's car here we're at full boost now we're going to be good yeah we should be pretty good hopefully uh hopefully everything goes right on this one we don't uh break another coupler or something like that we almost had him before on you know 30 pounds out of you know 68 so well uh you know i don't want to get too confident right that's usually when when you get really bad racing exactly but you know i think i know what'll happen and that's kind of what we're hoping for is kind of really show what would have happened if right having issues that's my parents my dad and my grandmother are here really yeah that's cool first time they've watched me come out and drive really yeah well they're about to watch you do some crazy stuff do they know how fast you go [Music] [Music] the champ is here hell yeah boys [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] you must be fourth gear or so you like just got out right in front of me and then i started to stay with you and i was like yeah we're about to hit 180. that was it that was sick yeah you know we're going to run a time breaker one of these days all right we're ready to get your shirt yeah that felt yeah so that's that's what we've been running all weekend oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah i'm sure we'll do this again yeah super roll 2.0 i'm sure we'll be sure will happen next yes yeah we'll see what happens thank you guys so much for the ride man fastest car i've ever ridden in right here and that says a lot thank you so much that is the race we wanted to see [Applause] the gtr was on kill the bike was on kill we both left at the exact same time and the gtr came out on top epic race i would ride with him any car anywhere freaking epic all right guys that is going to go and do it for the super roll that was a really cool event actually we had a really good time we got to ride some really fast cars some badass car showed up for it hopefully this isn't the only one and there's a super old 2.0 something like that but thank you guys for watching this video i hope you guys enjoyed it this super roll was freaking epic like i said hopefully do it again and uh thanks for watching we'll see you guys in the next video that was [ __ ] scariest oh my god [Music] here he goes guys [Music] foreign
Channel: 1320video
Views: 865,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GTR, Nissan, Race, Fastest, 2000hp, GTR's, KAA, shift sector, SuperRowl, Super Rowl, 2021, bike, turbo, boosted, 500hp, 1000hp, roll, racing, 1320, 1320videos
Id: _8BvBtwTuZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 43sec (1843 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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